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  • English

Personal pronouns in English

Person Number Gender Subject Object Reflexive Possessive Absolute
First Singular m/f I me myself my mine
First Plural m/f we us ourselves our ours
Second Singular m/f thou thee thyself thy thine
Second Plural m/f ye you yourselves your yours
Third Singular m he him himself his his
Third Singular f she her herself her hers
Third Singular n it it itself its its
Third Plural m/f/n they them themselves their theirs

Over the years, English became extremely deferential to the second person, never to assume such familiarity as to refer to the second person in the singular, and never as the speaker's "subject" — thus the personal pronouns "thou," "thee," and "ye" have been virtually eliminated in favor of "you." The conjugation of the verb for the subject "thou" also disappeared: "thou speakest," etc., and the third person singular conjugation changed from "-th" to "-s."

Other minor changes have also occurred such as the negation of the present subjunctive, where the word "not" has moved to a position before the verb, of which the emphatic form with the auxiliary "do" is no longer allowed in this mood. "I would prefer that they not disturb me."




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