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User:MassiveEartha/to do list

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NB: The arrangement of this red list has no meaning other than to aid easy navigation - it was getting unwieldy

Kwesi Owusu

articles to create


Pan-Africanism and anti-colonialism


Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

AfroCine project


Kwesi Owusu - Ghanian filmmaker

Black Film Bulletin - periodical published in Britain

African Dawn (group) - performing group

New York African Film Festival

June Givanni Pan-African Cinema Archive

Transatlantic Slave Trade and the enslavement of Africans

Memorials and monuments to commemorate the victims of slavery
Global African reparations movement
Enslaved people and resistance
Enslaved women
Slave ownership
Slave "housing"/imprisonment
Slave Rebellions and Leaders
Records and publications about enslavement

South America


Pearls, pearl diving and swimming






1919/World War One

North America







Musgrave Medals
  • 2015 Musgrave Medalists
    • Gold
    • Silver
      • Dr Ralph Thompson
      • medical doctor Anthony Vendryes
      • jazz vocalist Dr Myrna Hague-Bradshaw
      • photographer Donnette Ingrid Zacca
      • choreographer Patricia 'Patsy' Ricketts
      • architect Errol Charles Alberga Jr.
    • Bronze - none
  • 2013 Musgrave Medalists [37]
    • Gold:
    • Silver:
      • Marlon James;
      • Earl “Chinna” Smith, Guitarist
      • Franklin Bernal, Author/painter
      • Professor Michael Taylor, climate change expert,
    • Bronze:
      • Dr. Pamela Mordecai
      • Dr. Trevor Yee.

Africa (is not a country)








articles to improve


art and cultural movements

Caribbean Artists
The Intuitives [54] Jamaican art movement

Music and musical instruments


Dance, movement and performance


Awareness days and holidays in the African diaspora

Holiday Date Region English translation Notes
Black History Month (US) February US
Black History Month (CA) February Canada
Mes de la herencia africana April Honduras
Mes de la afrodescendencia July Uruguay
Día de la afrovenezolanidad May, 10 Venezuela Afro-Venezuelan Day Q54670209
Mes de la Herencia Africana May Colombia
Día Nacional de la Afrocolombianidad / Día de la Afrocolombianidad May, 21 Colombia Afro-Colombian Day
Mes de la Etnia Negra de Panamá May Panama
Día de la Etnia Negra de Panamá May, 30 Panama
National Caribbean American Heritage Month June US
Mes de la Cultura Afroperuana June Peru
Día de la Cultura Afroperuana June, 4 Peru
Windrush Day June, 22 UK
Día Internacional de la mujer afrodescendiente July, 25
Día de la Persona Negra y la Cultura Afrocostarricense / Día Nacional del Afro Costarricense / Día del Negro August, 31 Costa Rica Afro-Costa Rican Day
Día Nacional del Pueblo Afroecuatoriano October, 1st Sunday Ecuador National Day of the Afro-Ecuadorian People
Black Achievement Month October Netherlands
Black History Month (UK) October UK
Día Nacional de los/as afroargentinos/as y de la cultura afro November, 8 Argentina The National Day of Afro-Argentines and Black Culture Law 26.852 ratified on 20 May 2013. Date of death of María Remedios del Valle[2]
Día Nacional Garífuna November, 19 Nicaragua
Garifuna Settlement Day November, 19 Belize
Dia da Consciência Negra / Zumbi Day November, 20 Brazil Black Awareness Day
Día Nacional del Pueblo Garífuna November, 26 Guatemala
Día del Candombe, la Cultura Afrouruguaya y la Equidad Racial December, 3 Uruguay Candombe Day, Afro-Uruguayan Culture and Racial Equity
Negro History Week (1926-) 2nd week in February USA
UN's International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2014)
Emancipation Day - US Virgin Islands [55] [56] [57]

- Keti Koti - Emancipation Day in Suriname and Dutch Antilles, add contemporary commemorations in Netherlands

Africa Day / African Liberation Day - African Liberation Day merge to Africa Day

- Africa Day add history of African Liberation Day celebrations

Political movements and activism



Caribbean linguists

Enslavement and liberation


Caribbean history


Religion and spirituality




Caribbean artists


articles to translate into English



  1. ^ Feather, Stuart (2016). Blowing the Lid: Gay Liberation, Sexual Revolution and Radical Queens. John Hunt Publishing. ISBN 9781785351440.
  2. ^ Hossein, Caroline Shenaz (2017). The Black Social Economy in the Americas: Exploring Diverse Community-Based Markets. Springer. ISBN 9781137600479.