BZFlag is an open-source OpenGL multiplayer 3D tank battle game, with development led by Tim Riker. CannonBallGuy participates in the GamesUnited League, the Ducati Style League and a 1on1 tournament.
He is reasonably well known in the game but not necessarily for good reasons. He can be annoying and disruptive during matches. Some other players however, have found him to be a good friend and enjoy playing with and against him.
CBG first got interested in Web Design when he was 12 years old. He started by using a WYSIWYG editor. These days, when he has time, he hand-codes with HTML and CSS. He strives for standards compliant designs that are also visually appealing.
As a result of his interest in Web Design, CBG is also teaching himself to use Photoshop. He is (and others are) noticing improvements with every design and he is constantly attempting graphics contests at