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User:Knope7/women in US government

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Cabinet Secretaries (featured list)

# Secretary Position Year


Administration Date Checked Rating Size Clean-up tag
8 Frances Perkins* Secretary of Labor 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt 12/03/2016 C 23,760 bytes none
10 Carla Anderson Hills* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 1975 Gerald Ford 12/03/2016 C 14,645 bytes none
10 Patricia Roberts Harris Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 1977 Jimmy Carter 12/03/2016 Start 13,093 bytes Refimprove (June 2009)
7 Juanita M. Kreps* Secretary of Commerce 1977 Jimmy Carter 12/03/2016 Start 5,107 bytes none
13 Shirley Hufstedler* Secretary of Education 1979 Jimmy Carter 12/03/2016 Start 8,177 bytes none
9 Patricia Roberts Harris* Secretary of Health and Human Services 1979 Jimmy Carter 12/03/2016 Start 13,093 bytes needs references (June 2009)
11 Elizabeth Dole* Secretary of Transportation 1983 Ronald Reagan 12/03/2016 B 38,886 bytes none
9 Margaret Heckler Secretary of Health and Human Services 1983 Ronald Reagan 12/03/2016 Start/C 13,605 bytes BLP Sources (March 2013)
8 Ann Dore McLaughlin Secretary of Labor 1987 Ronald Reagan 12/03/2016 C 6,022 bytes BLP Sources (May 2014)
8 Elizabeth Dole Secretary of Labor 1989 George H. W. Bush 12/03/2016 B 38,886 bytes none
8 Lynn Morley Martin Secretary of Labor 1991 George H. W. Bush 12/03/2016 Start 7,262 bytes BLP Sources (March 2013
7 Barbara Hackman Franklin Secretary of Commerce 1992 George H. W. Bush 12/03/2016 C 28,448 bytes none
12 Hazel R. O'Leary* Secretary of Energy 1993 Bill Clinton 10/12/2017 GA 22,826 bytes none
9 Donna Shalala Secretary of Health and Human Services 1993 Bill Clinton 12/04/2016 C 23,189 bytes Section expansion (March 2016)
4 Janet Reno* Attorney General 1993 Bill Clinton 12/04/2016 C/B (Knope7 working) 25,420 bytes none
8 Alexis Herman Secretary of Labor 1997 Bill Clinton 12/04/2016 GA 9,134 bytes BLP Sources(December 2008)
1 Madeleine Albright*[b] Secretary of State 1997 Bill Clinton 12/03/2016 C 57,268 bytes none
8 Elaine Chao[a] Secretary of Labor 2001 George W. Bush 12/04/2016 B 35,688 bytes none
6 Ann Veneman* Secretary of Agriculture 2001 George W. Bush 6/25/2017 Start 27,141 bytes BLP Sources, unclear citations (December 2016), NPOV (March 2017
5 Gale Norton* Secretary of the Interior 2001 George W. Bush 12/04/2016 C 11,388 bytes Original research (August 2009)
13 Margaret Spellings Secretary of Education 2005 George W. Bush 12/04/2016 Start 20,360 bytes none
1 Condoleezza Rice Secretary of State 2005 George W. Bush 12/04/2016 C (GA delisted March 2010) 108,846 bytes criticism section (October 2015)
11 Mary Peters Secretary of Transportation 2006 George W. Bush 12/04/2016 C 6,341 bytes none
15 Janet Napolitano* Secretary of Homeland Security 2009 Barack Obama 12/04/2016 C 47,565 bytes none
9 Kathleen Sebelius Secretary of Health and Human Services 2009 Barack Obama 12/04/2016 B 61,564 bytes none
8 Hilda Solis Secretary of Labor 2009 Barack Obama 12/04/2016 GA 83,729 bytes none
1 Hillary Clinton Secretary of State 2009 Barack Obama 12/03/2016 FA 286,479 bytes none
7 Penny Pritzker Secretary of Commerce 2013 Barack Obama 6/25/2017 GA 38,489 bytes none
5 Sally Jewell Secretary of the Interior 2013 Barack Obama 6/25/2017 GA 26,431 bytes none
9 Sylvia Mathews Burwell Secretary of Health and Human Services 2014 Barack Obama 6/25/2017 GA 42,255 bytes none
4 Loretta Lynch Attorney General 2015 Barack Obama 12/04/2016 C 26,147 bytes none
5 Oveta Culp Hobby* Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower 12/03/2016 Start/C 10,284 bytes More footnotes August 2010
5 Patricia Roberts Harris Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare 1979 Jimmy Carter 12/03/2016 Start 13,093 bytes Refimprove (June 2009)

Current (as of Dec 2016)

Name State From To Party Date Checked Rating Size Clean-up tag
Gina Raimondo Rhode Island 2015 Incumbent Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 20,286 bytes none
Kate Brown Oregon 2015 Incumbent Democratic 12/21/2016 C 25,904 bytes none
