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2016 Serbian local elections

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Local elections were held in most cities and municipalities of Serbia (excluding the disputed territory of Kosovo) on 24 April 2016, with repeat voting later taking place in some jurisdictions. The elections were held concurrently with the 2016 Serbian parliamentary election and the 2016 Vojvodina provincial election.

Elections were not held for the City Assembly of Belgrade, as its members were elected on a different four-year cycle (although local assembly elections were held in the City of Belgrade's constituent municipalities). Some other cities and municipalities also did not hold local elections in 2016, for the same reason.

All local elections in Serbia are held under proportional representation. Mayors are not directly elected but are instead chosen by elected members of the local assemblies. Parties were required to cross a five per cent electoral threshold (of all votes, not only of valid votes) in 2016, although this requirement was waived for parties representing national minority communities.

The Serbian Progressive Party's coalition, which won majority victories at the republic and provincial levels, also won most of the local elections.





Local elections were held in all seventeen of Belgrade's municipalities.

The Progressive Party and its allies finished first in fourteen municipalities and ultimately formed government in all fourteen. The three municipalities that the Progressives did not win were New Belgrade, Stari Grad, and Vračar. In New Belgrade, Aleksandar Šapić's independent list placed first, and Šapić was confirmed for a second term as mayor. In Stari Grad, the Democratic Party and its allies won the election and formed the local government. In Vračar, a multi-party coalition led by the Democratic Party narrowly defeated the Progressives, but the Progressives were able to form a government after splitting the coalition.



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Barajevo:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Serbian Renewal Movement)6,15945.9417+6
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia SPS, United Serbia JS)–Dragan Marković Palma1,3159.813–3
Social Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,1328.443New
Patriotic Bloc Democratic Party of SerbiaNew Serbia1,1138.3030
Democratic Party, Branka Savić1,0918.143–7
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party7945.922+2
Citizens' Group: Accord–Rade Tanasijević7335.472New
Citizens' Group: Strength of Serbia–Rade Golubović6404.77New
Serbian Movement Dveri4293.20New
Valid votes13,40695.75
Invalid/blank votes5954.25
Total votes14,001100.00
Registered voters/turnout23,65759.18
Source: [1]

Slobodan Bata Adamović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The local coalition government was formed by the Progressives, the Socialists, and Rade Tanasijević's Accord movement.[2]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Čukarica:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Serbian People's Party)37,08143.5421
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović10,60012.456
Democratic ČukaricaZoran Alimpić Democratic Party, SDSBoris TadićNew Party10,38312.196
DveriDSSFor a Growing ČukaricaUroš Janković8,0859.494
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party7,9559.344
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"7,6088.934
Alliance for a Better SerbiaČedomir Jovanović, Liberal Democratic PartySerbian Renewal Movement1,9912.34
Never in NATO–Movement for the Neutrality of Serbia–People's AllianceVladan Glišić1,4551.71
Valid votes85,15897.37
Invalid/blank votes2,3032.63
Total votes87,461100.00
Registered voters/turnout169,56151.58
Source: [3]

Incumbent mayor Srđan Kolarić of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, with the support of twenty-nine delegates. The local governing alliance consisted of the Progressives, Socialists, and Radicals.[4]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Grocka:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)16,80045.9020
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma4,20811.505
Our Man–Blažo Stojanović2,8567.803
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,5466.963
Patriotic Bloc Grocka–For Our Place, Together We Can Do Better (Serbian Monarchist Party, Democratic Party of Serbia)2,0125.502
New Serbia–Vesna Tasev Pekarski2,0105.492
DS–Goran Marković1,8465.04
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,4804.04
To Ask the PeopleSDS Boris TadićSNP Nenad Popović1,2793.49
Serbian Movement DveriBoško Obradović1,1393.11
Dialogue–Andrija Milić4251.16
Valid votes36,60196.43
Invalid/blank votes1,3543.57
Total votes37,955100.00
Registered voters/turnout71,53053.06
Source: [5]

The DS list did not receive five per cent of all votes cast and so did not cross the electoral threshold.

Dragoljub Simonović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[6] He resigned amid controversy in March 2019 and was replaced by Živadinka Avramović.[7]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Lazarevac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Serbian People's Party)12,11735.5827
Citizens' Group: Lazarevac–Our Home–Milan Đorđević-Đokin7,13620.9516
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Alimpijević-Cipi3,68310.818
Democratic Party–Dr. Ivko Marić2,4877.305
Lazarevac Fan Club–Milan Ralić Čombe1,9885.844
DveriDemocratic Party of SerbiaSanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović1,6684.90
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,5314.50
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,2643.71
For the Lazarevac You Deserve–Aleksandar Dražić8512.50
Green Party (Green Party, Slovak Party)7952.331
Boris Tadić Social Democratic Party5371.58
Valid votes34,05796.77
Invalid/blank votes1,1373.23
Total votes35,194100.00
Registered voters/turnout51,93167.77
Source: [8]

Bojan Sinđelić of the Progressive Party was selected as mayor after the election, with the support of thirty-five delegates (out of thirty-nine who attended the session). The members of the Lazarevac–Out Home list were not present for the vote. Although the selection of a Progressive Party representative as mayor was expected, the choice of Sinđelić was surprising to many.[9]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Mladenovac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Serbian Renewal Movement)12,17648.2129
Beli – Go Hard!Luka Maksimović (Sarmu probo nisi)5,19020.5512
For a Just Mladenovac–Dejan Čokić–Democratic Party (Democratic Party, New Party)2,87611.397
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"1,8077.164
Count on UsSDSBoris Tadić, LDPČedomir Jovanović1,3155.213
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,2164.81
DveriDSS Mr. Duśan Stojković6752.67
Valid votes25,25596.79
Invalid/blank votes8383.21
Total votes26,093100.00
Registered voters/turnout47,00555.51
Source: [10]

Vladan Glišić of the Progressive Party (not to be confused with the future parliamentarian of the same name) was chosen as mayor after the election, with the support of thirty-eight delegates. The Socialist Party supported the administration.[11]

New Belgrade


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of New Belgrade:

Aleksandar ŠapićFor Mayor of the Municipality of New Belgrade40,00335.8821
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)31,42228.1817
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović9,8278.815
For a Just SerbiaDemocratic Party (Democratic Party, New Party)6,7186.033
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6,4595.793
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)5,4754.91
DveriDemocratic Party of SerbiaNew Team for New Belgrade4,9444.43
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better SerbiaLiberal Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party3,0122.70
Borko StefanovićSerbian Left for New Belgrade1,6701.50
For Bežanija, B. Kosa, Blokovi, and Ledine1,2611.13
Despite–Unanimously for New Belgrade–Borisav Radosavljević7100.64
Valid votes111,50197.08
Invalid/blank votes3,3542.92
Total votes114,855100.00
Registered voters/turnout213,92053.69
Source: [12]

Incumbent mayor Aleksandar Šapić was confirmed for another term in office with the support of twenty-six out of forty-seven delegates.[13]

Branka Stamenković was elected from the fourth position on the Enough Is Enough list.[14]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Obrenovac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)17,96749.9333
For an Independent ObrenovacDSSDS–Slobodan Molerović4,04711.257
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Ivica Dačić3,75310.436
Citizens' Group: Obrenovac–Our City–Svetozar Dobrašinović-Toza2,3736.594
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,2856.354
Citizens' Group: Private Citizens of Obrenovac–Bistro1,8075.02
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,4163.94
Serbian Movement DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia1,2803.56
Russian Party Obrenovac–Milan Vučićević-Vučko5441.511
Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia5121.42
Valid votes35,98496.96
Invalid/blank votes1,1293.04
Total votes37,113100.00
Registered voters/turnout65,95856.27
Source: [15]

The Private Citizens of Obrenovac list did not receive five per cent of the total vote and so did not cross the electoral threshold.

