Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Subh83/JavaScriptTools/utilsDOMdynamics. |
* Created by Subhrajit Bhattacharya [[User:Subh83]] *
* Licensed under GNU-GPL v3.0 *
var UserSubh83_utilsDOMdynamics = true;
// ================================================================
/*** DOM traversal/search utils ***/
function FindNodeUpLeftTree(elemin, tagnames) {
// Given an element 'elemin', the function finds the first node with
// tag name in array 'tagnames' that is either a previous sibling,
// or a previous sibling of of any ancestor.
var elem = elemin;
for (var j=0; j<tagnames.length; j++) tagnames[j] = tagnames[j].toLowerCase();
var prevelem;
for (var i=0;i<=10000;i++) {
if (elem.previousSibling)
prevelem = elem.previousSibling;
else if (elem.parentNode)
prevelem = elem.parentNode;
if (!prevelem.tagName) {
elem = prevelem;
if (prevelem) {
var tn = prevelem.tagName.toLowerCase();
for (var j=0; j<tagnames.length; j++)
if (tn==tagnames[j])
return prevelem;
elem = prevelem;
} else
return false;
function FindNodeUpTree(elemin, tagnames) {
// Given an element 'elemin', the function finds an ancestor with tag from 'tagnames'
var elem = elemin;
for (var j=0; j<tagnames.length; j++) tagnames[j] = tagnames[j].toLowerCase();
var prevelem;
for (var i=0;i<=10000;i++) {
if (elem.parentNode)
prevelem = elem.parentNode;
if (!prevelem.tagName) {
elem = prevelem;
if (prevelem) {
var tn = prevelem.tagName.toLowerCase();
for (var j=0; j<tagnames.length; j++)
if (tn==tagnames[j])
return prevelem;
elem = prevelem;
} else
return false;
// Wikipedia specific: For finding the edit section corresponding to a paragraph
function GetPrevEditsectionLinkElement(elem) {
// Traverse the DOM tree upwards until a 'h' element is encountered
var hElem = FindNodeUpLeftTree(elem, ['h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6']);
// Return the 'a' in it
if (hElem) {
var hElemAs = hElem.getElementsByTagName("a");
if (hElemAs && hElemAs.length>0)
return hElemAs[0];
return false;
// ================================================================
/*** Poistioning/display utils ***/
function setMenuPosition (e, menudiv) {
// Position 'menudiv' at mouse pointer position.
var posx = e.clientX;
var posy = e.clientY;
var w, h;
if (document.body && document.body.offsetWidth) {
w = document.body.offsetWidth;
h = document.body.offsetHeight;
if (document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat' &&
document.documentElement &&
document.documentElement.offsetWidth ) {
w = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
h = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight) {
w = window.innerWidth;
h = window.innerHeight;
} = "fixed";
if (posx < w/2) { = posx+"px"; = posx+"px"; = "auto"; = "auto";
} else { = (w-posx)+"px"; = (w-posx)+"px"; = "auto"; = "auto";
if (posy < h/2) { = posy+"px"; = posy+"px"; = "auto"; = "auto";
} else { = (h-posy)+"px"; = (h-posy)+"px"; = "auto"; = "auto";
function ToggleElementDisplay(divID) {
var theElem = document.getElementById(divID);
if (theElem) {
if ('none') {'block'; return 1; }
else {'none'; return 0; }
// ================================================================
/*** Textarea, textbox selection & editing utils ***/
function selectRangeInTextarea(ctrl, start, end, autoscroll) {
if(ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
ctrl.setSelectionRange(start, end);
else if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
var range = ctrl.createTextRange();
range.moveStart('character', start);
range.moveEnd('character', end);;
if (typeof(autoscroll)=='undefined') autoscroll = true;
ctrl.scrollTop = findScrollTopFromPos(ctrl, start, 2);
