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This template creates external link with an icon to show that it licenses its content under a free license. It is intended for websites that have a prefix in the Interwiki map, and should only be used for websites that license their content under a free license [1]. This template should only be used when the external article linked to has a unique resource beyond what the Wikipedia article would contain if it became a featured article. An open wiki should only be linked to if it has "substantial history of stability and a substantial number of editors."[2]


  |wikiname      = 
  |wikititle     = 
  |articlename   =
  |articletitle  =

wikiname = Interwiki prefix (Required)
wikititle = Name of the remote site (defaults to wikiname)
articlename = Page to link to on the remote site
articletitle = Name to appear on the linked site

Use the following code to create a template that takes articlename as the first parameter and articletitle as the second parameter:

  |wikiname      = 
  |wikititle     = 
  |articlename   = {{{1|{{PAGENAMEE}}}}}
  |articletitle  = {{{2|{{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}}


  1. ^ For a list of free content licenses, see "Definition of Free Cultural Works". 2007-02-27. Note that a non-commercial restriction makes content non-free.
  2. ^ Wikipedia:External Links (2008-04-10). [1]