Incumbent mayor Miroslav Čučković of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[16]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Palilula:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian People's Party)35,30144.4727
For a Democratic PalilulaDSSDSLDP–Stojan Nikolić14,87418.7411
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović7,6339.625
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6,8808.675
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)6,5128.204
Unanimously for PalilulaVladan Glišić9851.24
Citizens of Serbia for Palilula9541.20
New PartyNew Team for a Better Palilula8231.04
United Russian Party–Mr. Miodrag Dakić4560.57
Party of Russians of Serbia2450.31
Valid votes79,38696.89
Invalid/blank votes2,5453.11
Total votes81,931100.00
Registered voters/turnout169,91948.22
Source: [17]

Aleksandar Jovičić of the Progressive Party was selected as mayor after the election, which the support of thirty-four delegates. The local coalition government was formed by the Progressives, Socialists, and Radicals.[18]

Future parliamentarian Đorđe Todorović was elected from the nineteenth position on the SNS's list.[19]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rakovica:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)23,56345.7825
Democrats Together (Democratic PartyBojan Pajtić, SDSBoris Tadić, LDP, Serbian Left)6,33112.306
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović6,15711.966
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)5,36610.435
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party4,7399.215
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia3,6147.023
Oathkeepers for RakovicaMilica Đurđević1,3432.61
Blank Papers3570.69
Valid votes51,47097.46
Invalid/blank votes1,3402.54
Total votes52,810100.00
Registered voters/turnout103,47851.04
Source: [20]

Incumbent mayor Vladan Kocić of the Progressive party was confirmed for a new term in office, receiving the votes of thirty delegates. The local coalition government was formed by the Progressives and the Socialists.[21] Zoran Krasić was elected at the head of the Radical Party list, although he resigned his mandate on 15 September 2016.[22][23]

Savski Venac


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Savski Venac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian People's Party)6,50231.6413
"Democratic PartySocial Democratic PartyLiberal Democratic PartyNew Party–Dušan Dinčić"4,53822.089
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović3,85818.777
"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"–Ivica Dačić1,8028.773
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,4677.142
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveri1,3676.652
Let's Defeat the Parties, Let's Vote for the People–Local Self-Organization Savski Venac (Citizens' Party, Greeks of Serbia, Vlach Party)7823.811
New Serbia–Duško Jovanović2351.14
Valid votes20,55197.76
Invalid/blank votes4702.24
Total votes21,021100.00
Registered voters/turnout42,34849.64
Source: [24]

Irena Vujović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The local coalition government included the Progressives and the Socialists.[25] Social Democratic Party member Nenad Konstantinović was elected from the lead position on the Democratic Party alliance list; parliamentarian Nataša Vučković was re-elected as a Democratic Party candidate on the same list.[26] Srđan Nogo, at the time a member of Dveri, appeared in the fifth position on the Democratic Party of Serbia–Dveri list and was not elected.[27][28]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sopot:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)6,44870.8625
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party8409.233
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)8259.073
Democratic PartyLiberal Democratic PartyFor My Place–We Know and We Can7588.332
For SopotSDSBoris Tadić2292.52
Valid votes9,10095.35
Invalid/blank votes4444.65
Total votes9,544100.00
Registered voters/turnout17,67354.00
Source: [29]

Živorad Milosavljević of the Progressive Party, who had served as mayor of Sopot since 1989, was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[30]

Stari Grad


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Stari Grad:

"Democratic PartyKeepers of Stari GradMarko Bastać" (Democratic Party, New Party)9,22733.0620
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Serbian Renewal Movement, Serbian People's Party)6,69423.9914
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović3,94814.158
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveriSanda Rašković Ivić1,9987.164
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) United Serbia (JS)"1,7946.434
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better SerbiaLDP, SDS1,6946.073
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,5575.583
Duckling–No Belgrade Waterfront4301.54
Unanimously for Stari GradVladan Glišić3271.17
"Čiča Gliša" (Montenegrin Party, Sandžak Raška Party)2370.85
Valid votes27,90697.77
Invalid/blank votes6372.23
Total votes28,543100.00
Registered voters/turnout57,31549.80
Source: [31]

Marko Bastać, at the time a member of the Democratic Party, was chosen as mayor by a secret ballot in May 2016 with the support of thirty-eight delegates. The Socialist Party participated in the local coalition government. The Progressives and Enough Is Enough subsequently indicated they would serve in opposition.[32]

There was some ambiguity concerning the relationship between the Serbian Radical Party and the local government. In May 2016, the Radical Party's Belgrade president Miljan Damjanović announced that the Radicals would be joining the DS-led administration.[33] The DS later denied that an agreement had been reached between the parties. Ljubiša Kukolj from the Radicals was included in the municipal council that was formed on 12 May 2016, although Bastać contended that this followed negotiations on an individual rather than a party level.[34][35] After further controversy, Kukolj withdrew from council on 26 May 2016.[36] This notwithstanding, the Radicals gave at least unofficial support to Bastać's administration afterward.[37]

Future parliamentarian Uglješa Marković of the Socialist Party received a local assembly mandate on 29 September 2016 and served for the remainder of the term.[38]

Bastać left the Democratic Party in December 2016 but continued to serve as mayor.[39] He later joined the Party of Freedom and Justice in 2019 and became the president of its city board for Belgrade. He was removed from this role and the party's organization in Stari Grad was dissolved in June 2020, after Bastać chose to participate in that year's local elections in defiance of a party boycott.[40][41]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Surčin:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists)11,39951.2521
Democratic Party–Vojislav Janošević, Vojislav Janošević4,50520.268
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party, Miroslav Malbaša2,32410.454
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS) United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma, Vesna Šalović1,5226.842
Citizens' Group: Movement for a Rich Municipality of Surčin, Jovan Svetković1,1225.04
DveriDSS, Goran Ljiljanić9764.39
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better SerbiaSocial Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, United Movement, Dušan Mitova3921.76
Valid votes22,24096.63
Invalid/blank votes7763.37
Total votes23,016100.00
Registered voters/turnout37,99560.58
Source: [42]

The Movement for a Rich Municipality of Surčin list did not receive five per cent of the total vote and so fell below the electoral threshold.

