Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:Daask/MultiResolver/en.wikipedia. |
"use strict";
* NOTE: At the moment, this includes all of
* [[User:Daask/MultiResolver/MultiResolver.js]].
* In the future, that will probably be packaged separately as a module.
* Written in 2024 by
* Status: stable
* License:: GNU AGPLv3+
* Kinds of invocation
* page query parameters (MultiResolver-standalone.html)
* popup invoked by a form (MultiResolver-modal.html)
* popup invoked by links automatically generated
* TODO: Advertise on
* Future features
* 1) Add preprocessor so display format on Wikipedia can be
* different than the way the identifier is stored on Wikidata, eg. EIN
* 2) Display qualifiers.
* 3) Exit modal with escape button.
* 4) Exit modal with close button.
importStylesheet( 'User:Daask/MultiResolver/MultiResolver.css' );
importStylesheet( 'User:Daask/MultiResolver/MultiResolver-modal.css' );
if (typeof document.createEntityReference === 'undefined') {
Reflect.defineProperty(document, 'createEntityReference', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: function (entityRefName) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = `&${entityRefName};`;
return document.createTextNode(span.innerText);
if (typeof Element.prototype.clearChildren === 'undefined') {
Reflect.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'clearChildren', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: function () {
while (this.firstChild) { this.lastChild.remove(); }
const elementTableById = {};
const cachedPropertyLabels = {};
const cachedWikidataStatementValues = {};
// This creates the elements the first time, then reuses them.
function getOrCreateElement(id, parent = null, tag = 'div') {
if (elementTableById[id]) { return elementTableById[id]; }
let el = document.getElementById(id);
if (!el) {
el = document.createElement(tag); = id;
if (parent) { parent.appendChild(el); }
elementTableById[id] = el;
return el;
* This provides more precise error messages for
* +getLabelFromWikidataQueryJSON+
function detailedErrorsForGetLabelFromWikidataQueryJSON(json, item, err){
const jsonstr = JSON.stringify(json);
if (json.success !== 1) {
throw new Error(`Wikidata server indicates error code ${json.success} in their response to label request.`);
const entities = json.entities;
if (!entities){
throw new Error(`Wikidata query JSON output is not structured as expected. No entities found in JSON: ${jsonstr}`);
const propertyData = entities[item];
if (!propertyData){
//throw new Error(`No information found for property ${item} in Wikidata query JSON output: ${jsonstr}`);
throw new Error(`No information found for property ${item} in Wikidata query JSON output.`);
const labels = propertyData.labels;
if (!labels){
throw new Error(`Wikidata query JSON output is not structured as expected. No labels found in ${propertyData}`);
// This should never be executed, because the above tests should be identical to the code in
// +getLabelFromWikidataQueryJSON+.
throw err;
function getLabelFromWikidataQueryJSON(json, langstr, item) {
let labels;
try {
labels = json.entities[item].labels;
} catch (err) {
detailedErrorsForGetLabelFromWikidataQueryJSON(json, item, err);
// Is there a better looping structure than find that would prevent me from
// having to lookup labels[lang] twice?
const availableLang = langstr.split(',').find((lang) => labels[lang]);
if (!availableLang) {
throw new Error(`Wikidata information found for property ${item}, but does not include a label in the requested language(s): ${langstr}.`);
return labels[availableLang].value;
* Asynchronously obtain the label then invoke the callback function.
* If the label cannot be obtained, the callback function will be provided
* the Wikidata entity identifier instead.
* +langstr+ is a string of language codes joined by a comma.
function fetchLabelForWikidataItem(item, langstr) {
let url;
// The API doesn't seem to accept multiple languages in requests,
// so it's better to request all languages than perform many requests.
if (langstr.includes(',')){
url = `${item}&props=labels&format=json&origin=*`;
} else {
url = `${item}&languages=${langstr}&props=labels&format=json&origin=*`;
const labelPromise = fetch(url).then((response) => {
return response.json().then((json) => {
let label;
try {
label = getLabelFromWikidataQueryJSON(json, langstr, item);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Unable to determine Wikidata item label. Using identifier instead...');
label = item;
return label;
return labelPromise;
// This stores labels in the cache by requested languages, not by the actual
// language retrieved.
