< User:Mxn
Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:Mxn/serendipity. |
* Serendipity
* Endows Wikipedia with the “sense of wonder” and “serendipitous discoveries”
* that proud owners of the print Encyclopædia Britannica find sorely lacking on
* the Internet. Now, whenever you look up an entry in this ephemeral reference,
* “lose yourself” in the alphabetically adjacent bounty of knowledge that any
* self-respecting encyclopedia should offer by default.
* :-P
if (mw.config.get("wgAction") == "view" && mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == 0) {
mw.loader.using("mediawiki.api", function () {
var api = new mw.Api();
* Retrieves the rendered HTML content of an alphabetically adjacent
* article and passes the content to a callback function.
* @param forward {boolean} True to get the next page; false to get
* the previous one.
* @param ok {function} A callback function that takes two
* arguments: title, html.
function fetchAdjacentArticle(forward, ok) {
list: "allpages",
apfrom: mw.config.get("wgPageName"),
apnamespace: 0,
apfilterredir: "nonredirects",
aplimit: 2,
apdir: forward ? "ascending" : "descending",
}).done(function (data) {
var pages = data.query && data.query.allpages;
var page = pages && data.query.allpages[1];
if(!page) return;
$.get(mw.util.wikiScript("index"), {
title: page.title,
action: "render",
}, function (html) {
if (ok) ok(page.title, html);
}, "html");
* Hides content features that facilitate user contributions, multimedia
* experiences, non-linear navigation, or fact-checking.
function hideNewFangledFeatures() {
// Links
$("#bodyContent a").unbind("click").click(function (evt) {
var extLinkHeadings = $("h2:contains('xternal link')");
if (extLinkHeadings) {
$(".toctext:contains('xternal link')").parent().hide();
// Cite extension
var refHeadings = $(".reflist").prev("h2:contains('eference')");
if (refHeadings) $(".toctext:contains('eference')").parent().hide();
// WikiMiniAtlas
wma_settings = {enabled: false};
// Stylesheets only need to be applied once.
if (hideNewFangledFeatures.stylesAdded) return;
hideNewFangledFeatures.stylesAdded = true;
// Links
mw.util.addCSS("#bodyContent a {" +
"background: transparent !important; cursor: inherit;" +
"color: inherit; padding-right: 0 !important;" +
"text-decoration: inherit;" +
// Abbreviations
mw.util.addCSS("#bodyContent abbr, #bodyContent acronym," +
"#bodyContent .explain {" +
"border-bottom: none; cursor: inherit;" +
// Software-powered features
mw.util.addCSS("#mw-articlefeedback, #catlinks, .mw-editsection," +
".magnify, .toctoggle {display: none;}");
// Cite extension
mw.util.addCSS(".reference, .reflist {display: none;}");
// Template-powered features
mw.util.addCSS("#coordinates, img[alt='play'], .navbox, .stub" +
"{display: none;}");
* Inserts the contents of the previous article above the original one.
function insertPreviousArticle(title, html) {
// Stuff the main article’s title inside its body element.
"font-size": 1.25 * parseFloat($("#firstHeading").css("font-size")),
$("#bodyContent").prepend("<div class='visualClear'></div>")
.prepend($(html).wrap("<div id='prevBodyContent'></div>"))
.prepend("<h1 id='prevFirstHeading' class='firstHeading'>" +
"<span dir='auto'>" + title + "</span>" +
* Inserts the contents of the next article above the original one.
function insertNextArticle(title, html) {
$("#bodyContent").append("<h1 id='nextFirstHeading' class='firstHeading'>" +
"<span dir='auto'>" + title + "</span>" +
.append($(html).wrap("<div id='nextBodyContent'></div>"))
.append("<div class='visualClear'></div>");
$(function () {
fetchAdjacentArticle(false, insertPreviousArticle);
fetchAdjacentArticle(true, insertNextArticle);