User:Hans Adler/editor.js
Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Hans Adler/editor. |
// Shamelessly stolen from
/* @deprecated: Use $.cookie instead */
function setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue) {
var today = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
var nDays = 30;
expire.setTime( today.getTime() + (3600000 * 24 * nDays) );
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + escape(cookieValue)
+ ";path=/"
+ ";expires="+expire.toGMTString();
// We need to delete the more specific paths for the next while. Safe to remove this by July 2011, if not before.
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + ";path=/w" +
";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + ";path=/wiki" +
";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
function getCookie(cookieName) {
var start = document.cookie.indexOf( cookieName + "=" );
if ( start == -1 ) return "";
var len = start + cookieName.length + 1;
if ( ( !start ) &&
( cookieName != document.cookie.substring( 0, cookieName.length ) ) )
return "";
var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ";", len );
if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length;
return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) );
function deleteCookie(cookieName) {
if ( getCookie(cookieName) ) {
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + ";path=/" +
";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
//JsMwApi documentation is at
function JsMwApi (api_url, request_type) {
if (!api_url)
if (typeof(true) === 'undefined' || true == false)
throw "Local API is not usable.";
api_url = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/api.php";
if (!request_type)
if (api_url.indexOf('http://') == 0 || api_url.indexOf('https://') == 0)
request_type = "remote";
request_type = "local";
function call_api (query, callback)
if(!query || !callback)
throw "Insufficient parameters for API call";
query = serialise_query(query);
if(request_type == "remote")
request_remote(api_url, query, callback, call_api.on_error || default_on_error);
request_local(api_url, query, callback, call_api.on_error || default_on_error);
var default_on_error = JsMwApi.prototype.on_error || function (xhr, callback, res)
if (typeof(console) != 'undefined')
console.log([xhr, res]);
function get_xhr ()
return new XMLHttpRequest();
}catch(e){ try {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
}catch(e){ try {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
throw "Could not create an XmlHttpRequest";
function request_local (url, query, callback, on_error)
var xhr = get_xhr();'POST', url + '?format=json', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xhr.readyState == 4)
var res;
if (xhr.status != 200)
res = {error: {
code: '_badresponse',
info: xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText
res = JSON.parse("("+xhr.responseText+")");
res = {error: {
code: '_badresult',
info: "The server returned an incorrectly formatted response"
if (!res || res.error || res.warnings)
on_error(xhr, callback, res);
function request_remote (url, query, callback, on_error)
if(! window.__JsMwApi__counter)
window.__JsMwApi__counter = 0;
var cbname = '__JsMwApi__callback' + window.__JsMwApi__counter++;
window[cbname] = function (res)
if (res.error || res.warnings)
on_error(null, callback, res);
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('src', url + '?format=json&callback=window.' + cbname + '&' + query);
function serialise_query (obj)
var amp = "";
var out = "";
if (String(obj) === obj)
out = obj;
else if (obj instanceof Array)
for (var i=0; i < obj.length; i++)
out += amp + serialise_query(obj[i]);
amp = (out == '' || out.charAt(out.length-1) == '&') ? '' : '&';
else if (obj instanceof Object)
for (var k in obj)
if (obj[k] === true)
out += amp + encodeURIComponent(k) + '=1';
else if (obj[k] === false)
else if (obj[k] instanceof Array)
out += amp + encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[k].join('|'));
else if (obj[k] instanceof Object)
throw "API parameters may not be objects";
out += amp + encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[k]);
amp = '&';
else if (typeof(obj) !== 'undefined' && obj !== null)
throw "An API query can only be a string or an object";
return out;
// Make JSON.parse work
var JSON = (typeof JSON == 'undefined' ? new Object() : JSON);
if (typeof JSON.parse != 'function')
JSON.parse = function (json) { return eval('(' + json + ')'); };
// Allow .prototype. extensions
if (JsMwApi.prototype)
for (var i in JsMwApi.prototype)
call_api[i] = JsMwApi.prototype[i];
return call_api;
} = function (title) {
function call_with_page (params, callback)
call_with_page.api([params, {title: title, titles: title}], callback);
call_with_page.api = this;
call_with_page.edit = function (params, edit_function)
if (typeof(params) == 'function')
edit_function = params;
params = null;
params = [params, {
action: "query",
prop: ["info", "revisions"],
intoken: "edit",
rvprop: ["content", "timestamp"]
call_with_page(params, function (res)
if (!res || !res.query || !res.query.pages)
return edit_function(null);
// Get the first (and only) page from res.query.pages
for (var pageid in res.query.pages) break;
var page = res.query.pages[pageid];
var text = page.revisions ? page.revisions[0]['*'] : '';
function save_function (ntext, params, post_save)
if (typeof(params) == 'function')
post_save = params;
params = null;
params = [params, {
action: "edit",
text: ntext,
token: page.edittoken,
starttimestamp: page.starttimestamp,
basetimestamp: (page.revisions ? page.revisions[0].timestamp : false)
call_with_page(params, post_save);
edit_function(text, save_function, res);
call_with_page.parse = function (to_parse, callback)
if (typeof to_parse == "function")
callback = to_parse;
to_parse = null;
var params = (to_parse == null ? {page: title} : {title: title, text: to_parse});
call_with_page.api([{action: "parse", pst: true}, params], function (res)
if (!res || !res.parse || !res.parse.text)
callback(null, res);
callback(res.parse.text['*'], res);
call_with_page.parseFragment = function (to_parse, callback)
call_with_page.parse("<div>\n" + to_parse + "</div>", function (parsed, res)
callback(parsed ? parsed.replace(/^<div>\n?/,'').replace(/(\s*\n)?<\/div>\n*(<!--[^>]*-->\s*)?$/,'') : parsed, res);
return call_with_page;
* Storage of "string" preferences.
function CookiePreferences (context)
//Repeated calls with the same context should get the same preferences object.
if (arguments.callee[context])
return arguments.callee[context];
arguments.callee[context] = this;
* Change the value of a preference and store into a cookie.
this.set = function (name, value)
if (value === null || storage[name] === value)
storage[name] = value;
* Get the value of a preference from the cookie or default
* If the preference isn't set, return the second argument or undefined.
this.get = function (name, def)
if (storage[name])
return storage[name];
else if (defaults[name])
return defaults[name];
return def;
* let the default for get(name) be value for this session
this.setDefault = function(name, value)
defaults[name] = value;
var storage = {};
var defaults = {};
// Save storage into the cookie.
function updateCookie ()
var value = "";
for (var name in storage)
value += '&' + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(storage[name]);
setCookie('preferences' + context, value)
// Load storage from the cookie.
// NOTE: If you wish to update the cookie format, both loading and storing
// must continue to work for 30 days.
function updateStorage ()
var value = getCookie('preferences' + context, value) || '';
var pairs = value.split('&');
for (var i=1; i < pairs.length; i++)
var val = pairs[i].split('=');
if (storage[val[0]] === val[1])
storage[val[0]] = val[1];
* A generic page editor for the current page.
* This is a singleton and it displays a small interface in the top left after
* the first edit has been registered.
* @public
* this.addEdit
* this.error
function Editor ()
if (arguments.callee.instance)
return arguments.callee.instance
arguments.callee.instance = this;
// @public - the JsMwApi object for the current page = JsMwApi().page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
// get the current text of the article and call the callback with it
// NOTE: This function also acts as a loose non-re-entrant lock to protect currentText.
this.withCurrentText = function(callback)
if (callbacks.length == 0)
callbacks = [callback];
for (var i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++)
return callbacks = [];
if (callbacks.length > 0)
return callbacks.push(callback);
callbacks = [callback]; (text, _save)
if (text === null)
return thiz.error("Could not connect to server");
currentText = originalText = text;
saveCallback = _save;
for (var i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++)
callbacks = [];
// A decorator for withCurrentText
function performSequentially(f)
return (function ()
var the_arguments = arguments;
thiz.withCurrentText(function ()
f.apply(thiz, the_arguments);
// add an edit to the editstack
function addEdit(edit, node, fromRedo)
withPresenceShowing(false, function ()
if (node)
nodestack.push(node); = "border: 2px #00FF00 dashed;"
if (! fromRedo)
redostack = [];
var ntext = false;
ntext = edit.edit(currentText);
if (ntext && ntext != currentText)
currentText = ntext;
return false;
catch (e)
this.error("ERROR:" + e);
this.addEdit = performSequentially(addEdit);
// display an error to the user
this.error = function (message)
if (!errorlog)
errorlog = newNode('ul',{style: "background-color: #FFDDDD; margin: 0px -10px -10px -10px; padding: 10px;"});
withPresenceShowing(true, function (presence)
errorlog.appendChild(newNode('li', message));
var thiz = this; // this is set incorrectly when private functions are used as callbacks.
var editstack = []; // A list of the edits that have been applied to get currentText
var redostack = []; // A list of the edits that have been recently undone.
var nodestack = []; // A lst of nodes to which we have added highlighting
var callbacks = {}; // A list of onload callbacks (initially .length == undefined)
var originalText = ""; // What was the contents of the page before we fiddled?
var currentText = ""; // What is the contents now?
var saveCallback; // The callback returned by the api's edit function to save.
var errorlog; // The ul for sticking errors in.
var savelog; // The ul for save messages.
