DescriptionUnited States main post roads circa 1804.jpg
English: United States main post roads circa 1804 ( Atlas of the historical geography of the United States, Charles O. Paullin, 1932)
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Title: Atlas of the historical geography of the United States / by
Charles O. Paullin, edited by John K. Wright
Author: Paullin, Charles Oscar, 1868 or 1869-1944.
Publisher: [Washington, D. C., Pub. jointly by Carnegie institution of Washington and the American geographical society of New York, 1932.
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Uploaded a work by Charles O. Paullin from This file was downloaded from HathiTrust Digital Library. Find more books at Title: Atlas of the historical geography of the United States / by Charles O. Paullin, edited by John K. Wright Author: Paullin, Charles Oscar, 1868 or 1869-1944. Publisher: [Washington, D. C., Pub. jointly by Carnegie institution of Washington and the American geographical society of New York, 1932. Copyright: Public Domain http://www...