function fetchLabelForWikidataItemCached(item, langstr) {
const cacheKey = item + langstr;
const cached = cachedPropertyLabels[cacheKey];
if (cached) { return cached; }
const labelPromise = fetchLabelForWikidataItem(item, langstr);
cachedPropertyLabels[cacheKey] = labelPromise;
labelPromise.then((label) => {
if (!label || label === item){
console.log(`There was an issue with the label for Wikidata item ${item} and language(s) ${langstr}.`);
Reflect.deleteProperty(cachedPropertyLabels, cacheKey);
return labelPromise;
const domainRegexp = /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?<domain>[^/?#:\t]+)/u;
function addIdentifierLinks(formatterURLs, container, headingText, id_value) {
const ol = document.createElement('ol');
let firstRound = true;
for (const formatterURL of formatterURLs) {
if (firstRound) {
const subheader = document.createElement('h3');
subheader.innerText = headingText;
firstRound = false;
const li = document.createElement('li');
const a = document.createElement('a');
const regexpMatch = formatterURL.match(domainRegexp);
if (!regexpMatch){
console.log(`ERROR: formatter URL isn't a recognizable URL: ${formatterURL}. Skipping...`);
a.innerText = regexpMatch.groups.domain;
a.href = formatterURL.replace('$1', id_value);
// this should also display qualifiers
function sparqlQueryForWikidataStatementValues(item, prop, varName) {
return `SELECT ?${varName} WHERE {
wd:${item} wdt:${prop} ?${varName}
}`.replaceAll(/^ +/umg, '');
function urlForWikidataStatementValuesJSON(item, prop, varName) {
const sparqlQuery = sparqlQueryForWikidataStatementValues(item, prop, varName);
const queryBase = "";
return queryBase + encodeURIComponent(sparqlQuery);
function fetchWikidataStatementValues(item, property) {
const varName = "statementValue";
const url = urlForWikidataStatementValuesJSON(item, property, varName);
const promise = fetch(url);
return promise.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error, status = ${response.status}`);
return response.json().then((data)=> {
return => obj[varName].value);
// This uses fetch and returns a promise, and is intended to replace use_values_of_wikidata_statement
// Use a cached value when available, and store values in a cache.
function fetchWikidataStatementValuesCached(item, property) {
// I need to generate a promise for the cached value.
const cachekey = item + property;
const cached = cachedWikidataStatementValues[cachekey];
if (cached){ return cached; }
const json_promise = fetchWikidataStatementValues(item, property);
return json_promise.then((json) => {
if (json) {
cachedWikidataStatementValues[cachekey] = json_promise;
} else {
// Is this necessary, or is it enough not to store it in the first place?
console.log(`Deleting cache of failed retrieval of item ${item} and property ${property}.`);
Reflect.deleteProperty(cachedWikidataStatementValues, cachekey);
return json;
function generateFooter(div){
const p = document.createElement('p');
const a1 = document.createElement('a');
a1.innerText = 'MultiResolver';
p.append('This content is automatically generated from Wikidata by ');
p.append(". If some of these links look wrong or don't work, you may want to edit the ");
const editLink = document.createElement('a'); = 'edit-link';
editLink.innerText = 'Wikidata item';
const multiresolver_footer = getOrCreateElement('multiresolver-footer', div);
return editLink;
function setHeadings(propertyName, id_value, headerProper, changeTitle){
headerProper.innerText = `Sources for ${propertyName} ${id_value}`;
if (changeTitle) {
document.title = `MultiResolver for ${propertyName} ${id_value}`;
* +languages+ is a string of language codes joined by a comma.
* Returns [div, whenMultiResolverBuilt, whenMultiResolverHasContent]
* div is the top-level element for all MultiResolver content
* whenMultiResolverBuilt is when the object is fairly complete
* (actually the property label might still get edited.)
* whenMultiResolverHasContent is when either the official or the third-party
* resolver list has been generated, and is probably when you should display
* the MultiResolver in modal mode.
