The Beta Kappa chapter of Theta Kappa Psi was probably established at Duke in 1931. (Left to right, seated) Noumeer (?), Cree, Peter, Fitzgerald. (Kneeling) Jeffreys, Adams, Frazier, Goy(?) Ricks. (Standing) Calloway, Bridges, Jones, Mahl, Joyner, Boyce. At least five fraternities have been founded in the School of Medicine: Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi, and Phi Chi. These societies maintained lounges on the first floor of the School of Medicine (opposite the Hospital store) until 1938, after which some of them established residence headquarters off the campus.
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{{PD-self}} {{Information |Description=The Beta Kappa chapter of Theta Kappa Psi was probably established at Duke in 1931. (Left to right, seated) Noumeer (?), Cree, Peter, Fitzgerald. (Kneeling) Jeffreys, Adams, Frazier, Goy(?) Ricks. (Standing) Calloway