//Move an edit from the editstack to the redostack
function undo ()
if (editstack.length == 0)
return false;
var edit = editstack.pop();
var text = originalText;
for (var i=0; i < editstack.length; i++)
var ntext = false;
ntext = editstack[i].edit(text);
catch (e)
thiz.error("ERROR:" + e);
if (ntext && ntext != text)
text = ntext;
editstack = editstack.splice(0, i);
currentText = text;
return true;
this.undo = performSequentially(undo);
//Move an edit from the redostack to the editstack
function redo ()
if (redostack.length == 0)
var edit = redostack.pop();
addEdit(edit, null, true);
this.redo = performSequentially(redo);
function withPresenceShowing(broken, callback)
if (arguments.callee.presence)
{ = "block";
return callback(arguments.callee.presence);
var presence = newNode('div',{'style':"position: fixed; top:0px; left: 0px; background-color: #00FF00; z-index: 10;padding: 30px;"})
//Fix fixed positioning for IE6/
@if (@_jscript_version <= 5.6) = "position: absolute; top: expression((dummy = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0)) + 'px'); background-color: #00FF00; z-index: 10000; padding: 30px;"
window.setTimeout(function () { = "#CCCCFF"; = "10px";
}, 400);
presence.appendChild(newNode('div',{'style':"position: relative; top:0px; left:0px; margin: -10px; color: #0000FF;cursor:pointer;", click:performSequentially(close)},"X"))
document.body.insertBefore(presence, document.body.firstChild);
var contents = newNode('p', {style: 'text-align: center'},
newNode('b', "Page Editing"), newNode('br'));
if (!broken)
contents.appendChild(newNode('button',"Save Changes", {'accesskey':'s','click': save}));
contents.appendChild(newNode('button',"Undo", {'click': thiz.undo}));
contents.appendChild(newNode('button', "Redo", {'click':thiz.redo}));
arguments.callee.presence = presence;
// Remove the button
function close ()
while (undo())
withPresenceShowing(true, function (presence)
{ = "none";
if (errorlog)
errorlog = false;
//Send the currentText back to the server to save.
function save ()
thiz.withCurrentText(function ()
if (editstack.length == 0)
var cleanup_callbacks = callbacks;
callbacks = [];
var sum = {};
for (var i=0; i<editstack.length; i++)
sum[editstack[i].summary] = true;
if (editstack[i].after_save)
var summary = "";
for (var name in sum)
summary += name + " ";
editstack = [];
redostack = [];
var saveLi = newNode('li', 'Saving:' + summary + "...");
withPresenceShowing(false, function (presence)
if (! savelog)
savelog = newNode('ul', {style: "background-color: #DDFFDD; margin: 0px -10px -10px -10px; padding: 10px;"});
if (originalText == currentText)
return thiz.error("No changes were made to the page.");
else if (!currentText)
return thiz.error("ERROR: page has become blank.");
originalText = currentText;
var nst = []
var node;
while (node = nodestack.pop())
saveCallback(currentText, {summary: summary + "([[WT:EDIT|Assisted]])"}, function (res)
if (res == null)
return thiz.error("An error occurred while saving.");
try {
saveLi.appendChild(newNode('span', newNode('b', " Saved "),
newNode('a', {'href': mw.config.get('wgScript') +
'?title=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) +
'&diff=' + encodeURIComponent(res.edit.newrevid) +
'&oldid=' + encodeURIComponent(res.edit.oldrevid)}, "(Show changes)")));
if (res.error)
thiz.error("Not saved: " + String(;
for (var i=0; i < nst.length; i++)
nst[i].style.cssText = "background-color: #0F0;border: 2px #0F0 solid;";
window.setTimeout(function () {
var node;
while (node = nst.pop()) = "";
}, 400);
// restore any callbacks that were waiting for currentText before we started
for (var i=0; i < cleanup_callbacks.length; i++)
var util = {
getVanillaIndexOf: function (str, text, pos)
if (!pos)
pos = 0;
var cpos = 0, tpos = 0, wpos = 0, spos = 0;
cpos = text.indexOf('<!--', pos);
tpos = text.indexOf('{'+'{', pos);
wpos = text.indexOf('<nowiki>', pos);
spos = text.indexOf(str, pos);
pos = Math.min(
cpos == -1 ? Infinity : cpos ,
tpos == -1 ? Infinity : tpos
wpos == -1 ? Infinity : wpos,
spos == -1 ? Infinity : spos
if (pos == spos)
return pos == Infinity ? -1 : pos;
else if (pos == cpos)
pos = text.indexOf('-->', pos) + 3;
else if (pos == wpos)
pos = text.indexOf('</nowiki>', pos) + 9;
else if (pos == tpos) //FIXME
pos = text.indexOf('}}', pos) + 2;
} while (pos < Infinity)
return -1;
validateNoWikisyntax: function(field, nonempty)
return function(txt, error)
return error("Please don't use wiki markup ([]{}#|) in the " + field +".");
if(nonempty && !txt)
return error("Please specify a " + field + ".");
return txt;
escapeRe: function(txt)
return txt.replace(/([\\{}(\|)[\].?*+])/g, "\\$1");
// pos is a position in the line containing the gloss
getWikitextGloss: function (txt, pos)
var g_start = txt.lastIndexOf('\n{'+'{trans-top', pos) + 1;
var g_end = txt.indexOf('\n', pos);
var g_line = txt.substr(g_start, g_end - g_start);
g_line = g_line.replace("{"+"{trans-top}}", "{"+"{trans-top|Translations}}");
return g_line.replace(/\{\{trans-top\|(.*)\}\}/, "$1");
// get [start_pos, end_pos] of position of wikitext for trans_table containing node in text
getTransTable: function (text, node, recursive)
var gloss = util.getTransGloss(node);
var pos = 0;
var transect = [];
while(pos > -1)
pos = util.getVanillaIndexOf('{'+'{trans-top', text, pos+1) // }}
if (pos > -1 && util.matchGloss(util.getWikitextGloss(text, pos), gloss))
if (transect.length > 1)
var poss = transect;
transect = [];
for (var i=0; i<poss.length; i++)
pos = poss[i];
if (util.matchGloss(gloss, util.getWikitextGloss(text, pos)))
if (transect.length > 1 && !recursive)
transect = util.tieBreakTransTable(text, transect, node);
if (transect.length == 1)
pos = transect[0];
pos = util.getVanillaIndexOf("\n", text, pos) + 1;
var endpos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trans-bottom}}', pos);
if (endpos > -1 && pos > 0)
return [pos, endpos];
return false;
// try to narrow down the correct poss if multiple matching trans tables
tieBreakTransTable: function (text, poss, node)
if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div')
while (node && !(node.className && node.className.indexOf('NavFrame') > -1))
node = node.parentNode;
var nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('table');
if (! nodes.length)
return poss;
node = nodes[0];
while (node && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table')
node = node.parentNode;
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
var before_count = 0;
var after_count = 0;
var is_found = false;
for (var i=0; i < tables.length; i++)
if (tables[i].className.indexOf('translations') >= 0)
var gloss = util.getTransGloss(tables[i]);
if (gloss == "Translations to be checked")
if (tables[i] == node)
is_found = true;
var pos = util.getTransTable(text, tables[i], true);
if (pos)
for (var j=0; j < poss.length; j++)
if (poss[j] == pos)
return util.tieBreakTransTable(poss.splice(j, 1), node);
var matched = 0;
for (var j=0; j < poss.length; j++)
if (util.matchGloss(util.getWikitextGloss(text, poss[j]), gloss) &&
util.matchGloss(gloss, util.getWikitextGloss(text, poss[j])))
if (matched == poss.length)
if (is_found)
if (before_count + 1 + after_count == poss.length)
return [poss[before_count]];
return poss;
matchGloss: function (line, gloss)
if (gloss.match(/^ *$/))
return !!(line.match(/\{\{trans-top\| *\}\}/) || line.match(/^ *$/));
var words = gloss.split(/\W+/);
var pos = 0;
for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++)
pos = line.indexOf(words[i], pos);
if (pos == -1)
return false;
return pos > -1;
getTransGlossText: function (node) {
var ret = '';
var children = node.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++)
if (children[i].nodeType == 3)
ret += children[i].nodeValue;
else if (children[i].nodeName.match(/^(i|b)$/i) || children[i].className.indexOf('wt-edit-recurse') > -1)
ret += util.getTransGlossText(children[i]);
else if (ret.match(/\w$/)) //Prevent new words from being created across node boundaries
ret += " ";
// all characters except a-zA-Z0-9 are changed to spaces
return ret.replace(/\W/g, ' ');
getTransGloss: function (ul)
var node = ul;
while (node && node.className.indexOf('NavFrame') == -1)
node = node.parentNode;
if (!node) return '';
var children = node.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i< children.length; i++)
if(children[i].className && children[i].className.indexOf('NavHead') > -1)
return util.getTransGlossText(children[i]);
return '';
isTrreq: function (li)
var spans = li.getElementsByTagName('span');
return (spans && spans.length > 0 && spans[0].className.indexOf("trreq") > -1)
* A small amount of common code that can be usefully applied to adder forms.
