Fotolitograferede i Generalstabens Topografiske Afdeling og Geodatastyrelsen
The contents of this file is, in either full extent or partially, based on open public geographic data from the Danish Geodata Agency:
Date retrieved: 10 January 2013.
Source data set: Målebordsblade 1980 (M20L_628_56).
Open public geographic data may be freely reused under the conditions for use of open public
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Attribution must include as follow:
Contains data from the Danish Geodata Agency or Indeholder data fra Geodatastyrelsen, and
the name(s) of the set(s) of data that was used, and
the date when the set(s) of data were retrieved from the Danish Geodata Agency.
Further if other sourced are mentioned on the front of a service re-using these data, Danish Geodata Agency or Geodatastyrelsen must appear likewise.
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