Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
The accompanying .css page for this skin can be added at User:Cooljeanius/monobook.css. |
// By Alek Storm
// Please see talk page for instructions
var body; // shortcut for body node
var xmlhttp; // XMLHTTPRequest object
var startNode; // div that includes section header and edit link
var editSec; // edit link
var editForm; // spliced edit form
var preview; // spliced preview or diff content
var oldContent; // original content of section
var xmlhttpDone = false; // kludge to prevent multiple calls to callback
function inc(path) {
var lt = String.fromCharCode(60);
var gt = String.fromCharCode(62);
document.writeln(lt+'script type="text/javascript" src="/w/index.php?title='+path+'&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"'+gt+lt+'/script'+gt);
function initSecEdit()
body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
// apply to all divs of class "editsection"
var editSecs = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
var secCount = 1;
var pagetitleRe=/\/(wiki\/|w\/index\.php\?title=)([^&?]*)/; // from [Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Techniques]
for ( var i = 0; i < editSecs.length; i++ ) {
if ( editSecs[i].getAttribute("class") == "editsection" ) {
for ( var k = 0; k < editSecs[i].childNodes.length; k++ ) {
if ( editSecs[i].childNodes[k].nodeName == "A" ) {
// grab editing uri, escape it, then put it back in
var editURI = ""+encodeURIComponent2(pagetitleRe.exec(decodeURI(editSecs[i].childNodes[k].getAttribute("href")))[2]).replace(/\"/gi, "%22").replace(/\'/gi, "%27")+"&action=edit§ion="+secCount;
// give it a unique id
editSecs[i].childNodes[k].setAttribute( "id", "editSection"+secCount );
// swap the href with a function call, passing the original href as the second parameter
editSecs[i].childNodes[k].setAttribute( "href", "javascript:editSection( document.getElementById('editSection" + secCount + "'), '"+editURI+"' );" );
// called on click of section edit link
function editSection( elem, editURI )
cancelEdit(); // get rid of any other sections being edited
editSec = elem;
startNode = elem.parentNode.parentNode;
// initiate xmlhttprequest for section edit page
xmlhttpDone = false;
xmlhttp = null // kludge
xmlhttp = createXMLHTTP( "GET", editURI, stateChange );
// put raw input returned from XMLHTTPRequest into a div so we can grab specific elements
function makeDiv( rawHTML )
var div = createNode( body, "div", {style: "visibility: hidden; position: absolute;"} );
div.innerHTML = rawHTML.replace(/<script[^>]*><\/script>/gi, ""); // if script tags are placed into the DOM, they force reload of files, and nasty things happen
return div;
function isHTag( node )
return node.nodeName.charAt(0) == 'H' && !isNaN( parseInt( node.nodeName.charAt(1) ) );
// callback for onclick of an edit link
function stateChange()
if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
if ( xmlhttpDone )
xmlhttpDone = true;
// store old content of section - loop until we hit header of same spot in hierarchy
if ( !oldContent ) {
oldContent = makeDiv("");
var curElem = startNode.nextSibling;
while ( curElem ) {
var hitSiblingSection = false;
if ( isHTag( curElem ) ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < curElem.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
if ( curElem.childNodes[i].nodeName == "SPAN"
&& curElem.childNodes[i].getAttribute("class") == "editsection"
&& parseInt( curElem.nodeName.charAt(1) ) <= parseInt( startNode.nodeName.charAt(1) ) )
hitSiblingSection = true;
else if ( curElem.nodeName == "DIV" && curElem.getAttribute("class") == "printfooter" )
if ( hitSiblingSection )
var nextElem = curElem.nextSibling;
oldContent.appendChild( curElem );
curElem = nextElem;
removeNode( oldContent );
var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
editForm = $("editform");
// change onclick of preview and diff buttons to our function
$("wpPreview").setAttribute( "type", "button" );
$("wpPreview").setAttribute( "onclick", "javascript:getEditData( previewChanged, $('wpPreview') );" );
$("wpDiff").setAttribute( "type", "button" );
$("wpDiff").setAttribute( "onclick", "javascript:getEditData( diffChanged, $('wpDiff') );" );
insertAfter( editForm, startNode );
removeNode( div );
editSec.setAttribute( "oldHref", editSec.getAttribute("href") );
editSec.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:cancelEdit();" );
editSec.innerHTML = "cancel";
alert("Problem retrieving data - status: "+xmlhttp.status);
// firefox hack, not sure if this is a problem in other browsers
function encodeURIComponent2( content )
// from []
content = content.replace(/\<\;/gi, "<");
content = content.replace(/\>\;/gi, ">");
content = content.replace(/\"\;/gi, "\"");
content = content.replace(/\&\;/gi, "&");
return encodeURIComponent( content );
// encode differently based on type of form element
function field2Post( node, allowButton )
var reqBody = "";
switch ( node.nodeName ) {
case "TEXTAREA":
reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"="+encodeURIComponent2( node.value );
case "INPUT":
var inputType = node.getAttribute("type");
if ( inputType == "checkbox" ) {
if ( node.checked )
reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"=on"
else if ( allowButton || (inputType != "submit" && inputType != "button") )
reqBody += "&"+node.getAttribute("name")+"="+encodeURIComponent2( node.value );
case "DIV":
reqBody += form2Post( node, false );
return reqBody;
// manually encodes a form element for XMLHTTPRequest
function form2Post( node )
var reqBody = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ )
reqBody += field2Post( node.childNodes[i], false );
return reqBody;
// get preview or diff data
function getEditData( callback, clickedBut )
xmlhttpDone = false;
xmlhttp = null; // kludge
var action = editForm.getAttribute("action");
xmlhttp = createXMLHTTP( "POST", ""+action, callback, {
body: form2Post( editForm ) + field2Post( clickedBut, true ),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Referer": "" + action.substring( 0, action.indexOf('&') ) + "&action=edit§ion="+(parseInt(editSec.getAttribute("id").substring(11))+1)
} );
// callback for preview data
function previewChanged()
if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
if ( xmlhttpDone )
xmlhttpDone = true;
var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
if ( preview )
removeNode( preview );
preview = $("wikiPreview");
