Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh/more-block-info. |
// For attribution: [[User:Firefly/more-block-info.js]]
function mbi_logTimestampToWikiTimestamp(logTimestamp) {
const logDatetime = new Date(logTimestamp);
return (
logDatetime.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
timeZone: 'UTC',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
}) +
', ' +
logDatetime.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
timeZone: 'UTC',
day: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric',
function mbi_getBlockOptionsString(blockEntry) {
let retVal = ' (';
if ('nocreate' in blockEntry) {
// ACB
retVal += 'account creation blocked, ';
if (!('allowusertalk' in blockEntry)) {
// NTP
retVal += 'cannot edit own talk page, ';
retVal += ')';
retVal = retVal.replace(', )', ')').replace('()', '');
return retVal;
function mbi_getBlockDisplayListItem(user, logid, timestamp, blockActor, blockComment, blockExpiry, blockOptions) {
var block =
`<li data-mw-logaction="block/block" class="mw-logline-block">` +
`<a href="/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=${logid}" title="Special:Log">${timestamp}</a> ` +
`<a href="/wiki/User:${blockActor}" class="mw-userlink userlink" title="User:${blockActor}"><bdi>${blockActor}</bdi></a> ` +
`<span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links">` +
`<span>` +
`<a href="/wiki/User_talk:${blockActor}" class="mw-usertoollinks-talk userlink" title="User talk:${blockActor}">talk</a>` +
`</span> ` +
`<span>` +
`<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/${blockActor}" class="mw-usertoollinks-contribs userlink" \
title="Special:Contributions/${blockActor}">contribs</a>` +
`</span>` +
`</span> blocked ` +
`<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/${user}" class="mw-userlink mw-anonuserlink" title="Special:Contributions/${user}">` +
`<bdi>${user}</bdi>` +
`</a> ` +
`<span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links">` +
`<span>` +
`<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:${user}&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new mw-usertoollinks-talk" \
title="User talk:${user}">talk</a>` +
`</span>` +
`</span> with an expiration time of ` +
`<span class="blockExpiry" title="${blockExpiry}">${blockExpiry}</span> ${blockOptions} ` +
`<span class="comment">(` +
.replace(/\[\[(:?(?:[^|]+?))\|([^|]+?)\]\]/g, '<a href="/wiki/$1">$2</a>')
.replace(/\[\[(:?([^|]+?))\]\]/g, '<a href="/wiki/$1">$2</a>') +
`)</span> ` +
`<span class="mw-logevent-actionlink sysop-show">(` +
`<a href="/wiki/Special:Unblock/${user}" title="Special:Unblock/${user}">unblock</a> | ` +
`<a href="/wiki/Special:Block/${user}" title="Special:Block/${user}">change block</a>` +
`)</span>` +
return block;
function mbi_getWarningboxLocked(username, logid, timestamp, lockActor, lockComment) {
var lock =
`<div class="warningbox mw-warning-with-logexcerpt mw-content-ltr more-block-info-box more-block-info-locked" dir="ltr" lang="en">` +
`<p>This account is currently globally locked. The latest ` +
`<span class="plainlinks"><a class="external text" \
href="${username}">global account change log</a></span> ` +
`entry is provided below for reference:</p>` +
`<ul class="mw-logevent-loglines">` +
`<li>` +
`<a href="${logid}">${timestamp}</a> ` +
`<a href="${lockActor}" class="mw-userlink userlink" \
title="User:${lockActor}"><bdi>${lockActor}</bdi></a> ` +
`<span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links">` +
`<span>` +
`<a href="${lockActor}" class="mw-usertoollinks-talk userlink" \
title="User talk:${lockActor}">talk</a>` +
`</span> ` +
`<span>` +
`<a href="${lockActor}" \
class="mw-usertoollinks-contribs userlink" title="Special:Contributions/${lockActor}">contribs</a>` +
`</span>` +
`</span> changed status for global account ` +
`<a href="/wiki/User:${username}" class="mw-userlink userlink user-blocked-indef"><bdi>${username}</bdi></a> ` +
`<span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links"><span>` +
`<a href="/wiki/User_talk:${username}" class="mw-usertoollinks-talk userlink user-blocked-indef">talk</a>` +
`</span> <span>` +
`<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/${username}" \
class="mw-usertoollinks-contribs userlink user-blocked-indef">contribs</a></span>` +
`</span> : set locked; unset (none) <span class="comment">(` +
.replace(/\[\[(:?(?:[^|]+?))\|([^|]+?)\]\]/g, '<a href="//$1">$2</a>')
.replace(/\[\[(:?([^|]+?))\]\]/g, '<a href="//$1">$2</a>') +
`)</span>` +
`</li>` +
`</ul> ` +
`<a href="${username}">View full log</a>` +
return lock;
function mbi_HtmlEncode(rawString) {
return $('<div>').text(rawString).html();
function mbi_insertMbiBox(boxContent) {
let blockedNoticeElemList = $('.mw-contributions-blocked-notice');
// If there's an existing block box, append after it
// If not, just shove our box at the top of the content element
