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Mount Hengshan Hanging Temple is located in Shanxi Hunyuan County, 65 kilometers away from Datong. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit and it is the only remaining of Buddhism and Taoism and Confucianism. Mt. Hengshan Hanging Temple was built 1400 years ago in the Northern Wei Dynasty later period, history of Hanging Temple made repairs, the Northern Wei Dynasty in the Tao from this Datong Pyongsong altar, South to the ancient craftsmen, according to Taoist" did not hear the sound of country sounds" require the construction of Hanging Temple, is the essence of Chinese ancient architecture expression.

Mt. Hengshan Hanging Temple from the ground about 50 meters high, Hanging Temple develops Chinese traditional architecture and architectural style, the building features can be summarized as" odd, suspension, ingenious" three words.

Be referred to as "strange", build the temple design and the selected location, Hanging Temple in the canyon in a small basin the whole body to be hanging stone cliff, stone cliff prominent part of the peak is like an umbrella, the temple from rainfall. Mountain flood, also avoid being flooded. The surrounding mountains also reduced sunlight exposure time. The superior geographical position is the Hanging Temple can be preserved of the one of the important reasons.

Other features


Suspension" Hanging" is another feature of the Hanging Temple, the temple has a total of 40 pavilions, seemingly support them is a dozen a crude wooden pillars, in fact some pillars don't force, so some people use the term " Hanging Temple, sky high, three roots in the cauda equina air hanging" to describe the Hanging Temple. But the real center of gravity stays in the hard rock mechanics, using a half flying beam-based interpolation.

Mt. Hengshan Hanging TempleQiaoHanging Temple of the "smart" embodied in the temple when suit one's measures to local conditions, make full use of the natural state of the cliff layout and construction of various parts of the temple building, general temple architectural layout of the plane, and form of construction in the three-dimensional space, the entrance, Bell Tower and Drum Tower, main hall, side hall in a palace has, the design is exquisite. There are more than 80 statue of buddha. Tang Kaiyuan twenty-three years ( 735 years ), Li Bai visit Hanging Temple, in stone on the cliff has written the" spectacular" two words, the Ming Dynasty great traveller Xu Xiake said Hanging Temple as "the world of macroscopic"

Editor this paragraph construction layoutHanging Temple from the ground about 50 meters high, Hanging Temple develops Chinese traditional architecture and architectural style, the building features can be summarized as" odd, suspension, Qiao" three words. " Hanging" is another feature of the Hanging Temple, the temple has a total of 40 pavilions, seemingly support them is a dozen a crude wooden pillars, in fact some pillars don't force. Is said to be in the Hanging Temple, the stakes are actually not, people just see Hanging Temple does not seem to be any support, afraid to walk up the temple will fall, in order to make people at ease, so in the temple under the placement of some poles, so someone with" Hanging Temple Mt. Hengshan Hanging Temple, half a dayHigh, three roots in the cauda equina air hanging" to describe the Hanging Temple. But the real center of gravity stays in the hard rock, rock hewn similar rectangular trapezoidal shape, and then insert the flying buttresses, and the right-angle trapezoid angle sufficiently close to the use of mechanical part, a half flying beam-based interpolation. Besides, the Hanging Temple flying the timber is the local specialty of iron into the processing fir, said to be soaked with tung oil, the fear of termites bite, but also the role of anti-corrosion, so Hanging Temple of thousand years but it is not a miracle, it is the crystallization of wisdom. Hanging Temple of the "smart" embodied in the temple when suit one's measures to local conditions, make full use of the natural state of the cliff layout and construction of various parts of the temple building, general temple architectural layout of the plane, and form of construction in the three-dimensional space, the entrance, Bell Tower and Drum Tower, main hall, side hall in a palace has, the design is exquisite. There are more than 80 statue of buddha. Be referred to as "strange", build the temple design and the selected location, Hanging Temple in the canyon in a small basin the whole body to be hanging stone cliff, stone cliff prominent part of the peak is like an umbrella, the temple from rainfall. Mountain flood, also avoid being flooded. The surrounding mountains also reduced sunlight exposure time. The superior geographical position is the Hanging Temple can be preserved of the one of the important reasons. Tang Kaiyuan twenty-three years ( 735 years ), Li Bai visit Hanging Temple, in stone on the cliff has written the" spectacular" two words, the Ming Dynasty great traveller Xu Xiake said Hanging Temple as" world giant view".

Editor this paragraph of the ten most wonderful danger buildingThe world famous" times weekly" magazine" counting" the world" appears to be placed in jeopardy" strange insurance building, Beiyue Mt. Hengshan Hanging Temple into the magazine of "magic". In 2010 December, in the" time" magazine published the world's top ten most wonderful danger building, Hanging Temple and the" global tilt the largest man-made building" Abu Dhabi City " Capital Gate", the Greek Meteora monastery, Italy Leaning Tower of Pisa and other international well-known construction with the column chart, caused the widespread attention at home and abroad.Mt. Hengshan Hanging Temple ( 6 ) Hanging Temple is located in Shanxi province Hunyuan County Bukak Mt. Hengshan Golden Dragon gorge Ping peak precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty later period, heretofore already had 1500 years of history, is the earliest extant, the best preserved wooden cliff high building, is the only truly the Buddhism and the Taoism one's unique architecture, early in 1982 the State Council was announced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, for Mt. Hengshan in ten of eight" first". Unique architectural features and a fantastic ancient human wisdom so that Hanging Temple of the ancient Chinese civilization wonderful shine. The whole temple set on the cliffs, under the provisional deep, according to rock back niche," odd, insurance, skillful, Austrian" as the basic characteristics, reflected in the construction of the odd coincidence, location, structure risk, multicultural, meaning deep intention, temple is extraordinary and refined, as the world. Forty House floor distribution, symmetry change, dispersed in contact, winding circle, false and true, little and dainty, compact layout, strewn at random. The overall pattern differs from both Hirakawa monastic axis outstanding, zygomorphic, also different from the mountain Palace of the Earth in the gradually increased, but the clever in cliff bump, the shape of the potential, let nature take its course, volley. Look, Hanging Temple like a pair of exquisitely carved reliefs, mosaics in the Wan Ren cliffs; a closer look, diange egg big wish to fly the air force, was as the acme of perfection. The working people of ancient wisdom is poured what was able to accomplish this set architecture, mechanics, aesthetics, religion as one of the great buildings, still attract many scholars who research, search, view vision. The list of the world's top ten most wonderful danger building, constructed in the earlier Italy Leaning Tower of Pisa was built in the year 1173, the German Lixitengsitan castle was built in Eleventh Century, and was built in the northern and Southern Dynasties northern Hanging Temple is 700 years earlier than. Especially after 1500 years of wind and rain in Hanging Temple, earthquakes and other disasters, was well preserved, is the miracle of Chinese civilization.