English: Model based on Advanced Macroeconomics: An Easy Guide (Campante et al 2021), chapter 3.
k = capital (stock) per capita
c = consumption (flow) per capita
n = population growth rate
δ = capital depreciation rate
ρ = utility discounting rate
We have the dynamics in $(k, c)$ space:
\dot k = f(k) - c - (n+\delta)k\\
\dot c= (f'(k) - (\delta + \rho))\sigma c
with initial conditions
$$k(0) = k(0), \quad c(0) = u'^{-1}(\lambda(0))$$
and transversality condition
$$\lim_t (ku'(c) e^{(n-\rho) t} )= 0$$
Here, $\sigma$ is the "elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption".
$$\sigma(c) := - \frac {u'(c)}{u(c)c} > 0$$
In particular, if we let $u(c) = \ln c$, then $\sigma(c) = 1$, a constant.
Now plot the diagram with Julia:
using CairoMakie, LinearAlgebra
- n = population growth rate
- δ = capital depreciation rate
- ρ = utility discounting rate
n, δ, ρ = 1, 1, 0.5
- σ = "elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption",
- which is a constant 1 if u(c) = ln c.
σ = 1
- production function
f(k) = √k
df(k) = 1/(2√k)
invdf(y) = 1/(4 * y^2)
- dynamics of (k, c)
dotkc(k, c) = [f(k)-c-(n + δ)k
(df(k)-(δ + ρ)) * σ * c]
- dotkc(x, y) = [-y - x^3; x^5]
- the ̇c = 0 curve
dotc0(c) = invdf(δ + ρ)
- the ̇k = 0 curve
dotk0(k) = f(k) - (n + δ) * k
using Roots
invdotk0 = find_zero(dotk0, (0.1, 0.3), Roots.A42());
function plotRamsey(x, y)
xs = repeat(x, outer=length(y))
ys = repeat(y, inner=length(x))
xlims!(minimum(x), maximum(x))
ylims!(minimum(y), maximum(y))
# the ̇c=0 curve
lines!(dotc0.(y), y, color=:black)
# the ̇k=0 curve
lines!(x, dotk0.(x), color=:blue)
# the equilibrium point
scatter!([dotc0(0)],[dotk0(dotc0(0))], color=:black)
scatter!([invdotk0],[0], color=:red)
# the flow vector field
vectors = dotkc.(xs, ys)
norms = vec(norm.(vectors))
scaled_norms = tanh.(norms)/10
us = map((x) -> x[1], vectors)
vs = map((x) -> x[2], vectors)
us ./= norms
vs ./= norms
us .*= scaled_norms
vs .*= scaled_norms
arrows!(xs, ys, us, vs, arrowsize = 6, linecolor=scaled_norms, arrowcolor = :black)
- define Figure
width, height = 1400, 2000
scene = Figure(resolution = (width, height))
fsize = 30
Axis(scene[1:2,1:2], backgroundcolor = "white",
xlabel = L"$k$", xlabelsize=fsize,
ylabel = L"$c$", ylabelsize=fsize,
title = L"Ramsey model with $f(k) = \sqrt{k}$, and $n, δ, ρ, σ = %$(n, δ, ρ, σ)$", titlesize=fsize)
xmin, xmax, xres = 0.0001, 0.3, 51
ymin, ymax, yres = -0.02, 0.15, 51
x = range(start = xmin, stop = xmax, length = xres)
y = range(start = ymin, stop = ymax, length = yres)
plotRamsey(x, y)
- Closeup around the interior equilibrium
Axis(scene[3,1], backgroundcolor = "white",
xlabel = L"$k$", xlabelsize=fsize,
ylabel = L"$c$", ylabelsize=fsize,
title = L"interior equilibrium at $k, c = %$(round(dotc0(0), sigdigits=2)), %$(round(dotk0(dotc0(0)), sigdigits=2))$", titlesize=fsize)
ϵ = 0.01
xmin, xmax, xres = dotc0(0)-ϵ, dotc0(0)+ϵ, 31
ymin, ymax, yres = dotk0(dotc0(0))-ϵ, dotk0(dotc0(0))+ϵ, 31
scatter!([dotc0(0)],[dotk0(dotc0(0))], color=:black)
x = range(start = xmin, stop = xmax, length = xres)
y = range(start = ymin, stop = ymax, length = yres)
plotRamsey(x, y)
- Closeup around all-saving equilibrium
Axis(scene[3,2], backgroundcolor = "white",
xlabel = L"$k$", xlabelsize=fsize,
ylabel = L"$c$", ylabelsize=fsize,
title = L"all-saving equilibrium at $k = %$(round(invdotk0, sigdigits=2))$", titlesize=fsize)
ϵ = 0.01
xmin, xmax, xres = invdotk0-ϵ, invdotk0+ϵ, 31
ymin, ymax, yres = -ϵ, +ϵ, 31
x = range(start = xmin, stop = xmax, length = xres)
y = range(start = ymin, stop = ymax, length = yres)
plotRamsey(x, y)
- display plot
- save("Ramsey.svg", scene)