Maggie Hassan New Hampshire 2013 Incumbent Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 29,917 bytes none
Mary Fallin Oklahoma 2011 Incumbent Republican 12/21/2016 Start 6,512 bytes Section Empty (May 2016)
Nikki Haley South Carolina 2011 Incumbent Republican 12/21/2016 C 50,106 bytes none
Susana Martinez New Mexico 2011 Incumbent Republican 12/21/2016 C 47,564 bytes none

Former (as of December 2016)

Name State From To Party Date checked Rating Size Clean-up tag
Nellie Tayloe Ross Wyoming 1925 1927 Democratic 12/21/2016 C 15,183 bytes none
Miriam A. Ferguson Texas 1925




Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 11,126 bytes none
Lurleen Wallace Alabama 1967 1968 Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 24,048 bytes none
Ella T. Grasso Connecticut 1975 1980 Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 11,051 bytes none
Dixy Lee Ray Washington 1977 1981 Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 41,195 bytes none
Vesta M. Roy New Hampshire 1982 1983 Republican 12/21/2016 Stub 3,007 bytes none
Martha Layne Collins Kentucky 1983 1987 Democratic 12/21/2016 FA 52,482 bytes none
Madeleine M. Kunin Vermont 1985 1991 Democratic 12/21/2016 C/Start 13,453 bytes none
Kay A. Orr Nebraska 1987 1991 Republican 12/21/2016 Start 8,872 bytes none
Rose Perica Mofford Arizona 1988 1991 Democratic 12/21/2016 C 11,302 bytes none
Joan Finney Kansas 1991 1995 Democratic 12/21/2016 Start 5,103 bytes none
Ann Richards Texas 1991 1995 Democratic 12/21/2016 B 43,469 bytes External links
Barbara Roberts Oregon 1991 1995 Democratic 12/21/2016 C 14,737 bytes none
Christine Todd Whitman New Jersey 1994 2001 Republican 12/21/2016 B 37,995 bytes none
Jane Dee Hull Arizona 1997 2003 Republican 12/21/2016 Start 16,220 bytes clean-up (August 2016); BLP sources (December 2008)
Jeanne Shaheen New Hampshire 1997 2003 Democratic 12/31/2016 C 47,785 bytes none
Nancy P. Hollister Ohio 1998 1999 Republican 12/31/2016 Start 7,321 bytes none
Jane Swift Massachusetts 2001 2003 Republican 12/31/2016 Start 26,843 bytes none
Judy Martz Montana 2001 2005 Republican 12/31/2016 Start 11,697 bytes none
Ruth Ann Minner Delaware 2001 2009 Democratic 12/31/2016 B 20,314 bytes none
Linda Lingle Hawaii 2002 2010 Republican 12/31/2016 Start 35,988 bytes none
Olene Walker Utah 2003 2005 Republican 12/31/2016 Start 8,086 bytes none
Jennifer Granholm Michigan 2003 2011 Democratic 12/31/2016 B 73,292 bytes Primary Sources section (January 2012)
Janet Napolitano Arizona 2003 2009 Democratic 12/4/2016 C 47,565 bytes none
Kathleen Sebelius Kansas 2003 2009 Democratic 12/4/2016 B 61,564 bytes none
Kathleen Blanco Louisiana 2004 2008 Democratic 12/31/2016 C 28,100 bytes none
M. Jodi Rell Connecticut 2004 2011 Republican 12/31/2016 C 26,019 bytes none
Christine Gregoire Washington 2005 2013 Democratic 12/31/2016 B 47,157 bytes none
Sarah Palin Alaska 2006 2009 Republican 12/31/2016 C 173,696 bytes none
Beverly Perdue North Carolina 2009 2013 Democratic 12/31/2016 Start 34,174 bytes none
Jan Brewer Arizona 2009 2015 Republican 12/31/2016 C 72,896 bytes BLP Section Sources (February 2015)

Territories and the District of Columbia[

Picture Name Jurisdiction From To Party Notes
Muriel Bowser(mayor) District of Columbia 2015 Incumbent Democratic The second woman and African-American woman to serve as Mayor of District of Columbia.
Picture Name Jurisdiction From To Party Notes
Sharon Pratt Kelly(mayor) District of Columbia 1991 1995 Democratic First African-American woman to serve as mayor of a major American city. First woman to serve as Mayor of District of Columbia.
Sila María Calderón Puerto Rico 2001 2005 Popular Democratic Party* First woman to serve as Governor of Puerto Rico. Formerly Puerto Rico's secretary of State and mayor of San Juan.

Popular Democratic Party: While it generally aligns with the U.S. Democratic Party, it is not a formal branch or affiliate, and is characterized in Puerto Rican politics mainly by support for continued status as a U.S. commonwealth, contrasting other major parties advocating statehood and independence.

