English: A.C.W.W. Officers for 1953-56. Left to right—Front Row; Mrs. Dahlerup-Peterson (Denmark); Lady Coomaraswamy (Ceylon); Mrs. A. M. Berry, new president (Australia); Mrs. Hugh Summers (Canada); Mrs. Ian Macdonald (U.S.A.). Back Row; Miss Beryl Hearnden (England); Mrs. Kleyn-Menalda (Holland); Mrs. Elema-Bakker (Holland); Miss M. E. Payne (Austrailia); Mrs. Olufine Riseng (Norway); and Mrs. George Apperson (U.S.A.). The A.C.W.W. (Associated Country Women of the World) are women who live in rural and urban areas, representatives of many races, nationalities and creeds, believe that peace and progress can best be advanced by friendship and understanding through communication and working together to improve the quality of life for all people
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