function generateMultiResolver({ id_value, item, languages, changeTitle = false }) {
languages ||= 'en,mul';
const label_promise = fetchLabelForWikidataItemCached(item, languages);
const whenOfficialFormattersData = fetchWikidataStatementValuesCached(item, 'P1630');
const whenThirdPartyFormattersData = fetchWikidataStatementValuesCached(item, 'P3303');
const div = getOrCreateElement('multiresolver-main');
const headerContainer = getOrCreateElement('multiresolver-header', div);
const headerProper = getOrCreateElement('multiresolver-header-proper', headerContainer, 'h2');
const multiresolver_body = getOrCreateElement('multiresolver-body', div);
const primary_div = getOrCreateElement('primary-resolvers', multiresolver_body);
const thirdPartyDiv = getOrCreateElement('third-party-resolvers', multiresolver_body);
let editLink = document.getElementById('edit-link');
if (!editLink) { editLink = generateFooter(div); }
editLink.href = `${item}`;
setHeadings('identifier', id_value, headerProper, changeTitle);
label_promise.then((identifier_name) => {
setHeadings(identifier_name, id_value, headerProper, changeTitle);
const whenOfficialLinksAdded = whenOfficialFormattersData.then((json) => {
addIdentifierLinks(json, primary_div, "Official sources", id_value);
const whenThirdPartyAdded = whenThirdPartyFormattersData.then((values) => {
addIdentifierLinks(values, thirdPartyDiv, "Third-party sources", id_value);
const linksAddedPromises = [whenOfficialLinksAdded, whenThirdPartyAdded];
const whenMultiResolverBuilt = Promise.all(linksAddedPromises);
const whenMultiResolverHasContent = Promise.any(linksAddedPromises);
return [div, whenMultiResolverBuilt, whenMultiResolverHasContent];
function generateMultiResolverFromURL(changeTitle = true){
const queryParams = {};
const url = window.location;
const qparams = new URLSearchParams(;
const hparams = new URLSearchParams(url.hash.replace(/^#/u, '?'));
queryParams.item = qparams.get("property") || hparams.get("property");
queryParams.languages = qparams.get("languages") || hparams.get("languages");
queryParams.id_value = qparams.get("value") || hparams.get("value");
queryParams.changeTitle = changeTitle;
return generateMultiResolver(queryParams)[0];
function displayMultiResolverModal(queryParams) {
['item', 'id_value'].forEach((key) => { if (!(key in queryParams)) {
throw new Error(`Required parameter ${key} not provided to displayMultiResolverModal.`);
const [containerNode, contentsReady] = generateMultiResolver(queryParams);
const modal = getOrCreateElement('modal', document.body);
modal.className = "modal";
contentsReady.then(() => {
const headerContainer = document.getElementById('multiresolver-header');
const modalShade = document.getElementById('modal');
const closeButton = getOrCreateElement('close', headerContainer, 'span');
// This is the only place where modalShade is displayed.
// We should ensure that it is not left displayed if this script
// throws an error of any kind. = "block";
// When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the modal dialog
closeButton.onclick = function () {
//document.getElementById('multiresolver-main').style.display = 'none'; = "none";
// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal dialog, close it
window.onclick = function (event) {
if ( === modalShade) {
//document.getElementById('multiresolver-main').style.display = 'none'; = "none";
return true;
function linkWikidataIdentifierModal(anchor, property, identifier){
anchor.href = `javascript:void(displayMultiResolverModal({item:'${property}',id_value:'${identifier}'}));`;
function activateWikidataPropertyLinks() {
document.querySelectorAll('.identifier-linkable-via-wikidata').forEach((el) => {
try {
const item = el.attributes['data-wikidata-property'].value;
const identifierNode = el.lastChild;
const id_value = identifierNode.textContent.trim();
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerText = id_value;
linkWikidataIdentifierModal(a, item, id_value);
identifierNode.replaceWith(document.createEntityReference('nbsp'), a);
} catch {
console.log(`Error while adding link to element: ${el.outerHTML}`);
* In theory, both identifier_regexp and href could be pulled from Wikidata.
* In practice, any script providing the property can provide the others as well
* to improve performance.
function findAndLinkIdentifiersByHref(property, identifier_regexp, href){
const identifierPlusRegexp = new RegExp(`^\\s*(${identifier_regexp})(.*)`);
const einLabelLinks = $(`a[href='${href}']`);
const einPlusTextNodes =, el) => el.nextSibling);
for (const textNode of einPlusTextNodes){
const regexpMatch = textNode.textContent.match(identifierPlusRegexp);
const [ , id_value, textAfterIdentifier] = regexpMatch;
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = '#';
anchor.innerText = id_value;
const replacementNodes = [document.createEntityReference('nbsp'), anchor];
linkWikidataIdentifierModal(anchor, property, id_value);
} else {
console.log(`Text doesn't match RegExp for property ${property}: ${textNode.textContent}`);
// Begin en.wikipedia-specific code.
function findEINs(){
findAndLinkIdentifiersByHref('P1297', '\\d+', '/wiki/EIN_(identifier)');
$( document ).ready(findEINs());