insertAfter( preview, startNode );
removeNode( div );
alert("Problem retrieving data - status: "+xmlhttp.status);
// callback for diff data
function diffChanged()
if ( xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {
if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {
if ( xmlhttpDone )
xmlhttpDone = true;
var div = makeDiv( xmlhttp.responseText );
if ( preview )
removeNode( preview );
preview = $("wikiDiff");
insertAfter( preview, startNode );
removeNode( div );
alert("Problem retrieving data - status: "+xmlhttp.status);
// remove form and preview or diff data
function cancelEdit()
if ( preview )
removeNode( preview );
preview = null;
if ( editForm )
removeNode( editForm );
editForm = null;
if ( oldContent ) {
oldContent.setAttribute( "style", "position: static; visibility: visible;" );
insertAfter( oldContent, startNode );
oldContent = null;
if ( editSec ) {
editSec.setAttribute( "href", editSec.getAttribute("oldHref") );
editSec.innerHTML = "edit";
addEventListener( "load", initSecEdit, false );
//Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts | Scripts
function format() {
var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
txt.value = catFixer(txt.value);
txt.value = entities(txt.value);
txt.value = fixheadings(txt.value);
txt.value = fixsyntax(txt.value);
txt.value = linkfixer(txt.value, false);
//txt.value = imagefixer(txt.value);
txt.value = whitespace(txt.value);
txt.value = linksimplifyer(txt.value);
txt.value = trim(txt.value);
function whitespace(str){
str = str.replace(/\t/g, " ");
str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
str = str.replace(/(\n\n)\n+/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/== ? ?\n\n==/g, "==\n==");
str = str.replace(/\n\n(\* ?\[?http)/g, "\n$1");
str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
str = str.replace(/\n\n\*/g, "\n*");
str = str.replace(/[ \t][ \t]+/g, " ");
str = str.replace(/([=\n]\n)\n+/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/ \n/g, "\n");
//* bullet points
str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+) /gm, "$1");
str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+)/gm, "$1 ");
str = str.replace(/^(={1,4}) ?(.*?) ?(={1,4})$/gm, "$1$2$3");
//dash — spacing
str = str.replace(/ ?(–|–|–|–|–) ?/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/ ?(—|—|—|—|—) ?/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/([^1-9])(—|—|—|—|—|–|–|–|–|–)([^1-9])/g, "$1 $2 $3");
return trim(str);
function entities(str){
//str = str.replace(//g, "");
str = str.replace(/–|–|–/g, "–");
str = str.replace(/—|—|—/g, "—");
// str = str.replace(/(cm| m|km|mi)<sup>2</sup>/g, "$1²");
str = str.replace(/²/g, "²");
str = str.replace(/°/g, "°");
return trim(str);
//Fix ==See also== and similar section common errors.
function fixheadings(str)
if( !str.match(/= ?See also ?=/) )
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(see also:?|related topics:?|related articles:?|internal links:?|also see:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1See also$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(external links?:?|outside links?|web ?links?:?|exterior links?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1External links$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(references?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1References$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(sources?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1Sources$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(further readings?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1Further reading$3");
return str;
function catFixer(str){
str = str.replace(/\[\[ ?[Cc]ategory ?: ?/g, "[[Category:");
return trim(str);
//fixes many common syntax problems
function fixsyntax(str)
//replace html with wiki syntax
if( !str.match(/'<\/?[ib]>|<\/?[ib]>'/gi) )
str = str.replace(/<i>(.*?)<\/i>/gi, "''$1''");
str = str.replace(/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/gi, "'''$1'''");
str = str.replace(/<br\/>/gi, "<br />");
str = str.replace(/<br>/gi, "<br />");
return trim(str);
//formats links in standard fashion
function linkfixer(str, checkImages)
str = str.replace(/\]\[/g, "] [");
var m = str.match(/\[?\[[^\]]*?\]\]?/g);
if (m)
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
var x = m[i].toString();
var y = x;
//internal links only
if ( !y.match(/^\[?\[http:\/\//i) && !y.match(/^\[?\[image:/i) )
if (y.indexOf(":") == -1 && y.substr(0,3) != "[[_" && y.indexOf("|_") == -1)
if (y.indexOf("|") == -1)
y = y.replace(/_/g, " ");
y = y.replace( y.substr(0, y.indexOf("|")), y.substr(0, y.indexOf("|")).replace(/_/g, " "));
y = y.replace(/ ?\| ?/, "|").replace("|]]", "| ]]");
str = str.replace(x, y);
//repair bad internal links
str = str.replace(/\[\[ ?([^\]]*?) ?\]\]/g, "[[$1]]");
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]]*?)( |_)#([^\]]*?)\]\]/g, "[[$1#$3]]");
//repair bad external links
str = str.replace(/\[?\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");
str = str.replace(/\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\|([^\]]*?)\]/gi, "[http://$1 $2]");
return trim(str);
//fixes images
function imagefixer(str)
//remove external images
str = str.replace(/\[?\[image:http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");
//fix links within internal images
var m = str.match(/\[?\[image:[^\[\]]*?(\[?\[[^\]]*?\]*?[^\[\]]*?)*?\]+/gi);
if (m)
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
var x = m[i].toString();
var y = x;
y = y.replace(/^\[\[i/i, "I").replace(/\]\]$/, "");
y = y.replace(/(\[[^\]]*?)$/, "$1]");
y = linkfixer(y, true);
y = "[[" + y + "]]";
str = str.replace(x, y);
return trim(str);
//simplifies some links e.g. [[Dog|dog]] to [[dog]] and [[Dog|dogs]] to [[dog]]s
function linksimplifyer(str){
var m = str.match(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^[]*?)\]\]/g);
if (m)
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
var n_arr = m[i].toString().match(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^[]*?)\]\]/);
var n = n_arr[0];
var a = n_arr[1];
var b = n_arr[2];
if (b.indexOf(a) == 0 || b.indexOf(TurnFirstToLower(a)) == 0)
var k = n.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]*?)\|(\1)([\w]*?)\]\]/i, "[[$2]]$3");
str = str.replace(n, k);
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]\|]+)\]\]([A-Za-z\'][A-Za-z]*)([\.\,\;\:\"\!\?\s\n])/g, "[[$1|$2$3]]$4"); // ' // Help the syntax highlighter...
