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User:Spartacusprime/model un pickup lines

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • I'd like to moderate your caucus
  • If you're as long as the speakers list meet me in the bathroom!
  • Motion to invade Djibouti with the help of Greece
  • I hope that gavel's not the only thing your banging.
  • I'd like to table YOUR debate!
  • I'd like to unite our nations
  • I have a point or motion I'd like to show you in the bathroom.
  • Its not how big your placard is its how long you can keep it up.
  • I'd like to bang your gavel.
  • Who's your president?
  • Motion to lay your resolution on the table.
  • Is that a gavel in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  • Can I put my point in your motion?
  • I'd like to pass your resolution, all night long.
  • Can I hear your oral arguments?
  • I'd like to move to suspend your rules.
  • I'm sorry, you're out of order. Well, not you, exactly—your pants. You'll have to remove them, under Chapter 51, Section 8…
  • I'm going to just exercise executive privilege, and rule the first three dates dilatory. Your place or mine?
  • I rise—and do I mean rise—to a point of information: you're incredibly hot. How about it?
  • By a majority vote, the measure introduced by myself to bring you back to my place, in a scantily-clad state, is carried. Noncompliance on the part of the second party, being you, will result in…well…