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User:Sander Säde/assess.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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var tForm = "<fieldset style='background-color:#FFFFCC; font-family:Georgia, Times, serif; font-size:small; width:600px; text-align:center'>\n<br/>" +
"  <label for='importance'>Importance:</label>\n" +
"  <select name='importance' id='importance' onChange='ImportanceChange(this.value)'>\n" +
"    <option value='Top'>Top</option>\n" +
"    <option value='High'>High</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Mid'>Mid</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Low' selected='selected'>Low</option>\n" +
"    <option value='No'>No</option>\n" +
"  </select>\n" +
"  &nbsp;\n" +
"   <label for='quality '>Quality:</label>\n" +
"  <select name='quality' id='quality' onChange='QualityChange(this.value)'>\n" +
"    <option value='FA'>FA</option>\n" +
"    <option value='A'>A</option>\n" +
"    <option value='GA'>GA</option>\n" +
"    <option value='B'>B</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Start'>Start</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Stub' selected='selected'>Stub</option>\n" +
"    <option value='No'>No</option>\n" +
"    <option value='List'>List</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Category'>Category</option>\n" +
"    <option value='File'>File</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Template'>Template</option>\n" +
"    <option value='Disambig'>Disambig</option>\n" +
"  </select>\n" +
"  &nbsp;\n" +
"  <label for='comment'>Comment:</label>\n" +
"  <input type='text' name='comment' id='comment' maxlength='128' width='300'>\n" +
"  <br/>\n" +
"  <span style='font-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:xx-small; color:#993300' id='assesshelp'></span>\n" +
"  <br/>\n" +
"  <input name='Assess' type='Button' id='btAssess' style='background-color:#888888; height:18px' value='Assess' onClick='doAssess()'>\n" +
"  </fieldset>";

var sub = "";
var nested = false; 
function AssessButton() {
  if ((document.URL.indexOf(':', 8) != -1) && (document.URL.indexOf('Talk:') == -1) && (document.URL.indexOf('/Category') == -1)) return;  
  if (document.URL.indexOf('/wiki/') == -1) return;
 addPortletLink( "p-cactions", "javascript:assessEst()", "wpe: Assess");
function WriteStatus(sText) {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML += '<br /> <span style="color:Gray">' + sText + "</span>";
function assessEst() {
if (document.URL.indexOf('/wiki/Category') != -1) {
 WriteStatus('Category: assessing automagically to Cat/NA'); 
WriteStatus('Getting talk page contents...');
 if (document.URL.indexOf('/wiki/Category') != -1) {
  wgPageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace('Category:', 'Category_talk:');
} else if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Talk:') == -1) wgPageName = 'Talk:' + mw.config.get('wgPageName');
  ar.open("GET", mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/index.php?title=" + wgPageName + "&action=raw", true);
  ar.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(ar.readyState != 4) return;
    textAssessReceived(ar.responseText, wgPageName);
var bTag;
var sPage;
var sPageText;
function textAssessReceived(sText, oPage) {
bTag = false;
sPage = oPage;
sPageText = sText;
WriteStatus('Page contents received: ' + oPage);
if (sText.indexOf('Image:Flag of Estonia.svg|thumb|center')!= -1) {
  WriteStatus('Tagged with old template, will replace the template');
if (sText.indexOf('{{' + 'WikiProject Estonia') != -1) {
  sub = sText.substr(sText.indexOf('{{' + 'WikiProject Estonia'));
  sub = sub.substr(0, sub.indexOf('}}') + 2);
  if (sub.indexOf('|') != -1) {
     if (sub.indexOf('nested=') != -1) {
      nested = true;
      WriteStatus('Article nested.');
	WriteStatus('Article probably assessed...');
    sub.replace(/= /g,"=");
  var  srclass = 'unassessed';
    if (sub.indexOf('class=') != -1) {   
      sclass = sub.substr(sub.indexOf('class=') + 6, 3);
      if (sclass.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase() == 'fa') srclass = 'FA';
      if (sclass.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() == 'a') srclass = 'A';
      if (sclass.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase() == 'ga') srclass = 'GA';
      if (sclass.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() == 'b') srclass = 'B';
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'sta') srclass = 'Start';
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'stu') srclass = 'Stub';
      if (sclass.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase() == 'no') srclass = 'No-class';
   WriteStatus("Quality: <b>" + srclass + "</b>");
   srclass = "unknown";
     if (sub.indexOf('importance=') != -1) {   
      sclass = sub.substr(sub.indexOf('importance=') + 11, 1);
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 't') srclass = 'Top';
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'h') srclass = 'High';
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'm') srclass = 'Mid';
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'b') srclass = 'B';
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'l') srclass = 'Low';  
      if (sclass.toLowerCase() == 'n') srclass = 'No-importance';
   WriteStatus("Importance: <b>" + srclass + "</b>");  
   alreadyAssessed = true;      