Name State From To Party
Rebecca Latimer Felton[1] Georgia November 21, 1922 November 22, 1922 Democratic
Hattie Caraway Arkansas December 9, 1931 January 3, 1945 Democratic
Rose McConnell Long Louisiana January 31, 1936 January 2, 1937 Democratic
Dixie Bibb Graves Alabama August 20, 1937 January 10, 1938 Democratic
Gladys Pyle South Dakota November 9, 1938 January 3, 1939 Republican
Vera C. Bushfield South Dakota October 6, 1948 December 26, 1948 Republican
Margaret Chase Smith Maine January 3, 1949 January 3, 1973 Republican
Eva Kelly Bowring Nebraska April 16, 1954 November 7, 1954 Republican
Hazel Hampel Abel Nebraska November 8, 1954 December 31, 1954 Republican
Maurine Brown Neuberger Oregon November 9, 1960 January 3, 1967 Democratic
Elaine Edwards Louisiana August 1, 1972 November 13, 1972 Democratic
Muriel Humphrey Minnesota January 25, 1978 November 7, 1978 Democratic
Maryon Pittman Allen Alabama June 8, 1978 November 7, 1978 Democratic
Nancy Landon Kassebaum Kansas December 23, 1978 January 3, 1997 Republican
Paula Hawkins Florida January 1, 1981 January 3, 1987 Republican
Barbara Mikulski Maryland January 3, 1987 Present Democratic
Jocelyn Burdick North Dakota September 16, 1992 December 14, 1992 Democratic
Dianne Feinstein California November 10, 1992 Present Democratic
Barbara Boxer California January 3, 1993 Present Democratic
Patty Murray Washington January 3, 1993 Present Democratic
Carol Moseley Braun Illinois January 3, 1993 January 3, 1999 Democratic
Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas June 14, 1993 January 3, 2013 Republican
Olympia Snowe Maine January 3, 1995 January 3, 2013 Republican
Sheila Frahm Kansas June 11, 1996 November 6, 1996 Republican
Susan Collins Maine January 3, 1997 Present Republican
Mary Landrieu Louisiana January 3, 1997 January 3, 2015 Democratic
Blanche Lincoln Arkansas January 3, 1999 January 3, 2011 Democratic
Maria Cantwell Washington January 3, 2001 Present Democratic
Jean Carnahan Missouri January 3, 2001 November 25, 2002 Democratic
Hillary Clinton New York January 3, 2001 January 21, 2009 Democratic
Debbie Stabenow Michigan January 3, 2001 Present Democratic
Lisa Murkowski Alaska December 20, 2002 Present Republican
Elizabeth Dole North Carolina January 3, 2003 January 3, 2009 Republican
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota January 3, 2007 Present Democratic
Claire McCaskill Missouri January 3, 2007 Present Democratic
Jeanne Shaheen New Hampshire January 3, 2009 Present Democratic
Kirsten Gillibrand New York January 26, 2009 Present Democratic
Kay Hagan North Carolina January 3, 2009 January 3, 2015 Democratic
Kelly Ayotte New Hampshire January 3, 2011 Present Republican
Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin January 3, 2013 Present Democratic
Deb Fischer Nebraska January 3, 2013 Present Republican
Heidi Heitkamp North Dakota January 3, 2013 Present Democratic
Mazie Hirono Hawaii January 3, 2013 Present Democratic
Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts January 3, 2013 Present Democratic
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia January 3, 2015 Present Republican
Joni Ernst Iowa January 3, 2015 Present Republican
Name Party District Years
Jeannette Rankin Republican Montana At-large March 4, 1917 –
March 3, 1919
Montana's 1st January 3, 1941 –
January 3, 1943
Alice Mary Robertson Republican Oklahoma's 2nd March 4, 1921 –
March 3, 1923
Winnifred Sprague Mason Huck Republican Illinois At-large November 7, 1922 –
March 3, 1923
Mae Nolan Republican California's 5th January 23, 1923 –
March 3, 1925
Florence Prag Kahn Republican California's 4th March 4, 1925 –
January 3, 1937
Mary Teresa Norton Democratic New Jersey's 12th March 4, 1925 –
March 3, 1933
New Jersey's 13th March 4, 1933 –
January 3, 1951
Edith Nourse Rogers Republican Massachusetts's 5th June 30, 1925 –
September 10, 1960
Katherine G. Langley Republican Kentucky's 7th March 4, 1927 –
March 3, 1931
Pearl Peden Oldfield Democratic Arkansas's 2nd January 9, 1929 –
March 3, 1931
Ruth Hanna McCormick Republican Illinois At-large March 4, 1929 –
March 3, 1931
Ruth Bryan Owen Democratic Florida's 4th March 4, 1929 –
March 3, 1933
Ruth Baker Pratt Republican New York's 17th March 4, 1929 –
March 3, 1933
Effiegene Locke Wingo Democratic Arkansas's 4th November 4, 1930 –
March 3, 1933
Willa McCord Blake Eslick Democratic Tennessee's 7th August 14, 1932 –
March 3, 1933
Kathryn O'Loughlin McCarthy Democratic Kansas's 6th March 4, 1933 –
January 3, 1935
Virginia E. Jenckes Democratic Indiana's 6th March 4, 1933 –
January 3, 1939
Isabella Greenway Democratic Arizona At-large October 3, 1933 –
January 3, 1937
Marian W. Clarke Republican New York's 34th December 28, 1933 –
January 3, 1935
Caroline Love Goodwin O'Day Democratic New York At-large January 3, 1935 –