function findScrollTopFromPos(ctrl, pos, topOffset) {
if(typeof(topOffset)=='undefined') topOffset = 0;
var reducingtext = ctrl.value;
reducingtext.replace(/\t/g, " ").replace(/\r\n|\n\r/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n");
var ColsNo = getTextareaNumberOfColumns(ctrl);
var LineRegexS = "^.{0,"+ColsNo+"}?\\n|^.{0,"+ColsNo+"}\\s|.{0,"+ColsNo+"}";
var LineRegex = new RegExp(LineRegexS);
var LineCount=0, CharCount=0, LinePos=0;
while (CharCount<(ctrl.value.length-ColsNo-1)) {
line = reducingtext.match(LineRegex);
CharCount += line[0].length;
if (CharCount<=pos) LinePos = LineCount;
reducingtext = reducingtext.substring(line[0].length);
return parseInt( ctrl.scrollHeight * Math.min(1,Math.max(0, ((LinePos-topOffset)/LineCount) )) );
function getTextareaNumberOfColumns(ctrl) {
var fullWidth = ctrl.clientWidth; = 'auto';
while(ctrl.clientWidth < fullWidth) {
ctrl.cols = ctrl.cols + 1;
while (ctrl.clientWidth > fullWidth) {
ctrl.cols = ctrl.cols - 1;
function getSelectionInTextarea(ctrl) {
var sel = new Object();
if(ctrl.selectionStart) {
sel.start = ctrl.selectionStart;
sel.end = ctrl.selectionEnd;
else if (document.selection) {
var textRange = document.selection.createRange();
sel.start = textRange.startOffset;
sel.end = textRange.endOffset;
if (typeof(sel.start)!='undefined') {
sel.text = ctrl.value.substring(sel.start, sel.end);
return sel;
else {
sel.start = 0;
sel.end = 0;
sel.text = 0;
return sel;
function updateSelectionInTextarea(ctrl, newtext, sel, newSelectionStartOffset, newSelectionLength) {
if (typeof(sel)=='undefined') sel = getSelectionInTextarea(ctrl);
var newcontent = ctrl.value.substring(0, sel.start) + newtext + ctrl.value.substring(sel.end);
ctrl.value = newcontent;
var retsel = new Object();
if(typeof(newSelectionStartOffset)=='undefined') newSelectionStartOffset = 0;
if(typeof(newSelectionLength)=='undefined') newSelectionLength = newtext.length;
retsel.start = sel.start + newSelectionStartOffset;
retsel.end = sel.start + newSelectionStartOffset + newSelectionLength;
retsel.text = newtext.substr(newSelectionStartOffset, newSelectionLength);
return retsel;
// ================================================================
/*** Event handling utils ***/
function AppendHandlerToEvent(theevent, newhandler, position, condition, finalEvalS) {
// 'theevent' is a string. 'newhandler' is a function name or a string.
// position is 'post' (default) or 'pre'
// If 'condition' is provided, the function that is evaluated first must
// return the value of the 'condition' for the next function to be evaluated.
// 'finalEvalS' is a string to be evaluated at the end of the combined handler execution.
// This is required for passing signals to browser's native handlers. It can contain
// variables 'retOld' and 'retNew'.
if (typeof(position)=='undefined') position='post';
if (typeof(finalEvalS)=='undefined') finalEvalS="";
eval("var oldhandler = " + theevent);
var evalStartS = theevent + " = function(e) { ";
var oldEvalS = " if (oldhandler) { " +
" if (typeof(oldhandler)=='string') eval('r='+oldhandler); " +
" else r = oldhandler(e); " +
" retOld = r; " +
" } ";
var condStartS = ""; condEndS = "";
if (typeof(condition)!='undefined') { condStartS = " if (r===condition) {"; condEndS = "}"; }
var newEvalS = " if (typeof(newhandler)=='string') eval('r='+newhandler); " +
" else r = newhandler(e); " +
" retNew = r; ";
var evalEndS = finalEvalS + " } ";
if (position == 'post') var evalS = evalStartS + oldEvalS + condStartS + newEvalS + condEndS + evalEndS;
else if (position == 'pre') var evalS = evalStartS + newEvalS + condStartS + oldEvalS + condEndS + evalEndS;