Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:קיפודנחש/apiRollback. |
// <source lang="javascript">
// License: PD
// rollback "in place", using API
"use strict";
var mw, $;
if (
mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'history'
|| ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ), ['Recentchanges', 'Watchlist', 'Contributions'] ) + 1 )
|| /\bdiff=/.test( window.location.href ) // poor-man's mw.util.paramValue()
$.when( mw.loader.using( [ 'jquery.ui', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.user', 'mediawiki.util' ] ), $.ready ).done ( function() {
var summaryStorageKey = 'rollback summary',
userTalkStorageKey = 'rollback user talk message',
historyDepth = 20,
api = new mw.Api(),
onRollbackClick = function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
href = $this.attr( 'href' ),
token = decodeURIComponent( href.replace( /.*[&\?]token=/, '' ).replace( /&.*/, '' ) ),
title = decodeURIComponent( href.replace( /.*[&\?]title=/, '' ).replace( /&.*/, '' ).replace(/_/g, ' ') ),
from = decodeURIComponent( href.replace( /.*[&\?]from=/, '' ).replace( /&.*/, '' ).replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) ),
rbParams = { action: 'rollback', token: token, title: title, user: from },
replaceTokens = function( str ) {
return str.replace( /\$1/g, title ).replace( /\$2/g, from ).replace( /\$3/g, $this.text() );
rollback = function( watchArticle, watchTalk ) {
if ( watchArticle )
rbParams.watchlist = 'watch'; rbParams, function() {
var match = $this.text().match( /:(.*)/ ),
edits = ( match && match.length > 1 ) ? match[1] : $this.text(),
userLink = $this.closest('span').parent().find( '.mw-usertoollinks' ),
talkPageLink = $this.closest( 'span' ).parent()
.find( '.mw-usertoollinks a' )
.filter( function() { return $( this ).text() == "Talk" } ),
talkHref = talkPageLink.attr( 'href' ),
vanarticle = 'vanarticle=' + mw.util.rawurlencode( title );
.attr( 'href', talkHref + ( /\?/.test( talkHref ) ? '&' : '?' ) + vanarticle )
.css( 'font-weight', 'bold' );
mw.util.jsMessage( i18n( 'success', edits, from ) );
if ( talkPageMessage )
{ action: 'edit',
token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' ),
appendtext: talkPageMessage,
title: i18n('user talk', from),
summary: replaceTokens( talkPageSummaryInputbox.val() ),
watchlist: watchTalk ? 'watch' : 'preferences'
function() { mw.util.jsMessage( i18n( 'talk success', talkPageMessage, from ) ); }
} );
var watchOption = mw.user.options.get('watchrollback');
if ( e.type == 'click' ) // left click
rollback( watchOption );
else { // right click.
var dialog,
summariesJson = summaryStorageKey ) || "[]",
summaries = JSON.parse(summariesJson),
talkPageMessagesJson = userTalkStorageKey ) || "{}",
talkPageMessages = JSON.parse(talkPageMessagesJson),
summaryInputbox = $( '<input>', { width: '40em' } ),
summarySelector = $( '<select>' ).append( $( '<option>' ) ).change( function() { summaryInputbox.val( this.value ); } ),
watchArticleCheckbox = $( '<input>', { type: 'checkbox' } ).prop( 'checked', watchOption ),
talkPageInputbox = $( '<input>', { width: '40em' } ),
talkPageTextbox = $( '<textarea>', { rows: 5 } ),
talkPageSummaryInputbox = $( '<input>', { width: '40em' } ),
talkPageSelector = $( '<select>' ).change( function() {
talkPageInputbox.val( this.value );
talkPageTextbox.val( talkPageMessages[this.value].m || '' );
talkPageSummaryInputbox.val( talkPageMessages[this.value].s || '' );
} ),
watchTalkpageCheckbox = $( '<input>', { type: 'checkbox' }).prop( 'checked', mw.config.get( 'watchTalkpageOnRollbackMessage' ) ),
prepareTalkpageSelector = function() {
talkPageSelector.find( '*' ).remove();
talkPageSelector.append( $( '<option>' ) );