if (blockedNoticeElemList.length > 0) {
} else {
async function mbi_getWarningboxRangeblocks(rangeblocks) {
let liConcat = '';
rangeblocks.forEach(function (blockEntry) {
//const blockEntry = rangeblocks[cidr].blockEntries[0];
const blockOptions = mbi_getBlockOptionsString(blockEntry);
liConcat += mbi_getBlockDisplayListItem(
blockEntry.user.replace('User:', ''),,
mbi_HtmlEncode(blockEntry.reason), // HTML-encode the block summary as they often contain hidden notes
return `<div class="warningbox mw-warning-with-logexcerpt mw-content-ltr more-block-info-box more-block-info-rangeblocks" \
dir="ltr" lang="en">` +
`<p>This IP address is currently subject to one or more rangeblocks. A list of these rangeblocks is below:</p>` +
`<ul class="mw-logevent-loglines">${liConcat}</ul>` +
// Shamelessly nicked from [[User:GeneralNotability/mark-locked.js]]
async function mbi_isLocked(user) {
const api = new mw.Api();
try {
const response = await api.get({
action: 'query',
list: 'globalallusers',
agulimit: '1',
agufrom: user,
aguto: user,
aguprop: 'lockinfo',
if (response.query.globalallusers.length === 0) {
// If the length is 0, then we couldn't find the global user
return false;
// If the 'locked' field is present, then the user is locked
return 'locked' in response.query.globalallusers[0];
} catch (error) {
return false;
async function mbi_getRangeblocks(user) {
const retVal = {
currentlyBlocked: false,
everBlocked: false,
blockEntries: [],
const api = new mw.Api();
try {
const response = await{
action: 'query',
list: 'blocks',
bkip: user,
let retVal = [];
response.query.blocks.forEach(function (block) {
if (block.user.includes('/')) {
return retVal;
} catch (error) {
return undefined;
/*async function mbi_getBlockEntries(user) {
const now =;
function blockIsCurrent(blockLogEntry) {
return new Date(blockLogEntry.params.expiry) > now;
const retVal = {
currentlyBlocked: false,
everBlocked: false,
blockEntries: [],
const api = new mw.Api();
try {
const response = await{
action: 'query',
list: 'logevents',
letitle: `User:${user}`,
letype: 'block',
const blockEntries = response.query.logevents;
if (blockEntries.length > 0) {
// user/range has been blocked at least once
retVal.everBlocked = true;
retVal.currentlyBlocked = blockIsCurrent(blockEntries[0]);
retVal.blockEntries = blockEntries;
return retVal;
} catch (error) {
return undefined;
async function mbi_getLockLogEntry(user) {
const api = new mw.Api();
try {
const response = await $.post('', {
action: 'query',
list: 'logevents',
lelimit: '1',
letitle: `User:${user}@global`,
leaction: 'globalauth/setstatus',
origin: '*',
format: 'json',
const logEvent = response.query.logevents[0];
const wikiTimestamp = mbi_logTimestampToWikiTimestamp(logEvent.timestamp);
const rawComment = logEvent.comment;
const retVal = {
logid: logEvent.logid,
lockActor: logEvent.user,
lockComment: rawComment,
timestamp: wikiTimestamp,
return retVal;
} catch (error) {
return undefined;
async function mbi_handleRegisteredUser(relevantUserName) {
const userLocked = await mbi_isLocked(relevantUserName);
if (userLocked) {
const lockLogEntry = await mbi_getLockLogEntry(relevantUserName);
const lockedBox = mbi_getWarningboxLocked(
$('a[title^="m:Special:CentralAuth/"]').parent().remove(); // Remove "this account is globally locked" box
async function mbi_handleIPOrRange(relevantUserName) {
const ipRangeBlocks = await mbi_getRangeblocks(relevantUserName);
if (ipRangeBlocks.length > 0) {
// If there's only one block returned, and it matches the rangeblock already displayed
// then don't duplicate it
if (ipRangeBlocks.length == 1) {
const existingRange = $('.mw-warning-with-logexcerpt>ul>li>');
if (existingRange.length > 0) {
const existingRangeIP = existingRange.attr('href').split('/').slice(3).join('/');
if (existingRangeIP === ipRangeBlocks[0].user.replace('User:', '')) {
const rangeblockBox = await mbi_getWarningboxRangeblocks(ipRangeBlocks);
$.when($.ready, mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util')).then(async function () {
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Contributions') {
div.more-block-info-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
border: 1px solid #7196bc;
background-color: #dbedff;
padding: 12px 24px;
const relevantUserName = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
if (relevantUserName !== null) {
// wgRelevantUserName is null for IP ranges (see phab T206954)
const isip = mw.util.isIPAddress(relevantUserName, true);
if (!isip) {
// No point checking for locks if IP, IPs cannot be locked
} else {
} else {
// We're naively assuming an IP range
// Have to extract range manually from URL as wgRelevantUserName is null
const queryParamsRaw =;
let ipRange;
if (queryParamsRaw === '') {
ipRange = mw.config.get('wgPageName').split('/').slice(1).join('/');
} else {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
ipRange = queryParams.get('target');