January 3, 1943
Nan Wood Honeyman Democratic Oregon's 3rd January 3, 1937 –
January 3, 1939
Elizabeth Hawley Gasque Democratic South Carolina's 6th September 13, 1938 –
January 3, 1939
Jessie Sumner Republican Illinois's 18th January 3, 1939 –
January 3, 1947
Clara G. McMillan Democratic South Carolina's 1st November 7, 1939 –
January 3, 1941
Frances P. Bolton Republican Ohio's 22nd February 27, 1940 –
January 3, 1969
Margaret Chase Smith Republican Maine's 2nd June 3, 1940 –
January 3, 1949
Florence Reville Gibbs Democratic Georgia's 8th October 1, 1940 –
January 3, 1941
Katharine Byron Democratic Maryland's 6th May 27, 1941 –
January 3, 1943
Veronica Grace Boland Democratic Pennsylvania's 11th November 3, 1942 –
January 3, 1943
Clare Boothe Luce Republican Connecticut's 4th January 3, 1943 –
January 3, 1947
Winifred C. Stanley Republican New York At-large January 3, 1943 –
January 3, 1945
Willa L. Fulmer Democratic South Carolina's 2nd November 7, 1944 –
January 3, 1945
Emily Taft Douglas Democratic Illinois At-large January 3, 1945 –
January 3, 1947
Helen Gahagan Douglas Democratic California's 14th January 3, 1945 –
January 3, 1951
Chase G. Woodhouse Democratic Connecticut's 2nd January 3, 1945 –
January 3, 1947
January 3, 1949 –
January 3, 1951
Helen Douglas Mankin Democratic Georgia's 5th February 12, 1946 –
January 3, 1947
Eliza Jane Pratt Democratic North Carolina's 8th May 25, 1946 –
January 3, 1947
Georgia Lee Lusk Democratic New Mexico At-large January 3, 1947 –
January 3, 1949
Katharine St. George Republican New York's 29th January 3, 1947 –
January 3, 1953
New York's 28th January 3, 1953 –
January 3, 1963
New York's 27th January 3, 1963 –
January 3, 1965
Reva Beck Bosone Democratic Utah's 2nd January 3, 1949 –
January 3, 1953
Cecil M. Harden Republican Indiana's 6th January 3, 1949 –
January 3, 1959
Edna F. Kelly Democratic New York's 10th November 8, 1949 –
January 3, 1963
New York's 12th January 3, 1963 –
January 3, 1969
Marguerite S. Church Republican Illinois's 13th January 3, 1951 –
January 3, 1963
Ruth Thompson Republican Michigan's 9th January 3, 1951 –
January 3, 1957
Elizabeth Kee Democratic West Virginia's 5th July 17, 1951 –
January 3, 1965
Vera Buchanan Democratic Pennsylvania's 33rd July 24, 1951 –
January 3, 1953
Pennsylvania's 30th January 3, 1953 –
November 26, 1955
Gracie Pfost Democratic Idaho's 1st January 3, 1953 –
January 3, 1963
Leonor Sullivan Democratic Missouri's 3rd January 3, 1953 –
January 3, 1977
Elizabeth P. Farrington Republican Hawaii Territory's At-large July 31, 1954 –
January 3, 1957
Iris Faircloth Blitch Democratic Georgia's 8th January 3, 1955 –
January 3, 1963
Edith Green Democratic Oregon's 3rd January 3, 1955 –
December 31, 1974
Martha Griffiths Democratic Michigan's 17th January 3, 1955 –
December 31, 1974
Coya Knutson Democratic Minnesota's 9th January 3, 1955 –
January 3, 1959
Kathryn E. Granahan Democratic Pennsylvania's 2nd November 6, 1956 –
January 3, 1963
Florence P. Dwyer Republican New Jersey's 6th January 3, 1957 –
January 3, 1967
New Jersey's 12th January 3, 1967 –
January 3, 1973
Catherine Dean May Republican Washington's 4th January 3, 1959 –
January 3, 1971
Edna O. Simpson Republican Illinois's 20th January 3, 1959 –
January 3, 1961
Jessica M. Weis Republican New York's 38th January 3, 1959 –
January 3, 1963
Julia Butler Hansen Democratic Washington's 3rd November 8, 1960 –
December 31, 1974
Catherine Dorris Norrell Democratic Arkansas's 6th April 19, 1961 –
January 3, 1963
Louise Goff Reece Republican Tennessee's 1st May 16, 1961 –
January 3, 1963
Corinne Boyd Riley Democratic South Carolina's 2nd April 10, 1962 –
January 3, 1963
Charlotte Thompson Reid Republican Illinois's 15th January 3, 1963 –
October 7, 1971
Irene Baker Republican Tennessee's 2nd January 7, 1964 –
January 3, 1965
Patsy Mink Democratic Hawaii's at-large January 3, 1965 –
January 3, 1971
Hawaii's 2nd January 3, 1971 –
January 3, 1977
September 22, 1990 –
September 28, 2002
Lera Millard Thomas Democratic Texas's 8th March 26, 1966 –
January 3, 1967
Margaret Heckler Republican Massachusetts's 10th January 3, 1967 –
January 3, 1983
Shirley Chisholm Democratic New York's 12th January 3, 1969 –
January 3, 1983
Bella Abzug Democratic New York's 19th January 3, 1971 –
January 3, 1973
New York's 20th January 3, 1973 –
January 3, 1977
Ella T. Grasso Democratic Connecticut's 6th January 3, 1971 –
January 3, 1975
Louise Day Hicks Democratic Massachusetts's 9th January 3, 1971 –
January 3, 1973
Elizabeth B. Andrews Democratic Alabama's 3rd April 4, 1972–
January 3, 1973
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke Democratic California's 37th January 3, 1973 –
January 3, 1975
California's 28th January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1979
