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Talk:Ferdinand Columbus

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(Redirected from Talk:Fernando Colón)



New entry. --Keithpickering 17:52, 18 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

as far as i know, hernando colón never stated that his father was originally from any of the italian republics, but only that there were those who wanted him to be. perhaps it would be a good idea to quote the source in its original language. GUi 01:19, 15 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Father's biography


The title of Ferdinand's book is translated as The life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by his son Ferdinand. Ugh!

I'm far from an expert on this, but I believe that Ferdinand Columbus's book cited as Historie del S. D. Fernando Colombo; nelle quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, & de fatti dell'Ammiraglio D. Cristoforo Colombo, suo padre: Et dello scoprimento ch'egli fece dell'Indie Occidentali, dette Mondo Nuovo should actually be Historie del Signore Don Fernando Colombo, Nelle quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, & de'fatti dell'Ammiraglio Don Christoforo Colombo, suo padre: & dello scoprimento, che egli fece dell'Indie Occidentali, dette Mondo Nuovo (see https://archive.org/stream/historiedelsdfer00coln#page/n45/mode/2up). I think it's actually in the Venetian dialect of Italian, and I have loosely translated as The History of Sir Fernando Colombo Esq., Presenting the true life & events of Admiral Cristoforo Colombo Esq., his father: And the discovery of the West Indies, known as The New World.
‎ MarkFilipak 2 June 2014

Catalogue found in Copenhagen


Could mention the Catalogue Libro de los Epítomes found in Copenhagen [1] - Rod57 (talk) 08:38, 17 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]