return str;
//trim start and end, trim spaces from the end of lines
function trim(str) {
str = str.replace(/ $/gm, "");
return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
//turns first character to lowercase
function TurnFirstToLower(input) {
if (input != "")
var input = trim(input);
var temp = input.substr(0, 1);
return temp.toLowerCase() + input.substr(1, input.length);
return "";
//entities that should never be unicoded
function noUnicodify(str) {
str = str.replace(" & ", " & ");
str = str.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("&lt;", "&amp;lt;").replace("&gt;", "&amp;gt;").replace("&quot;", "&amp;quot;").replace("&apos;", "&amp;apos;");
str = str.replace("−", "&minus;").replace("×", "&times;");
str = str.replace(" ", "&nbsp;").replace(" ", "&thinsp;").replace("­", "&shy;");
str = str.replace("′", "&prime;");
str = str.replace(/&(#0?9[13];)/, "&$1");
str = str.replace(/&(#0?12[345];)/, "&$1");
return str;
addOnloadHook(function () {
if(document.forms.editform) {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:format()', 'format', 'ca-format', 'Format article', '', document.getElementById('ca-edit'));
/* Watchlist notifier ([[User:Ais523/watchlistnotifier.js]]); displays a message every time a watched page changes. */
var wmwpajax;
// From [[WP:US]] mainpage (wpajax renamed to wmwpajax)
download:function(bundle) {
// mandatory: bundle.url
// optional: bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
// optional: bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
// optional: bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure
var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest()
: window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
: false;
if (x) {
x.onreadystatechange=function() {
x.readyState==4 && wmwpajax.downloadComplete(x,bundle);
return x;
downloadComplete:function(x,bundle) {
x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true )
|| ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText+': '+bundle.url));
// Example:
// function dlComplete(xmlreq, data) {
// alert(data.message + xmlreq.responseText);
// }
// onSuccess: dlComplete, message: "Here's what we got:\n\n" });
// End of [[WP:US]] quote
function wmWatchEditFound(xmlreq, data) {
var watchrev, watchsum, watchrevold, watchpage, junk;
"<div class='watchlistnotify'>(<i>watchlistnotifier can't determine whether a "+
"watched page has changed<i>)</div>";
catch(junk) {watchrevold=0;}
if(mw.config.get('wgPageName') == "Special:Watchlist")
document.cookie="ais523wmwatchrev="+watchrev+".; path=/";
var aas=document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a');
var i=aas.length;
"<div class='watchlistnotify'>\""+watchpage+'" changed: "'+watchsum+
'". (<a href="/wiki/Special:Watchlist">watchlist</a>)</div>';
addOnloadHook(function() {
/* Find the top item in the watchlist, and its edit summary. We only need one item, so
set the limit to 1 to ease the load on the server. */{url:''+
'wldir=older&format=xml&wlprop=comment|ids|title', onSuccess: wmWatchEditFound});
// </nowiki></pre>
// [[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]
// Add date and time to your monobook "personal menu" list at the very top of the page.
// Created by [[User:Mathwiz2020]]
// Indicate where you would like the time to appear:
// 1 is first (before username), 2 is second (before talk link), ... 7 is last (after log out link)
insertBeforeNum = 7;
// Do NOT edit below this line unless you're experiened in javascript
insertBeforeArr = new Array("","pt-userpage","pt-mytalk","pt-preferences","pt-watchlist","pt-mycontris","pt-logout","");
insertBefore = insertBeforeArr[insertBeforeNum];
function makeTime()
var li = document.createElement( 'li' ); = 'pt-time';
var mySpan = document.createElement( 'span' );
mySpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'date and time' ) );
li.appendChild( mySpan );
if ( insertBefore )
var before = document.getElementById( insertBefore );
before.appendChild( li, before );
else // append to end (right) of list
document.getElementById( 'pt-logout' ).parentNode.appendChild( li );
if ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener ( 'load', makeTime, false );
else if ( window.attachEvent ) window.attachEvent ( 'onload', makeTime );
function getTime()
var time = new Date();
var date = time.getUTCDate();
var months = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' ');
month = months[time.getUTCMonth()];
var year = time.getUTCFullYear();
var hours = '0' + time.getUTCHours();
hours = hours.substr(hours.length-2, hours.length);
var minutes = '0' + time.getUTCMinutes();
minutes = minutes.substr(minutes.length-2, minutes.length);
var seconds = '0' + time.getUTCSeconds();
seconds = seconds.substr(seconds.length-2, seconds.length);
var curTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ", " + date + " " + month + " " + year + " (UTC)";
datePlace = document.getElementById('pt-time').childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
datePlace.replaceData(0, datePlace.length, curTime);
doTime = window.setTimeout("getTime()", 1000);
//<source lang="javascript">
if (typeof (hotcat_loaded) == 'undefined') {
var hotcat_loaded = false; // Guard against double inclusions
var hotcat_running = 0 ;
var hotcat_last_v = "" ;
var hotcat_exists_yes = "" ;
var hotcat_exists_no = "" ;
var hotcat_upload = 0 ;
var hotcat_no_autocommit = 0;
var hotcat_old_onsubmit = null;
var hotcat_nosuggestions = false;
// hotcat_nosuggestions is set to true if we don't have XMLHttp! (On IE6, XMLHttp uses
// ActiveX, and the user may deny execution.) If true, no suggestions will ever be
// displayed, and there won't be any checking whether the category exists.
// Lupo, 2008-01-20
var hotcat_suggestion_delay = 100;
var hotcat_editbox_width = 40;
// Fallbacks if we don't have JSconfig. Lupo, 2009-06-24
var hotcat_modify_blacklist = new Array (
"CC-" ,
"GFDL" ,
) ;
function hotcat_remove_upload ( text ) {
var cats = document.getElementById ( "catlinks" ) ;
cats = cats.getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cats.length ; i++ ) {
if (cats[i].hotcat_name && cats[i].hotcat_name == text) {
cats[i].parentNode.removeChild ( cats[i].nextSibling ) ;
cats[i].parentNode.removeChild ( cats[i] ) ;
break ;
function hotcat_check_upload () {
// Don't do anything if not "Special:Upload", or user not logged in.
if ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') != -1 || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') != "Upload" || mw.config.get('wgUserName') == null) return ;
var ip = document.getElementById ( "wpWatchthis" ) ;
// Go to Special:Upload, choose a local file, enter a target file name without extension,
// then submit: you get a page that is "Special:Upload", but that doesn't have any form!
if (ip == null) return;
var reupload = document.getElementById ('wpForReUpload');
var destFile = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if ( (reupload && !!reupload.value)
|| (destFile && (destFile.disabled || destFile.readonly)))
return; // re-upload form...
