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Triple Intervention

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Convention of retrocession of the Liaodong Peninsula, 8 November 1895

The Tripartite Intervention or Triple Intervention (三国干渉, Sangoku Kanshō) was a diplomatic intervention by Russia, Germany, and France on 23 April 1895 over the harsh terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki imposed by Japan on China that ended the First Sino-Japanese War. The goal was to stop Japanese expansion in China. The Japanese reaction against the Triple Intervention was one of the causes of the subsequent Russo-Japanese War.[1]

Treaty of Shimonoseki


Per the terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Japan was awarded the Liaodong Peninsula including the harbor city of Port Arthur, which it had conquered from China. Immediately after the terms of the treaty became public, Russia—with its own designs and sphere of influence in China—expressed concern about the Japanese acquisition of the Liaodong Peninsula and the possible impact of the terms of the treaty on the stability of China. Russia persuaded France and Germany to apply diplomatic pressure on Japan for the return of the territory to China in exchange for a larger indemnity.[1][2]

The European powers


Russia had the most to gain from the Triple Intervention. In the preceding years, Russia had been slowly increasing its influence in the Far East. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the acquisition of a warm-water port would enable Russia to consolidate its presence in the region and further expand into Asia and the Pacific. Russia had not expected that Japan would be victorious against China. Port Arthur falling into Japanese hands would undermine its own desperate need for a warm-water port in the East.[3]

France was obligated to join Russia due to their military alliance. French bankers did have financial interests in Russia, especially in railroads. However, France had no territorial ambitions in Manchuria, as its sphere of influence was in southern China (see Sino-French War). The French actually had cordial relations with the Japanese: French military advisors were sent to train the Imperial Japanese Army and a number of Japanese ships were built in French shipyards. However, France did not wish to be diplomatically isolated, as it had been previously, especially given the growing power of Germany.[4]

Germany had two reasons to support Russia. Firstly, it desired to draw Russia's attention to the east, away from itself. Secondly, to enlist Russia's support in establishing German territorial concessions in China. Germany hoped that supporting Russia would encourage Russia, in turn, to support Germany's colonial ambitions, which were especially vexed since Germany had only recently formed itself into a unified nation and had arrived late in the colonial "game".[citation needed]



The Japanese government reluctantly acceded to the intervention, as British and American diplomatic intercession was not forthcoming, and Japan was in no position to militarily resist three major European powers simultaneously. The three powers had 38 warships with a displacement of 95,000 tons already deployed in East Asia, whereas the Imperial Japanese Navy had only 31 warships in total with a displacement of 57,000 tons.[1]

After futile diplomatic efforts to enlist the support of the United States and Great Britain, on 5 May 1895, Prime Minister Itō Hirobumi announced the withdrawal of Japanese forces from the Liaodong Peninsula in exchange for an additional indemnity of 30 million kuping taels (450 million yen). The last Japanese troops departed in December.

Much to Japan's astonishment and consternation, Russia moved almost immediately to occupy the entire Liaodong Peninsula and especially to fortify Port Arthur. Germany secured control over concessions in Shandong Province. France and even Great Britain took advantage of a weakened China to seize the port cities of Guangzhouwan and Weihaiwei, respectively, on various pretexts and to expand their spheres of influence.

Japan's government felt it had been cheated of its deserved spoils of war by this intervention. This humiliation at the hands of the European powers helped lead to the Gashin Shōtan (臥薪嘗胆) movement. Figuratively translated as "Persevering through Hardship (for the sake of revenge)", the saying is derived from the Chinese chengyu of wòxīnchángdǎn (臥薪嘗膽), literally meaning "sleeping on sticks and tasting gall", that alludes to the perseverance of King Goujian of Yue (reigned 496–465 BC) in the war between Wu and Yue. For modern Japan, this ideology meant an increase in heavy industry and the strength of the armed forces, especially the navy, at the expense of individual wants and needs.

The Triple Intervention had a profound effect on Japanese foreign relations, as Japanese diplomacy sought to avoid a reconstitution of a combination of European powers against Japan. It led directly to the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 which was explicitly intended to shield Japan from interference from other European great powers, and from Russia in particular.


  1. ^ a b c Kowner, Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War, p. 375.
  2. ^ Marius B. Jansen, Japan and China: From War to Peace, 1894-1972 (1975) pp 17-29, 66-77.
  3. ^ Frank W. Ikle, "The Triple Intervention. Japan's Lesson in the Diplomacy of Imperialism." Monumenta Nipponica 22.1/2 (1967): 122-130.
  4. ^ Urs Matthias Zachmann, "Imperialism in a Nutshell: Conflict and the Concert of Powers' in the Tripartite Intervention, 1895." Japanstudien 17.1 (2006): 57-82.


  • Connaughton, R.M. (1992) [1988]. The War of the Rising Sun and Tumbling Bear: A Military History of the Russo-Japanese War 1904-5 (Reprint ed.). Routledge. ISBN 978-0415071437.
  • Kajima, Morinosuke (1976). The Diplomacy of Japan, 1894-1922. Vol. 1: Sino-Japanese War and Triple Intervention. Tokyo: Kajima Institute of International Peace.
  • Kowner, Rotem (2006). Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-4927-5.