English: The skull of
Boii crassidens a.k.a.
"Sparodus" crassidens (Figures 1-2, 4, 8-9) seen from above with other Kounová fragments (Figures 3, 5-7). Original text (translated):
"Plate 9.
Sparodus crassidens, Frič Text page 86
(Compare Plate 10 and Text figure Number 40.)
From the bituminous coal of Kounová.
Fig. 1. Cast of the skull, in the top position. p.u. Underside, surface of the cranial bones facing the brain (shown in color), p.o. Negative of the sculpted outer surface of the skull bones. 'im.' Intermaxillary premaxillae. m. maxilla, jug. Jugal. pu. Lower surface of the Parietal, po. Negative of the exterior of the Parietal. (Magnified 6 times. Number d. Orig. 83.)
Fig. 2. Dentary of the right lower jaw. (Magnified 2 times. Number d. Orig. 123.)
Dawsonia polydens, Frič. Text page 90.
Fig. 3. Dentary of the right lower jaw. Kounová. (Magnified 2 times. Number d. Orig. 122.)
Sparodus crassidens, Frič.
Fig. 4. Fragment of an upper jaw (For an enlarged tooth see Fig. 9. Kounová. (magnified 2 times, Nro. d. Orig. 124.)
Branchiosaurus venosus, Frič. Text page 83.
Fig. 5, 6. Two parasphenoids (or middle throat plates?). Kounová. (Magnified 3 times. Number d. Orig. 111 and 112.)
Fig. 7. Parasphenoid (or throat plate) found isolated. Kounová. (Magnified 3 times, Number d. Orig. 113.)
Sparodus crassidens, Frič.
Fig. 8. A tooth from the lower jaw shown in Fig. 2. Kounová. (Magnified 12 times.)
Fig. 9. A tooth shown in Fig. 4 imaged away from the rest of the jaw, drawn from the surface facing the tongue. The top is finely striped and chewed away obliquely. Kounová.
(Magnified 12 times. Number d. Orig. 124.)"