hotcat_upload = 1 ;
var tr = ip.parentNode.parentNode ;
var ntr = document.createElement ( "tr" ) ;
var ntd = document.createElement ( "td" ) ;
var ntde = document.createElement ( "td" ) ;
var catline = document.createElement ( "div" ) ;
var np = document.createElement ( "p" ) ;
ntde.setAttribute ('id', 'hotcatLabel');
var label = null;
if (typeof (UFUI) != 'undefined' &&
typeof (UFUI.getLabel) == 'function') {
try {
label = UFUI.getLabel ('wpCategoriesUploadLbl');
} catch (ex) {
label = null;
if (label == null)
ntde.appendChild (document.createTextNode ("Categories:"));
else {
ntde.setAttribute ('id', 'hotcatLabelTranslated');
// Change the ID to avoid that UploadForm tries to translate it again.
ntde.appendChild (label);
} = "right" ; = "middle" ; = "catlinks" ;
// On the upload form, the suggestion box appears at the very top of the page. That is because
// the innermost enclosing div of the upload form (and its table) that has position "relative"
// is the bodyContent div. Try to fix that by giving catline relative positioning, so absolute
// positioning within should be relative to catline. Lupo, 2008-01-18 ="relative"; = "left";
// Otherwise, it looks bad in the Classic skin on the upload form. Lupo, 2008-05-16
np.className = "catlinks" ; = "left";
catline.appendChild ( np ) ;
ntd.appendChild ( catline ) ;
ntde.className = 'mw-label';
ntr.appendChild ( ntde ) ;
ntr.appendChild ( ntd ) ;
// Add handler for submit (changed by Lupo, 2008-01-18)
var form = document.getElementById ('upload');
// Grrr... they changed the upload form!
if (!form) form = document.getElementById ('mw-upload-form');
if (form) {
hotcat_old_onsubmit = form.onsubmit;
form.onsubmit = hotcat_on_upload;
tr.parentNode.insertBefore ( ntr , tr ) ; // Insert *above* "Watch this" box
function hotcat_on_upload () {
// First, make sure that if we have an open category input form, we close it.
var input = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
if (input != null) hotcat_ok ();
var do_submit = true;
// Call previous onsubmit handler, if any
if (hotcat_old_onsubmit) {
if (typeof hotcat_old_onsubmit == 'string')
do_submit = eval (hotcat_old_onsubmit);
else if (typeof hotcat_old_onsubmit == 'function')
do_submit = hotcat_old_onsubmit ();
if (!do_submit) return false;
// Only copy the categories if we do submit
var cats = document.getElementById ( "catlinks" ) ;
cats = cats.getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
var eb = document.getElementById ( "wpUploadDescription" )
|| document.getElementById ( "wpDesc" ); // New upload form
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cats.length ; i++ ) {
var t = cats[i].hotcat_name;
if (!t) continue ;
var new_cat = "\[\[Category:" + t + "\]\]" ;
// Only add if not already present
if (eb.value.indexOf (new_cat) < 0) eb.value += "\n" + new_cat ;
return true;
function hotcat () {
// Note: although we use JSconfig for our user-preferences, these won't show up in your preference
// page because gadgets are not loaded on Special:Preferences!
if (typeof (JSconfig) != 'undefined') {
JSconfig.registerKey('HotCatDelay', 100, 'HotCat autocompletion delay (ms):', 5);
JSconfig.registerKey('HotCatEditBoxWidth', 40, 'Width of Input box of HotCat (# of characters):', 5);
if ( hotcat_check_action() ) return ; // Edited page, reloading anyway
if (hotcat_loaded) return; // Guard against double inclusions
hotcat_loaded = true;
hotcat_check_upload () ;
function can_edit ()
var container = null;
switch (skin) {
case 'cologneblue':
container = document.getElementById ('quickbar');
// Fall through
case 'standard':
case 'nostalgia':
if (!container) container = document.getElementById ('topbar');
var lks = container.getElementsByTagName ('a');
for (var i = 0; i < lks.length; i++) {
if ( hotcatGetParamValue ('title', lks[i].href) == mw.config.get('wgPageName')
&& hotcatGetParamValue ('action', lks[i].href) == 'edit')
return true;
return false;
// all modern skins:
return document.getElementById ('ca-edit') != null;
return false;
if( (!can_edit () && !hotcat_upload) // User has no permission to edit
|| mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'view' // User is editing or previewing or...
|| mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == -1 && !hotcat_upload) // Special page other than Special:Upload
if (!mw.config.get('wgIsArticle') && !hotcat_upload) return; // Diff pages...
// Note that wgIsArticle is also set to true for category, talk, user, etc. pages: anything that
// can be edited. It is false for diff pages, special pages, and ...
var visible_cats =
document.getElementById ('mw-normal-catlinks') || // MW 1.13alpha
getElementsByClassName ( document , "p" , "catlinks" ) [0]; // MW < 1.13 && Special:Upload
var hidden_cats =
document.getElementById ('mw-hidden-catlinks');
if (visible_cats == null) {
// Insert an empty category line
var footer = null;
if (hidden_cats == null) {
footer = getElementsByClassName (document , "div" , "printfooter")[0];
if (!footer) return; // Don't know where to insert the category line
visible_cats = document.createElement ('div');
visible_cats.setAttribute ('id', 'mw-normal-catlinks');
var label = document.createElement ('a');
label.setAttribute ('href', mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace (/\$1/, 'Special:Categories'));
label.setAttribute ('title', 'Special:Categories');
label.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Category'));
visible_cats.appendChild (label);
visible_cats.appendChild (document.createTextNode (':'));
var container = (hidden_cats ? hidden_cats.parentNode : document.getElementById ('catlinks'));
if (!container) {
container = document.createElement ('div'); = 'catlinks';
footer.parentNode.insertBefore (container, footer.nextSibling);
container.className = 'catlinks'; = "";
if (!hidden_cats) {
container.appendChild (visible_cats);
} else {
container.insertBefore (visible_cats, hidden_cats);
} // end if no categories = 'relative';
hotcat_modify_existing ( visible_cats ) ;
hotcat_append_add_span ( visible_cats ) ;
// Check for state restoration (Lupo, 2008-02-06)
if ( hotcat_upload
&& typeof (UploadForm) != 'undefined'
&& typeof (UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state) != 'undefined'
&& UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state != null)
UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = hotcat_set_state (UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state);
function hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) {
var span_add = document.createElement ( "span" ) ;
if ( catline.getElementsByTagName('span')[0] )
catline.appendChild (document.createTextNode (" | "));
else if (catline.firstChild)
catline.appendChild (document.createTextNode (' '));
catline.appendChild ( span_add );
hotcat_create_span ( span_add );
String.prototype.ucFirst = function () {
return this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1,this.length);
function hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) {
if ( !cat_title ) return 0 ;
// cat_title = cat_title.split(":",2).pop() ; // Not needed anymore: we work without 'Category:'
for ( var i = 0 ; i < hotcat_modify_blacklist.length ; i++ ) {
if ( cat_title.substr ( 0 , hotcat_modify_blacklist[i].length ) == hotcat_modify_blacklist[i] ) return 1 ;
return 0 ;
function hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) {
//var cat_title = span.firstChild.getAttribute ( "title" ) ;
// This fails with MW 1.13alpha if the category is a redlink, because MW 1.13alpha appends
// [[MediaWiki:Red-link-title]] to the category name... it also fails if the category name
// contains "&" (because that is represented by & in the XHTML both in the title and in
// the link's content (innerHTML). Extract the category name from the href instead:
var cat_title = null;
var classes = " " + span.firstChild.className + " ";
var href = span.firstChild.getAttribute ('href', 2);
// Extra param "2" is ignored on W3C compliant browsers. It's for IE only. Note:
// span.firstChild.href is the normalized URL, getAttribute ('href') should be the text from
// the XHTML source, but IE somehow (a) also returns a full URL with server part, and (b)
// IE6 insists on wrongly decoding encoded UTF-8 characters ("K%C3%B6ln-Riehl" becomes
// "Köln-Riehl"). The work-around is to use the special IE variant with the extra parameter,
// which Microsoft says returns the simple string as found in the XHTML. See their docu at
// .
