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Babel user information
zh-Hant-N 繁體中文是這位使用者的母語
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
lzh-N 此君三歲能屬文,文言無異母語也。
ja-3 この利用者は上級日本語ができます。
cdo-1Cī ciáh ê̤ṳng-hô tĕ̤k-siā Bàng-uâ gì nèng-lĭk sê chŭ-ngék.
la-1 Hic usor simplici lingua Latina conferre potest.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language
FxThis user likes Anime
^_~This user loves hentai.
百合This user loves yuri.
This user plays osu!
This user is interested in Japanese history.
Þ þThis user's favorite letter in the English* alphabet is Þ.
Thou/YeThis user wants to resurrect the T–V distinction in English.
This user prefers to read sacred texts in their original language whenever possible.
This user is a citizen of Hong Kong.
This user is a citizen of Taiwan.



Hello! I am Ryan, a current high-school teacher for mathematics and biology, and a former middle-school teacher for chemistry. Being born in Hong Kong, where Chinese, Cantonese, and English are official languages, I have been interested in learning languages since adolescence, as being a polyglot is an ability that I enjoy utilizing. I have taken a year of lessons in German language and Spanish language, and have been teaching myself Japanese language for around a year. Due to my sino-lingual (Chinese linguistics) background, I find myself improving quite quickly. In addition, my grandfather was a resident of Ise, Japan, and I have been exposed to the Japanese language ever since I was young. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was 7 years old, but I remembered some fragments of the language and that has assisted me much in my journey in picking up the language again. Combining my interest in linguistics and my love for history, you'll find me constantly hunting for new words with interesting etymologies and evolutions.

As a poetry enthusiast, I occasionally write English poems, though I must say I am much more consident at writing in Chinese and Japanese. I love music as well. I am a 25-year piano student, and an amateur classical composer, as well as a lyricist for pop songs. You can find some of my works at my YouTube channel.

I am also greatly interested in anything mathematics/science-related. Since I was in third grade I have been constantly participating in local mathematical olympiads, but often these competitions are not the most impressive ones.

You might have noticed that I have quite a lot of interests, so I hold onto any opportunities to appropriately join into any conversations that I might be able to learn from. I love talking to people as I love receiving and giving out thoughts from and to everyone.