Stevan Šuša of the Progressive Party was subsequently chosen as mayor, with the support of twenty-two delegates.[43]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Voždovac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)33,10742.4326
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović10,78913.838
For a Just VoždovacDemocratic Party–Goran Šević7,5729.706
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–United Serbia (JS)6,5378.385
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6,4518.275
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia6,1957.945
Alliance for a Better VoždovacBoris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićSDS, LDP3,4724.45
Oathkeepers–Stevan Radović1,5722.01
Good for Voždovac1,0691.37
Social Justice for All–Nemanja Veljić8591.10
Democratic Alternative–For a Better Voždovac, Adelita Radičević4070.52
Valid votes78,03097.17
Invalid/blank votes2,2692.83
Total votes80,299100.00
Registered voters/turnout161,07249.85
Source: [44]

Incumbent mayor Aleksandar Savić of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, by a vote of thirty-nine to fifteen. The local administration was supported by the Progressives, Socialists, and Radicals, as well as the Our Voždovac group (which split from the Dveri–Democratic Party of Serbia list).[45]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Vračar:

Free Vračar Bane Kuzmanović Democratic Party + Social Democratic Party + Liberal Democratic Party + New Party + Social Democratic Union + Serbian Left10,32331.5217
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)9,33628.5116
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović4,56113.937
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Ivica Dačić2,1396.533
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveri1,7125.232
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,5934.86
Vračar Vračarians-Vračar Beautification Association1,5884.85
Green Party5321.62
Unanimously for VračarVladan GlišićNenad PopovićMiroslav Parović3851.18
Duckling–No Belgrade Waterfront3821.17
None of the Above2000.61
Valid votes32,75198.01
Invalid/blank votes6651.99
Total votes33,416100.00
Registered voters/turnout63,94852.25
Source: [46]

The Free Vračar alliance did not remain united after the election, and Milan Nedeljković of the Progressive Party was selected as mayor with the support of twenty-three delegates. The local coalition government was formed by the Progressive Party, the Socialist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party of Serbia. The opposition parties boycotted the vote.[47]

Vojin Biljić was elected from the fifth position on the Enough Is Enough list.[48]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Zemun:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Serbian People's Party)35,69245.7432
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party10,32513.239
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović7,0459.036
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)6,0157.715
Democratic Party–(Democratic Party–New Party)4,2915.503
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better ZemunSocial Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party3,6114.63
DveriDemocratic Party of SerbiaFront for Zemun3,2144.12
Locally United for Zemun and Batajnica–Prof. Dr. Danica Grujičić (United Russian Party, Vlach Party)1,7242.211
Citizens' Group: Zemun, a Matter of the Heart (Serbian Party Oathkeepers, Serbian Patriotic Front)1,3701.76
Green Party1,3171.691
Enough of the Robbery, Corruption, and Theft–Milorad Radulović1,2631.62
None of the Above–Nenad Vidović1,1071.42
Serbian-Russian Movement–Slobodan Dimitrijević6430.82
Srpska Krajina in Their Hearts4170.53
Valid votes78,03497.34
Invalid/blank votes2,1342.66
Total votes80,168100.00
Registered voters/turnout160,78249.86
Source: [49]

Incumbent mayor Dejan Matić of the Progressive Party was confirmed for a new term in office after the election.[50] The Serbia Is Winning list formed a local coalition government with the Radical Party. Aleksandar Šešelj, who was elected to the assembly at the head of the Radical Party list, served as a member of the municipal council (i.e., the executive branch of the government) from 17 June 2016 to 27 October 2017.[51][52][53][54]



Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Zvezdara:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)26,68837.1521
Democratic PartyFor the Sake of Zvezdara (Democratic Party, New Party)9,31612.977
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović8,92512.427
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma6,6009.195
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party5,3537.454
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better SerbiaSocial Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party3,9225.463
Citizens' Group: Mirijevo3,7015.153
For a Better Zvezdara–My Zvezdara–Miljan Stojanović1,3031.81
Unanimously for ZvezdaraVladan Glišić1,1301.57
Serbian Monarchist Party "Serbian Concord"–Ljubomir Simić2230.31
Valid votes71,83597.24
Invalid/blank votes2,0402.76
Total votes73,875100.00
Registered voters/turnout151,34648.81
Source: [55]

Miloš Ignjatović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election, with the support of twenty-nine delegates. The government was supported by the Socialists and the Mirijevo list.[56]

Aleksandra Tomić was elected from the lead position on the Progressive Party's list.[57] She resigned her seat on 29 September 2016.[58]



Central Banat District


Local elections were held in the one city (Zrenjanin) and all four of the municipalities in the Central Banat District. The Progressive Party and its allies won majority victories in Zrenjanin and Sečanj and plurality victories in Novi Bečej and Žitište. An independent list won the election in Nova Crnja; the leader of the list joined the Progressive Party after the election.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Zrenjanin:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)23,15643.1235
"Ivica Dačić"–Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković Palma, People's Movement of Serbia (NPS), Russian Democratic Party (RDS)–Željko Malušić6,17411.509
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak4,9879.297
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3,3376.215
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović3,2826.115
Democratic Party–Dr. Gordana Kozlovački2,8175.254
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better Zrenjanin (Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Vojvodina's Party)1,9743.68
DveriDSS–Patriotic Bloc Zrenjanin1,8833.51
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,8183.392
Serbian Left Zrenjanin–Borko StefanovićSerbia for All of Us1,0111.88
Our City Our Thing–Fight For Water8871.65
"Zrenjanin Capital of Vojvodina" (Roma Party, Bunjevci Party–Citizens of Serbia)6561.22
Russian Party–Ljubomir Putić5351.00
People's Movement Dinara-Drina-Danube–Nada Babić5150.96
"Citizens of Serbia" (Democratic Movement of Romanians of Serbia, Party of Russians of Serbia)4180.78
Republican Party–Eržebet Popov2570.48
Valid votes53,70797.18
Invalid/blank votes1,5582.82
Total votes55,265100.00
Registered voters/turnout106,69251.80
Source: [59]

Incumbent mayor Čedomir Janjić of the Progressive Party was confirmed in office after the election, with the support of the Socialists and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.[60]

Nova Crnja

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Nova Crnja:

Citizens' Group: Pera Milankov1,90431.429
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Serbian People's Party)1,48024.427
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"1,10418.225
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor5619.262
Nova Crnja Our HomeDemocratic PartyLeague of Social Democrats of Vojvodina–Vladan Radin Madrida3956.522
Social Democratic Party–Russian Democratic Party–Boris Tadić2103.47
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1983.27
United Russian Party–Zoran Marić1071.77
Valid votes6,06096.36
Invalid/blank votes2293.64
Total votes6,289100.00
Registered voters/turnout8,71672.15
Source: [61]