if (!href) return;
if (classes && classes.indexOf (' new ') >= 0) { // href="/w/index.php?title=...&action=edit"
cat_title = hotcatGetParamValue ('title', href);
} else { // href="/wiki/..."
var prefix = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', "");
if (href.indexOf (prefix) != 0) prefix = mw.config.get('wgServer') + prefix; // Fully expanded URL?
if (href.indexOf (prefix) == 0) {
cat_title = decodeURIComponent (href.substring (prefix.length));
if (!cat_title) return;
// Strip namespace, replace _ by blank
cat_title = cat_title.substring (cat_title.indexOf (':') + 1).replace (/_/g, ' ');
var remove_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
// Set the href to a dummy value to make sure we don't move if somehow the onclick handler
// is bypassed.
remove_link.href = "#catlinks";
remove_link.onclick = hotcat_remove;
remove_link.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( "(-)" ) ) ;
span.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( " " ) ) ;
span.appendChild ( remove_link ) ;
if ( hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) ) return ;
var mod_id = "hotcat_modify_" + i ;
var modify_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ; = mod_id ;
modify_link.href = "javascript:hotcat_modify(\"" + mod_id + "\");" ;
modify_link.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( "(±)" ) ) ;
span.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( " " ) ) ;
span.appendChild ( modify_link ) ;
span.hotcat_name = cat_title; //Store the extracted category name in our own new property of the span DOM node
function hotcat_modify_existing ( catline ) {
var spans = catline.getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans.length ; i++ ) {
hotcat_modify_span ( spans[i] , i ) ;
function hotcat_getEvt (evt) {
return evt || window.event || window.Event; // Gecko, IE, Netscape
function hotcat_evt2node (evt) {
var node = null;
try {
var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt);
node =;
if (!node) node = e.srcElement;
} catch (ex) {
node = null;
return node;
function hotcat_evtkeys (evt) {
var code = 0;
try {
var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt);
if (typeof(e.ctrlKey) != 'undefined') { // All modern browsers
if (e.ctrlKey) code |= 1;
if (e.shiftKey) code |= 2;
} else if (typeof (e.modifiers) != 'undefined') { // Netscape...
if (e.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) code |= 1;
if (e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) code |= 2;
} catch (ex) {
return code;
function hotcat_killEvt (evt)
try {
var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt);
if (typeof (e.preventDefault) != 'undefined') {
e.preventDefault ();
e.stopPropagation ();
} else
e.cancelBubble = true;
} catch (ex) {
function hotcat_remove (evt) {
var node = hotcat_evt2node (evt);
if (!node) return false;
// Get the category name from the original link to the category, which is at
// node.parentNode.firstChild (the DOM structure here is
// <span><a...>Category</a> <a...>(-)</a>...</span>).
var cat_title = node.parentNode.hotcat_name;
if ( hotcat_upload ) {
hotcat_remove_upload ( cat_title ) ;
hotcat_killEvt (evt);
return false;
var editlk = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=' + encodeURIComponent (mw.config.get('wgPageName'))
+ '&action=edit';
if (hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1) // CTRL pressed?
editlk = editlk + '&hotcat_nocommit=1';
hotcat_killEvt (evt);
document.location = editlk + '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent (cat_title);
return false;
function hotcatGetParamValue(paramName, h) {
if (typeof h == 'undefined' ) { h = document.location.href; }
var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)');
var m=cmdRe.exec(h);
if (m) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
} catch (someError) {}
return null;
// New. Code by Lupo & Superm401, added by Lupo, 2008-02-27
function hotcat_find_category (wikitext, category)
var cat_name = category.replace(/([\\\^\$\.\?\*\+\(\)])/g, "\\$1");
var initial = cat_name.substr (0, 1);
var cat_regex = new RegExp ("\\[\\[\\s*[Cc]ategory\\s*:\\s*"
+ (initial == "\\"
? initial
: "[" + initial.toUpperCase() + initial.toLowerCase() + "]")
+ cat_name.substring (1).replace (/[ _]/g, "[ _]")
+ "\\s*(\\|.*?)?\\]\\]", "g"
var result = new Array ();
var curr_match = null;
while ((curr_match = cat_regex.exec (wikitext)) != null) {
result [result.length] = {match : curr_match};
return result; // An array containing all matches, with positions, in result[i].match
// All redirects to Template:Uncategorized
var hotcat_uncat_regex =
/\{\{\s*([Uu]ncat(egori[sz]ed( image)?)?|[Nn]ocat|[Nn]eedscategory)[^}]*\}\}/g;
// Rewritten (nearly) from scratch. Lupo, 2008-02-27
function hotcat_check_action () {
var ret = 0;
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'edit') return ret; // Not an edit page, so not our business...
if (!document.editform || !document.editform.wpTextbox1) return ret; // No edit form??
var summary = new Array () ;
var t = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value ;
var prevent_autocommit = 0;
if ( (typeof hotcat_no_autocommit != "undefined" && hotcat_no_autocommit)
|| hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_nocommit') == '1')
prevent_autocommit = 1;
var cat_rm = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_removecat');
var cat_add = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_newcat');
var comment = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_comment') || "";
var cat_key = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_sortkey');
if (cat_key != null) cat_key = '|' + cat_key;
if (cat_rm != null && cat_rm.length > 0) {
var matches = hotcat_find_category (t, cat_rm);
if (!matches || matches.length == 0) {
alert ('Category "' + cat_rm + '" not found; maybe it is in a template?');
prevent_autocommit = 1;
} else if (matches.length > 1) {
alert ('Category "' + cat_rm
+ "\" found several times; don't know which occurrence to remove.");
prevent_autocommit = 1;
} else {
if (cat_add != null && cat_add.length > 0 && matches[0].match.length > 1)
cat_key = matches[0].match[1]; // Remember the category key, if any.
var t1 = t.substring (0, matches[0].match.index);
var t2 = t.substring (matches[0].match.index + matches[0].match[0].length);
// Remove whitespace (properly): strip whitespace, but only up to the next line feed.
