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List of weaverbird species

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Weavers, widowbirds, and allies form the family Ploceidae. The International Ornithological Committee (IOC) recognizes these 122 species; 67 of them are in genus Ploceus and the rest are distributed among 14 other genera.[1]

This list is presented according to the IOC taxonomic sequence and can also be sorted alphabetically by common name and binomial.

Common name Binomial name + authority IOC sequence
White-billed buffalo weaver Bubalornis albirostris (Vieillot, 1817) 1
Red-billed buffalo weaver Bubalornis niger Smith, A, 1836 2
White-headed buffalo weaver Dinemellia dinemelli (Rüppell, 1845) 3
White-browed sparrow-weaver Plocepasser mahali Smith, A, 1836 4
Chestnut-crowned sparrow-weaver Plocepasser superciliosus (Cretzschmar, 1827) 5
Donaldson Smith's sparrow-weaver Plocepasser donaldsoni Sharpe, 1895 6
Chestnut-backed sparrow-weaver Plocepasser rufoscapulatus Büttikofer, 1888 7
Rufous-tailed weaver Histurgops ruficauda Reichenow, 1887 8
Grey-capped social weaver Pseudonigrita arnaudi (Bonaparte, 1850) 9
Black-capped social weaver Pseudonigrita cabanisi (Fischer, GA & Reichenow, 1884) 10
Sociable weaver Philetairus socius (Latham, 1790) 11
Scaly-feathered weaver Sporopipes squamifrons (Smith, A, 1836) 12
Speckle-fronted weaver Sporopipes frontalis (Daudin, 1800) 13
Thick-billed weaver Amblyospiza albifrons (Vigors, 1831) 14
Baglafecht weaver Ploceus baglafecht (Daudin, 1802) 15
Bannerman's weaver Ploceus bannermani Chapin, 1932 16
Bates's weaver Ploceus batesi (Sharpe, 1908) 17
Black-chinned weaver Ploceus nigrimentus Reichenow, 1904 18
Bertram's weaver Ploceus bertrandi (Shelley, 1893) 19
Slender-billed weaver Ploceus pelzelni (Hartlaub, 1887) 20
Loango weaver Ploceus subpersonatus (Cabanis, 1876) 21
Little weaver Ploceus luteolus (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) 22
Spectacled weaver Ploceus ocularis Smith, A, 1828 23
Olive-naped weaver Ploceus brachypterus Swainson, 1837 24
Black-necked weaver Ploceus nigricollis (Vieillot, 1805) 25
Strange weaver Ploceus alienus (Sharpe, 1902) 26
Black-billed weaver Ploceus melanogaster Shelley, 1887 27
Cape weaver Ploceus capensis (Linnaeus, 1766) 28
Bocage's weaver Ploceus temporalis (Barboza du Bocage, 1880) 29
Eastern golden weaver Ploceus subaureus Smith, A, 1839 30
Holub's golden weaver Ploceus xanthops (Hartlaub, 1862) 31
Orange weaver Ploceus aurantius (Vieillot, 1805) 32
Heuglin's masked weaver Ploceus heuglini Reichenow, 1886 33
Golden palm weaver Ploceus bojeri (Cabanis, 1869) 34
Taveta weaver Ploceus castaneiceps (Sharpe, 1890) 35
Principe weaver Ploceus princeps (Bonaparte, 1850) 36
Northern brown-throated weaver Ploceus castanops Shelley, 1888 37
Southern brown-throated weaver Ploceus xanthopterus (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1870) 38
Ruvu weaver Ploceus holoxanthus Hartlaub, 1891 39
Kilombero weaver Ploceus burnieri Baker, NE & Baker, EM, 1990 40
Rüppell's weaver Ploceus galbula Rüppell, 1840 41
Northern masked weaver Ploceus taeniopterus (Reichenbach, 1863) 42
Lesser masked weaver Ploceus intermedius Rüppell, 1845 43
Southern masked weaver Ploceus velatus Vieillot, 1819 44
Katanga masked weaver Ploceus katangae (Verheyen, 1947) 45
Lufira masked weaver Ploceus ruweti Louette & Benson, 1982 46
Tanzanian masked weaver Ploceus reichardi Reichenow, 1886 47
Vitelline masked weaver Ploceus vitellinus (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) 48
Speke's weaver Ploceus spekei (Heuglin, 1861) 49
Fox's weaver Ploceus spekeoides Grant, CHB & Mackworth-Praed, 1947 50
Village weaver Ploceus cucullatus (Müller, PLS, 1776) 51
Giant weaver Ploceus grandis (Gray, GR, 1844) 52
Chestnut-and-black weaver Ploceus castaneofuscus Lesson, RP, 1840 53
Vieillot's black weaver Ploceus nigerrimus Vieillot, 1819 54
Weyns's weaver Ploceus weynsi (Dubois, AJC, 1900) 55
Kilifi weaver Ploceus golandi (Clarke, S, 1913) 56