Marjorie Holt Republican Maryland's 4th January 3, 1973 –
January 3, 1987
Elizabeth Holtzman Democratic New York's 16th January 3, 1973 –
January 3, 1981
Barbara Jordan Democratic Texas's 18th January 3, 1973 –
January 3, 1979
Patricia Schroeder Democratic Colorado's 1st January 3, 1973 –
January 3, 1997
Lindy Boggs Democratic Louisiana's 2nd March 20, 1973 –
January 3, 1991
Cardiss Collins Democratic Illinois's 7th June 5, 1973 –
January 3, 1997
Millicent Fenwick Republican New Jersey's 5th January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1983
Martha Keys Democratic Kansas's 2nd January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1979
Marilyn Lloyd Democratic Tennessee's 3rd January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1995
Helen Stevenson Meyner Democratic New Jersey's 13th January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1979
Virginia D. Smith Republican Nebraska's 3rd January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1991
Gladys Spellman Democratic Marylands's 5th January 3, 1975 –
January 3, 1981
Shirley Neil Pettis Republican California's 37th April 29, 1975 –
January 3, 1979
Barbara Mikulski Democratic Maryland's 3rd January 3, 1977 –
January 3, 1987
Mary Rose Oakar Democratic Ohio's 20th January 3, 1977 –
January 3, 1993
Beverly Byron Democratic Maryland's 6th January 3, 1979 –
January 3, 1993
Geraldine Ferraro Democratic New York's 9th January 3, 1979 –
January 3, 1985
Olympia Snowe Republican Maine's 2nd January 3, 1979 –
January 3, 1995
Bobbi Fiedler Republican California's 21st January 3, 1981 –
January 3, 1987
Lynn Morley Martin Republican Illinois's 16th January 3, 1981 –
January 3, 1991
Marge Roukema Republican New Jersey's 7th January 3, 1981 –
January 3, 1983
New Jersey's 5th January 3, 1983 –
January 3, 2003
Claudine Schneider Republican Rhode Island's 2nd January 3, 1981 –
January 3, 1991
Barbara B. Kennelly Democratic Connecticut's 1st January 12, 1982 –
January 3, 1999
Jean Spencer Ashbrook Republican Ohio's 17th June 29, 1982 –
January 3, 1983
Katie Hall Democratic Indiana's 1st November 2, 1982 –
January 3, 1985
Barbara Boxer Democratic California's 6th January 3, 1983 –
January 3, 1993
Nancy Johnson Republican Connecticut's 6th January 3, 1983 –
January 3, 2003
Connecticut's 5th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2007
Marcy Kaptur Democratic Ohio's 9th January 3, 1983 –
Barbara Vucanovich Republican Nevada's 2nd January 3, 1983 –
January 3, 1997
Sala Burton Democratic California's 5th June 21, 1983 –
February 1, 1987
Helen Delich Bentley Republican Maryland's 2nd January 3, 1985 –
January 3, 1995
Jan Meyers Republican Kansas's 3rd January 3, 1985 –
January 3, 1997
Catherine Small Long Democratic Louisiana's 8th March 30, 1985 –
January 3, 1987
Connie Morella Republican Maryland's 8th January 3, 1987 –
January 3, 2003
Liz J. Patterson Democratic South Carolina's 4th January 3, 1987 –
January 3, 1993
Pat Saiki Republican Hawaii's 1st January 3, 1987 –
January 3, 1991
Louise Slaughter Democratic New York's 30th January 3, 1987 –
January 3, 1993
New York's 28th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
New York's 25th January 3, 2013 –
Nancy Pelosi Democratic California's 5th June 2, 1987 –
January 3, 1993
California's 8th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
California's 12th January 3, 2013 –
Nita Lowey Democratic New York's 20th January 3, 1989 –
January 3, 1993
New York's 18th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
New York's 17th January 3, 2013 –
Jolene Unsoeld Democratic Washington's 3rd January 3, 1989 –
January 3, 1995
Jill Long Thompson Democratic Indiana's 4th March 28, 1989 –
January 3, 1995
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Republican Florida's 18th August 29, 1989 –
January 3, 2013
Florida's 27th January 3, 2013 –
Susan Molinari Republican New York's 14th March 20, 1990 –
January 3, 1993
New York's 13th January 3, 1993 –
August 2, 1997
Barbara-Rose Collins Democratic Michigan's 13th January 3, 1991 –
January 3, 1993
Michigan's 15th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1997
Rosa DeLauro Democratic Connecticut's 3rd January 3, 1991 –
Joan Kelly Horn Democratic Missouri's 2nd January 3, 1991 –
January 3, 1993
Eleanor Holmes Norton Democratic DC At-large January 3, 1991 –
Maxine Waters Democratic California's 29th January 3, 1991 –
January 3, 1993
California's 35th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
California's 43rd January 3, 2013 –
Eva M. Clayton Democratic North Carolina's 1st November 3, 1992 –
January 3, 2003
Corrine Brown Democratic Florida's 3rd January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
Florida's 5th January 3, 2013 –
Leslie L. Byrne Democratic Virginia's 11th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1995