* An adder is assumed to be an object that has:
* .fields A object mapping field names to either validation functions used
* for text fields, or the word 'checkbox'
* .createForm A function () that returns a newNode('form') to be added to the
* document (by appending to insertNode)
* .onsubmit A function (values, register (wikitext, callback)) that accepts
* the validated set of values and processes them, the register
* function accepts wikitext and a continuation function to be
* called with the result of rendering it.
* Before onsubmit or any validation functions are called, but after running
* createForm, a new property .elements will be added to the adder which is a
* dictionary mapping field names to HTML input elements.
* @param {editor} The current editor.
* @param {adder} The relevant adder.
* @param {insertNode} Where to insert this in the document.
* @param {insertSibling} Where to insert this within insertNode.
function AdderWrapper (editor, adder, insertNode, insertSibling)
var form = adder.createForm()
var status = newNode('span');
if (insertSibling)
insertNode.insertBefore(form, insertSibling);
adder.elements = {};
//This is all because IE doesn't reliably allow form.elements['name']
for (var i=0; i< form.elements.length; i++)
adder.elements[form.elements[i].name] = form.elements[i];
form.onsubmit = function ()
var submit = true;
var values = {}
status.innerHTML = "";
for (var name in adder.fields)
if (adder.fields[name] == 'checkbox')
values[name] = adder.elements[name].checked ? name : false;
values[name] = adder.fields[name](adder.elements[name].value || '', function (msg)
status.appendChild(newNode('span',{style:'color: red'}, msg, newNode('br')));
return false
if (values[name] === false)
submit = false;
if (!submit)
return false;
var loading = newNode('span', 'Loading...');
adder.onsubmit(values, function (text, callback)
{, function (res)
if (!res)
return loading.appendChild(newNode('p', {style: 'color: red'}, "Could not connect to the server."));
status.innerHTML = "ERROR:" + e.description;
return false;
return false;
// An adder for translations on en.wikt
function TranslationAdders (editor)
function TranslationLabeller (insertDiv)
var original_span;
var adder_form;
var initial_value;
var edit_button;
var editing = false;
var adderInterface = {
'fields': {
'gloss': function (txt, error) { return util.validateNoWikisyntax('gloss', true)(txt, error) }
'createForm': function ()
var thisId = "a" + String(Math.random()).replace(".","");
return adder_form = newNode('form', {style:'display: inline', width: 'auto', click: kill_event},
newNode('label', {'for': thisId}, "Gloss: "),
newNode('input', {type: 'text', name:'gloss', value: initial_value, style: 'width: 50%', title: 'Insert a summary of the relevant definition', id: thisId}),
newNode('input', {type: 'submit', name: 'preview', value: 'Preview'}),
newNode('a', {href: '/wiki/Help:Glosses'}, 'Help?!')
'onsubmit': function (values, render)
render(values.gloss, function (new_html) {
if (editing)
var old_html = original_span.innerHTML;
'undo': function () { original_span.innerHTML = old_html; if(!editing) toggle_editing();},
'redo': function () { original_span.innerHTML = new_html; if(editing) toggle_editing();},
'edit': function (text) { return perform_edit(text, values.gloss) },
'summary': 'tgloss:"' + (values.gloss.length > 50 ? values.gloss.substr(0, 50) + '...' : values.gloss + '"')
}, original_span);
// The actual modification to the wikitext
function perform_edit(wikitext, gloss)
var pos = util.getTransTable(wikitext, insertDiv)[0] - 4;
var g_start = wikitext.lastIndexOf('\n{'+'{trans-top', pos) + 1;
var g_end = wikitext.indexOf('}}\n', pos) + 2;
if (g_start == 0 || wikitext.substr(g_start, g_end - g_start).indexOf("\n") > - 1)
editor.error("Could not find translation table.");
return wikitext;
return wikitext.substr(0, g_start) + '{'+'{trans-top|' + gloss + '}}' + wikitext.substr(g_end);
// Don't open and close box when interacting with form.
function kill_event(e)
if (e && e.stopPropagation)
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
// What to do when the +/- button is clicked.
function toggle_editing ()
if (editing)
{ = "none"; = "inline";
editing = false;
editing = true;
edit_button.innerHTML = "Loading...";
editor.withCurrentText(function (currentText)
var pos = util.getTransTable(currentText, insertDiv);
edit_button.innerHTML = '±';
if (!pos)
return editor.error("Could not find translation table");
var gloss_line = currentText.substr(currentText.lastIndexOf('\n', pos[0] - 2) + 1);
gloss_line = gloss_line.substr(0, gloss_line.indexOf('\n'));
initial_value = gloss_line.replace(/^\{\{trans-top(\|(.*)|)\}\}\s*$/,"$2");
if (initial_value.indexOf("\n") > 0)
return editor.error("Internal error: guess spanning multiple lines");
if (!original_span)
original_span = newNode('span', {'class':'wt-edit-recurse'});
for (var i=0; i<insertDiv.childNodes.length; i++)
var child = insertDiv.childNodes[i];
if (child != edit_button && (!child.className || child.className != 'NavToggle'))
new AdderWrapper(editor, adderInterface, insertDiv, original_span);
} = "none"; = "inline";
edit_button = newNode('a', '±', {href: '#', click: function (e)
if (e && e.preventDefault)
return false;
}, title:"Edit table heading", style:"padding:2px; margin-left: -5px;"});
insertDiv.insertBefore(edit_button, insertDiv.firstChild.nextSibling);
function TranslationAdder (insertUl)
// Hippietrail
var langmetadata = new LangMetadata ();
this.fields = {
lang: function (txt, error)
if (txt == 'en') return error("Please choose a foreign language. (fr, es, aaa)")
if (/^[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z\-]{1,7})?$/.test(txt)) return txt;
return error("Please use a language code. (fr, es, aaa)")
word: function (txt, error)
if (txt == '{'+'{trreq}}')
return txt;
if (txt.indexOf(',') == -1 || forceComma)
forceComma = false;
if (langmetadata.expectedCase(thiz.elements.lang.value, mw.config.get('wgTitle'), txt) || forceCase)
forceCase = false;
return util.validateNoWikisyntax('translation', true)(txt, error);
if (prefs.get('case-knowledge', 'none') == 'none')
return error(newNode('span',
"Translations normally don't have capital letters. If you're certain it does, you can ",
newNode('span', {style: "color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;", click: function ()
forceCase = true;
prefs.set('case-knowledge', 'guru');
}}, "continue by clicking here.")));
var msg = newNode('span',
newNode('span', {style: "color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;", click: function ()
prefs.set('case-knowledge', 'none')
try{ msg.parentNode.removeChild(msg); } catch(e) {}
}}, "Please click undo"), " unless you are certain that this translation has a capital letter.");
return txt;
if (prefs.get('comma-knowledge', 'none') == 'none')
return error(newNode('span',
"You can only add one translation at a time. If this is one translation that contains a comma, you can ",
newNode('span', {style: "color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;", click: function ()
forceComma = true;
prefs.set('comma-knowledge', 'guru')
}}, "add it by clicking here.")))