Incumbent mayor Pera Milankov joined the Progressive Party after the election and was confirmed for another term as mayor.[62] In 2018, he was convicted of giving and accepting bribes and given a prison sentence of one year and ten months; as the sentence was not final pending an appeal, he continued to serve as mayor.[63] He was dismissed in June 2019 and replaced by fellow Progressive Party member Vladimir Brakus.[64]

Novi Bečej

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Novi Bečej:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)4,84037.7014
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Serbian People's Party)2,50919.557
Miša VrebalovMilivoj Vrebalov2,30617.966
"Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party"1,1579.013
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor (Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, Hungarian Unity Party)5594.351
"Ivica Dačić"–Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"5474.26
The Power of Youth4803.74
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović4393.42
Valid votes12,56797.05
Invalid/blank votes3822.95
Total votes12,949100.00
Registered voters/turnout19,99564.76
Source: [65]

Saša Maksimović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election, with support from the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians and members of Milovoj Vrebalov's group.[66]

Ivica Milankov was elected from the lead position on the Radical Party's list.[67]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sečanj:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)3,16244.7112
Socialist Party of Serbia1,54521.846
Third Serbia BS–Miroslav Papović83011.733
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party5437.682
Citizens' Group3264.61
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak2623.70
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1502.12
Democratic PartyDemocratic Party of Serbia1391.97
Roma Party, Bunjevci Party–Citizens of Serbia1161.64
Valid votes7,07396.90
Invalid/blank votes2263.10
Total votes7,299100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,37064.20
Source: [68]

Incumbent mayor Predrag Milošević of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He died on 15 April 2017 and was replaced by Predrag Rađenović, also of the Progressive Party.[69][70]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Žitište:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)2,79731.0211
"Igor Salak–It's Time for Better" (Democratic Party and SDS)1,91021.188
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Serbian People's Party (SNP)"1,43915.966
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor7127.902
Our Villages, Our Responsibilities–Vojislav Mrkšić6907.652
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak5185.742
"Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party"3764.17
"Movement of Socialists–Divna Sakradžija"3083.42
Dveri–Željko Bandić2682.97
Valid votes9,01896.30
Invalid/blank votes3463.70
Total votes9,364100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,92462.74
Source: [71]

Incumbent mayor Mitar Vučurević of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[72]

North Bačka District


Local elections were held in the one city (Subotica) and both of the municipalities in the North Bačka District. The Progressive Party won plurality victories in Subotica and Mali Iđoš, while the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians was successful in Bačka Topola (where the Progressives joined a coalition government after the election).


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Subotica:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement, Third Serbia)23,68538.5131
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor8,72414.1911
Jenö Maglai–Movement of Subotica Citizens Magai Jenö8,24013.4011
For a Just SuboticaDemocratic Party (Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina, LDP, Nova)5,2758.587
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak, Social Democratic PartyBoris Tadić, Green Ecological Party-The Greens3,6365.914
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović2,9844.85
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković Palma, Communist Party (KP)2,6284.27
Serbian Radical Party, Dveri, Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS)–Nemanja Šarčević2,5684.18
Alliance of Bačka Bunjevci–Mirko Bajić1,4542.361
Russian Party9351.521
Vojvodina Tolerance (Montenegrin Party, Sandžak Raška Party)8321.351
Citizens of Serbia (Roma Party, Bunjevci Citizens of Serbia)5380.87
Valid votes61,49996.93
Invalid/blank votes1,9513.07
Total votes63,450100.00
Registered voters/turnout130,78948.51
Source: [73]

Bogdan Laban of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The Progressives and their allies governed in a coalition with the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.[74]

Bačka Topola

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bačka Topola:

Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansDemocratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor4,68233.1015
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)3,76926.6512
Citizens' Alliance–Civil1,3519.554
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković Palma1,1728.294
"Hungarian Movement–For Our MunicipalityDZVM"1,0917.713
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak, Social Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,0167.183
Serbian Radical PartyDemocratic Party of SerbiaDveri5583.95
Democratic Party5043.56
Valid votes14,14396.24
Invalid/blank votes5533.76
Total votes14,696100.00
Registered voters/turnout30,12448.79
Source: [75]

Incumbent mayor Gabor Kišlinder of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians was confirmed for a new term in office after the election. The government was formed by the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians and the Serbian Progressive Party.[76]

Mali Iđoš

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Mali Iđoš:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)2,18138.1010
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,72930.218
Marko Rovčanin–Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)1,39024.286
Montenegrin PartyNenad Stevović4247.411
Valid votes5,72495.77
Invalid/blank votes2534.23
Total votes5,977100.00
Registered voters/turnout10,61556.31
Source: [77]

Marko Lazić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[78]

North Banat District


Local elections were held in the one city (Kikinda) and all five municipalities of the North Banat District. The Progressive Party and its allies won a majority victory in Kikinda as well as plurality victories in Čoka and Novi Kneževac, forming government in all three jurisdictions. The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians won plurality victories Kanjiža and Senta and in both cases formed a coalition government with the Progressives. An independent list won in Ada; its leader joined the Progressives later in the year.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kikinda:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)15,39850.9726
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)2,6078.634
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak2,3307.714
Let's Defend KikindaDemocratic Party, Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Vojvodina's Party–Viktor Felbab2,3057.633
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,5225.042
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,4824.91
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,4304.73
Serbian People's PartyNenad PopovićUnited Serbia–Dragoljub Ćosić1,4054.65
DveriDemocratic Party of SerbiaSanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović9573.17
Green Party4401.46
People's Movement Dinara-Drina-Danube–Tomislav Bokan3331.10
Valid votes30,20997.27
Invalid/blank votes8482.73
Total votes31,057100.00
Registered voters/turnout51,35260.48
Source: [79]

Incumbent mayor Pavle Markov of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election. The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians participated in the city's coalition government.[80]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ada:

Citizens' Group: For Our Municipality: We Justify Your Trust5,06163.3619
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)1,30916.394
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,08413.574
DZVM–Hungarian Movement–For Change!5346.692
Valid votes7,98896.87
Invalid/blank votes2583.13
Total votes8,246100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,84852.03
Source: [81]

Incumbent mayor Zoltán Bilicki of the For Our Municipality list was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He joined the Progressive Party in December 2016.[82] József Tóbiás was appointed to the municipal council after the election.[83]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Čoka:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)2,05038.6811
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,74432.919
Democratic Party–Boris Ilić61511.603
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak3737.041
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)2304.34
Serbian-Russian Movement–Igor Smiljković1853.49
Movement of SocialistsAleksandar Vulin1031.94
Valid votes5,30096.38
Invalid/blank votes1993.62
Total votes5,499100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,75456.38
Source: [84]

Stana Đember of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The government was formed by the Progressives and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.[85]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Kanjiža:

Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor3,96938.8612
Ukrok–United for the Municipality of Kanjiža–Tandari1,98919.486
Hungarian Movement–Differently From Now On–Halas Monika (Democratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians, Hungarian Movement)1,94119.015
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)1,72916.935
Vojvodina's Tolerance (Montenegrin Party, Sandžak–Raška Party)3973.891
Active Serbia–Dr. Dušan Janjić1881.84
Valid votes10,21396.04
Invalid/blank votes4213.96
Total votes10,634100.00
Registered voters/turnout22,73146.78
Source: [86]

Róbert Fejsztámer of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians was chosen as mayor after the election. The Progressive Party participated in the local government.[87]

Novi Kneževac

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Novi Kneževac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)2,80048.2215
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,30322.447
Democratic Party93616.125
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"4046.962
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak3646.272
Valid votes5,80796.38
Invalid/blank votes2183.62
Total votes6,025100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,42463.93
Source: [88]

Radovan Uverić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[89]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Senta:

Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor2,84133.6411
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement, Serbian People's Party)1,51717.965
Anikó Zsíros JankelićWe Have Proven Ourselves by Our WorkDemocratic Party1,44017.055
Hungarian Movement–For Change!–Zsoldos Ferenc (Democratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians, Hungarian Movement)1,34115.885
Zenta a Zentalake - Senta SećanimaLászló Rác Szabó (Hungarian Civic Alliance)93411.063
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"3734.42
Valid votes8,44697.16
Invalid/blank votes2472.84
Total votes8,693100.00
Registered voters/turnout21,29140.83
Source: [90]

Incumbent mayor Rudolf Czegledi of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians was confirmed for another term in office after the election. The Progressive Party participated in the local government.[91]

South Bačka District


Local elections were held in the one city (Novi Sad) and ten of the eleven separate municipalities of the South Bačka District. The exception was Vrbas, which was on a different four-year electoral cycle at the time.

The City of Novi Sad comprises two municipalities (the City municipality of Novi Sad and Petrovaradin), although their powers are very limited relative to the city government. Unlike Belgrade, Niš, and Vranje, Novi Sad does not have directly elected municipal assemblies.

The Progressive Party and its allies placed first in all cities and municipalities that held elections, and members of the Progressive Party were subsequently chosen as mayors in all jurisdictions.

Novi Sad

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Novi Sad:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)70,08441.3038
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović16,8419.939
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party14,8008.728
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma14,3368.457
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak12,6027.437
Democratic Party–Dr. Veljko Krstonošić11,7486.926
People's Movement Dinara-Drina-Danube–Tomislav Bokan7,4144.37
DveriDSSSanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović6,4343.79
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better Novi Sad (Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party and Green Ecological Party-The Greens)3,8022.24
Green Party (Green Party, Slovak Party)2,7871.641
Serbian LeftBorko Stefanović2,6281.55
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor2,4621.451
None of the Above1,9821.171
Serbian-Russian Movement–Slobodan Dimitrijević8900.52
United Russian Party–Zoran Marić4430.26
Republican Party–Ljubomir Čirilović4280.25
Valid votes169,68197.72
Invalid/blank votes3,9652.28
Total votes173,646100.00
Registered voters/turnout315,74155.00
Source: [92]

Incumbent mayor Miloš Vučević of the Progressive Party was confirmed for a second term in office after the election, by a vote of fifty-two to twenty-two (with four invalid votes). The government was supported by the Progressives, the Socialists, and the League of Social Democrats.[93]

Milorad Mirčić, who served as the city's mayor in the 1990s, was re-elected to the assembly from the second position on the Radical Party list. Future parliamentarian Mirka Lukić Šarkanović was elected from the third position on the Socialist Party's list. Parliamentarian Nada Lazić received the fifteenth position on the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina list and was not elected.[94]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bač:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)2,86638.0011
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak1,13215.014
Tomislav BogunovićSa Reči Na DelaDemocratic Party (LDP, DSHV)1,04813.894
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party5697.542
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"5287.002
Movement of SocialistsAleksandar Vulin5166.841
Mirko Pušara and Citizens of Bač Against Thieves3875.13
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor2643.501
DSS, Dveri–Patriotic Blok For a Better Municipality of Bač2333.09
Valid votes7,54396.47
Invalid/blank votes2763.53
Total votes7,819100.00
Registered voters/turnout13,22659.12
Source: [95]

Incumbent mayor Dragan Stašević of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[96] He was replaced by Borislav Antonić of the same party on 10 October 2017.[97]

Bačka Palanka

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bačka Palanka:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Serbian Renewal Movement, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian People's Party, Slovaks Forward)11,27338.3020
Movement of Socialists–Peđa Vuletić, Saša Borković, Dr. Boro Jović (PSPUPS)5,18117.609
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković Palma, Communist Party (KP)3,91513.307
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,7949.494
Democratic PartyFor a Just Bačka Palanka1,2414.22
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,2304.18
Party of Vojvodina Slovaks–Viliam Slavka8472.88
People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube–Miro Mijotović7542.56
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia. Because We Are Different!7082.41
Changes for a Decent Bačka PalankaLSV, LDP, SDS, NS6962.36
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor5201.77
Republican Party Baja Šumar Branislav Gluvajić2740.93
Valid votes29,43397.44
Invalid/blank votes7732.56
Total votes30,206100.00
Registered voters/turnout48,00262.93
Source: [98]

Branislav Šušnica of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[99]

Bački Petrovac

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bački Petrovac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)1,76725.639
United Serbia–Miroslav Čeman1,27618.516
Let's Save Our Villages TodayDemocratic Party (Democratic Party, Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina)97414.135
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak6529.463
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia4746.882
Slovak Party Dr. Boldocki Ilić Ana4676.772
For an Environment Worth Living In4616.692
Slovaks Forward!4246.152
Together for the MunicipalityBoris Tadić (Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party)2113.06
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1872.71
Valid votes6,89396.96
Invalid/blank votes2163.04
Total votes7,109100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,29957.80
Source: [100]

Srđan Simić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[101]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bečej:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)7,90645.9722
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansDemocratic Party of Vojvodina Hungarians–Party of Hungarian Unity–István Pásztor2,84416.547
Hungarian Movement–For Change!–Dr. Tamaš Korhec–VMDK1,6149.394
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,2557.303
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak8454.91
Democratic Party8384.87
Bečej FirstSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Communist Party (KP)6803.95
"Civil List–Zdravko Petrović–LDP and Non-Party Candidates"6773.94
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović5383.13
Valid votes17,19796.40
Invalid/blank votes6433.60
Total votes17,840100.00
Registered voters/turnout33,75752.85
Source: [102]