Maria Cantwell Democratic Washington's 1st January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1995
Pat Danner Democratic Missouri's 6th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2001
Jennifer Dunn Republican Washington's 8th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2005
Karan English Democratic Arizona's 6th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1995
Anna Eshoo Democratic California's 14th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
California's 18th January 3, 2013 –
Tillie K. Fowler Republican Florida's 4th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2001
Elizabeth Furse Democratic Oregon's 1st January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1999
Jane Harman Democratic California's 36th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1999
January 3, 2001 –
February 28, 2011
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democratic Texas's 30th January 3, 1993 –
Blanche Lincoln Democratic Arkansas's 1st January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1997
Carolyn Maloney Democratic New York's 14th January 3, 1993 –
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky Democratic Pennsylvania's 13th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1995
Cynthia McKinney Democratic Georgia's 11th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1997
Georgia's 4th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2003
January 3, 2005 –
January 3, 2007
Carrie P. Meek Democratic Florida's 17th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2003
Deborah Pryce Republican Ohio's 15th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2009
Lucille Roybal-Allard Democratic California's 33rd January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2003
California's 34th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2013
California's 40th January 3, 2013 –
Lynn Schenk Democratic California's 49th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1995
Karen Shepherd Democratic Utah's 2nd January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 1995
Karen Thurman Democratic Florida's 5th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2003
Nydia Velázquez Democratic New York's 12th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
New York's 7th January 3, 2013 –
Lynn Woolsey Democratic California's 6th January 3, 1993 –
January 3, 2013
Helen Chenoweth-Hage Republican Idaho's 1st January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2001
Barbara Cubin Republican Wyoming's at-large January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2009
Sheila Jackson Lee Democratic Texas's 18th January 3, 1995 –
Sue Kelly Republican New York's 19th January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2007
Zoe Lofgren Democratic California's 16th January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2013
California's 19th January 3, 2013 –
Karen McCarthy Democratic Missouri's 5th January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2005
Sue Myrick Republican North Carolina's 9th January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2013
Lynn N. Rivers Democratic Michigan's 13th January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 2003
Andrea Seastrand Republican California's 22nd January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 1997
Linda Smith Republican Washington's 3rd January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 1999
Enid Greene Waldholtz Republican Utah's 2nd January 3, 1995 –
January 3, 1997
Juanita Millender-McDonald Democratic California's 37th March 26, 1996 –
April 22, 2007
Jo Ann Emerson Republican Missouri's 8th November 5, 1996 –
January 22, 2013
Julia Carson Democratic Indiana's 10th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2003
Indiana's 7th January 3, 2003 –
December 15, 2007
Donna Christian-Christensen Democratic U.S. Virgin Island's At-large January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2015
Diana DeGette Democratic Colorado's 1st January 3, 1997 –
Kay Granger Republican Texas's 12th January 3, 1997 –
Darlene Hooley Democratic Oregon's 5th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2009
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Democratic Michigan's 15th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2003
Michigan's 13th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2011
Carolyn McCarthy Democratic New York's 4th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2015
Anne Northup Republican Kentucky's 3rd January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2007
Loretta Sanchez Democratic California's 46th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2003
California's 47th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2013
California's 46th January 3, 2013 –
