import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
def convmtx(h,n):
return toeplitz(np.hstack([h, np.zeros(n-1)]), np.hstack([h[0], np.zeros(n-1)]))
def MSE_calc(sigmaS, R, p, w):
w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], 1)
wH = np.conj(w).reshape(1, w.shape[0])
p = p.reshape(p.shape[0], 1)
pH = np.conj(p).reshape(1, p.shape[0])
MSE = sigmaS -, p) -, w) +, R), w)
return MSE[0, 0]
def mu_opt_calc(gamma, R):
gamma = gamma.reshape(gamma.shape[0], 1)
gammaH = np.conj(gamma).reshape(1, gamma.shape[0])
mu_opt =, gamma) /, R), gamma)
return mu_opt[0, 0]
M = 5 # number of sensors
h = np.array([0.722-1j*0.779, -0.257-1j*0.722, -0.789-1j*1.862])
L = len(h)-1 # number of signal sources
H = convmtx(h,M-L)
sigmaS = 1 # the desired signal's (s(n)) power
sigmaN = 0.01 # the noise's (n(n)) power
# The correlation matrix of the received signal:
# Rxx = E\{x(n)x(n)^{H}\}, where ^\{H\} means Hermitian
Rxx = (sigmaS)*(,np.matrix(H).H))+(sigmaN)*np.identity(M)
# The cross-correlation vector between the tap-input vector x(n) and the desired response s(n):
p = (sigmaS)*H[:,0]
p = p.reshape((len(p), 1))
# Solution of the Wiener-Hopf equation:
wopt =, p)
MSEopt = MSE_calc(sigmaS, Rxx, p, wopt)
# Steepest descent algorithm testing:
coeff = np.array([1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1])
lamda_max = max(np.linalg.eigvals(Rxx))
mus = 2/lamda_max*coeff # different step sizes
N_steps = 100
MSE = np.empty((len(mus), N_steps), dtype=complex)
for mu_idx, mu in enumerate(mus):
w = np.zeros((M,1), dtype=complex)
for N_i in range(N_steps):
w = w - mu*(, w) - p)
MSE[mu_idx, N_i] = MSE_calc(sigmaS, Rxx, p, w)
MSEoptmu = np.empty((1, N_steps), dtype=complex)
w = np.zeros((M,1), dtype=complex)
for N_i in range(N_steps):
gamma = p -,w)
mu_opt = mu_opt_calc(gamma, Rxx)
w = w - mu_opt*(,w) - p)
MSEoptmu[:, N_i] = MSE_calc(sigmaS, Rxx, p, w)
x = [i for i in range(1, N_steps+1)]
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=300)
for idx, item in enumerate(coeff):
if item == 1:
item = ''
plt.loglog(x, np.abs(MSE[idx, :]), label='$\mu = '+str(item)+'\mu_{max}$')
plt.loglog(x, np.abs(MSEoptmu[0, :]), label='$\mu = \mu_{opt}$')
plt.loglog(x, np.abs(MSEopt*np.ones((len(x), 1), dtype=complex)), label = 'Wiener solution')
plt.xlabel('Number of steps')
plt.ylabel('Mean-Square Error')
plt.title('Steepest descent')
plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':')