for ( var talkMessageName in talkPageMessages ) {
var option = $( '<option>', { value: talkMessageName, text: talkMessageName} );
if ( /^=/.test( talkMessageName ) )
option.attr( 'disabled', 'diabled' );
talkPageSelector.append( option );
talkPageInputbox.val( '' );
talkPageTextbox.val( '' );
$( summaries ).each( function( index, item ) { summarySelector.append( $( '<option>', { value: item, text: item } ) ); } );
dialog = $( '<div>' ).dialog( {
title: i18n( 'dialogtitle' ),
modal: true,
buttons: [
{ text: i18n('ok'), click: function() {
summary = $.trim( summaryInputbox.val() );
talkPageMessage = $.trim( talkPageTextbox.val() );
if ( !summary && !talkPageMessage )
if ( summary ) {
var old = $.inArray( summary, summaries );
if ( old + 1 )
summaries.splice( old, 1 );
summaries.splice( 1, 0, summary );
if ( summaries.length > 20 )
summaries.pop(); summaryStorageKey, JSON.stringify( summaries ) );
rbParams.summary = replaceTokens( summary );
var talkPageMessageName = $.trim( talkPageInputbox.val() ),
talkPageSummary = $.trim( talkPageSummaryInputbox.val() );
if ( talkPageMessageName ) {
if ( talkPageMessage ) {
talkPageMessages[ talkPageMessageName ] = { m: talkPageMessage, s: talkPageSummary };
} else
delete talkPageMessages[ talkPageMessageName ]; userTalkStorageKey, JSON.stringify( talkPageMessages ) );
if ( talkPageMessage )
talkPageMessage = '\n' + replaceTokens( talkPageMessage );
rollback( watchArticleCheckbox.prop( 'checked' ), watchTalkpageCheckbox.prop( 'checked' ) );
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
} },
{ text: i18n( 'read boilerplate button' ), click: function() {
var source = prompt( i18n( 'enter boilerplate source' ), i18n( 'default boilerplate page') );
if ( source ) {
$.ajax( {
url: mw.util.wikiScript(),
cache: false,
data: {title: source, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/x-wiki'},
success: function( data ) {
try {
talkPageMessages = JSON.parse( data );
prepareTalkpageSelector(); userTalkStorageKey, JSON.stringify( talkPageMessages ) );
} catch(e) {
alert( i18n( 'exception reading boilerplates', source, e ) );
} );
} },
{ text: i18n( 'cancel' ), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( 'close' ); } }
} )
.append( $( '<p>' ).html( i18n( 'description', title, from, $this.text() ) ) )
.append( $( '<table>' )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'summary' ) } ) )
.append( summaryInputbox )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'summaryhist' ) } ) )
.append( summarySelector )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'watch article', title ) } ) )
.append( watchArticleCheckbox )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'talkpagename' ) } ) )
.append( talkPageInputbox )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'talkpagemessage', from ) } ) )
.append( talkPageTextbox )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'talkpagesummary', from ) } ) )
.append( talkPageSummaryInputbox )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', {text: i18n( 'talkpagemessagehist' ) } ) )
.append( talkPageSelector )
.append( $( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'watch talkpage', from ) } ) )
.append( watchTalkpageCheckbox )
dialog.dialog( 'option', { width: 'auto', height: 'auto' } );
dialog.dialog( 'option', { position: { my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window } } );
dialog.dialog( 'option', { width: '100', height: '100' } ); // this perversion is for rtl: we need to force a redraw.
dialog.dialog( 'option', { width: 'auto', height: 'auto' } );
dialog.dialog( 'option', { position: { my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window } } ); // ditto.