Juba weaver Ploceus dichrocephalus (Salvadori, 1896) 57
Black-headed weaver Ploceus melanocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) 58
Golden-backed weaver Ploceus jacksoni Shelley, 1888 59
Cinnamon weaver Ploceus badius (Cassin, 1850) 60
Chestnut weaver Ploceus rubiginosus Rüppell, 1840 61
Golden-naped weaver Ploceus aureonucha Sassi, 1920 62
Yellow-mantled weaver Ploceus tricolor (Hartlaub, 1854) 63
Maxwell's black weaver Ploceus albinucha (Barboza du Bocage, 1876) 64
Nelicourvi weaver Ploceus nelicourvi (Scopoli, 1786) 65
Sakalava weaver Ploceus sakalava Hartlaub, 1861 66
Asian golden weaver Ploceus hypoxanthus (Sparrman, 1788) 67
Compact weaver Ploceus superciliosus (Shelley, 1873) 68
Black-breasted weaver Ploceus benghalensis (Linnaeus, 1758) 69
Streaked weaver Ploceus manyar (Horsfield, 1821) 70
Baya weaver Ploceus philippinus (Linnaeus, 1766) 71
Finn's weaver Ploceus megarhynchus Hume, 1869 72
Dark-backed weaver Ploceus bicolor Vieillot, 1819 73
Preuss's weaver Ploceus preussi (Reichenow, 1893) 74
Yellow-capped weaver Ploceus dorsomaculatus (Reichenow, 1893) 75
Olive-headed weaver Ploceus olivaceiceps (Reichenow, 1899) 76
Usambara weaver Ploceus nicolli Sclater, WL, 1931 77
Brown-capped weaver Ploceus insignis (Sharpe, 1891) 78
Bar-winged weaver Ploceus angolensis (Barboza du Bocage, 1878) 79
Sao Tome weaver Ploceus sanctithomae (Hartlaub, 1848) 80
Yellow-legged weaver Ploceus flavipes (Chapin, 1916) 81
Red-crowned malimbe Malimbus coronatus Sharpe, 1906 82
Cassin's malimbe Malimbus cassini (Elliot, DG, 1859) 83
Rachel's malimbe Malimbus racheliae (Cassin, 1857) 84
Gola malimbe Malimbus ballmanni Wolters, 1974 85
Red-vented malimbe Malimbus scutatus (Cassin, 1849) 86
Ibadan malimbe Malimbus ibadanensis Elgood, 1958 87
Blue-billed malimbe Malimbus nitens (Gray, JE, 1831) 88
Red-headed malimbe Malimbus rubricollis (Swainson, 1838) 89
Red-bellied malimbe Malimbus erythrogaster Reichenow, 1893 90
Crested malimbe Malimbus malimbicus (Daudin, 1802) 91
Red-headed weaver Anaplectes rubriceps (Sundevall, 1850) 92
Red weaver Anaplectes jubaensis Van Someren, 1920 93
Cardinal quelea Quelea cardinalis (Hartlaub, 1880) 94
Red-headed quelea Quelea erythrops (Hartlaub, 1848) 95
Red-billed quelea Quelea quelea (Linnaeus, 1758) 96
Red fody Foudia madagascariensis (Linnaeus, 1766) 97
Comoros fody Foudia eminentissima Bonaparte, 1850 98
Aldabra fody Foudia aldabrana Ridgway, 1893 99
Forest fody Foudia omissa Rothschild, 1912 100
Mauritius fody Foudia rubra (Gmelin, JF, 1789) 101
Seychelles fody Foudia sechellarum Newton, E, 1867 102
Rodrigues fody Foudia flavicans Newton, A, 1865 103
Bob-tailed weaver Brachycope anomala (Reichenow, 1887) 104
Yellow-crowned bishop Euplectes afer (Gmelin, JF, 1789) 105
Fire-fronted bishop Euplectes diadematus Fischer, GA & Reichenow, 1878 106
Black bishop Euplectes gierowii Cabanis, 1880 107
Zanzibar red bishop Euplectes nigroventris Cassin, 1848 108
Black-winged red bishop Euplectes hordeaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) 109
Southern red bishop Euplectes orix (Linnaeus, 1758) 110
Northern red bishop Euplectes franciscanus (Isert, 1789) 111
Golden-backed bishop Euplectes aureus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) 112
Yellow bishop Euplectes capensis (Linnaeus, 1766) 113
Fan-tailed widowbird Euplectes axillaris (Smith, A, 1838) 114
Yellow-mantled widowbird Euplectes macroura (Gmelin, JF, 1789) 115
Marsh widowbird Euplectes hartlaubi (Barboza du Bocage, 1878) 116
Montane widowbird Euplectes psammacromius (Reichenow, 1900) 117
White-winged widowbird Euplectes albonotatus (Cassin, 1848) 118
Red-collared widowbird Euplectes ardens (Boddaert, 1783) 119
Red-cowled widowbird Euplectes laticauda (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) 120
Long-tailed widowbird Euplectes progne (Boddaert, 1783) 121
Jackson's widowbird Euplectes jacksoni (Sharpe, 1891) 122


  1. ^ Gill, F.; Donsker, D.; Rasmussen, P. (August 2024). "Old World sparrows, snowfinches, weavers". IOC World Bird List. v 14.2. Retrieved August 20, 2024.