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Talk:Károly Kerényi

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"...but - after the philosopher potentat Georg Lukács in 1948 condemned him as "the cart pusher of fascism", he was forced in emigration and became a citizen of Switzerland..." Is this Wikipedian neutrality? May we have some context for this quote? --Wetman 06:40, 30 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, this is a fact, and facts are neutral. Source is Hungarian Wikipedia. For other sources, please ask DrSteller. Gubbubu 12:30, 30 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

This resource says that, f.e.:

1946 szeptemberében azonban rágalmaktól zsúfolt támadások jelentek meg ellene, s nemcsak demokratikus gondolkodását vonták kétségbe, hanem tudományos értékét is. Mikor 1947 végén hazatért, látta, hogy péntek esti óráinak megkísérelt felújítása nem talált visszhangra, s egyéb támadások is érték, ezért csalódottan és reményvesztetten visszatért Svájcba. 1948 nyarán Lukács György a Társadalmi Szemlében közzétett cikkében a fasizmus szekértolójaként illette, akinek nincs helye az új magyar szellemi életben. Később kiderült, hogy minderre azért volt szükség, mert az ideológiai megalkuvásra képtelen, a szókimondást erkölcsi kötelességnek érző természetű és széles körű nemzetközi tudományos tekintéllyel rendelkező Kerényit csak így tudták az országból eltávolítani, az egyetlen lehetséges megoldás, hogy emigrációba kényszerítették.
Perhaps Gubbubu would be generous enough to translate some and discuss it in the article, for the handful of Wikipedia readers whose Hungarian is a little rusty? I for one can see that it's Hungarian, but I can't tell what this accusation is about, don't you see? --Wetman 00:32, 1 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, but If you edit hungarian-related articles, you should learn at least minimal hungarian, otherwise you won't understand the sources. But the translation of the paragraph is that:
In september 1946 attacks full of defamations been published against him, debating not onéy his democratic thinking, but his scientific preparedness. So, when he saw he can't get space, returned frustrated to Switzerland. In the summer of 1948 György Lukács in an article published in Társadalmi Szemle celled him as the cart pusher of fascism, who must be thrown out of hungarian intellectual life. Later it is turned out, they need this because he (K.K.) was incapable of ideological expedience, the wide-known and recognized Kerényi could only been gagged this way. Gubbubu 17:11, 20 December 2005 (UTC) I would add a few modifications to this translations for others to distinct clearly: the Hungarian article says he returned (in this case Hungary) only to find he could not teach classes on his usual Friday night slot, and for other personal slenders he returned to Switzerland, it's more explaining where and why he could not get space (or to be more specific slot or spot). I would use later as it turned out it was not an acknowledged fact then, but is now. You left out that he felt obligated to be what's on his mind on his tongue as well, and wide known was exactly paraphrased as internationally reknowned and acknowledged. And gagged is a literal world he was intellectually silenced, and he was forced to emigrate. If you mention victims of totalitarian regimes it has to be noted and always, that in difference to the Nazis when someone was too known, not a member of their party and it was not during a war they expelled him/her from the country and stripped from citizenship contrary to extermination camps. And speaking of which since he was so outright, I would love to read more sources on his years in Switzerland as a Jewish scientist among people who really were in one cart with the Third Reich Shinichi1977 (talk) 21:09, 17 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

So this wasn't "denazificatization" (communists during their reign in power for forty years called "nazi", "fascist" and "antisemitist" everyone - even Jews or communists like J. B. Tito or László Rajk - who appeared for them to be in their way. Most of "nazis" they forced to emigrate or imrpisoned, like Béla Hamvas (what's more, Albert Wass, what's a horros of horrors, Pál Prónay) been rehabilited after the system change in 1989. these men weren't nazis (or, like Rajk, were even not anti-communists), they were only mavericks.) Gubbubu 17:11, 20 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

See for ex. [1] in the Central Library, after the war, the SzEB started to collecting and deporting to the SU the "fascist" and "anti-demoxratic" books. "Fascist" were the all poetries of Mécs László (priest-poet, he never was fascist or anything else, only christian), but later the Ministry of Culture, what gave the task of sorting from the SzEB, sorted out the books of the following authors, too (as "antidemocratic" and "harmless for socialism and democratic thinking"):

  • Fallada, Galsworthy, Kästner, Maugham, Steinbeck, H. G. Wells, Stefan Zweig stb., Balzac, Flaubert, and Hölderin ...



So, "during the rigorous denazification of Hungary's educated class in 1948" - what's this? Gubbubu 16:54, 20 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]