\draw [fill=brown!60] (.5,.5) -- ++(0,-1) -- ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,1) -- cycle;
\draw [blue,thin] (0:-.6) -- (0:.6) (90:.6) -- (90:-.6) (45:.8) -- (45:-.8) (135:.8) -- (135:-.8);
\node [purple] at (.25,.6) {Square};
\draw [fill=brown!60,postaction={decorate},decoration={markings,
mark=at position .15 with {\arrow[scale=2,black]{>}},
mark=at position .4 with {\arrow[scale=2,black]{>}},
mark=at position .65 with {\arrow[scale=2,black]{>}},
mark=at position .9 with {\arrow[scale=2,black]{>}}}]
(.5,-2.5) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-1) -- cycle;
\node [red] at (0,-2) {\Large 4};
\node [purple,text width=4em] at (.4,-1.3) {Gyrational square};
\draw [fill=brown!60] (3,-2.5) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1.25,0) -- ++(0,-1) -- cycle;
\draw [blue,thin] (1.6,-2) -- (3.15,-2) (2.375,-2.65) -- (2.375,-1.35);
\node [purple] at (2.7,-1.4) {Rectangle};
\draw [fill=brown!60] (-2.375,-2.5) -- ++(-.7,.5) -- ++(.7,.5) -- ++(.7,-.5) -- cycle;
\draw [blue,thin] (-3.175,-2) -- ++(1.6,0) (-2.375,-2.6) -- ++(0,1.2);
\node [purple] at (-1.8,-1.6) {Rhombus};
\draw [fill=brown!60] (.7,-3.5) -- ++(-.2,-1) -- ++(-1.2,0) -- ++(.2,1) -- cycle;
\node [red] at (0,-4) {\Large 2};
\node [purple] at (0,-3.4) {Parallelogram};
\draw [fill=brown!60] (2,-3.5) -- ++(.75,0) -- ++(.25,-1) -- ++(-1.25,0) -- cycle;
\draw [blue,thin] (2.375,-4.6) -- ++(0,1.2);
\node [purple,text width=4.5em] at (2.8,-3.3) {Isosceles trapezoid};
\draw [fill=brown!60] (-2.375,-3.5) -- ++(.5,-.25) -- ++(-.5,-.75) -- ++(-.5,.75) -- cycle;
\draw [blue,thin] (-2.375,-4.6) -- ++(0,1.2);
\node [purple] at (-2,-3.4) {Kite};
\draw [fill=brown!60] (-.5,-5.5) -- ++(1,-.2) -- ++(.2,-.8) -- ++(-1.1,.1) -- cycle;
\node [purple] at (.4,-5.5) {Irregular};
\draw [ultra thick,green!70!gray]
(0,-.7) -- ++(0,-.7) (.7,-.7) -- ++(1,-.7) (-.7,-.7) -- ++(-1,-.7)
(0,-2.7) -- ++(0,-.6) (-2.375,-2.7) -- ++(0,-.6) (2.375,-2.7) -- ++(0,-.6) (0,-4.7) -- ++(0,-.6)
(-2,-2.5) -- ++(1.3,-.8) (-2,-4.5) -- ++(1.3,-.8) (2,-2.6) -- ++(-1.3,-.7) (2,-4.6) -- ++(-1.3,-.7)
\draw [red] node at (.25,-.7) {(*44)} node at (.75,-6) {(1)}
node at (.25,-2.7) {(44)} node at (2.7,-2.7) {(*22)} node at (-2.1,-2.7) {(*22)}
node at (.25,-4.7) {(22)} node at (2.7,-4.7) {(*)} node at (-2.1,-4.4) {(*)}
\draw [blue] node at (-.25,-.7) {r8} node at (-.6,-6) {a1}
node at (-.25,-2.7) {g4} node at (2.2,-2.7) {p4} node at (-2.6,-2.7) {d4}
node at (-.25,-4.7) {g2} node at (2.2,-4.7) {p2} node at (-2.6,-4.4) {d2}