Incumbent mayor Vuk Radojević of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, with the support of twenty-eight of the thirty-three delegates who were present.[103] He was replaced later in the year by Dragan Tošić of the same party.[104]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Beočin:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)3,97245.2114
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"1,62718.525
People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube–RDS–Biljana Janković (People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube, Roma Democratic Party)6527.422
For a Just Municipality of BeočinDemocratic Party–Dr. Boško Blagojević6046.872
Democratic Party of Serbia5286.011
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak5005.691
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3473.95
The Future of Beočin–Tradesmen, Entrepreneurs, and Farmers of the Municipality of Beočin2833.22
Citizens' Group: Goran Kalabić Kalaba2733.11
Valid votes8,78696.78
Invalid/blank votes2923.22
Total votes9,078100.00
Registered voters/turnout13,45667.46
Source: [105]

Mitar Milinković of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[106]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Srbobran:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)2,55431.6811
Citizens' Group: Branko Gajin1,71621.287
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"1,55319.267
Citizens' Group: "Zoran Dudvarski"5697.062
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party4105.08
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor3944.891
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak3424.24
Valerija Tanasijin–Democratic Party3203.97
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveri–Srbobran Patriotic Blok2052.54
Valid votes8,06396.66
Invalid/blank votes2793.34
Total votes8,342100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,00459.57
Source: [107]

Neško Čestić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[108] He was replaced by his party colleague Radivoj Paroški on 6 July 2017.[109]

Sremski Karlovci

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sremski Karlovci:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)2,02544.6913
Citizens' Group: Unanimously for Karlovci–Milenko Filipović93320.595
Movement of SocialistsAleksandar Vulin3447.592
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3317.312
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia–Patriotic Blok3136.912
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"2876.331
Citizens' Group: Danube 12452154.75
People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube–Miro Mijotović831.83
Valid votes4,53196.45
Invalid/blank votes1673.55
Total votes4,698100.00
Registered voters/turnout8,44955.60
Source: [110]

Nenad Milenković of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[111]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Temerin:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Serbian Renewal Movement)5,59538.7017
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansDemocratic Fellowship of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,94013.425
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,3199.124
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia1,1678.073
Citizens' Group: Together for Our Temerin–Robert Karan1,0167.033
DSSDveri–Slobodan Tomić6564.54
People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube6514.50
Democratic Blok (Democratic Party, Boris TadićSDS, LDP, Green Ecological Party–The Greens-Dejan Bulatović)6254.32
Citizens' Group: The Spark–Zoran Pekez5753.98
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak5343.69
Party of Russians of Serbia3782.611
Valid votes14,45697.09
Invalid/blank votes4332.91
Total votes14,889100.00
Registered voters/turnout24,80260.03
Source: [112]

Incumbent mayor Đuro Žiga of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[113]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Titel:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)4,81152.9318
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Movement of Socialists (PS)–Vladimir Soro1,53916.935
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party5846.422
Democratic Party–Nastasić Milan4474.92
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak4334.76
People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube3353.69
Citizens' Group: Dragica Radić2522.77
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović2402.64
Social Democratic Party Boris Tadić–Vladimir Savić1942.13
Serbian-Russian Movement1301.43
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia–Stanko Prodanović Prša1251.38
Valid votes9,09097.20
Invalid/blank votes2622.80
Total votes9,352100.00
Registered voters/turnout13,05371.65
Source: [114]

Dragan Božić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[115]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Vrbas in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2013, and the next election took place in 2017.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Žabalj:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)4,46435.1513
"Čedomir BožićOur Municipality of Žabalj"3,08324.289
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak9737.663
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"8987.072
Citizens' Group: Civic Initiative7806.142
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party7636.012
Democratic Party of Serbia–Serbian Movement Dveri6244.91
Vasa Zlokolica–SPO, SNP, SDP Serbia5724.50
Democratic Party Milorad Stepanov-Giśa3532.78
People's Movement of Dinara-Drina-Danube–Tara Tepić1901.50
Valid votes12,70096.40
Invalid/blank votes4743.60
Total votes13,174100.00
Registered voters/turnout22,22259.28
Source: [116]

Incumbent mayor Čedomir Božić and his independent group joined the Progressives after the election, and Božić was confirmed for another term in office.[117][118]

South Banat District


Local elections were held in the two cities (Pančevo and Vršac) and five of the six other municipalities of the South Banat District. The exception was Kovin, where the previous election had been held in 2013 and the next election was held in 2017. The Progressive Party and its allies won majority victories in all jurisdictions that held elections except Vršac and Bela Crkva, where they won plurality victories. In all jurisdictions that held elections, the Progressive Party emerged as the dominant party in the local government.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Pančevo:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)27,63047.4039
Democratic Party–Dr. Dušan Stojić4,8808.377
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma, Democratic Party of Macedonians4,7648.176
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party4,6998.066
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak4,6547.986
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović4,1777.175
DveriDSSChange for the Better2,7884.78
Petar AndrejićNon-Partisan Citizens' List1,9773.39
SDSSrđan Miković1,1682.00
Alliance for a Better PančevoLiberal Democratic PartyNew Party8361.43
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor7191.231
Valid votes58,29296.94
Invalid/blank votes1,8423.06
Total votes60,134100.00
Registered voters/turnout112,20053.60
Source: [119]

Incumbent mayor Saša Pavlov of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[120]

Marinika Tepić was elected from the lead position on the list of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina. She was also elected to the national assembly and resigned her seat in the local parliament on 4 July 2016.[121][122][123]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Alibunar:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)4,51643.1112
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia1,61215.394
Democratic Party–Dr. Bojan Pajtić1,46814.013
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak7817.462
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović6486.191
Serbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj5635.371
Social Democratic PartyBoris Tadić5395.15
DveriDSS–Nikola Glumac–The Choice Is Up to You3483.32
Valid votes10,47596.88
Invalid/blank votes3373.12
Total votes10,812100.00
Registered voters/turnout18,85957.33
Source: [124]

Incumbent mayor Predrag Belić of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[125] He was replaced by Dušan Dakić of the same party in July 2018.[126]

Bela Crkva

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bela Crkva:

Serbian Progressive Party4,19142.8917
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina1,99620.438
Citizens' Group: Bela Crkva Communist Free Initiative7707.883
Democratic Party7107.273
United Serbia6826.983
Socialist Party of Serbia4264.36
Serbian Radical Party3903.99
Movement of Socialists1982.03
Social Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1641.68
Valid votes9,77296.39
Invalid/blank votes3663.61
Total votes10,138100.00
Registered voters/turnout16,45761.60
Source: [127]

Incumbent mayor Darko Bogosavljević of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen for another term in office after the election.[128]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Kovačica:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)5,44046.5521
Democratic Party2,34720.089
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak1,80515.446
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"7036.022
Citizens' Group: Ordinary People–Sava Kolarski5554.75
Citizens' Group: Green Apple4483.83
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor3893.331
Valid votes11,68797.52
Invalid/blank votes2972.48
Total votes11,984100.00
Registered voters/turnout22,31053.72
Source: [129]

Milan Garašević of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[130]


