% lualatex file.tex
% inkscape --export-plain-svg --export-filename=file.svg file.pdf
\setmainfont{Liberation Sans}
\tikzset{every picture/.style={
baseline=(current bounding box.center)
every node/.style={draw, rectangle, inner sep=6pt, outer sep=0},
\node (M) {\st};
\node[above=0 of M] {\st};
\node[below=0 of M] {\st};
every node/.style={draw, rectangle, inner sep=6pt},
\node (M) at (0,0) {\st};
\node[above=0.2cm of M] (T) {\st};
\node[below=0.2cm of M] (B) {\st};
\draw[-Latex] (T.north) + (0, 0.5) -> (T.north);
\draw (T.south) -> (M.north);
\draw (M.south) -> (B.north);
\draw[-Latex] (B.south) -> +(0, -0.5);
\coordinate (TRC) at (4, 0.75);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (4, 0.75);
\draw (0,-2.25) rectangle (2,0);
\draw (2,-2.25) rectangle (4,0);
\draw (0,0.75) -- (2,0);
\draw (4,0.75) -- (2,0);
\node at (2, 0.5) {condition};
\node at (1, -1.125) {\st};
\node at (3, -1.125) {\st};
\node[anchor=south west, minimum height=0.5cm] at (0,0) {y};
\node[anchor=south east, minimum height=0.5cm] at (4,0) {n};
\node[draw, diamond, aspect=2, inner sep=1pt, outer sep=0] (C) {condition};
\node[draw, rectangle, below left=0.5 of C, inner sep=6pt] (Y) {\st};
\node[draw, rectangle, below right=0.5 of C, inner sep=6pt] (N) {\st};
\coordinate (F) at ($(C.south) + (0,-1.5)$);
\draw[-Latex] (C.north) + (0, 0.5) -> (C.north);
\draw (C) -| node[below right] {y} (Y);
\draw (C) -| node[below left] {n} (N);
\draw[-Latex] (Y.south) -> +(0, -0.5);
\draw[-Latex] (N.south) -> +(0, -0.5);
\draw[-Latex, dashed] (Y.south) + (0, -0.5) |- (F);
\draw[-Latex, dashed] (N.south) + (0, -0.5) |- (F);
\draw[-Latex, dashed] (F.south) -> +(0,-0.5);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (3.25, 2.25);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (4, 3);
\node at (2, 2.635) {condition};
\node at (1.625, 1.125) {\st};
\node[draw, diamond, aspect=2, inner sep=1pt, outer sep=0] (C) {condition};
\node[draw, rectangle, below=0.5 of C, inner sep=6pt] (Y) {\st};
\coordinate (F) at ($(C.south) + (0,-1.5)$);
\draw[-Latex] (C.north) + (0, 0.5) -> (C.north);
\draw (C) -- node[right] {y} (Y);
\draw[-Latex] (C.west) -- node[below] {n} ++(-0.5, 0) |- (F)
-- +(0, -0.5);
\draw[-Latex] (Y.south) |- +(1.5, -0.15) |- ($(C.north) + (0, 0.35)$);