Debbie Stabenow Democratic Michigan's 8th January 3, 1997 –
January 3, 2001
Ellen Tauscher Democratic California's 10th January 3, 1997 –
June 26, 2009
Lois Capps Democratic California's 22nd March 10, 1998 –
January 3, 2003
California's 23rd January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2013
California's 24th January 3, 2013 –
Mary Bono Mack Republican California's 44th April 7, 1998 –
January 3, 2003
California's 45th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2013
Barbara Lee Democratic California's 9th April 7, 1998 –
January 3, 2013
California's 13th January 3, 2013 –
Heather Wilson Republican New Mexico's 1st June 25, 1998 –
January 3, 2009
Tammy Baldwin Democratic Wisconsin's 2nd January 3, 1999 –
January 3, 2013
Shelley Berkley Democratic Nevada's 1st January 3, 1999 –
January 3, 2013
Judy Biggert Republican Illinois's 13th January 3, 1999 –
January 3, 2013
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Democratic Ohio's 11th January 3, 1999 –
August 20, 2008
Grace Napolitano Democratic California's 34th January 3, 1999 –
January 3, 2003
California's 38th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2013
California's 32nd January 3, 2013 –
Jan Schakowsky Democratic Illinois's 9th January 3, 1999 –
Shelley Moore Capito Republican West Virginia's 2nd January 3, 2001 –
January 3, 2015
Jo Ann Davis Republican Virginia's 1st January 3, 2001 –
October 6, 2007
Susan Davis Democratic California's 49th January 3, 2001 –
January 3, 2003
California's 53rd January 3, 2003 –
Melissa Hart Republican Pennsylvania's 4th January 3, 2001 –
January 3, 2007
Betty McCollum Democratic Minnesota's 4th January 3, 2001 –
Hilda Solis Democratic California's 31st January 3, 2001 –
January 3, 2003
California's 32nd January 3, 2003 –
February 24, 2009
Diane Watson Democratic California's 32nd June 5, 2001 –
January 3, 2003
California's 33rd January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2011
Marsha Blackburn Republican Tennessee's 7th January 3, 2003 –
Madeleine Bordallo Democratic Guam's at-large January 3, 2003 –
Ginny Brown-Waite Republican Florida's 5th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2011
Katherine Harris Republican Florida's 13th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2007
Denise Majette Democratic Georgia's 4th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2005
Candice Miller Republican Michigan's 10th January 3, 2003 –
Marilyn Musgrave Republican Colorado's 4th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2009
Linda Sánchez Democratic California's 39th January 3, 2003 –
January 3, 2013
California's 38th January 3, 2013 –
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Democratic South Dakota's at-large June 1, 2004 –
January 3, 2011
Melissa Bean Democratic Illinois's 8th January 3, 2005 –
January 3, 2011
Thelma Drake Republican Virginia's 2nd January 3, 2005 –
January 3, 2009
Virginia Foxx Republican North Carolina's 5th January 3, 2005 –
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Republican Washington's 5th January 3, 2005 –
Gwen Moore Democratic Wisconsin's 4th January 3, 2005 –
Allyson Schwartz Democratic Pennsylvania's 13th January 3, 2005 –
January 3, 2015
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic Florida's 20th January 3, 2005 –
January 3, 2013
Florida's 23rd January 3, 2013 –
Doris Matsui Democratic California's 5th March 3, 2005 –
January 3, 2013
California's 6th January 3, 2013 –
Jean Schmidt Republican Ohio's 2nd September 6, 2005 –
January 3, 2013
Shelley Sekula-Gibbs Republican Texas's 22nd November 13, 2006 –
January 3, 2007
Michele Bachmann Republican Minnesota 6th January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2015
Nancy Boyda Democratic Kansas's 2nd January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2009
Kathy Castor Democratic Florida's 11th January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2013
Florida's 14th January 3, 2013 –
Yvette Clarke Democratic New York's 11th January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2013
New York's 9th January 3, 2013 –
Mary Fallin Republican Oklahoma 5th January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2011
Gabrielle Giffords Democratic Arizona's 8th January 3, 2007 –
January 25, 2012
Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic New York's 20th January 3, 2007 –
January 25, 2009
Mazie Hirono Democratic Hawaii's 2nd January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2013
Carol Shea-Porter Democratic New Hampshire's 1st January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2011
January 3, 2013 –
January 3, 2015
Betty Sutton Democratic Ohio's 13th January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2013
Laura Richardson Democratic California's 37th January 3, 2007 –
January 3, 2013
Niki Tsongas Democratic Massachusetts's 5th October 16, 2007 –
