User:CAS222222221/wikEd international zh.js
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Documentation for this user script can be added at User:CAS222222221/wikEd international zh. |
This is the English translation for the MediaWiki editing page extension '''[[User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]''' (last updated for version 0.9.119c).
Please see the translation instructions at [[User:Cacycle/wikEd international]].
Also based on [[w:en:User:Shibo77/wikEd_international_zh.js]]&oldid=576200321 and [[w:en:User:Liflon/wikEd_international_zh-hant.js]]&oldid=588468311.
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'/* */ ', '编修', '回复', '创建条目', '重写序言',
'修正连接', '订正错字', '移除垃圾链接', '回退测试',
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// location search string functions
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// duplicated message
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// from [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff.js]]
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