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User:Olivier C

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(Redirected from User:Olivier C (fr))

See here in English on Ekopedia And there in French on Wikipedia or Ekopedia


frCet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
nl-2Deze gebruiker heeft een middelmatige kennis van het Nederlands.
en-2This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English.
es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
eo-0Ĉi tiu uzanto ne komprenas la lingvon Esperanto.

This page is my profile on Ekopedia (English version). It is also use as my profile for my school KaosPilot. So to describe a little bit myself I would say that I am really proud to be part of this project Ekopedia... New way of thinking, trying to improve the world with alternatives. It is also really link to my academic background (Bio-engineer) cause I am indeed quite interested and focus on environment and sustainability.

I decide to not have blog like the other students because I quite bad at keeping writen update and I also tought that introducing you in my heart project was good. I hope to make a livng from projects management, by making stuff happend. I believe in the need of a more efficient communication at all levels and I love connect people together. I actually think that we have all what we need on Earth, it is just the repartition and the visibility of the solutions that is missing. It is why I try to share what I know, discover and believe in. Hope that you will enjoy the journey, ... Hope that we leave this place better than what is was before ;)

Kind regards Olivier C

You can contact me @ olivier(a)kaospilots.nl

Babel user information
Users by language

I have also Crazy Monk as nickname


I am... a tender boy

A small ant in the anthill


I love life, I try to enjoy it...

I love life, I try to know and understand it, I studied the living world at Gembloux (Belgium) and at Laval University (Québec), the management of natural environements as the Forest. Now (sept 2007) I have start a formation about management and social innovation at Rotterdam KAOSPILOTS.

I live now the Nederlands (Rotterdam).

I wish you the best... And the courage to realise it...


My work on Ekopedia today

  • I patrol the recent modifications
  • I make known the site around me here or there
  • J'essaie...
  • Les pages spéciales, orphelins, cul-de-sac, ...
  • I try ...
  • Stil and again step by step...
  • I try...

Short term



  • I write my thesis to close my 5e year, inpsiration is missing... Hélène left me, so no more big projects. I looking for my depart to Guatemala the 18 July 2006, I gonna join my little sister and certainly discover other realities.
  • I come back home the 18 of August 2008 and I hope that my thesis will be done... Then futur is open, everything is possible; Cooperation, complementary studies or travelling, the world is huge, i loved Quebec, my family is in Belgium and there are so much other nice countries. We gonna see, who knows???
  • I was back home the 19 of August 2008 (jet lag) and I managed to finish my thesis in 2 days, so now it is in the hands of my Faculty. Just a small oral defense still and then all is possible... Who knows... ???The Guatemala was so cool... The landscapes, the friends, the climate, the ambiance, that was so great... So that is sure that I will go again... There is just to find a nice woman to take care of me... Here or there who knows?..
  • I am well back home from Quebec where I saw again JLuc and meet the wonderful Antaya. So much great conversation so intersting... Thanks both... My Carnaval week went good at Clerheid school (fr) with kids. Project strongly human being and consistance, I gonna certainly invest a lot of time in what will keep me far from my laptop.
  • I defended my thesis and I graduated Bio-ingenior with great distinction. The Guatemala was a great travel. That confirm my taste for travelling and meeting other cultures. I study the "Agregation" to get some tools to teach sciences at young students betwen 16 and 20 years. I was with Ann, a young woman, 4 years older than me, we had projects, the life is more beautiful when you travel with a compagnon...
  • I will finish my agregation in 1 month... Then, there are always so much doors open in front of me. Wich one chose? We gonna see. The hollidays will be full of reflexions and hopefully some answers...


  • The hollidays were well filled... I went back on the banks from school... Not really... I am at KaosPilots NL, a school-enterprise about management with value in social innovation and creativity... All with some toughs for sustanaibility. That is cool, we are 17 students, all is in English because here, it is 9 nationnalities which work together.

Long terme


Actually I stay with the utopia that, a day I will read all Ekopedia and then move to live on a small space of the planet (or somewhere else) and that there I will with some men and women, build a better world based on these severals alternatives... I made a step in this direction this May 2008 by working on a project about floating modules, a start for floating cities...

It is why I think that it would be great to meet a lot of nice persons before leaving... If it is your dream to build a better world, if a day you want work with me, write me.

So here it is... Sweet dreamers; wish you trust to achieve them

Olivier C


Websites that I enjoyed


I worked on


with the nickname "LeMoineFou" (Crazymonk)



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  • Be more often on Ekopedia
  • ...



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