var msg = newNode('span',
newNode('span', {style: "color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;", click: function ()
prefs.set('comma-knowledge', 'none')
try{ msg.parentNode.removeChild(msg); } catch(e) {}
}}, "Please click undo"), " if you were trying to create a list of translations in one go, this is currently not supported.");
return txt;
qual: util.validateNoWikisyntax('qualifier'),
tr: util.validateNoWikisyntax('transcription'),
alt: util.validateNoWikisyntax('page name'),
sc: function (txt, error)
if (txt && !/^((?:[a-z][a-z][a-z]?-)?[A-Z][a-z][a-z][a-z]|polytonic|unicode)$/.test(txt))
return error(newNode('span', "Please use a ", newNode('a',{href: '/wiki/Category:Script templates'},"script template"), "(e.g. fa-Arab, Deva, polytonic)"))
if (!txt)
txt = prefs.get('script-' + thiz.elements.lang.value, langmetadata.guessScript(thiz.elements.lang.value) || '');
if (txt == 'Latn')
txt = '';
return txt;
nested: util.validateNoWikisyntax('nested'),
m: 'checkbox', f: 'checkbox', n: 'checkbox', c: 'checkbox', p: 'checkbox'
this.createForm = function ()
var controls = {
lang: newNode('input', {size:4, type:'text', name:'lang', value:prefs.get('curlang',''), title:'The two or three letter ISO 639 language code'}),
transliteration: newNode('span', newNode('a', {href: '/wiki/Wiktionary:Transliteration'}, "Transliteration"), ": ",
newNode('input', {name: "tr", title: "The word transliterated into the Latin alphabet."}), " (e.g. ázbuka for азбука)"),
qualifier: newNode('p', "Qualifier: ", newNode('input', {name: 'qual', title: "A qualifier for the word"}), " (e.g. literally, formally, slang)"),
display: newNode('p',"Page name: ", newNode('input', {name: 'alt', title: "The word with all of the dictionary-only diacritics."}), " (e.g. amo for amō)"),
script: newNode('p', newNode('a', {href: '/wiki/Category:Script_templates'},"Script template"),": ",
newNode('input', {name: 'sc', size: 6, title: "The script template to render this word in."}), "(e.g. Cyrl for Cyrillic, Latn for Latin)", newNode('br')),
nested: newNode('p', "Nesting: ", newNode('input', {name: 'nested', title: "The nesting of this language"}), " (e.g. Norwegian/Nynorsk)"),
gender_m: newNode('span',newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'm'}), 'masc. '),
gender_f: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'f'}), 'fem. '),
gender_n: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'n'}), 'neuter '),
gender_c: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'c'}), 'common\u00A0gender '),
plural: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'p'}), 'plural ', newNode('br'))
controls.gender = newNode('p', controls.gender_m, controls.gender_f, controls.gender_n, controls.gender_c, controls.plural);
langInput = controls.lang;
var showButton = newNode('span',{'click': function ()
if (!advancedMode)
advancedMode = true;
showButton.innerHTML = " Less";
advancedMode = false;
showButton.innerHTML = " More";
}, true);
}, 'style':"color: #0000FF;cursor: pointer;"}, advancedMode ? " Less" : " More");
function autoTransliterate () {
if (thiz.elements.word.value == '{'+'{trreq}}')
thiz.elements.alt.value = ''
thiz.elements.alt.value = langmetadata.generateAltForm(thiz.elements.lang.value, thiz.elements.word.value) || '';
function updateScriptGuess (preserve) {
preserve = (preserve === true);
//show all arguments
function show ()
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
if (arguments[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'p')
arguments[i].style.display = "block";
arguments[i].style.display = "inline";
//hide all arguments
function hide ()
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++)
arguments[i].style.display = "none";
//if the first argument is false hide the remaining arguments, otherwise show them.
function toggle (condition)
if (condition) //eww...
show.apply(this, [], 1, arguments.length - 1));
hide.apply(this, [], 1, arguments.length - 1));
if (!preserve)
langInput.value = langmetadata.cleanLangCode(langInput.value);
var guess = prefs.get('script-' + langInput.value, langmetadata.guessScript(langInput.value || ''));
if (!preserve)
if (guess) = guess;
else = '';
thiz.elements.nested.value = langmetadata.getNested(langInput.value || '');
var lang = langInput.value;
if (!advancedMode)
var g = langmetadata.getGenders(lang);
if (!lang)
else if (g == undefined)
show(controls.gender,controls.gender_m, controls.gender_f, controls.gender_n, controls.gender_c);
toggle(g.indexOf('m') > -1, controls.gender);
toggle(g.indexOf('m') > -1, controls.gender_m);
toggle(g.indexOf('f') > -1, controls.gender_f);
toggle(g.indexOf('n') > -1, controls.gender_n);
toggle(g.indexOf('c') > -1, controls.gender_c);
var p = langmetadata.hasPlural(lang);
toggle(p !== false, controls.plural);
toggle(g || p, controls.gender);
toggle(guess && guess != 'Latn', controls.transliteration);
var alt = langmetadata.needsAlt(lang);
toggle(alt === true, controls.display);
hide(controls.qualifier, controls.nested); //only in more
hide(controls.script); //should be in less when array returned from .getScripts
show(controls.gender, controls.gender_m, controls.gender_f, controls.gender_n, controls.gender_c,
controls.plural, controls.transliteration, controls.qualifier, controls.display,
controls.script, controls.nested);
//In browsers other than IE this can be in the newNode function above
langInput.onchange = updateScriptGuess;
window.setTimeout(function () {}, 0);
inputForm = newNode('form',
newNode('p', newNode('a',{href:"/wiki/User_talk:Conrad.Irwin/editor.js#Usage"},"Add translation"),' ',
langInput, newNode('b',': '), newNode('input', {'name': 'word', size:20, change:autoTransliterate}),
newNode('input',{'type': 'submit', 'value':'Preview translation'}), showButton
return inputForm;
this.onsubmit = function (values, render)
// Use (no) for Bokmal per WT:ANO
var wikt_lang = values.lang;
if (wikt_lang == 'nb')
wikt_lang = 'no';
var wikitext;
if (values.word.indexOf('{'+'{trreq') == 0)
wikitext = '{'+'{trreq|' + '{'+'{subst:' + values.lang + '|l=}}}}'
wikitext = '{'+'{subst:' + values.lang + '}}: ' +
(values.qual? '{'+'{qualifier|' + values.qual + '}} ' : '') +
'{'+'{t' + (langmetadata.hasWiktionary(wikt_lang) ? '' : 'ø') +
'|' + (values.lang) + '|' + (values.alt ? values.alt : values.word) +
(values.m ? '|m' : '') +
(values.f ? '|f' : '') +
(values.n ? '|n' : '') +
(values.c ? '|c' : '') +
(values.p ? '|p' : '') +
( ? '|tr=' + : '') +
((values.alt && values.alt != values.word) ? '|alt=' + values.word : '') +
( ? '|sc=' + : '') + '}}';
render(wikitext, function (html) { registerEdits(values, wikitext, html)});
if (!this.balancer)
this.balancer = new TranslationBalancer(editor, insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
var thiz = this;
var prefs = new CookiePreferences('EditorJs');
var langInput;
var inputForm;
var advancedMode = prefs.get('more-display', 'none') != 'none';
var forceComma = false;
var forceCase = false;
//Reset elements to default values.