There was no municipal election in Kovin in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2013, and the next election took place in 2017.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Opovo:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)2,49946.2214
Citizens' Group: "Milorad Soldatović"1,40525.988
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)4007.402
List Against Corruption: Đurica Savkov, Dragan Stanivuk3276.051
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak2484.59
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1953.61
United Russian Party–Žanna Knežević1272.35
Valid votes5,40796.61
Invalid/blank votes1903.39
Total votes5,597100.00
Registered voters/turnout8,55065.46
Source: [131]

Zoran Tasić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[132]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Plandište:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)2,40441.7412
Citizens' Group: We Can–Zoran Vorkapić1,48325.757
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"4828.372
Nenad ČanakLeague of Social Democrats of VojvodinaThe Land Is Not for SaleLDP, SDS, SDPS3786.562
Democratic Party Dragan Stefanovski–For Plandište With Vision2634.57
Citizens' Group: "Green Apple" Plandište Nikola Kovačević2023.51
Citizens' Group: For Our Municipality of Plandište–Lawyer Lukić Danilo1953.39
Serbian Radical Party Dr. Vojislav Šešelj1813.14
Party of Macedonians of Serbia1712.97
Valid votes5,75996.16
Invalid/blank votes2303.84
Total votes5,989100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,45863.32
Source: [133]

Jovan Repac of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[134]


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Vršac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)9,95438.2320
Citizens' Group: Movement of the Vršac Region–European Region–Jovica Zarkula3,84214.767
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"3,76514.467
Citizens' Group: For a Better Vršac3,01411.586
Democratic Party–Dr. Tatjana Vešović1,7126.583
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,3575.212
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,0203.92
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak1,0083.87
"Russian Party–Zvezdana Vuletić"3651.40
Valid votes26,03796.78
Invalid/blank votes8673.22
Total votes26,904100.00
Registered voters/turnout46,69157.62
Source: [135]

Dragana Mitrović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[136]

Srem District


Local elections were held in the one city (Sremska Mitrovica) and five of the other six municipalities in the Srem District. The exception was Pećinci, where the most recent local election had taken place in 2014. In all jurisdictions that held elections, the Serbian Progressive Party and its allies won the elections and formed government.

Sremska Mitrovica

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Sremska Mitrovica:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)21,34550.9335
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Dr. Milan Latković"4,1659.946
For a Just Serbia Democratic Party–Dr. Miroslav Kendrišić (DS, DSHV, NOVA)3,8999.306
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,7636.594
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak, Liberal Democratic PartyČedomir Jovanović, Green Ecological Party–The Greens2,4825.924
Coalition: Democratic Party of Serbia–People's Movement Dinara Drina Danube2,2705.423
United Opposition of MitrovicaAleksandar Prodanović (SDSBoris Tadić, Together for Serbia, Vojvodina's Party)2,2645.403
Dveri for Sremska Mitrovica–Mr. Milan Maslać2,0104.80
Citizens' Group: Serbian LeftBorko Stefanović7161.71
Valid votes41,91496.76
Invalid/blank votes1,4033.24
Total votes43,317100.00
Registered voters/turnout70,56261.39
Source: [137]

Vladimir Petković of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[138] He resigned in September 2016 and was replaced by Vladimir Sanader of the same party.[139]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Inđija:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, People's Peasant Party)12,33448.7821
Petar Filipović–Because I Love Inđija (Democratic Party, New Party)6,60126.1111
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"1,9157.573
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,4395.692
"League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaInđija Is Our HomeNenad ČanakMovement for Reversal-Green Ecological Party - The Greens"1,2054.77
DveriDSS–Mr. Radovan Krstić9703.84
Citizens' Group: "IN–Our Inđija Dr. Čedomir Dragović"5652.23
People's Movement Dinara Drina Danube–Milivoje Ravnjak2571.02
Valid votes25,28697.30
Invalid/blank votes7012.70
Total votes25,987100.00
Registered voters/turnout41,99461.88
Source: [140]

Vladimir Gak of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[141]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Irig:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)2,12337.8210
The Best Choice–Veterinary Doctor Živan Radojčić (Democratic Party, Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, Liberal Democratic Party)69912.453
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak4878.682
Citizens' Group: Citizens' List–Zoran Knežević3947.021
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"3856.861
The Way of the Left Movement of SocialistsAleksandar Vulin3315.901
Green Party–Đorđe Kalenatić3155.611
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3085.491
Citizens' Group: Srđan Budimčić Kepa–For Our Municipality of Irig2694.79
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović2183.88
We Will Do it TogetherDveriDSS–Bojan Ristić841.50
Valid votes5,61396.05
Invalid/blank votes2313.95
Total votes5,844100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,52461.36
Source: [142]

Incumbent mayor Stevan Kazimirović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election. The local government consisted of the Progressive Party's alliance, the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Zoran Knežević's group, and the Movement of Socialists.[143]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Pećinci in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2014, and the next election took place in 2017.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ruma:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)13,90652.6726
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"2,5949.825
Ruma Can Do BetterNenad Borović (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Democratic Party, Green Ecological Party - The Greens)2,5509.664
Serbian Radical Party Dr. Vojislav Šešelj2,1027.964
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović1,5395.832
DveriDSS–Jovan Stanojčić1,0904.13
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for Ruma (Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party)9533.61
United Russian Party–Goran Stjepanović5632.131
Green Party–Zorica Jozić5562.111
Citizen's Group: "Serbian LeftBorko Stefanović"5502.08
Valid votes26,40397.42
Invalid/blank votes7002.58
Total votes27,103100.00
Registered voters/turnout47,29357.31
Source: [144]

Incumbent mayor Slađan Mančić of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[145]

Aleksandar Martinović was elected from the lead position on the Progressive Party's list and led the party's assembly group in the term that followed.[146][147]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Šid:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Serbian Renewal Movement, Slovaks Forward)8,47050.7723
"It's Time for Decent People" (Democratic Party, League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Social Democratic Party, Green Ecological Party - The Greens, Liberal Democratic Party)2,35014.096
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,11412.675
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"1,79910.785
People's Movement Dinara Drina Danube–Tomislav Bokan7134.27
Serbian Movement DveriDemocratic Party of SerbiaSanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović6694.01
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović5673.40
Valid votes16,68296.14
Invalid/blank votes6703.86
Total votes17,352100.00
Registered voters/turnout30,87656.20
Source: [148]

Predrag Vuković of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[149]

Stara Pazova

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Stara Pazova:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Slovaks Forward, Serbian People's Party)16,08551.7329
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,4507.884
Citizens' Group: Choice for Our Municipality2,2457.224
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia2,1616.953
Democratic Party1,9196.173
Goran Jović–With the Pazova Movement to VictorySocial Democratic PartyLiberal Democratic PartyLeague of Social Democrats of Vojvodina1,6615.343
Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia1,4864.78
Green Party (Green Party, Slovak Party)1,3394.312
Let's Wake Up Pazova–Miloš Crnomarković–People's Movement Dinara Drina Danube–Russian Party7282.34
Valid votes31,15597.02
Invalid/blank votes9582.98
Total votes32,113100.00
Registered voters/turnout55,85857.49
Source: [150]

