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Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2990

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POxy 2990 (or P. Oxy. XLI 2990) is one of four examples of libelli found at Oxyrhynchus in Egypt.


  • Original lines are retained (and numbered).
  • Text in [brackets] is reconstructed to fill a gap (lacuna) in the papyrus.
  • Text in (parentheses) is full spelling of an abbreviation.
  • Letters with subscript dots are incomplete or indistinct.
1 [Α]ὐρ(ήλιος) Ἡρακ̣λ̣[ε]ί̣δ̣η̣[ς] Aurelius Heraclides
2 εἶδον ὑμᾶς θύοντας I saw you [pl.] sacrificing [m.pl.]
3 κ̣α̣ὶ̣ γευομέ̣νους. and tasting [m.pl.].
4 Μ(άρκος) Αὐ(ρήλιος) Σεσονγῶσις Markus Aurelius Sesongosis
5 καὶ ὡς χρηματίζω εἶδον also likewise I certify I saw
6 ὑμᾶς θύοντας καὶ {γε} you sacrificing [m.pl.] and {also}
7 γευσαμένους tasting [m.pl.]
8 τῶν ἱερείων.[1] the holy meat portions.

See also