function resetElements ()
if (prefs.get('more-display', 'none') != advancedMode ? 'block' : 'none')
prefs.set('more-display', advancedMode ? 'block' : 'none'); //named for compatibility
thiz.elements.word.value = = thiz.elements.alt.value = thiz.elements.qual.value = '';
thiz.elements.m.checked = thiz.elements.f.checked = thiz.elements.n.checked = thiz.elements.c.checked = thiz.elements.p.checked = false;
prefs.set('curlang', thiz.elements.lang.value);
if (( || 'Latn') != (prefs.get('script-'+thiz.elements.lang.value, langmetadata.guessScript(thiz.elements.lang.value) || 'Latn')))
// This is onsubmit after the wikitext has been rendered to give content
function registerEdits (values, wikitext, content)
var li = newNode('li',{'class': 'trans-'+values.lang});
li.innerHTML = content;
var lang = getLangName(li);
var summary = 't+' + values.lang + ':[[' + (values.alt || values.word) + ']]';
var insertBefore = null;
var nextLanguage = null;
var nestedHeading, nestedLang;
var nestedLang;
if (values.nested.indexOf('/') > -1)
nestedLang = values.nested.replace(/.*\//, '');
nestedHeading = values.nested.replace(/\/.*/,'');
if (nestedHeading == '')
nestedHeading = lang;
content = content.replace(/.*: /, nestedLang + ": ");
wikitext = wikitext.replace("subst:", "").replace(/.*: /, nestedLang + ": ");
nestedHeading = values.nested;
nestedLang = lang;
var nestedWikitext = "\n* " + nestedHeading + ":\n*: " + wikitext;
function addEdit (edit, span)
'undo': function ()
if (thiz.elements.word.value == "" && == "" &&
thiz.elements.alt.value == "" &&
thiz.elements.qual.value == "")
var fields = ["lang","word","alt","qual","tr","sc"];
var cb = "mnfcp".split("");
for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++)
thiz.elements[fields[i]].value = values[fields[i]];
for (var i=0; i < cb.length; i++)
thiz.elements[fields[i]].checked = values[fields[i]];
'redo': function ()
var fields = ["lang","word","alt","qual","tr","sc"];
for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++)
if (thiz.elements[fields[i]].value != values[fields[i]])
'edit': edit.edit,
'summary': summary
}, span);
if (lang)
//Get all li's in this table row.
var lis = [];
var ls = insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var j=0; j < ls.length; j++)
ls = insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('dd');
for (var j=0; j < ls.length; j++)
for (var j=0; j < lis.length; j++)
if (lis[j].getElementsByTagName('form').length > 0)
var ln = getLangName(lis[j]);
if (ln == lang)
if (values.word == '{'+'{trreq}}') {
'redo': function () {},
'undo': function () {},
'edit': function () {
return editor.error("Can not add a translation request for a language with translations");
return resetElements();
var span = newNode('span');
var parent = lis[j];
if (util.isTrreq(parent))
span.innerHTML = content;
var trspan = parent.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
'redo': function () { parent.removeChild(trspan); parent.innerHTML = ""; parent.appendChild(span); },
'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span); parent.appendChild(trspan); },
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, values.lang, true, function (text, ipos)
//Converting a Translation request into a translation
var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
return text.substr(0, ipos) + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
}, span);
return resetElements();
if (parent.getElementsByTagName('ul').length + parent.getElementsByTagName('dl').length == 0)
span.innerHTML = ", " + content.substr(content.indexOf(':') + 1);
'redo': function () { parent.appendChild(span) },
'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span) },
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, values.lang, false, function (text, ipos)
//We are adding the wikitext to a list of translations that already exists.
var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
var wt = wikitext.replace('subst:','');
wt = wt.substr(wt.indexOf(':') + 1);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + "," + wt + text.substr(lineend);
}, span);
return resetElements();
var node = parent.firstChild;
var hastrans = false;
while (node)
if (node.nodeType == 1)
var nn = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if (nn == 'UL' || nn == 'DL')
// If we want to use the dialectical nesting for orthographical nesting
// then we need to skip this (otherwise perfect) match.
if (!hastrans && nestedHeading == ln)
node = node.nextSibling;
span.innerHTML = (hastrans ? ", ": " ") + content.substr(content.indexOf(':') + 1);
'redo': function () { parent.insertBefore(span, node) },
'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span) },
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, values.lang, false, function (text, ipos)
//Adding the translation to a language that has nested translations under it
var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
var wt = wikitext.replace('subst:','');
wt = wt.substr(wt.indexOf(':') + 1);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + (hastrans ? "," : "") + wt + text.substr(lineend);
}, span);
return resetElements();
hastrans = true;
node = node.nextSibling;
else if (ln && ln > lang && (!nextLanguage || ln < nextLanguage) && lis[j].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
nextLanguage = ln;
var parent = lis[j];
insertBefore = [
'redo': function () {parent.parentNode.insertBefore(li, parent);},
'undo': function () {parent.parentNode.removeChild(li)},
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent), function (text, ipos)
//Adding a new language's translation before another language's translation
var lineend = text.lastIndexOf('\n', ipos);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + "\n* " + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
if (values.nested)
nextLanguage = null;
insertBefore = null;
li.innerHTML = nestedHeading + ":" + "<dl><dd class=\"trans-" + values.lang + "\">" + content + "</dd></dl>";
var lis = insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var j = 0; j < lis.length; j++)
//Ignore the editor form
if (lis[j].getElementsByTagName('form').length > 0)
//Don't look at nested translations
if (lis[j].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td')
var ln = getLangName(lis[j]);
if (ln == nestedHeading)
var sublis = lis[j].getElementsByTagName('li');
if (! sublis.length)
sublis = lis[j].getElementsByTagName('dd');
if (sublis.length == 0)
var parent = lis[j];
var dd = newNode('dd', {'class': 'trans-'+values.lang});
var dl = newNode('dl', dd);
dd.innerHTML = content;
'redo': function () {parent.appendChild(dl);},
'undo': function () {parent.removeChild(dl);},
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, nestedHeading, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent), function (text, ipos)
//Adding a new dl to an existing translation line
var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + "\n*: " + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
}, dd);
return resetElements();
var dd = newNode(sublis[0].nodeName, {'class': 'trans-'+values.lang});
var linestart = dd.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'dd' ? '\n*: ' : '\n** ';
dd.innerHTML = content;
for (var k = 0; k < sublis.length; k++)
var subln = getLangName(sublis[k]);
var parent = sublis[k];
if (subln == nestedLang) {
var span = newNode('span');
span.innerHTML = ", " + content.substr(content.indexOf(':') + 1);
'redo': function () { parent.appendChild(span) },
'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span) },
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, nestedLang, values.lang, false, function (text, ipos)
// Adding the wikitext to a list of translations that already exists.
var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
var wt = wikitext.replace('subst:','');
wt = wt.substr(wt.indexOf(':') + 1);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + "," + wt + text.substr(lineend);
}, span);
return resetElements();
} else if (langmetadata.nestsBefore(nestedLang, subln)) {
'redo': function () { parent.parentNode.insertBefore(dd, parent); },
'undo': function () { parent.parentNode.removeChild(dd); },
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, subln, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent),
function (text, ipos)
// Adding a nested translation in-order
var lineend = text.lastIndexOf('\n', ipos);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + linestart + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
}, dd);
return resetElements();
'redo': function () { parent.parentNode.appendChild(dd); },
'undo': function () { parent.parentNode.removeChild(dd); },
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, subln, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent),
function (text, ipos)
// Adding a nested translation at the end of its group
var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + linestart + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
}, dd);
return resetElements();
else if (ln && ln > nestedHeading && (!nextLanguage || ln < nextLanguage))
nextLanguage = ln;
var parent = lis[j];
insertBefore = [
'redo': function () {parent.parentNode.insertBefore(li, parent);},
'undo': function () {parent.parentNode.removeChild(li)},
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent), function (text, ipos)
//Adding a new nested translation section.
var lineend = text.lastIndexOf('\n', ipos);
return text.substr(0, lineend) + nestedWikitext + text.substr(lineend);
wikitext = nestedHeading + ":\n*: " + wikitext;
li.className = "trans-" + values.lang;
if (insertBefore)
addEdit(insertBefore[0], insertBefore[1]);
//Append the translations to the end (no better way found)
'redo': function () {insertUl.appendChild(li);},
'undo': function () {insertUl.removeChild(li)},
'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext)
}, li);
return resetElements();
//Get the wikitext modification for the current form submission.
