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Georgii Chornyi

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Georgii Chornyi
Чорний Георгій Петрович
Born (1937-09-14) September 14, 1937 (age 87)
Dubovi Hriady village,Sakhnovshchina district, Kharkiv region
EducationKharkiv Aviation Institute of the name of N.Y.Zhukovskyi

Geόrgii Chόrnyi (Ukrainian: Чорний Георгій Петрович; born September 14, 1937, in Ukraine) is a Ukrainian aeronautical engineer who was awarded a State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2018. He has also written a history of early Ukraine, and received the Mykhailo Chabanivskyi Ukrainian literary Prize in 2015.

Early life


Geόrgii Chόrnyi (uk:Чорний Георгій Петрович) was born in a peasant family on September 14, 1937, in the Dubόvi Hriády village, on territory of the former Orilian palanka (uk:Орільська паланка) -  one of 10 regions of the Сossack State of Zaporizhzhya. Evidently, his nearest ancestors were Zaporozhian Cossacks, among which the last name Chόrnyi was most common.[1]

Engineering and scientific activity


Since 1965, he has worked at the State Kyiv design bureau "Luch" (uk:Луч (конструкторське бюро)), and has written a book about it.[2] He was awarded order "The Badge  of Honour" (1982) and honorary title "Honoured Worker of Ukraine in Science and Technology" (1993) and a State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2018) for his work at the design bureau on rockets and defensive hardware. At the same time, he was associate professor in the National Aviation University (2002-2012), and published a textbook Автоматизовані системи контролю літальних апаратів,[3] with the recommendation of Department of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Literary and public activity


He has at the same time studied sources on the language, genetics, history, and culture of Ukrainians. The results of his research on linguistic-historical themes were printed in newspapers: Holos Ukrayiny,[4] Evening Kyiv,[5] Khreshchatyk,[6] Ukrayina Moloda,[7] Literary Ukraine,[8] and others.[9] Against the resistance of the Kyiv municipal administration, but with public support, he brought about the naming of a new metro station by the annalistic name "Dorohόzhichy",[10] and as a result of that got from journalists the honorary title: "godfather" of the name "Dorohόzhichy". His research about early prehistoric Kyiv and the historical way of the Ukrainians became the basis for his book Київ досвітній (2014),[11] for which he was awarded the title of laureate of the Mykhajlo Chabanivskyi Ukrainian literary Prize. The publishing house "Glagoslav Publications" (Great Britain) published his e-book Ancient Ukraine and Early Kyiv in 2016,[12] intended for the readers in the Ukrainian diaspora.


  1. ^ Aрхів Коша Нової Запорізької Січі. Корпус документів. 1734 -1775. Т.5: Реєстр Війська Запорозького Низового 1756 року [Kish archive of New Zaporizhzhya Sich. Corps of documents. 1734-1775. T.5: Register of Bottom Zaporozhye Army 1756]. – Кyiv, 2008. - P22. ISBN 966-02-0104-4 (Ukrainian).[1].Retrieved on 14 October 2018.
  2. ^ Чорний, Георгій (2011). Нариси з історії конструкторського бюро [Chornyi, Georgii (2011). Essays from history of design bureau],Chetverta khvilya, Kyiv. - 182p.(Ukrainian) ISBN 978-966-529-248-7
  3. ^ Чорний, Георгій (2008). Автоматизовані системи контролю літальних апаратів [Chornyi, Georgii. Automatic systems for avionics testing], National Aviation University, Kyiv. - 160p. (Ukrainian).
  4. ^ Чорний, Георгій. "Вулкан державної двомовності" [Chornii, Georgii. "Volcano of state bilingualness"], Holos Ukrayiny, Kyiv, 20 June 1996 (Ukrainian).
  5. ^ Чорний, Георгій. "І все-таки - Дорогожичі" [Chornyi, Georgii."And nevertheless - Dorohozhichy"], Evening Kyiv, Kyiv, 19 May 1999 (Ukrainian).
  6. ^ Чорний, Георгій. "Дорогожичі" - не просто назва, а слово-оберіг" [Chornyi, Georgii. "Dorohozhichy" - not simply the name, but is guard-word], Khreshchatyk, Kyiv, 4 February 2000 (Ukrainian).
  7. ^ Чорний, Георгій. "Значно древніший: коли насправді зародився Київ і чому це не подобається Москві" [Chornyi, Georgii. "More old considerably: when Kyiv was conceived and why it dislikes to Moskow"], Ukrayina Moloda, Kyiv, 30 May 2017 (Ukrainian) [2]. Retrieved 30 October 2018.
  8. ^ Чорний, Георгій. "Переосмислення української історії" [Chornyi, Georgii. "Rethinking of Ukrainian history"], Literary Ukraine, Kyiv, 11 January 2018 (Ukrainian).
  9. ^ Чорний, Георгій (2013). "Де розташовувався дніпровський Самбатас Х століття" // Українознавство [Chornyi, Georgii (2013). "Where Dnieper Sambatas of X century was situated". Ukrayinoznavstvo], P.230 - 233, 1(46), Kyiv (Ukrainian), ISSN 2227-5959.
  10. ^ Повість врем'яних літ. Літопис / Переклад В.Яременка [Story of time's years. Annals / Translation by V.Jaremenko], Rad. pismennyk, Kyiv, 1990. - In 6488 (980) year (Ukrainian). ISBN 5-333-00032-8. [3]. Retrieved on 30 October 2018.
  11. ^ Чорний, Георгій (2014). Київ досвітній [Chornyi,Georgii (2014). Kyiv at dawn],Hamazin, Kyiv. - 172p. (Ukrainian) ISBN 978-966-279-005-4
  12. ^ Чорний, Георгій (2016). Стародавня Україна і ранній Київ [Chornyi, Georgii (2016) Ancient Ukraine and early Kyiv], Glagoslav Publications,London. - 142 p.(Ukrainian) ISBN 978-1-911414-12-4 [4]. Retrieved on 19 October 2018
  • Гай, Наталка. "Таємниці прадавнього Києва". [Gai, Natalka. "The mysteries of the ancient Kyiv"], Khreshchatic, Kyiv, 6 November 2014. (Ukrainian). [5]. Retrieved on 15 October 2018.
  • Дикань, Костянтин. "Ківі, Кіфа, Кіафа, Кіаса …І це все — Київ". [Dikan, Kostjantin. "Kivi, Kifa, Kiafa, Kiasa … And all this – Kyiv"]. Ukraina moloda, Kyiv, 9 September 2015. (Ukrainian)[6].Retrieved on 15 October 2018.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2_gOIYir7M. Книга Георгія Чорного "Київ досвітній" [The book Kyiv at dawn by Georgii Chornyi](Ukrainian).Retrieved on 21 October 2018.