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User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/autoping.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
textboxHasGottenFocus = false;
previousIndex = 0;
prefixArray=["@[[User:","@[[User:","[[User:","[[User:","<span style='display:none'>[[User:"];
suffixArray=["]]: ","]]","]]","]]","]]</span>"];
if(typeof teahouseNotified == "undefined")
	teahouseNotified = false;

	if(mw.config.get("wgAction") == "edit" && document.URL.indexOf("section") >= 0)
		var uniqueUserNames = new Object();
		var regex = /\[\[User:([^|#\/\]]+)/g;
		var regexResult=$("#wpTextbox1").val().match(regex);
		if(regexResult != null)
			for(i = 0; i < regexResult.length; i++)
				uniqueUserNames[regexResult[i].substr(7).replace("_", " ")] = "1";
			$("#wpSummaryLabel").before('<select id="pingMenu" style="margin-right: 0.3em;" title="Ping:"><option>Select a user to ping:</option><option>' + Object.keys(uniqueUserNames).join("</option><option>") + '</option></select> ');
			$("#pingMenu").after('<select id="pingStyleMenu" style="margin-right: 0.3em;" title="Ping style:"><option>@[[User:Foo|Foo]]:</option><option>@[[User:Foo|Foo]]</option><option>[[User:Foo|Foo]]</option><option>[[User:Foo|bar]]</option><option>(hidden)</option></select> <br/>');
			$("#wpTextbox1").focus(function(){textboxHasGottenFocus = true;});
			previousIndex = $("#wpTextbox1").val().length;
				if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
					var pingStyle = $("#pingStyleMenu").prop("selectedIndex");
					if(pingStyle < 0 || pingStyle > 4)
						pingStyle = 0;
					var pingPrefix = prefixArray[pingStyle] + $(this).val();
					var pingPipe = $(this).val();
					var pingSuffix = suffixArray[pingStyle];
					if(pingStyle == 4)
						pingPipe = "";
						pingPrefix += "|";
						if(pingStyle == 3)
							pingPipe = "piped text";
					//if mw.toolbar api is available, use that to insert the ping
					if(typeof mw.toolbar != "undefined")
						if(pingStyle == 3)
							mw.toolbar.insertTags(pingPrefix + pingPipe + pingSuffix, "", "");
						//This section of code adapted from Ryan and Maximilian Ruta's answer at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1891444/cursor-position-in-a-textarea-character-index-not-x-y-coordinates 
						var el = $("#wpTextbox1").get(0);
						var pos = 0;
						//if the textbox hasn't gotten focus yet, or since the last ping, we default to the end of the last ping (or just the end). if we don't handle this specifically, things get weird
							pos = previousIndex;
						else if('selectionStart' in el) 
							pos = el.selectionStart;
						} else if('selection' in document) 
							var Sel = document.selection.createRange();
							var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length;
							Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length);
							pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength;
						//end attribution
						$("#wpTextbox1").val($("#wpTextbox1").val().substr(0, pos) + pingPrefix + pingPipe + pingSuffix + $("#wpTextbox1").val().substr(pos));
						previousIndex = ($("#wpTextbox1").val().substr(0, pos) + pingPrefix + pingPipe + pingSuffix).length;
						textboxHasGottenFocus = false;
					teahouseNotified = true;