English: (a) Distribution of known scaly integument on the body of psittacosaurids (right silhouette; Jaime Headden;
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/; modified) and coronosaurian ceratopsians (left silhouette; Caleb M. Brown;
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/; modified), with the position of the integument in the Psittacosaurus specimen SMF R 497, the putative psittacosaurid specimen GMC LL2001-01, and the other ceratopsian specimens in blue, green and orange, respectively. Mummified head covered with skin possibly made of minute pebbly basement scales in the protoceratopsid Protoceratops (AMNH FARB 6418; from Brown and Schlaikjer15, modified) in left lateral view
(b), with close up on putative basement scales of the beak
(c), the lacrimal part
(d), and the cheek
(e). Patches of skin made of triangular, polygonal or subcircular basement scales from the proximal forearm
(f, h) and shoulder region
(g) of the left forelimb of the centrosaurine Nasutoceratops titusi (UMNH VP 16800; courtesy of Erik K. Lund). i Patches of skin made of feature and polygonal basement scales from the thoracic region of the centrosaurine Centrosaurus apertus (AMNH FARB 5427; courtesy of Carl Mehling).
(j) Polygonal basement scales from the distal tail region of the centrosaurine Centrosaurus sp. (TMP 1986.018.0097; courtesy of Caleb Brown).
(k) Polygonal feature and basement scales from the flank of the chasmosaurine Triceratops horridus (HMNS PV.1506; courtesy of Marschal A. Fazio).
(l) Polygonal basement scales in a juvenile individual of the chasmosaurine Chasmosaurus belli (UALVP 52613; courtesy of Philip J. Currie). Two patches of skin, one with large rounded feature scales surrounded by smaller polygonal basement scales
(m) and a second with small polygonal basement scales
(n), from the pelvis arch and right flank of an adult specimen of the chasmosaurine Chasmosaurus belli (CMN 2245; from S. E. Pan/Canadian Museum of Nature, used under CC BY-NC 4.0; These images were cropped from the original). fes feature scale, hps hexagram pattern of basement scales, nip nipple-like structure on the feature scale, pos polygonal basement scale, ros rounded basement scale, trs triangular basement scale.