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Stanisław Pachołowiecki

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Stanisław Pachołowiecki (Polish pronunciation: [staˈɲiswaf paˈxɔwɔvjɛtskʲi]) was a Polish Renaissance cartographer and the author of the Atlas of the Principality of Polatsk (1580).[1]

He served in the Polish chancery as a royal secretary and cartographer during the Livonian War (1579–1582) between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Muscovy. As a reward for his cartographical works, king Stephen Báthory ennobled Pachołowiecki in 1581. Only one of his works survived, the Atlas of the Principality of Polatsk. The maps were drawn during the Polatsk campaign in 1579.[2] The same year, they were sent to Rome and published by Giovanni Battista Cavalieri in 1580.[3] The Atlas consists of two large maps of the Principality of Polatsk and the siege of Polatsk in August 1579, and six smaller views of the castles captured by the royal army. This was the first Polish atlas.[1]


  1. ^ a b Karol Buczek, Dorobek kartograficzny wojen Stefana Batorego, "Wiadomości Służby Geograficznej", 3(8) (1934), pp. 3–15; Jakub Niedźwiedź, Atlas Księstwa Połockiego Stanisława Pachołowieckiego (1580): propaganda, genologia i tworzenie wiedzy geograficznej, „Terminus”, 19 (1), 2017 DOI: 10.4467/20843844TE.17.004.7893
  2. ^ Karol Buczek, The History of Polish Cartography. From the 15th to the 18th century, transl. A. Potocki, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 1966; Stanisław Alexandrowicz, Kartografia Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego od XV do połowy XVIII wieku, Warszawa: Neriton, 2012, pp. 173-176; Karol Łopatecki, Oblężenie i zdobycie warownej twierdzy połockiej przez Najjaśniejszego Króla Polski Stefana – wykorzystanie kartografii podczas planowania taktycznego, „Terminus” 2017, 19, z. 4 (45), DOI 10.4467/20843844TE.17.019.9346; Karol Łopatecki, Okoliczności powstania i przydatność wojskowa mapy Descriptio Ducatus Polocensis Stanisława Pachołowieckiego (1580), „Terminus” 2017, 19, z. 1 (42), pp. 75-126, DOI: 10.4467/20843844TE.17.003.7892
  3. ^ Alexandrowicz, Kartografia Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, pp. 173-174; Stefano Bifolco, Fabrizio Ronca, Cartographia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo: Catalogo ragionato delle opere a stampa, ed. vol. 2, Roma: Edizioni Antiquarius, 2018, pp. 1254–1255.