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User talk:NaomiAmethyst/Archives/2011/September

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Please semi-protect Wikipedia:Sandbox. It is very annoying to see these anons vandalize the sandbox. And may I please be a rollbacker. The undo feature is slow. Thank you! --#1 Fan of Queen (Talk | Contribs) 22:08, 7 September 2011 (UTC)

Hello Spidey, I hope Cobi doesn't mind me answering on his talk page :)
As a Wikipedia administrator (those people that go round deleting pages, locking pages etc) I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to semi-protect the Sandbox. The Sandbox is used by many editors/IPs for testing things out on the encyclopedia before they make an edit to a genuine article, for that reason alone we wouldn't be able to protect it. Yes the edit you reverted was vandalism and you were correct to revert it and warn the IP because of the nature of the vandalism, however if we locked the Sandbox it would mean that IPs and non-registered accounts wouldn't be able to practice edits. I can assure you that would lead to a lot more disruption on the encyclopedia!
Also, just for future reference page protection requests should be submitted to WP:RFPP.
As for your request for rollback, I suggest that you read WP:ROLLBACK as this contains instructions on where to request it. I hope this helps :)--5 albert square (talk) 22:22, 7 September 2011 (UTC)

cluebot auto-reverting racist, completely unsourced page "Californians for Population Stabilization"

Had an interesting experience on Wikipedia just now. Watching the Republican "debate" last night with the sound off. An ad comes up for "Californians for Population Stabilization" which, by the visuals only, is pretty suspect. Go to Google, find a Wikipedia page.

"Californians for Population Stabilization" is a racist political non-profit that blames all of California's problems on illegal immigration, which of course is code for Hispanics. All of California's problems are the fault of Hispanics, legal or illegal.

The interesting thing is that the page at Wikipedia is completely unsourced and offers no references or background other than the "Californians for Population Stabilization" website itself.

This is, of course, supposed to be completely impossible at Wikipedia, which prides itself on demanding objective and thorough sourcing for all articles.What became even more interesting is that when I edited the page to mention that the article was 1) racist, and 2) completely unsourced, a "bot' immediately reverted my edit!

When I edited the page again, to point out 1) and 2) and then mention that there was a "bot" sitting on the page automatically reverting any edits, I later received a "message" from Wikipedia notifying me that I had been identified as practicing vandalism against Wikipedia, that my IP address had been logged, and that any further "vandalism" would result in my being blocked from Wikipedia!

So you have a blatantly racist page on Wikipedia that exists in complete violation of every principle that Wikipedia claims to hold so dear, that auto-reverts any changes via a bot, and that will report you to Wikipedia for vandalism if you try to counter their racist bullshit!

The final joke is that at Wikipedia's Contact Us page, you learn that there's no way to get ahold of any human being that might be the least bit concerned about this clear violation of Wikipedia standards.

Your points should have been discussed on the talk page or you should have edited the article to improved it. Adding the content that you did is not how things like this are resolved hence getting reverted by the bot AND humans. I think you'll find that if you used the Admin intervention pages someone would respond however due to the nature of your edit I doubt they would be very helpful. Possibly you should try reading some of the WP policy's? - DamianZaremba (talkcontribs) 17:35, 8 September 2011 (UTC)


On Wikia, I am interested in programming my bot. How would I do that? Thanks. –Spidey665 | Talk | Contribs | Wikia | Random Link | 04:10, 17 October 2024 UTC [refresh]

Cannot connect to irc.cluenet.org

Hi Cobi,

One of the bots of the Countervandalism Network has been down as of today due to the inability to connect with irc.cluenet.org (#wikipedia-VAN in particular). Could you check out what's going on ? Can't seem to resolve that hostname at all. Krinkle (talk) 00:21, 13 September 2011 (UTC)

Research into the user pages of Wikipedians: Invitation to participate


My name is John-Paul and I am a student with the University of Alberta specializing in Communications and Technology.

I would like to include your Wikipedia user page in a study I am doing about how people present themselves online. I am interested in whether people see themselves in different ways, online and offline. One of the things I am looking at is how contributors to Wikipedia present themselves to each other through their user pages. Would you consider letting me include your user page in my study?

With your consent, I will read and analyze your user page, and ask you five short questions about it that will take about ten to fifteen minutes to answer. I am looking at about twenty user pages belonging to twenty different people. I will be looking at all user pages together, looking for common threads in the way people introduce themselves to other Wikipedians.

I hope that my research will help answer questions about how people collaborate, work together, and share knowledge. If you are open to participating in this study, please reply to this message, on your User Talk page or on mine. I will provide you with a complete description of my research, which you can use to decide if you want to participate.