if (sText == "") {
  WriteStatus("Talk page doesn't exist, ready to tag and assess.");
  bTag = true;
if (sText.indexOf('{{' + 'WikiProject Estonia}}') == -1) {
WriteStatus('Article untagged. Ready to tag and assess.');
bTag = true;

else {
  WriteStatus('Article tagged and unassessed. Ready to assess.');
  sub='{{' + 'WikiProject Estonia}}'
 if (document.URL.indexOf('/wiki/Category') != -1) {

function tagCategory() {
function createAssessForm() {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML + tForm;
function ImportanceChange(s) {
var st = "";
case "Top": st = "Subject is a must-have for a concise print encyclopedia or other reference work on Estonia."
case "High": st = "Subject contributes a depth of knowledge to the encyclopaedia."
case "Mid": st = "Subject fills in more minor details."
case "Low": st = "Subject is peripheral knowledge, possibly trivial."
case "No": st = "Subject is barely worthy of inclusion to Wikipedia."
default: st = "";
document.getElementById("assesshelp").innerHTML = st;
function QualityChange(s) {
var st = "";
case "FA": st = "Reserved exclusively for articles that have received 'Featured article' status."
case "A": st = "Provides a well-written, reasonably clear and complete description of the topic."
case "GA": st = "The article has passed through the Good article nomination and been granted GA status."
case "B": st = "Several elements described in 'start', usually a majority of the material needed for a completed article."
case "Start": st = "The article has a meaningful amount of good content, but it is still weak in many areas, and may lack a key element."
case "Stub": st = "The article is either a very short article or a rough collection of information that will need much work to bring it to A-Class level."
case "No": st = "Unknown or very low quality."
default: st = "";
document.getElementById("assesshelp").innerHTML = st;
function doAssess() {
tagPage(document.getElementById("importance").value,document.getElementById("quality").value,document.getElementById("comment").value );
function tagPage(sImp, sQuality, sComment) {
var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object(null);
  WriteStatus("Grabbing edit form...");
  xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=' + sPage + '&action=submit', true);
  xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xmlhttp.readyState != 4) return;
    assertFormReceived(xmlhttp.responseXML, sImp, sQuality, sComment);
function assertFormReceived(pg, sImp, sQuality, sComment) {
 form = pg.getElementById('editform');
  if(!form ) {
    WriteStatus( 'Couldn\'t grab element "editform", aborting, this could indicate failed response from the server');
  else WriteStatus('Got the edit form');
var text;
var tag;
tag = "{{" + "WikiProject Estonia| class=" + sQuality + "|importance=" + sImp + "|comments=" + sComment;
if (bTag) text = tag + "}}\n" + sPageText;
else {
  if (nested) tag += "|nested=yes}}";
  else tag += "}}"
  text = sPageText.replace(sub, tag);
  var iStart = text.indexOf('{| class="messagebox standard-talk"');
  var iEnd = text.indexOf("|}", iStart);
  text = text.replace(text.slice(iStart, iEnd + 2), "");
  var summary = 'Assessed importance for [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Estonia]]; class: ' + sQuality + "; importance: " + sImp;
if (sComment != "") summary += "; comments: " + sComment;
  var postData = {
    'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked, 
    'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
    'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
    'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
    'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
    'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
    'wpSummary': summary,
    'wpTextbox1': text
  WriteStatus( 'Submitting the form...' );
  var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object(null);
  xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/index.php?title=" + sPage + "&action=submit", true);
  xmlhttp.onload = function() { 
    WriteStatus('Form submitted');
  xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create(postData));