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Wikipedia:Association of Members' Advocates/AMA Previous Coordinator statements

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Alex's Resignation


Dear Members,

I have decided to submit my resignation today, Martin Luther King Day 2006 in an effort to make way for a new election, much in the same way as a prime minister calls an election by either resignation or parlimentary dissolution. This is appropriate because the term of my office was not stated, but I served until a successor was to be elected and an election has yet to occur. Hopefully now the members will organize an election for a new coordinator, and perhaps even a system of parliamentary representation.

The AMA was originally my brainchild. I worked to start it when the first Arbitration and Mediation Committees were formed in the early days of Wikipedia's development in an effort to somewhat counterbalance what I felt was a growing and complex system of dispute resolution that needed some alternate voice where Wikipedia editors faced with the dispute resolution system could reach out to other members for assistance. I had also hoped that the organization might help to be a coherent voice to assist in changing the dispute resolution and making it simplier and more responsive. While there was some early talk of it being more like a public service law firm, in supervising activities, the model adopted was more of an advocacy organization that would just allow individual members a chance to put themselves in touch with volunteer editors that were facing dispute resolution issues.

When we first decided to have an election (it was the first election ever held on Wikipedia and was something of a precedent that laid the way for the first Board of Trustees election, something of which I am particularly proud) it was not clear what the term of office would be, six months, one year, but there was nothing voted upon by the members. Last winter there was some talk about having another election but then we decided to have a series of "town meetings" on IRC instead. It has been my opinion that my role as coordinator has been more as a facilitator rather than someone with an active mandate to change the organization and while I have had some ideas I have resisted making any changes because that was not within my mandate. At this point it is clear that my original mandate as coordinator is completed and it is important for me to step aside so a new election can be held and the will of those involved of the organiation can be heard and respected.

My only suggestion is that if the membership elects a new coordinator, or interim coordinator or even several co-coordinators these people should be in place before changing any of the organization's structure, rules or mission statement. Hopefully a short period of consultation can take place where all members can air their ideas before major changes are undertaken. I will be available for consultation if the new coordinator(s) have any questions. I wish the association and its members the best in all future endeavors for the benefit of Wikipedia and its volunteer editors.

Alex756 18:39, 16 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]