// If we then have two linefeeds in a row, remove one. Otherwise, if we have two non-
// whitespace characters, insert a blank.
var i = t1.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && t1.charAt (i) != '\n' && t1.substr (i, 1).search (/\s/) >= 0) i--;
var j = 0;
while (j < t2.length && t2.charAt (j) != '\n' && t1.substr (j, 1).search (/\s/) >= 0) j++;
if (i >= 0 && t1.charAt (i) == '\n' && j < t2.length && t2.charAt (j) == '\n')
if (i >= 0) t1 = t1.substring (0, i+1); else t1 = "";
if (j < t2.length) t2 = t2.substring (j); else t2 = "";
if (t1.length > 0 && t1.substring (t1.length - 1).search (/\S/) >= 0
&& t2.length > 0 && t2.substr (0, 1).search (/\S/) >= 0)
t1 = t1 + ' ';
t = t1 + t2;
summary.push ( "Removed category \[\[:Category:" + cat_rm + "|" + cat_rm + "\]\]" ) ;
ret = 1;
if (cat_add != null && cat_add.length > 0) {
var matches = hotcat_find_category (t, cat_add);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
alert ('Category "' + cat_add + '" already exists; not added.');
prevent_autocommit = 1;
} else {
if (t.charAt (t.length - 1) != '\n') t = t + '\n';
t = t + '\[\[Category:' + cat_add + (cat_key != null ? cat_key : "") + '\]\]\n';
summary.push ("Quick-adding category \[\[:Category:" + cat_add + "|" + cat_add + "\]\]" + comment);
var t2 = t.replace(hotcat_uncat_regex, ""); // Remove "uncat" templates
if (t2.length != t.length) {
t = t2;
summary.push ( "removed {{uncategorized}}" ) ;
ret = 1;
if (ret) {
document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = t ;
document.editform.wpSummary.value = summary.join( "; " )
+ " (using [[MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js|HotCat.js]])" ;
document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true ;
if (!prevent_autocommit) {
// Hide the entire edit section so as not to tempt the user into editing...
var content = document.getElementById ("bodyContent") // "monobook" skin
|| document.getElementById ("mw_contentholder") // "modern" skin
|| document.getElementById ("article"); // classic skins
if (content) = "none" ;
document.editform.submit ();
return ret;
function hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) {
while ( span_add.firstChild ) span_add.removeChild ( span_add.firstChild ) ;
function hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) {
hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) ;
var a_add = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
var a_text = document.createTextNode ( "(+)" ) ; = "hotcat_add" ;
a_add.href = "javascript:hotcat_add_new()" ;
a_add.appendChild ( a_text ) ;
span_add.appendChild ( a_add ) ;
function hotcat_modify ( link_id ) {
var link = document.getElementById ( link_id ) ;
var span = link.parentNode ;
var catname = span.hotcat_name;
while ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) ; = "none" ;
hotcat_create_new_span ( span , catname ) ;
hotcat_last_v = "" ;
hotcat_text_changed () ; // Update icon
function hotcat_add_new () {
var span_add = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_add" ) ;
hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) ;
hotcat_last_v = "" ;
hotcat_create_new_span ( span_add , "" ) ;
function hotcat_button_label (id, defaultText)
var label = null;
if (hotcat_upload
&& typeof (UFUI) != 'undefined'
&& typeof (UFUI.getLabel) == 'function') {
try {
label = UFUI.getLabel (id, true);
// Extract the plain text. IE doesn't know that Node.TEXT_NODE == 3
while (label && label.nodeType != 3) label = label.firstChild;
} catch (ex) {
label = null;
if (label == null || ! return defaultText;
function hotcat_create_new_span ( thespan , init_text ) {
var form = document.createElement ( "form" ) ;
form.method = "post" ;
form.onsubmit = function () { hotcat_ok(); return false; } ; = "hotcat_form" ; = "inline" ;
var list = null;
if (!hotcat_nosuggestions) {
// Only do this if we may actually use XMLHttp...
list = document.createElement ( "select" ) ; = "hotcat_list" ;
list.onclick = function ()
var l = document.getElementById("hotcat_list");
if (l != null)
document.getElementById("hotcat_text").value = l.options[l.selectedIndex].text;
list.ondblclick = function (evt)
var l = document.getElementById("hotcat_list");
if (l != null)
document.getElementById("hotcat_text").value = l.options[l.selectedIndex].text;
// Don't call text_changed here if on upload form: hotcat_ok will remove the list
// anyway, so we must not ask for new suggestions since show_suggestions might
// raise an exception if it tried to show a no longer existing list.
// Lupo, 2008-01-20
if (!hotcat_upload) hotcat_text_changed();
hotcat_ok(hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1); // CTRL pressed?