function getEditFunction (values, wikitext, findLanguage, findLangCode, trreq, callback)
return function(text)
var p = util.getTransTable(text, insertUl);
if (!p)
return editor.error("Could not find translation table for '" + values.lang + ":" + values.word + "'. Glosses should be unique");
var stapos = p[0];
var endpos = p[1];
if (findLanguage)
var ipos = 0;
if (trreq)
ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trreq|'+findLanguage+'}}', stapos);
if (ipos < 0 || ipos > endpos)
ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trreq|'+findLangCode+'}}', stapos);
if (ipos < 0 || ipos > endpos)
ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trreq|{'+'{subst:'+findLangCode+'|l=}}}}', stapos);
// If we have a nested trreq, then we still need to look for the non-trreq form of the heading language
if (!trreq || ipos < 0 || ipos > endpos )
ipos = text.substr(stapos).search(RegExp("\\*[:*]? ?\\[\\[" + util.escapeRe(findLanguage) + "\\]\\]:")) + stapos;
if (ipos < stapos || ipos > endpos)
ipos = text.substr(stapos).search(RegExp('\\*[:*]? ?' + util.escapeRe(findLanguage) + ':')) + stapos;
if (ipos < stapos || ipos > endpos)
ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{subst:'+findLangCode+'}}:', stapos);
if (ipos >= stapos && ipos < endpos)
return callback(text, ipos, trreq);
return editor.error("Could not find translation entry for '" + values.lang + ":" +values.word + "'. Please reformat");
return text.substr(0, endpos) + "* " + wikitext + "\n" + text.substr(endpos);
// For an <li> in well-formed translation sections, return the language name.
function getLangName(li)
var guess = li.textContent || li.innerText;
if (guess)
guess = guess.substr(0, guess.indexOf(':'));
if (guess == 'Template') {
return false;
return guess.replace(/^[\s\n]*/,'');
// Try to get the language code from an <li> containing { {t t+ or t- // }}
function getLangCode(li)
if (li.className.indexOf('trans-') == 0)
return li.className.substr(6);
var spans = li.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (var i=0; i < spans.length; i++)
if (spans[i].lang) {
return spans[i].lang;
return false;
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var i=0; i<tables.length; i++)
if (tables[i].className.indexOf('translations') > -1 && util.getTransGloss(tables[i]) != 'Translations to be checked')
var _lists = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
var lists = [];
for (var j=0; j<_lists.length; j++)
if (_lists[j].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'td')
if (lists.length == 0)
lists = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
if (lists.length == 1)
var table = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[2]
if (table)
lists = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
if (lists)
var li = newNode('li');
var ul = lists[lists.length - 1];
var table = tables[i];
if (table.getElementsByTagName('tbody').length > 0)
table = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
table.appendChild(newNode('tr', newNode('td'), newNode('td'), newNode('td', {'style':'text-align: left'},newNode('ul', li))));
new AdderWrapper(editor, new TranslationAdder(ul), li);
if ((new CookiePreferences('EditorJs')).get('labeller') == 'true')
var div = tables[i].parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
if (div.className.indexOf('NavHead') > -1)
new TranslationLabeller(div)
function TranslationBalancer (editor, insertTable)
var status;
//create the form
function init ()
var cns = insertTable.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0].childNodes;
var tds = [];
//Find all three table cells in the translation table.
for (var i=0; i<cns.length; i++)
if (cns[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'TD')
//Ensure that there is a <ul> on the left side of the balancer.
var left = tds[0].getElementsByTagName('ul');
if (left.length > 0)
left = left[0];
left = newNode('ul');
//Ensure that there is a <ul> on the right side of the balancer.
var right = tds[2].getElementsByTagName('ul');
if (right.length > 0)
right = right[0];
right = newNode('ul');
var moveLeft = newNode('input',{'type':'submit','name':'ml', 'value':'←', 'click': function(){return prepareEdits('←', left, right)}});
var moveRight = newNode('input',{'type':'submit','name':'mr', 'value':'→', 'click': function(){return prepareEdits('→', left, right)}});
status = newNode('span');
var form = newNode('form', moveLeft, newNode('br'), moveRight, newNode('br'), status);
form.onsubmit = function () { return false; } //Must be done after the appendChild for IE :(
function moveOneRight(left, right)
var li = left.lastChild;
while (li && li.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
li = li.previousSibling;
if (li)
right.insertBefore(left.removeChild(li), right.firstChild);
function moveOneLeft(left, right)
var li = right.firstChild;
while (li && li.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
li = li.nextSibling;
if (li)
//store the edit object with the editor
function prepareEdits(direction, left, right)
status.innerHTML = "Loading...";
'redo': function () { (direction == '→' ? moveOneRight : moveOneLeft)(left, right) },
'undo': function () { (direction == '→' ? moveOneLeft : moveOneRight)(left, right) },
'edit': function (text) {return editWikitext(right, direction, text);},
'summary': 't-balance'
//get the wikitext modification
function editWikitext(insertUl, direction, text)
status.innerHTML = "";
//Find the position of the translation table
var p = util.getTransTable(text, insertUl);
if (!p)
return editor.error("Could not find translation table, please improve glosses.");
var stapos = p[0];
var endpos = p[1];
//Find the start and end of the { {trans-mid}} in the table
var midpos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trans-mid}}', stapos);
var midstart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", midpos);
var midend = text.indexOf("\n", midpos);
if (midstart < stapos - 1 || midend > endpos)
return editor.error("Could not find {'+'{trans-mid}}, please correct page.");
if (direction == '→')
// Select the last list item of the left list (may be more than one line if nested translations are present)
var linestart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", midstart - 3);
while (/^[:*#;]$/.test(text.substr(linestart+2,1)))
linestart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", linestart - 1);
if (linestart < stapos - 1 || linestart >= endpos)
return editor.error("No translations to move");
return text.substr(0, linestart) //Everything before the item we are moving
+ text.substr(midstart, midend - midstart) //Then { {trans-mid}}
+ text.substr(linestart, midstart - linestart) //Then the item we are moving
+ text.substr(midend); //Then everything after { {trans-mid}}
else if (direction == '←')
// Select the first list item of the right list (may be more than one line if nested translations are present)
var lineend = text.indexOf("\n", midend + 3);
while (/^[:*#;]$/.test(text.substr(lineend+2,1)))
lineend = text.indexOf("\n", lineend + 1);
if (lineend < stapos - 1 || lineend >= endpos)
return editor.error("No translations to move");
return text.substr(0, midstart) //Everything before { {trans-mid}}
+ text.substr(midend, lineend - midend) //Then the item we are moving
+ text.substr(midstart, midend - midstart) //Then { {trans-mid}}
+ text.substr(lineend); //Then everything after the item we are moving
return text;
function LangMetadata ()
if (arguments.callee.instance)
return arguments.callee.instance
arguments.callee.instance = this;
// {{{ Metadata dictionaries