January 3, 2013
Massachusetts's 3rd January 3, 2013 –
Jackie Speier Democratic California's 12th April 8, 2008 –
January 3, 2013
California's 14th January 3, 2013 –
Donna Edwards Democratic Maryland's 4th June 17, 2008 –
Marcia Fudge Democratic Ohio's 11th November 18, 2008 –
Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic Pennsylvania's 3rd January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
Debbie Halvorson Democratic Illinois's 11th January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
Lynn Jenkins Republican Kansas's 2nd January 3, 2009 –
Mary Jo Kilroy Democratic Ohio's 15th January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
Ann Kirkpatrick Democratic Arizona's 1st January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
January 3, 2013 –
Suzanne Kosmas Democratic Florida's 24th January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
Cynthia Lummis Republican Wyoming's at-large January 3, 2009 –
Betsy Markey Democratic Colorado's 4th January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
Chellie Pingree Democratic Maine's 1st January 3, 2009 –
Dina Titus Democratic Nevada's 3rd January 3, 2009 –
January 3, 2011
Nevada's 1st January 3, 2013 –
Judy Chu Democratic California's 32nd June 19, 2009 –
January 3, 2013
California's 27th January 3, 2013 –
Sandy Adams Republican Florida's 24th January 3, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
Karen Bass Democratic California's 33rd January 3, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
California's 37th January 3, 2013 –
Diane Black Republican Tennessee's 6th January 3, 2011 –
Ann Marie Buerkle Republican New York's 25th January 3, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
Renee Ellmers Republican North Carolina's 2nd January 3, 2011 –
Colleen Hanabusa Democratic Hawaii's 1st January 3, 2011 –
January 3, 2015
Vicky Hartzler Republican Missouri's 4th January 3, 2011 –
Nan Hayworth Republican New York's 19th January 3, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
Jaime Herrera Beutler Republican Washington's 3rd January 3, 2011 –
Kristi Noem Republican South Dakota's at-large January 3, 2011 –
Martha Roby Republican Alabama's 2nd January 3, 2011 –
Terri Sewell Democratic Alabama's 7th January 3, 2011 –
Frederica Wilson Democratic Florida's 17th January 3, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
Florida's 24th January 3, 2013 –
Kathy Hochul Democratic New York's 26th June 1, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
Janice Hahn Democratic California's 36th July 12, 2011 –
January 3, 2013
California's 44th January 3, 2013 –
Suzanne Bonamici Democratic Oregon's 1st January 21, 2012 –
Suzan DelBene Democratic Washington's 1st November 6, 2012 –
Joyce Beatty Democratic Ohio's 3rd January 3, 2013 –
Susan Brooks Republican Indiana's 5th January 3, 2013 –
Julia Brownley Democratic California's 26th January 3, 2013 –
Cheri Bustos Democratic Illinois's 17th January 3, 2013 –
Tammy Duckworth Democratic Illinois's 8th January 3, 2013 –
Elizabeth Esty Democratic Connecticut's 5th January 3, 2013 –
Lois Frankel Democratic Florida's 22nd January 3, 2013 –
Tulsi Gabbard Democratic Hawaii's 2nd January 3, 2013 –
Ann McLane Kuster Democratic New Hampshire's 2nd January 3, 2013 –
Michelle Lujan Grisham Democratic New Mexico's 1st January 3, 2013 –
Grace Meng Democratic New York's 6th January 3, 2013 –
Gloria Negrete McLeod Democratic California's 35th January 3, 2013 –
January 3, 2015
Kyrsten Sinema Democratic Arizona's 9th January 3, 2013 –
Ann Wagner Republican Missouri's 2nd January 3, 2013 –
Jackie Walorski Republican Indiana's 2nd January 3, 2013 –
Robin Kelly Democratic Illinois's 2nd April 11, 2013 –
Katherine Clark Democratic Massachusetts's 5th December 10, 2013 –
Alma Adams Democratic North Carolina's 12th November 12, 2014 –
Barbara Comstock Republican Virginia's 10th January 3, 2015 –
Debbie Dingell Democratic Michigan's 12th January 3, 2015 –
Gwen Graham Democratic Florida's 2nd January 3, 2015 –
Brenda Lawrence Democratic Michigan's 14th January 3, 2015 –
Mia Love Republican Utah's 4th January 3, 2015 –
Martha McSally Republican Arizona's 2nd January 3, 2015 –
Stacey Plaskett Democratic U.S. Virgin Island's At-large January 3, 2015 –
Amata Coleman Radewagen Republican American Samoa's at-large January 3, 2015 –
Kathleen Rice Democratic New York's 4th January 3, 2015 –
Elise Stefanik Republican New York's 21st January 3, 2015 –
Norma Torres Democratic California's 35th January 3, 2015 –
Mimi Walters Republican California's 45th January 3, 2015 –
Bonnie Watson Coleman Democratic New Jersey's 12th January 3, 2015 –
  1. ^ for the predecessors and successors of each Women Senator, click on the U.S. senator, for the number of congresses, click on the congress.