John-Paul Mcvea
University of Alberta

Johnpaulmcvea (talk) 21:41, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

As below, all content on my userpage is released under the CC-BY-SA and the GFDL, and you are entitled to read and analyze my userpage to your heart's content. I am very busy, so it is not likely that I will answer your questions, though you are free to ask them. As above, this page is monitored by talk page watchers who may answer your questions if I don't. I do know someone else who may be interested, though -- User:Crispy1989. -- Cobi(t|c|b) 22:15, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
Hello, and thanks. I'll put my questions on your current user talk page, and if you have a chance to answer them, great, and if not, no worries. Thank-you for pointing me towards another potential participant, as well. Johnpaulmcvea (talk) 20:16, 26 September 2011 (UTC)

Protection of bot-shutoff page for Cluebot NG?

I'd appreciate your comments at the "Protection of User:ClueBot NG/Run" section of User talk:ClueBot Commons. Nyttend (talk) 04:07, 23 September 2011 (UTC)

ClueBot NG

I'm sick of this bot. It's the second time that it reverts perfectly reasonable editions: first here and now here. This is serious. Wikipedia shouldn't be reverting massively this way. This will only alienate new users. -- (talk) 19:12, 25 September 2011 (UTC)

Hello IP
From what I can see, that edit isn't vandalism. I'm presuming it must have triggered off some filter somehow or other and that's caused ClueBot NG to revert it as possible vandalism. If that's the case, please report it here as a false positive so ClueBot NG can be trained on it. Thanks.--5 albert square (talk) 22:26, 25 September 2011 (UTC)

Thank-you for agreeing to participate in my study

Thank-you for agreeing to participate in my study, entitled “Online Self-presentation among Wikipedians.” I appreciate it.

As I indicated in my last message (which you have since archived), here are five short questions about your user page that I would like you to answer. These will help me to understand your motivations for creating a user page such as yours. Please be as brief or as thorough as you like.


1. Are you a member of social networks such Facebook or MySpace?

2. In addition to maintaining a user page in Wikipedia, have you also written or edited articles? If so, about how many times?

3. What are the key messages about yourself that you hope to convey with your user page?

4. Have your Wikipedia contributions ever received feedback, such as being edited by others or commented on? Have you received a message from another Wikipedia user? If so, do you think your user page positively or negatively affected what other people said and how they said it?

5. Do you see your “online self” as being different from your “offline self?” Can you elaborate?

Please indicate your answers to these questions on your talk page, or on mine. Please respond by October 1st so that I have time to properly read your responses. If you like, you can email your answers to me instead (jmcvea@ualberta.ca).

Thank you again : )

Johnpaulmcvea (talk) 20:17, 26 September 2011 (UTC)



• I am asking you to participate in a research project that is part of my MA degree.

• I am asking you because you have created a user page in Wikipedia that other people can use to learn about you.


• My research is about how people present themselves online.

• I will look at how people present themselves when presenting themselves to the Wikipedia community.

Study Procedures

• With your consent, I will analyze the language of your user page and gather basic statistics such as the count of words, the frequency of words, the number of sections, and so on.

• I will also read the text of your user page, looking for elements in common with ads posted by other people. I will note whether you include a picture, or links to other content on the internet.

• I ask you to answer my five questions, above. This will take about ten to fifteen minutes to complete. I will ask you to answer the questions within a week, and send your answers to me.

• Throughout my research, I will adhere to the University of Alberta Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants, which you can view at http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/gfcpolicymanual/policymanualsection66.cfm


• There is no direct benefit to you for participating in this research. You may, however, find it interesting to read my perspective on how you present yourself online.

• I hope that the information I get from doing this study will help understand how technology affects the way people come together into a society.

• There is no reward or compensation for participating in this research.


• There is no direct risk for participating in this research.

Voluntary Participation

• You are under no obligation to participate in this study. Participation is completely voluntary.

• You can opt out of this study at any time before October 10, 2011, with no penalty. You can ask to have me withdraw any data that I have collected about you. Even if you agree to be in the study, you can change your mind and withdraw.

• If you decline to continue or you wish to withdraw from the study, your information will be removed from the study at your request.


• This research will be used to support a project that is part of my MA degree.

• A summary of my research will be available on the University of Alberta website.

• Your personally identifiable information will be deleted and digitally shredded as soon as I have finished gathering data about you.

• Data will be kept confidential. Only I will have access to the computer file containing the data. It will be password protected. It will not be sent by email or stored online.

• I will always handle my data in compliance with University of Alberta standards.

• If you would like to receive a copy of my final report, please ask.

Further Information

• If you have any further questions regarding this study, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Stanley Varnhagen, my research advisor for this project. If you have concerns about this study, you may contact the University of Alberta Research Ethics Committee at 780-492-2615. This office has no affiliation with the study investigators.


By answering these questions, you indicate your agreement with the following statements:

• That you understand that you have been asked to be in a research study.

• That you have read and received a copy of the Information Sheet, attached below (“Additional Information”).

• That you understand the benefits and risks involved in taking part in this research study.

• That you have had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss this study.

• That you understand that you are free to refuse to participate, or to withdraw from the study at any time, without consequence, and that your information will be withdrawn at your request.

• That the issue of confidentiality been explained to you and that you understand who will have access to your information (see “Additional Information”).

• That you agree to participate.

Thank-you again!