}; = "none" ;
var text = document.createElement ( "input" ) ;
var default_width =
(typeof (JSconfig) != 'undefined'
? JSconfig.keys['HotCatEditBoxWidth']
: hotcat_editbox_width
var default_delay =
(typeof (JSconfig) != 'undefined'
? JSconfig.keys['HotCatDelay']
: hotcat_suggestion_delay
if (default_delay < 0) default_delay = 0;
text.size = (default_width < 40 ? 40 : default_width); = "hotcat_text" ;
text.type = "text" ;
text.value = init_text ;
text.onkeyup =
function ()
window.setTimeout ("hotcat_text_changed ();", default_delay);
var exists = null;
if (!hotcat_nosuggestions) {
exists = document.createElement ( "img" ) ; = "hotcat_exists" ;
exists.src = hotcat_exists_no ;
var OK = document.createElement ( "input" ) ;
OK.type = "button" ;
OK.value = hotcat_button_label ('wpOkUploadLbl', 'OK') ;
OK.onclick = function (evt) { hotcat_ok (hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1); };
var cancel = document.createElement ( "input" ) ;
cancel.type = "button" ;
cancel.value = hotcat_button_label ('wpCancelUploadLbl', 'Cancel') ;
cancel.onclick = hotcat_cancel ;
if (list != null) form.appendChild ( list ) ;
form.appendChild ( text ) ;
if (exists != null) form.appendChild ( exists ) ;
form.appendChild ( OK ) ;
form.appendChild ( cancel ) ;
thespan.appendChild ( form ) ;
text.focus () ;
function hotcat_ok (nocommit) {
var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
var v = text.value || "";
v = v.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); // Trim leading and trailing blanks
// Empty category ?
if (!v) {
hotcat_cancel() ;
return ;
// Get the links and the categories of the chosen category page
var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&titles='
+ encodeURIComponent ('Category:' + v)
+ '&prop=info|links|categories&plnamespace=14&format=json';
var request = sajax_init_object() ;
if (request == null) {
//Oops! We don't have XMLHttp...
hotcat_nosuggestions = true;
hotcat_closeform (nocommit);
hotcat_running = 0;
} ('GET', url, true);
request.onreadystatechange =
function () {
if (request.readyState != 4) return;
if (request.status != 200) {
hotcat_closeform (nocommit);
} else {
var do_submit = hotcat_json_resolve (eval ('(' + request.responseText + ')'));
if (do_submit) {
var txt = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
hotcat_closeform (
,(txt && txt.value != v) ? " (redirect \[\[:Category:" + v + "|" + v + "\]\] resolved)" : null
request.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=yes');
request.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');
request.send (null);
function hotcat_json_resolve (params)
function resolve (page)
var cats = page.categories;
var is_dab = false;
var is_redir = typeof (page.redirect) == 'string'; // Hard redirect?
if (!is_redir && cats) {
for (var c = 0; c < cats.length; c++) {
var cat = cats[c]["title"];
if (cat) cat = cat.substring (cat.indexOf (':') + 1); // Strip namespace prefix
if (cat == 'Disambiguation') {
is_dab = true; break;
} else if (cat == 'Category_redirects' || cat == 'Category redirects') {
is_redir = true; break;
if (!is_redir && !is_dab) return true;
var lks = page.links;
var titles = new Array ();
for (i = 0; i < lks.length; i++) {
if ( lks[i]["ns"] == 14 // Category namespace
&& lks[i]["title"] && lks[i]["title"].length > 0) { // Name not empty
// Internal link to existing thingy. Extract the page name.
var match = lks[i]["title"];
// Remove the category prefix
match = match.substring (match.indexOf (':') + 1);
titles.push (match);
if (is_redir) break;
if (titles.length > 1) {
// Disambiguation page
hotcat_show_suggestions (titles);
return false;
} else if (titles.length == 1) {
var text = document.getElementById ("hotcat_text");
if (text) text.value = titles[0];
return true;
} // end local function resolve
// We should have at most one page here
for (var page in params.query.pages) return resolve (params.query.pages[page]);
return true; // In case we have none.
function hotcat_closeform (nocommit, comment)
var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
var v = text.value || "";
v = v.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); // Trim leading and trailing blanks
if (!v // Empty
|| mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 14 && v == mw.config.get('wgTitle') // Self-reference
|| != 'hotcat_add' // Modifying, but
&& text.parentNode.parentNode.hotcat_name == v) // name unchanged
hotcat_cancel ();
if (hotcat_upload) {
hotcat_just_add (v) ; // Close the form
return ;
var editlk = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=' + encodeURIComponent (mw.config.get('wgPageName'))
+ '&action=edit';
var url = editlk + '&hotcat_newcat=' + encodeURIComponent( v ) ;
// Editing existing?
var span = text.parentNode.parentNode ; // span.form.text
if ( != "hotcat_add" ) { // Not plain "addition"
url += '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent (span.hotcat_name);
if (nocommit) url = url + '&hotcat_nocommit=1';
if (comment) url = url + '&hotcat_comment=' + encodeURIComponent (comment);
// Make the list disappear:
var list = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_list" ) ;
if (list) = 'none';
document.location = url ;
function hotcat_just_add ( text ) {
var span = document.getElementById("hotcat_form") ;
while ( span.tagName != "SPAN" ) span = span.parentNode ;
var add = 0 ;
if ( == "hotcat_add" ) add = 1 ; = "" ;
while ( span.firstChild ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild ) ;
var na = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
na.href = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').split("$1").join("Category:" + encodeURI (text)) ;
na.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( text ) ) ;
na.setAttribute ( "title" , "Category:" + text ) ;
span.appendChild ( na ) ;
var catline = getElementsByClassName ( document , "p" , "catlinks" ) [0] ;
if ( add ) hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < span.parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ;
hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ;
break ;
function hotcat_cancel () {
var span = document.getElementById("hotcat_form").parentNode ;
if ( == "hotcat_add" ) {
hotcat_create_span ( span ) ;
} else {
while ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) ; = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < span.parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ;
hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ;
break ;
function hotcat_text_changed () {
if ( hotcat_running ) return ;
var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
var v = text.value.ucFirst() ;
if ( hotcat_last_v == v ) return ; // Nothing's changed...
if (hotcat_nosuggestions) {
// On IE, XMLHttp uses ActiveX, and the user may deny execution... just make sure
// the list is not displayed.
var list = document.getElementById ('hotcat_list');
if (list != null) = "none" ;
var exists = document.getElementById ('hotcat_exists');
if (exists != null) = "none" ;
hotcat_running = 1 ;
hotcat_last_v = v ;
if ( v != "" ) {
var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')
+ "/api.php?format=xml&action=query&list=allpages&apnamespace=14&apfrom="
+ encodeURIComponent( v ) ;
var request = sajax_init_object() ;
if (request == null) {
//Oops! We don't have XMLHttp...
