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if( mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ).indexOf( "Special:AbuseFilter/test" ) === 0 ) {
    function makeQueryHelper( api, params, limit ) {
        return $.post( window.location, params ).then( function ( html ) {
            var parser = new DOMParser();
            var doc = parser.parseFromString( html, "text/html" );
            var els = Array.prototype.slice.call( doc.querySelector( "ul.special" ).children );
            if( els.length < 100 || els.length >= limit ) {
                return els;
            } else {
                params.wpTestPeriodEnd = els[els.length - 1].dataset.mwTs;
                return makeQueryHelper( api, params, limit - 100 ).then( function ( data ) {
                    return els.concat( data );
                } );
        } );

    function makeQuery() {
        $( "#wpFilterForm" ).parents( "fieldset" ).after( $( "<div>", { "class": "mw-changeslist" } ).append( "Loading..." ) );
        mw.loader.load( [ 'mediawiki.interface.helpers.styles', 'mediawiki.special.changeslist' ] );
        var fieldNames = [
        var params = {};
        for( var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++ ) {
            var el = document.querySelector( "form#wpFilterForm input[name='" + fieldNames[i] + "']" );
            params[fieldNames[i]] = ( el.type === "checkbox" )
                ? ( el.checked ? "1" : "0" )
                : el.value;

        params.wpFilterRules = document.querySelector( "#wpFilterRules" ).value;
        params.wpTestAction = $( "#mw-input-wpTestAction select" ).find( "option:contains('" +
            $( "#mw-input-wpTestAction span[role='textbox']" ).text() + "')" ).attr( "value" );

        // We need to tell if we hit the end of the results, which means every query that doesn't hit the end needs to
        // return 100 results. We'll do the filtering later.
        params.wpShowNegative = "1";

        var showNegative = document.querySelector( "form#wpFilterForm input[name='wpShowNegative']" ).checked;

        var limit = document.querySelector( "#massTestLimit" ).value || 200;

        makeQueryHelper( new mw.Api(), params, limit ).then( function ( elements ) {
            var totalNum = elements.length;
            var hits = elements.filter( function ( el ) { 
                return el.className.indexOf( "mw-abusefilter-changeslist-match" ) >= 0;
            } );
            if( !showNegative ) {
                elements = hits;

            // Group by day
            if( elements.length === 0 ) {
                 $( "#wpFilterForm" ).parents( "fieldset" ).after( "<p>No hits in " + totalNum + " edits.</p>" );
                 $( "div.mw-changeslist" ).remove();
            var day = elements[0].dataset.mwTs.substring( 0, 8 ); // YYYYMMDD
            var groups = [];
            var currentGroup = [];
            for( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
                var currentDay = elements[i].dataset.mwTs.substring( 0, 8 );
                if( day !== currentDay ) {
                    groups.push( [ day, currentGroup ] );
                    currentGroup = [];
                    day = currentDay;
                currentGroup.push( elements[i] );
            groups.push( [ day, currentGroup ] );

            var monthNames = mw.config.get( "wgMonthNames" );
            var els = groups.map( function ( group ) {
                var dayName = group[0].substring( 6, 8 ) + " " + monthNames[ parseInt( group[0].substring( 4, 6 ) ) ] +
                    " " + group[0].substring( 0, 4 );
                return [
                    $( "<h4>" ).text( dayName ),
                    $( "<ul>", { "class": "special" } ).append( group[1] )
            } );
            els = Array.prototype.concat.apply( [], els );

            $( "div.mw-changeslist" ).remove();
            $( "#wpFilterForm" ).parents( "fieldset" ).after(
                $( "<div>", { "class": "mw-changeslist" } ).append( "<p>" + hits.length + " hit(s) (" + ( 100 * (
                    hits.length / totalNum ) ).toFixed( 2 ) + "%) out of " + totalNum + " edits</p>", els ) );
        } );
        return false;
    } // end makeQuery

    $( function () {
        $( "#wpFilterForm fieldset:first" ).append(
            "<br />Or ",
            $( "<button>", { "class": "oo-ui-inputWidget-input oo-ui-buttonElement-button" } )
                .css( { "padding": "0.5em" } )
                .text( "Test" )
                .click( makeQuery ),
            " with <input type='text' id='massTestLimit' /> edits" );
    } );