Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:JPxG/current-switcher. |
// This is a very simple script. Basically, what it does is add buttons to "contributions" pages, like Special:Contributions/JPxG or Special:MyContributions, which allow you to toggle displaying current contributions.
// It's useful if you participate in a lot of discussions, and you want to see which of them have been responded to (i.e. which of your comments are no longer the current revision).
// - JPxG, 2021 08 24
$( function() {
if( (window.location.href.indexOf( "Special:Contributions/" ) >= 0 ) || (window.location.href.indexOf( "Special%3AContributions" ) >= 0 )) {
crct = document.querySelectorAll('.mw-contributions-current').length; // This doesn't work anymore as of 2024-10-25
// Count the number of "current"s
rbct = document.querySelectorAll('.mw-tag-mw-rollback').length;
// Count the number of "rollback"s
hgct = document.querySelectorAll('.mw-tag-huggle').length;
// Count the number of "huggle"s
twct = document.querySelectorAll('.mw-tag-twinkle').length;
// Count the number of "twinkle"s
rwct = document.querySelectorAll('.mw-tag-redwarn').length;
// Count the number of "redwarn"s
dpct = 0;
allcount = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
// We are going to count all the dupes now.
for(var asdf in allcount){
var title = allcount[asdf].getElementsByClassName('mw-contributions-title')[0].innerHTML;
if (titles.includes(title)) {
dpct = dpct + 1;
} catch(e) {console.log(e)}
var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
var styleSheet = styleElement.sheet;
var cssRulez = `
.butty {
font-family: monospace;
color: #EEE8D5;
background-color: #073642;
font-size: 75%;
padding: 1px;
border: 3px;
width: 6em;
styleSheet.insertRule(cssRulez, 0);
$('.mw-pager-navigation-bar').append(' Toggle: <button type="button" id="currentrevs" class="butty crbutton">current<br />'+crct+'</button>');
$('.mw-pager-navigation-bar').append(' <button type="button" id="rollback" class="butty rbbutton">rollback<br />'+rbct+'</button>');
$('.mw-pager-navigation-bar').append(' <button type="button" id="huggle" class="butty hgbutton">huggle<br />'+hgct+'</button>');
$('.mw-pager-navigation-bar').append(' <button type="button" id="twinkle" class="butty twbutton">twinkle<br />'+twct+'</button>');
$('.mw-pager-navigation-bar').append(' <button type="button" id="redwarn" class="butty rwbutton">redwarn<br />'+rwct+'</button>');
$('.mw-pager-navigation-bar').append(' <button type="button" id="dupes" class="butty dpbutton">dupes<br />'+dpct+'</button>');
// document.getElementById("currentrevs").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 75%; padding: 1px; border: 3px; width: 6em";
// document.getElementById("rollback").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 75%; padding: 1px; border: 3px; width: 6em";
// document.getElementById("huggle").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 75%; padding: 1px; border: 3px; width: 6em";
// document.getElementById("twinkle").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 75%; padding: 1px; border: 3px; width: 6em";
// document.getElementById("redwarn").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 75%; padding: 1px; border: 3px; width: 6em";
// document.getElementById("dupes").style = "font-family: monospace; font-size: 75%; padding: 1px; border: 3px; width: 6em";
// Add the buttons.
var currenthidden = 0;
var rollbackhidden = 0;
var hugglehidden = 0;
var twinklehidden = 0;
var redwarnhidden = 0;
var dupeshidden = 0;
// Set toggle variables.
// 2023-11-18: Try to add a class to each duplicated edit so that it can be more easily hidden/shown.
allcount = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
// We are going to count all the dupes now.
for(var asdf in allcount){
var title = allcount[asdf].getElementsByClassName('mw-contributions-title')[0].innerHTML;
if (titles.includes(title)) {
} catch(e) {console.log(e)}
$('#currentrevs').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the 'current' button is clicked"
if(currenthidden == 0){
$( '.mw-contributions-current' ).hide()
// Hide the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('crbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "<strike>current<br />"+crct+"</strike>"
// Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(currenthidden == 1){
$( '.mw-contributions-current' ).show();
// Show the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('crbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "current<br />"+crct+""
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
currenthidden = (1 - currenthidden);
// Either way, invert the toggle.
}); // End listener for current
$('#rollback').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the 'rollback' button is clicked"
if(rollbackhidden == 0){
$( '.mw-tag-mw-rollback' ).hide();
// Hide the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('rbbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "<strike>rollback<br /> "+rbct+"</strike>"
// Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(rollbackhidden == 1){
$( '.mw-tag-mw-rollback' ).show();
// Show the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('rbbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "rollback<br /> "+rbct+""
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
rollbackhidden = (1 - rollbackhidden);
// Either way, invert the toggle.
}); // End listener for rollback
$('#huggle').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the 'huggle' button is clicked"
if(hugglehidden == 0){
$( '.mw-tag-huggle' ).hide();
// Hide the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('hgbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "<strike>huggle<br />"+hgct+"</strike>"
// Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(hugglehidden == 1){
$( '.mw-tag-huggle' ).show();
// Show the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('hgbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "huggle<br />"+hgct+""
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
hugglehidden = (1 - hugglehidden);
// Either way, invert the toggle.
}); // End listener for huggle
$('#twinkle').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the 'twinkle' button is clicked"
if(twinklehidden == 0){
$( '.mw-tag-twinkle' ).hide();
// Hide the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('twbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "<strike>twinkle<br />"+twct+"</strike>"
// Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(twinklehidden == 1){
$( '.mw-tag-twinkle' ).show();
// Show the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('twbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "twinkle<br />"+twct+""
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
twinklehidden = (1 - twinklehidden);
// Either way, invert the toggle.
}); // End listener for twinkle
$('#redwarn').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the 'redwarn' button is clicked"
if(redwarnhidden == 0){
$( '.mw-tag-redwarn' ).hide();
// Hide the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('rwbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "<strike>redwarn<br />"+rwct+"</strike>"
// Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(redwarnhidden == 1){
$( '.mw-tag-redwarn' ).show();
// Show the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('rwbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "redwarn<br />"+rwct+""
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
redwarnhidden = (1 - redwarnhidden);
// Either way, invert the toggle.
}); // End listener for redwarn
$('#dupes').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the 'dupes' button is clicked"
if(dupeshidden == 0){
$( '.duplicatedContrib' ).hide();
// Hide the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('dpbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "<strike>dupes<br />"+dpct+"</strike>"
// Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(dupeshidden == 1){
$( '.duplicatedContrib' ).show();
// Show the diffs.
x = document.getElementsByClassName('dpbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "dupes<br />"+dpct+""
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
dupeshidden = (1 - dupeshidden);
// Either way, invert the toggle.
}); // End listener for dupes
} );