Before posting, make sure your read the rules - cases against rules can be closed without discussion:
Keep discussions on this page brief, focused, civilised, and on topic in regards to the issues at hand
Standard questions you should cover:
What I did wrong? (can you honestly answer "nothing"?) - opening a report doesn't give you immunity
What have I done to try and fix the situation before reporting it here? (Approach user, seek third party comments, address issues in article talk) - If nothing, consider doing those before opening a report
What I hope to achieve here? If you want admin intervention (blocks, bans, etc) this is not the place for those requests
If the issue is about an article, not user behavior, try other boards dedicated to content - this board only deals with behavioral issues
This board is designed to diffuse disputes, not add fuel to the fire, and discussions listed here to do that will be removed - keep things focused
And of course, this noticeboard isn't the forum to take existing disputes already under discussion in another location such as an RFC/U or a mediation. If the nature of the dispute is unclear, it can be listed here for clarification and assistance, but this noticeboard is designed to augment some other processes, not replace them all.
To submit a dispute, please follow the instructions in the edit window.