var metadata = {aa:{hw:1,sc:["Latn","Ethi"]},ab:{hw:1,sc:["Cyrl","Latn","Geor"]},aer:{sc:"Latn"},af:{g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},ak:{hw:1},akk:{g:"mf",p:1,sc:"Xsux"},als:{hw:1},am:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Ethi"},an:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},ang:{alt:1,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},ar:{alt:1,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Arab"},arc:{g:"mf",p:1,sc:"Hebr"},are:{sc:"Latn"},arz:{alt:1,g:"mf",p:1,sc:"Arab"},as:{hw:1,sc:"Beng"},ast:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},av:{hw:1,sc:"Cyrl"},axm:{alt:0,g:"",sc:"Armn"},ay:{hw:1},az:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:["Latn","Cyrl","Arab"]},ba:{sc:"Cyrl"},bar:{sc:"Latn"},"bat-smg":{g:"mf",p:1,sc:"Latn"},be:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:["Cyrl","Latn"]},"be-x-old":{sc:"Cyrl"},bg:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Cyrl"},bh:{hw:1,sc:"Deva"},bhb:{sc:"Deva"},bi:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},blt:{sc:"Tavt"},bm:{hw:1,sc:["Latn","Nkoo","Arab"]},bn:{g:"",hw:1,sc:"Beng"},bo:{hw:1,sc:"Tibt"},br:{g:"mf",hw:1,sc:"Latn"},bs:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},ca:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},cdo:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},ch:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},chr:{hw:1,sc:"Cher"},cjy:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},cmn:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},co:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},cpx:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},cr:{hw:1,sc:"Cans"},crh:{alt:0,g:"",sc:"Latn"},cs:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},csb:{hw:1},cu:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:["Cyrs","Glag"]},cv:{alt:0,g:"",sc:"Cyrl"},cy:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},czh:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},czo:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},da:{g:"cn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},dax:{sc:"Latn"},de:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},dhg:{sc:"Latn"},djb:{sc:"Latn"},dji:{sc:"Latn"},djr:{sc:"Latn"},dng:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Cyrl"},dsx:{sc:"Latn"},duj:{sc:"Latn"},dv:{hw:1,p:1,sc:"Thaa"},dz:{hw:1,sc:"Tibt"},el:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Grek"},en:{g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},eo:{g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},es:{alt:0,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},et:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},ett:{p:1,sc:"Ital"},eu:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},fa:{g:"",hw:1,sc:"Arab",wsc:"fa-Arab"},fi:{g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},fil:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Latn"},fj:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},fo:{g:"mfn",hw:1,sc:"Latn"},fr:{alt:0,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},frm:{alt:0,g:"mf",p:1,sc:"Latn"},fro:{alt:0,g:"mf",p:1,sc:"Latn"},fy:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},ga:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},gan:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},gd:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},gez:{sc:"Ethi"},gl:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},gmy:{sc:"Linb"},gn:{hw:1},gnn:{sc:"Latn"},got:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Goth"},grc:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Grek",wsc:"polytonic"},gu:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Gujr"},guf:{sc:"Latn"},gv:{hw:1},ha:{hw:1},hak:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},har:{sc:"Ethi"},he:{alt:1,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Hebr"},hi:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Deva"},hif:{sc:["Latn","Deva"]},hit:{sc:"Xsux"},hr:{alt:1,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},hsb:{hw:1},hsn:{g:"",p:0,sc:"hans"},hu:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},hy:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:"Armn"},ia:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:"Latn"},id:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},ie:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:"Latn"},ik:{hw:1},ike:{sc:"Cans"},ikt:{sc:"Cans"},io:{hw:1},is:{alt:0,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},it:{alt:0,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},iu:{hw:1,sc:"Cans"},ja:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:0,sc:"Jpan"},jay:{sc:"Latn"},jbo:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},jv:{hw:1},ka:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:"Geor"},khb:{sc:"Talu"},kjh:{sc:"Cyrl"},kk:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:"Cyrl"},kl:{hw:1},km:{hw:1,sc:"Khmr"},kn:{hw:1,sc:"Knda"},ko:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:0,sc:"Kore"},krc:{alt:0,g:"",p:1,sc:"Cyrl"},ks:{hw:1,sc:["Arab","Deva"],wsc:"ks-Arab"},ku:{hw:1,sc:"Arab",wsc:"ku-Arab"},kw:{hw:1},ky:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:"Cyrl"},la:{alt:1,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},lb:{hw:1},lez:{sc:"Cyrl"},li:{hw:1},ln:{hw:1},lo:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,p:0,sc:"Laoo"},lt:{alt:1,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},lv:{alt:0,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},mg:{hw:1},mh:{hw:1},mi:{alt:0,g:0,hw:1,sc:"Latn"},mk:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Cyrl"},ml:{g:"",hw:1,sc:"Mlym"},mn:{alt:0,g:"",hw:1,sc:["Cyrl","Mong"]},mnp:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},mo:{hw:1,sc:"Cyrl"},mol:{sc:"Cyrl"},mr:{g:"mfn",hw:1,sc:"Deva"},ms:{hw:1,sc:["Latn","Arab"]},mt:{g:"mf",hw:1,sc:"Latn"},mwp:{sc:"Latn"},my:{hw:1,sc:"Mymr"},na:{hw:1},nah:{hw:1},nan:{g:"",p:0,sc:"Hans"},nb:{alt:0,g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Latn"},nds:{hw:1},ne:{hw:1,sc:"Deva"},nl:{alt:0,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},nn:{alt:0,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},no:{alt:0,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},non:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Latn"},oc:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},om:{hw:1},or:{hw:1,sc:"Orya"},os:{alt:0,g:"",sc:"Cyrl"},osc:{sc:"Ital"},ota:{sc:"Arab",wsc:"ota-Arab"},pa:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:["Guru","Arab"]},peo:{sc:"Xpeo"},phn:{sc:"Phnx"},pi:{hw:1},pjt:{sc:"Latn"},pl:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},ps:{hw:1,sc:"Arab",wsc:"ps-Arab"},pt:{alt:0,g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},qu:{hw:1},rit:{sc:"Latn"},rm:{g:"mf",hw:1,sc:"Latn"},rn:{hw:1},ro:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:["Latn","Cyrl"]},"roa-rup":{hw:1},ru:{alt:1,g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Cyrl"},ruo:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Latn"},rup:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Latn"},ruq:{g:"mfn",p:1,sc:"Latn"},rw:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},sa:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Deva"},sah:{sc:"Cyrl"},sc:{hw:1},scn:{g:"mf",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},sco:{sc:"Latn"},sd:{hw:1,sc:"Arab",wsc:"sd-Arab"},sg:{hw:1},sh:{hw:1},si:{hw:1,sc:"Sinh"},simple:{hw:1,sc:"Latn"},sk:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},sl:{g:"mfn",hw:1,p:1,sc:"Latn"},sm:{hw:1},sn:{hw:1},so:{hw:1},spx:{sc:"Ital"},sq:{alt:0,g:"mf",hw:1,sc:"L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var clean = {aar:"aa",afar:"aa",abk:"ab",abkhazian:"ab",afr:"af",afrikaans:"af",aka:"ak",akan:"ak",amh:"am",amharic:"am",ara:"ar",arabic:"ar",arg:"an",aragonese:"an",asm:"as",assamese:"as",ava:"av",avaric:"av",ave:"ae",avestan:"ae",aym:"ay",aymara:"ay",aze:"az",azerbaijani:"az",bak:"ba",bashkir:"ba",bam:"bm",bambara:"bm",bel:"be",belarusian:"be",ben:"bn",bengali:"bn",bis:"bi",bislama:"bi",bod:"bo",tibetan:"bo",bos:"bs",bosnian:"bs",bre:"br",breton:"br",bul:"bg",bulgarian:"bg",cat:"ca",catalan:"ca",ces:"cs",czech:"cs",cha:"ch",chamorro:"ch",che:"ce",chechen:"ce",chu:"cu",churchslavic:"cu",chv:"cv",chuvash:"cv",cor:"kw",cornish:"kw",cos:"co",corsican:"co",cre:"cr",cree:"cr",cym:"cy",welsh:"cy",dan:"da",danish:"da",deu:"de",german:"de",div:"dv",dhivehi:"dv",dzo:"dz",dzongkha:"dz",ell:"el",greek:"el",eng:"en",english:"en",epo:"eo",esperanto:"eo",est:"et",estonian:"et",eus:"eu",basque:"eu",ewe:"ee",fao:"fo",faroese:"fo",fas:"fa",persian:"fa",fij:"fj",fijian:"fj",fin:"fi",finnish:"fi",fra:"fr",french:"fr",fry:"fy",westernfrisian:"fy",ful:"ff",fulah:"ff",gla:"gd",scottishgaelic:"gd",gle:"ga",irish:"ga",glg:"gl",galician:"gl",glv:"gv",manx:"gv",grn:"gn",guarani:"gn",guj:"gu",gujarati:"gu",hat:"ht",haitian:"ht",hau:"ha",hausa:"ha",heb:"he",hebrew:"he",her:"hz",herero:"hz",hin:"hi",hindi:"hi",hmo:"ho",hirimotu:"ho",hrv:"hr",croatian:"hr",hun:"hu",hungarian:"hu",hye:"hy",armenian:"hy",ibo:"ig",igbo:"ig",ido:"io",iii:"ii",sichuanyi:"ii",iku:"iu",inuktitut:"iu",ile:"ie",interlingue:"ie",ina:"ia",interlingua:"ia",ind:"id",indonesian:"id",ipk:"ik",inupiaq:"ik",isl:"is",icelandic:"is",ita:"it",italian:"it",jav:"jv",javanese:"jv",jpn:"ja",japanese:"ja",kal:"kl",kalaallisut:"kl",kan:"kn",kannada:"kn",kas:"ks",kashmiri:"ks",kat:"ka",georgian:"ka",kau:"kr",kanuri:"kr",kaz:"kk",kazakh:"kk",khm:"km",centralkhmer:"km",kik:"ki",kikuyu:"ki",kin:"rw",kinyarwanda:"rw",kir:"ky",kirghiz:"ky",kom:"kv",komi:"kv",kon:"kg",kongo:"kg",kor:"ko",korean:"ko",kua:"kj",kuanyama:"kj",kur:"ku",kurdish:"ku",lao:"lo",lat:"la",latin:"la",lav:"lv",latvian:"lv",lim:"li",limburgan:"li",lin:"ln",lingala:"ln",lit:"lt",lithuanian:"lt",ltz:"lb",luxembourgish:"lb",lub:"lu",lubakatanga:"lu",lug:"lg",ganda:"lg",mah:"mh",marshallese:"mh",mal:"ml",malayalam:"ml",mar:"mr",marathi:"mr",mkd:"mk",macedonian:"mk",mlg:"mg",malagasy:"mg",mlt:"mt",maltese:"mt",mon:"mn",mongolian:"mn",mri:"mi",maori:"mi",msa:"ms",malay:"ms",mya:"my",burmese:"my",nau:"na",nauru:"na",nav:"nv",navajo:"nv",nbl:"nr",southndebele:"nr",nde:"nd",northndebele:"nd",ndo:"ng",ndonga:"ng",nep:"ne",nepali:"ne",nld:"nl",dutch:"nl",nno:"nn",norwegiannynorsk:"nn",nob:"nb",norwegianbokmal:"nb",nor:"no",norwegian:"no",nya:"ny",nyanja:"ny",oci:"oc",occitan:"oc",oji:"oj",ojibwa:"oj",ori:"or",oriya:"or",orm:"om",oromo:"om",oss:"os",ossetian:"os",pan:"pa",panjabi:"pa",pli:"pi",pali:"pi",pol:"pl",polish:"pl",por:"pt",portuguese:"pt",pus:"ps",pushto:"ps",que:"qu",quechua:"qu",roh:"rm",romansh:"rm",ron:"ro",romanian:"ro",run:"rn",rundi:"rn",rus:"ru",russian:"ru",sag:"sg",sango:"sg",san:"sa",sanskrit:"sa",sin:"si",sinhala:"si",slk:"sk",slovak:"sk",slv:"sl",slovenian:"sl",sme:"se",northernsami:"se",smo:"sm",samoan:"sm",sna:"sn",shona:"sn",snd:"sd",sindhi:"sd",som:"so",somali:"so",sot:"st",southernsotho:"st",spa:"es",spanish:"es",sqi:"sq",albanian:"sq",srd:"sc",sardinian:"sc",srp:"sr",serbian:"sr",ssw:"ss",swati:"ss",sun:"su",sundanese:"su",swa:"sw",swahili:"sw",swe:"sv",swedish:"sv",tah:"ty",tahitian:"ty",tam:"ta",tamil:"ta",tat:"tt",tatar:"tt",tel:"te",telugu:"te",tgk:"tg",tajik:"tg",tgl:"tl",tagalog:"tl",tha:"th",thai:"th",tir:"ti",tigrinya:"ti",ton:"to",tonga:"to",tsn:"tn",tswana:"tn",tso:"ts",tsonga:"ts",tuk:"tk",turkmen:"tk",tur:"tr",turkish:"tr",twi:"tw",uig:"ug",uighur:"ug",ukr:"uk",ukrainian:"uk",urd:"ur",urdu:"ur",uzb:"uz",uzbek:"uz",ven:"ve",venda:"ve",vie:"vi",vietnamese:"vi",vol:"vo",volapuk:"vo",wln:"wa",walloon:"wa",wol:"wo",wolof:"wo",xho:"xh",xhosa:"xh",yid:"yi",yiddish:"yi",yor:"yo",yoruba:"yo",zha:"za",zhuang:"za",zho:"zh",chinese:"zh",zul:"zu",zulu:"zu"};
// }}}
// FIXME: merge into above
var c = 'Chinese';var a = 'Arabic';
var nesting = {
// ang:'English',enm:'English', don't nest English (Encyclopetey)
grc:'Greek/Ancient',gmy:'Greek/Mycenaean', //el:'Greek/Modern', don't nest modern greek (Atelaes)
var altForm = {
ang: {from:"ĀāǢǣĊċĒēĠġĪīŌōŪūȲȳ", to:"AaÆæCcEeGgIiOoUuYy", strip:"\u0304\u0307"}, //macron and above dot
ar: {strip:"\u064B\u064C\u064D\u064E\u064F\u0650\u0651\u0652"},
he: {strip:"\u05B0\u05B1\u05B2\u05B3\u05B4\u05B5\u05B6\u05B7\u05B8\u05B9\u05BA\u05BB\u05BC\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2"},
hr: {from:"ȀȁÀàȂȃÁáĀāȄȅÈèȆȇÉéĒēȈȉÌìȊȋÍíĪīȌȍÒòȎȏÓóŌōȐȑȒȓŔŕȔȕÙùȖȗÚúŪū",
la: {from:"ĀāĒēĪīŌōŪū", to:"AaEeIiOoUu",strip:"\u0304"}, //macron
lt: {from:"áãàéẽèìýỹñóõòúù", to:"aaaeeeiyynooouu", strip:"\u0340\u0301\u0303"},
sh: {from:"ȀȁÀàȂȃÁáĀāȄȅÈèȆȇÉéĒēȈȉÌìȊȋÍíĪīȌȍÒòȎȏÓóŌōȐȑȒȓŔŕȔȕÙùȖȗÚúŪū",
sr: {from:"ȀȁÀàȂȃÁáĀāȄȅÈèȆȇÉéĒēȈȉÌìȊȋÍíĪīȌȍÒòȎȏÓóŌōȐȑȒȓŔŕȔȕÙùȖȗÚúŪū",
tr: {from:"ÂâÛû", to:"AaUu",strip:"\u0302"},
sl: {from: "áÁàÀâÂȃȂȁȀéÉèÈêÊȇȆȅȄíÍìÌîÎȋȊȉȈóÓòÒôÔȏȎȍȌŕŔȓȒȑȐúÚùÙûÛȗȖȕȔệỆộỘẹẸọỌ",
to: "aAaAaAaAaAeEeEeEeEeEiIiIiIiIiIoOoOoOoOoOrRrRrRuUuUuUuUuUeEoOeEoO",
strip: "\u0301\u0300\u0302\u0311\u030f\u0323"}
//Returns true if the specified lang.wiktionary exists according to the meta list
this.hasWiktionary = function(lang)
if (metadata[lang])
return metadata[lang].hw;
//Given a language code return a default script code.
this.guessScript = function(lang)
if (metadata[lang]) {
// enwikt language template? (ur-Arab, polytonic)
if (metadata[lang].wsc) {
return metadata[lang].wsc;
// ISO script code? (Arab, Grek)
if (metadata[lang].sc) {
if (typeof metadata[lang].sc == 'object')
return metadata[lang].sc[0];
return metadata[lang].sc;
return false;
// In a given language, would we expect a translation of the title to have the capitalisation
// of word?
this.expectedCase = function (lang, title, word) {
if (lang == 'de' || lang == 'lb')
return true;
if (title.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() != title.substr(0, 1))
return true;
return word.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() == word.substr(0, 1)
//Returns a string of standard gender letters (mfnc) or an empty string
this.getGenders = function(lang)
if (metadata[lang])
return metadata[lang].g;
//Returns true if the specified lang has the concept of plural nouns
this.hasPlural = function(lang)
if (metadata[lang])
return metadata[lang].p;
//Returns true if the specified lang uses optional vowels or diacritics
this.needsAlt = function(lang)
if (metadata[lang])
return metadata[lang].alt && (!altForm[lang]);
// Generates a form of the page name without any diacritics (for Latin, etc.)
this.generateAltForm = function (lang, word)
if (altForm[lang])
var alt = altForm[lang];
var map = {};
if (alt.from &&
for (var i = 0; i < alt.from.length; i++)
map[alt.from.charAt(i)] =;
if (alt.strip)
for (var i = 0; i < alt.strip.length; i++)
map[alt.strip.charAt(i)] = "";
var input = word.split("");
var output = "";
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
var repl = map[input[i]];
output += (repl == null) ? input[i] : repl;
return output;
//Given user input, return a language code. Normalises ISO 639-1 codes and names to 639-3.
this.cleanLangCode = function(lang)
var key = lang.toLowerCase().replace(' ','');
if (clean[key])
return clean[key];
return lang;
// Get the nesting for a given sub-language
this.getNested = function (lang)
if (nesting[lang])
return nesting[lang];
return "";
function temporalSortKey(langname)
return langname.replace(/^(Ancient|Classical|Old|Middle|Early Modern|Modern) (.*)/, function(m, modifier, name)
return ({Ancient: 0, Old: 1, Middle: 2, "Early Modern": 3, Modern: 4})[modifier] + name;
// For enforcing an ordering on nested languages.
this.nestsBefore = function (a, b)
return temporalSortKey(a) < temporalSortKey(b);
this.getScripts = function(lang)
var script = metadata[lang]?metadata[lang].wsc || metadata[lang].sc:[];
return (typeof script === 'string' ? [script] : script) || [];
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