English: In 1983, in celebration of the County’s tri-centennial, a new seal of Bergen County was created.
George Woodbridge, an artist from Brooklyn and a Revolutionary War buff who has illustrated
books on uniforms and weaponry, drew it. This seal accentuates the county’s founding year,
1683, in scrollwork between a Dutch settler-trader and Indian shaking hands on the banks of the
Hudson beneath the Palisades. The Dutchman’s ship is anchored offshore. Perched above them is
an eagle. These same elements were also in the old seal, which had been in use since 1910. That seal
contained two dates (1617 and 1910) of no particular significance to the county’s history. The
original design was fairly amateurish. In the new seal, the Dutchman’s musket has been removed
and he is now portrayed as a settler, an explorer and trader. The Indian has been given a peace
pipe and portrayed more historically accurate as eastern woodlands Indian. The original seal had
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