English: This figure shows estimated anthropogenic carbon flows (primarily as carbon dioxide, CO
2) for five components of the Earth system. CO
2 flow amounts are graphed as gigatones carbon per year (GtC yr
-1) since year 1960. Two graphs at the left summarize the largest anthropogenic sources: fossil-carbon extraction+burning and land-use changes. Three graphs at the right summarize the corresponding Earth sinks: atmosphere, land, and oceans.
The flow through these sources and sinks of CO2 has grown rapidly to exceed 11 GtC/yr as of year 2019. The land and ocean sinks have continued to take up about half of the source CO2, and half has remained in the atmosphere. Note that there is a quantitative balance - within the data uncertainties - between these sources and sinks (i.e. a balanced budget). The net buildup of carbon in the atmosphere, land, and ocean sinks from the anthropogenic extraction of geologic carbon alone now exceeds 10 GtC/yr.
This evaluation of Earth's global carbon budget has been produced each year, starting 2006, by research scientists at the Global Carbon Project. The color-coded lines show how these estimates - based on best available data at the time - have varied. The grey shading in each graph shows the uncertainty bounds of data utilized for the latest year estimate. Historically, the land-use change source along with land and ocean sinks have maintained the larger uncertainties. Nevertheless, the increasing trend in flow magnitudes is well in excess of uncertainties.
Friedlingstein, P., Jones, M., O'Sullivan, M., Andrew, R., Hauck, J., Peters, G., Peters, W., Pongratz, J., Sitch, S., Le Quéré, C. and 66 others (2019) "Global carbon budget 2019".
Earth System Science Data,
11(4): 1783–1838.
Material was copied from this source, which is available under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.