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Darya Gruzinskaya

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Princess Daria of Georgia by Fyodor Rokotov, late 1700s

Princess Darejan (Georgian: დარეჯანი), known in Russia as the tsarevna Darya Aleksandrovna Gruzinskaya (Russian: Дарья Александровна Грузинская) (died 1796) was a Georgian royal princess (batonishvili) of the Bagrationi dynasty.[1] She was a daughter of Prince Alexander of Kartli.

She was married to Prince Pyotr Sergeyevich Troubetzkoy (1760–1817) and had four children:

  • Sergey Trubetzkoy (1790-1860)
  • Alexander Trubetzkoy (1792-1853)
  • Pyotr Trubetzkoy (1793-1840)
  • Elizaveta Trubezkaya (1796-1870)


  1. ^ ბაგრატიონები - სამეცნიერო და კულტურული მემკვიდრეობა" - თბ. 2003 მუხრან-ბატონთა და ბაგრატიონ-მუხრანელთა გენეალოგია The Bagrations: Scientific and Cultural Heritage, Tbilisi, 2003, Genealogy of Lords of Mukhrani and Bagrations of Mukhrani