DescriptionHyaenodont drawn labeled dentition.jpg |
English: "Figure 2: Dental nomenclature used in this study.
Upper left M2 and lower left M3 of Proviverra typica (A–E) and Pterodon dasyuroides (F–J) showing dental terminology and measurements used in this study. (A) Proviverra typica M2 in occlusal and (B) buccal views and M3 in (C) occlusal, (D) lingual, and (E) buccal views. (F) Pterodon dasyuroides M2 in occlusal and (G) buccal views and M3 in (H) occlusal, (I) lingual, and (J) buccal views. Measurements are indicated in italics. Abbreviations: ak, anterior keel; bc, buccal cingulum; bcd; buccal cingulid; cn, carnassial notch; co, cristid obliqua; ecf, ectoflexus; ed, entoconid; ecd, entocristid; hd, hypoconid; hld, hypoconulid; lc, lingual cingulum; lmdl, lower molar mesiodistal length; meh, metacone height beyond metastyle; me, metacone; mec, metaconule; med, metaconid; ms, metastyle; mtl, metastyle mesiodistal length; pa, paracone; pac, paraconule; pad, paraconid; pah, paracone height beyond metastyle; pmc, premetacrisid; pom, postmetacrista; pop, postparacrista; popad; postparacristid; popr, postprotocrista; ppc postparacristid; pr, protocone; prd, protoconid; prm, premetacrista; prp, preparacrista; prpr, preprotocrista; prprd; preprotocristid; ps, parastyle; tab, talon basin; tadb, talonid basin; tall, talonid mesiodistal length; talw, talonid buccolingual width; trb, trigon basin; trdb, trigonid basin tril, trigonid mesiodistal length; triw, trigonid buccolingual width; umdl, upper molar mesiodistal length; umw, upper molar buccolingual width." |