Text Appearing Before Image: nd in 1959was elected vice president and comptrol-ler of the Michigan Bell Telephone Com-pany. He returned to A.T.&T. in 1960 asassistant vice president-Planning and inDecember, 1962 moved to his presentposition as assistant comptroller in the Operations Division which includes re-sponsibility for EDP planning. ■ Arthur D. Hall, author of Develop-ing PicruREPHONE Service, page 14,is head of the Television Engineering De-partment at Bell Telephone Laboratories.He joined the Laboratories technical staffin 1950, immediately after receiving theB.S. in Engineering degree from Prince-ton University. He has specialized invarious phases of systems engineeringwork throughout his Laboratories careerand for the past eight years has had, asone of his responsibilities, supervision oflong-range studies of the potential ofPiCTUREPHONE Service. A graduate of the Laboratories three-year Communications Development Train-ing Program for graduate engineers, Mr.Hall designed the Programs systems en- Text Appearing After Image: Henry M. Boettinger Arthur D. Hall Robert B. Stecker 54 gineering course and wrote the textbookused by the students. He is also theauthor of a book, A Methodology for Sys-tems Engineering, published in 1962 byD. Van Nostrand. He has also been associated with sys-tems engineering work on AutomaticMessage Accounting and long-rangeplanning of future long-distance trans-mission systems, including waveguidesystems and high speed PCM coaxialcable systems. In his present post he is incharge of systems engineering in the tele-vision field, including picturephone serv-ice. Educational Television, and TV sys-tems for the broadcasting industry. ■ Robert B. Stecker, author of TheNew Safety Assurance Plan, onpage 32 is uniquely qualified to speak onthe subject of safety as he has been per-sonally engaged in the current all-outBell System effort to keep and improveour safety record and, as part of thiseffort, to introduce the new Safety As-surance Plan. As a result of this experi-ence, Mr. Stecke
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