} // e.type == contextmenu
}, // onRollbackClick
i18n = function () {
var str = arguments[0];
switch ( mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) ) {
case 'he':
switch ( str ) {
case 'description':
str = 'ניתן (אין חובה) להזין תקציר עריכה לשחזור, ו/או הודעה שתישמר בדף השיחה של %2.<br />'
+ '$1 יוחלף בשם הדף (%1),<br />'
+ '$2 יוחלף בשם המשתמש (%2)<br />'
+ '$3 יוחלף בכותרת הקישור (%3)';
case 'dialogtitle':
return 'שחזור עריכה';
case 'success':
str = '%1 של %2 בוצע';
case 'ok':
return 'אישור';
case 'cancel':
return 'ביטול';
case 'rightclick':
return 'לחיצה בכפתור ימני מאפשרת להוסיף תקציר.';
case 'summary':
return 'תקציר עריכה:';
case 'summaryhist':
return 'תקצירים קודמים:';
case 'talkpagename':
return 'שם ההודעה בדף שיחה:';
case 'talkpagemessagehist':
return 'הודעות דף שיחה קודמות:';
case 'talkpagemessage':
str = 'הודעה לדף השיחה של %1:';
case 'read boilerplate button':
return 'קריאת ההודעות מדף';
case 'enter boilerplate source':
return 'הזינו את שם הדף בו נמצאות ההודעות המוכנות';
case 'default boilerplate page':
return 'משתמש:Neukoln/msgs.js';
case 'exception reading boilerplates':
str = 'שגיאה בניסיון לקריאת תבניות מדף "%1". השגיאה היא: %2';
case 'watch article':
str = 'הוסף את הדף %1 לרשימת המעקב';
case 'watch talkpage':
str = 'הוסף את דף השיחה של משתמש:%1 לרשימת המעקב';
case 'user talk':
str = 'שיחת משתמש:%1';
case 'talkpagesummary':
return 'תקציר להודעה בשיחת משתמש';
case 'talk success':
str = 'ההודעה:<br />%1<br />נשמרה בהצלחה בדף "שיחת משתמש:%2"';
switch ( str ) {
case 'description':
str = 'You can enter a summary for the rollback instead of the default, '
+ 'and an optional message to be added to %2 talk page<br />'
+ '$1 will be replaced by page name (%1),<br />'
+ '$2 will be replaced by user name (%2),<br />'
+ '$3 will be replaced by rollover text (%3).';
case 'dialogtitle' :
return 'Rollback summary';
case 'success':
str = 'Successfully rolled back %1 by %2';
case 'ok':
return 'OK';
case 'cancel':
return 'Cancel';
case 'rightclick':
return 'Use right mouse button to add summary.';
case 'summary':
return 'Summary:';
case 'summaryhist':
return 'Summary history:';
case 'talkpagename':
return 'Talk page message name:';
case 'talkpagemessagehist':
return 'Talk page message name history:';
case 'talkpagemessage':
return 'Talk page message:';
case 'talk success':
str = 'Message %1 was successfuly saved in %2 talkpage';
case 'read boilerplate button':
return 'Read messages';
case 'enter boilerplate source':
return 'Please enter page name from which to read boilerplate messages';
case 'default boilerplate page':
return '';
case 'exception reading boilerplates':
str = 'Exception trying to interpret Page "%1". Exception is: %2';
case 'watch article':
str = 'Add page "%1" to your watchlist';
case 'watch talkpage':
str = 'Add "User talk:%1" to your watchlist';
case 'user talk':
str = 'User talk:%1';
case 'talkpagesummary':
return 'Summary for talk page message';
case 'talk success':
str = 'Successfuly added<br />%1<br />To page User talk:%2';
for ( var arg = 1; arg < arguments.length; arg++ )
str = str.replace( new RegExp( '%' + arg, 'g' ), arguments[ arg ] );
return str;
$( 'a[href *= "action=rollback"]' ).on( 'click contextmenu', onRollbackClick );
var tries = 0,
timer = setInterval( function() {
if ( window.removeTooltip ) {
$( 'a[href *= "action=rollback"]' ).each( function() {
window.removeTooltip( this );
this.title += " \n" + i18n( 'rightclick' );
clearInterval( timer );
} else if ( tries++ > 30 )
clearInterval( timer );
}, 100 );
} ); // using </source>