English: JAKARTA, tniad.mil.id - Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Dr. Dudung Abdurachman attended and took part in sending off the departure of the Garuda Contingent Task Force (KONGA Task Force) which would serve on a peace mission at the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Central Africa by the TNI Commander Admiral TNI Yudo Margono, at Plaza TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Monday (27/3/2023)
The troops serving under the auspices of the Mission de l'Organization des Nations unies pour la stabilization en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) consist of the Konga XXXIX-E Rapid Action Battalion (BGC) of 850 personnel with Task Force Commander Colonel Infantry Made Sandy Agusto and Company Engineers (KIZI) Konga XX-T/Monusco, totaling 175 personnel commanded by Major Czi Khaidir Ilham. The main body and Task Force BGC XXXIX-E are from Infantry Battalion 713/ST, while the main body of Task Force Kizi Konga XX-T is from Merauke 11th Combat Engineering Detachment.
Bahasa Indonesia: JAKARTA, tniad.mil.id – Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Dr. Dudung Abdurachman menghadiri dan turut melepas keberangkatan Satuan Tugas Kontingen Garuda (Satgas KONGA) yang akan bertugas pada misi Perdamaian di PBB di negara Democratic Republic Of The Congo (DRC) Afrika Tengah oleh Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono, di Plaza Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Senin (27/3/2023)
Pasukan yang bertugas dibawah naungan Mission de l’Organisation des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) ini terdiri dari Batalyon Gerak Cepat (BGC) Konga XXXIX-E sejumlah 850 personel dengan Komandan Satgas Kolonel Inf Made Sandy Agusto dan Kompi Zeni (KIZI) Konga XX-T/Monusco yang berjumlah 175 personel yang dikomandani Mayor Czi Khaidir Ilham. Main Body dan Satgas BGC XXXIX-E berasal dari Yonif 713/ST, sedangkan main body Satgas Kizi Konga XX-T dari Detasemen Zeni Tempur 11 Merauke.
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