hotcat_nosuggestions = true;
var list = document.getElementById ('hotcat_list');
if (list != null) = "none" ;
var exists = document.getElementById ('hotcat_exists');
if (exists != null) = "none" ;
hotcat_running = 0;
}'GET', url, true);
request.onreadystatechange =
function () {
if (request.readyState == 4) {
var xml = request.responseXML ;
if ( xml == null ) return ;
var pages = xml.getElementsByTagName( "p" ) ; // results are *with* namespace here
var titles = new Array () ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < pages.length ; i++ ) {
// Remove the namespace. No hardcoding of 'Category:', please, other Wikis may have
// local names ("Kategorie:" on de-WP, for instance). Also don't break on category
// names containing a colon
var s = pages[i].getAttribute("title");
s = s.substring (s.indexOf (':') + 1);
if ( s.substr ( 0 , hotcat_last_v.length ) != hotcat_last_v ) break ;
titles.push ( s ) ;
hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) ;
request.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=yes');
request.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');
} else {
hotcat_show_suggestions ( new Array () ) ;
hotcat_running = 0 ;
function hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) {
var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
var list = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_list" ) ;
var icon = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_exists" ) ;
// Somehow, after a double click on the selection list, we still get here in IE, but
// the list may no longer exist... Lupo, 2008-01-20
if (list == null) return;
if (hotcat_nosuggestions) { = "none" ;
if (icon != null) = "none";
if ( titles.length == 0 ) { = "none" ;
icon.src = hotcat_exists_no ;
return ;
// Set list size to minimum of 5 and actual number of titles. Formerly was just 5.
// Lupo, 2008-01-20
list.size = (titles.length > 5 ? 5 : titles.length) ;
// Avoid list height 1: double-click doesn't work in FF. Lupo, 2008-02-27
if (list.size == 1) list.size = 2; = "left" ; = 5 ; = "absolute" ;
// Was listh = titles.length * 20: that makes no sense if titles.length > list.size
// Lupo, 2008-01-20
var listh = list.size * 20;
var nl = parseInt (text.offsetLeft) - 1 ;
var nt = parseInt (text.offsetTop) - listh ;
if (skin == 'nostalgia' || skin == 'cologneblue' || skin == 'standard') {
// These three skins have the category line at the top of the page. Make the suggestions
// appear *below* out input field.
nt = parseInt (text.offsetTop) + parseInt (text.offsetHeight) + 3;
} = nt + "px" ; = ""; // No fixed width (yet) = listh + "px" ; = nl + "px" ;
while ( list.firstChild ) list.removeChild ( list.firstChild ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < titles.length ; i++ ) {
var opt = document.createElement ( "option" ) ;
var ot = document.createTextNode ( titles[i] ) ;
opt.appendChild ( ot ) ;
//opt.value = titles[i] ;
list.appendChild ( opt ) ;
icon.src = hotcat_exists_yes ;
var nof_titles = titles.length;
var first_title = titles.shift () ;
var v = text.value.ucFirst() ;
text.focus ();
if ( first_title == v ) {
if (nof_titles == 1) {
// Only one result, and it's the same as whatever is in the input box: makes no sense
// to show the list. = 'none';
return ;
if (list.offsetWidth < text.offsetWidth) = text.offsetWidth + "px";
else {
function position (node)
var t = 0, l = 0;
do {
t = t + (node.offsetTop || 0);
l = l + (node.offsetLeft || 0);
node = node.offsetParent;
} while (node);
return {x : l, y : t};
function scroll_offset (what)
var s = 'scroll' + what;
return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0)
|| document.body[s] || 0;
function viewport (what)
if (typeof (is_safari) != 'undefined' && is_safari && !document.evaluate)
return window['inner' + what];
var s = 'client' + what;
if (typeof (is_opera) != 'undefined' && is_opera) return document.body[s];
return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0)
|| document.body[s] || 0;
var scroll = scroll_offset ('Left');
var view_w = viewport ('Width');
var l_pos = position (list);
var w = list.offsetWidth;
if (l_pos.x + w > scroll + view_w) {
if (w > view_w) w = view_w; = w + "px"; = nl - (l_pos.x + w - scroll - view_w) + "px";
} = "block" ;
// Put the first entry of the title list into the text field, and select the
// new suffix such that it'll be overwritten if the user keeps typing.
// ONLY do this if we have a way to select parts of the content of a text
// field, otherwise, this is very annoying for the user. Note: IE does it
// again differently from the two versions previously implemented.
// Lupo, 2008-01-20
// Only put first entry into the list if the user hasn't typed something
// conflicting yet Dschwen 2008-02-18
if ( ( text.setSelectionRange ||
text.createTextRange ||
typeof (text.selectionStart) != 'undefined' &&
typeof (text.selectionEnd) != 'undefined' ) &&
v == first_title.substr(0,v.length) )
// taking hotcat_last_v was a major annoyance,
// since it constantly killed text that was typed in
// _since_ the last AJAX request was fired! Dschwen 2008-02-18
var nosel = v.length ;
text.value = first_title ;
if (text.setSelectionRange) // e.g. khtml
text.setSelectionRange (nosel, first_title.length);
else if (text.createTextRange) { // IE
var new_selection = text.createTextRange();
new_selection.move ("character", nosel);
new_selection.moveEnd ("character", first_title.length - nosel);;
} else {
text.selectionStart = nosel;
text.selectionEnd = first_title.length;
function hotcat_get_state ()
var cats = document.getElementById ('catlinks');
if (cats == null) return "";
var result = null;
cats = cats.getElementsByTagName ('span') ;
for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ ) {
var text = cats[i].hotcat_name;
if (text) {
if (result == null)
result = text;
result = result + '\n' + text;
return result;
function hotcat_set_state (state)
var cats = state.split ('\n');
if (cats.length == 0) return null;
var parent = document.getElementById ('catlinks');
if (parent == null) return state;
// HotCat uses a 'p' element inside the 'div' to wrap its spans...
parent = parent.firstChild;
if (parent == null || parent.className != 'catlinks') return state;
var n = (parent.childNodes ? parent.childNodes.length - 1 : 0);
if (n < 0) n = 0;
var before = parent.lastChild;
for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
if (cats[i].length > 0) {
var lk = document.createElement ('a');
lk.href = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').split ('$1').join ('Category:' + encodeURI (cats[i]));
lk.appendChild (document.createTextNode (cats[i]));
lk.setAttribute ('title', cats[i]);
var span = document.createElement ('span');
span.appendChild (lk);
parent.insertBefore (span, before);
if (before != null) parent.insertBefore (document.createTextNode (' | '), before);
hotcat_modify_span (span, n++);
return null;
addOnloadHook ( hotcat ) ;
} // end if (guard)
addOnloadHook(function() {
var editTab = document.getElementById("ca-edit");
if (!editTab) return;
var editURL = editTab.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", editURL + "&externaledit=true", "EE", "ca-exted", "External editor", "");