English: Botanical illustration accompanying the protologue of Achlyphila disticha.
Fig. 1. a-m, Achlyphila disticha.
a) habit, X 0.5;
b) portion of leaf showing ligule, X 3;
c) inflorescence, X 1.5;
d) flower, X 2
e) petal, X 3;
f) stamen, X 8
g) lateral view of a single anther theca, showing attachment, X 8;
h) pistil, X 8;
i) stigma, X 25;
j) cross-diagram of ovary, X 7.5;
k) pollen grain, X 500;
l) seed, X 30;
m) cross-diagram of flower.
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden vol. 10 no. 2. p. 13.
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