Incumbent mayor Đorđe Radinović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[151]

West Bačka District


Local elections were held in the one city (Sombor) and two of the other three municipalities in the West Bačka District. The exception was Odžaci, where the most recent local election had taken place in 2013. The Serbian Progressive Party and its allies won the elections and formed government in all jurisdictions that held elections.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Sombor:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Third Serbia, Alliance of Bačka Bunjevci)17,61742.4030
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"3,4258.246
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,9107.005
Multiple DemocraticDemocratic Party (NOVA, SDS, LDP, VP, DSHV)2,7336.584
Sombor in the HeartSPO2,5116.044
Citizens' Group: Dušan Jović–Sombor for Everyone2,3335.624
"Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović"2,1705.223
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor1,8514.453
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak1,5993.85
"Dveri, DSS, Better Sombor–Patriotic Blok"1,3403.23
Citizens' Group: Our Villages, Our City–Nebojša Berić8812.12
VMDK–Hungarian Movement–For Change!6291.511
Serbian-Russian Movement–Dr. Dunja Prokić6031.451
Republican Party–Zoran Miler4971.20
TruthZlata ĐerićNew Serbia4501.08
Valid votes41,54997.66
Invalid/blank votes9972.34
Total votes42,546100.00
Registered voters/turnout76,74255.44
Source: [152]

Dušanka Golubović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[153] Parliamentarian Žika Gojković was elected to the assembly from the first position on the SPO list; he resigned his seat on 22 June 2016.[154]

Future parliamentarian Emese Úri appeared in the sixth position on the list of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.[155]

Parliamentarian Zlata Đerić led the New Serbia list.[156]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Apatin:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)5,64036.9912
Dr. Živorad SmiljanićSocialist Party of Serbia, United Serbia, and People's Movement Dinara-Drina-Danube5,27634.6012
"Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party"9796.422
Dr. Bruno Urbanovski–For a Just Municipality of ApatinDemocratic Party (Democratic Party, Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina)9436.182
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor6414.201
SDSBoris Tadić, SPO, LDP4943.24
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović3912.56
Milan Dražić–You Know Why (Movement of Socialists)3662.40
Green Party1981.30
Republican Party–Zlatko Klecin1871.23
For Our Apatin (Democratic Party of Serbia, Dveri, Serbian People's Party)1330.87
Valid votes15,24896.89
Invalid/blank votes4903.11
Total votes15,738100.00
Registered voters/turnout26,37759.67
Source: [157]

Radivoj Sekulić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[158] He was replaced by Milan Škrbić of the same party in January 2017.[159]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Kula:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)8,59541.5719
"Prof. Dr. Velibor Vasović–Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"2,14410.374
Certainly BetterDemocratic Party Dr. Jovan Janić2,0349.844
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma1,8859.124
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,0965.302
Hercen Keka Radonjić–Russian Party9964.822
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor9424.562
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak–Green Ecological Party-The Greens–Dejan Bulatović7243.50
Dveri–People's Movement Dinara-Drina-Danube6793.28
Serbian People's Party "From the People - To the People"6052.93
Citizens' Group: Entrepreneur5112.47
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better MunicipalitySDSBoris Tadić, LDP4632.24
Valid votes20,67496.78
Invalid/blank votes6873.22
Total votes21,361100.00
Registered voters/turnout36,69158.22
Source: [160]

Perica Videkanjić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. He stood down in May 2018 and was replaced by Velibor Milojičić, who in turn resigned in September of the same year, prompting new local elections. After resigning, Milojočić served as leader of a provisional administration.[161]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Odžaci in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2013, and the next election took place in 2017.

Šumadija and Western Serbia


Moravica District


Local elections were held in the one city (Čačak) and two of the three other municipalities in the Moravica District. The Progressive Party and its allies were successful in all three of the jurisdictions that held elections.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Čačak:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)21,91140.2035
DveriFor the Salvation of ČačakBoško Obradović13,46024.7021
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić4,4678.207
Citizens' Group: For a More Progressive Čačak–Dr. Aleksandar Radojević3,9067.176
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–United Serbia (JS)–Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS)"3,7396.865
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,9463.57
Democratic Party1,8673.43
Party of Russians of Serbia–RUS–Youth for Čačak1,0621.951
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better ČačakLiberal Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party9531.75
Russian PartyLike Putin4240.78
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović4190.77
None of the Above3460.63
Valid votes54,50096.81
Invalid/blank votes1,7953.19
Total votes56,295100.00
Registered voters/turnout99,37156.65
Source: [162]

Milun Todorović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor following the election, with the support of forty-six delegates.[163] Biljana Rubaković, who briefly served in the national assembly, was elected from the third position on Dveri's list.[164]

Gornji Milanovac

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Gornji Milanovac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia)9,09741.4924
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)7,88435.9621
Green Party (Green Party, Slovak Party)8653.942
Democratic PartyLDP8643.94
Deeds, Not Words, Petar Govedarica, Master of Technological Sciences8603.92
Kristina Milošević–Party of Russians of Serbia7293.322
Dr. Slobodan Stanić–Social Democratic Party4932.25
Valid votes21,92796.14
Invalid/blank votes8813.86
Total votes22,808100.00
Registered voters/turnout37,29861.15
Source: [165]

Dejan Kovačević of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[166][167]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ivanjica:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)5,40335.4116
Citizens' Group: Milomir Zorić3,14620.629
New SerbiaVelimir IlićFor a New Ivanjica2,12713.948
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)1,3168.624
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for IvanjicaSDS, LDP9065.942
DveriDemocratic Party of SerbiaSanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović6954.55
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6073.98
United SerbiaDragan Marković PalmaFor a United Ivanjica4482.94
Democratic Party3872.54
Russian PartyFor Ivanjica–Vladimir Jekić2251.47
Valid votes15,26096.23
Invalid/blank votes5983.77
Total votes15,858100.00
Registered voters/turnout26,77059.24
Source: [168]

Zoran Lazović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[169]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Lučani in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2014, and the next election took place in 2018.

Pomoravlje District


Local elections were held in the one city (Jagodina) and all five other municipalities of the Pomoravlje District. United Serbia won a majority victory in its home base of Jagodina in an alliance with the Socialist Party of Serbia. The Progressive alliance won majority victories in Ćuprija and Despotovac, and it was ultimately able to form a stable coalition government in Rekovac as well.

The Democratic Party won and formed government in Paraćin, and an independent list won and formed government in Svilajnac.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Jagodina:

"Dragan Marković PalmaUnited SerbiaIvica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia"18,78154.1021
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, New Serbia)9,15426.3710
Boris Tadić, Borko StefanovićAlliance for a Better JagodinaSocial Democratic Party1,6394.72
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,2513.60
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia1,2193.51
Coalition: "Jagodina–My City, Democratic Party, LDP, SPO, ZZS"1,1343.27
Serbian-Russian Movement–Dušan Marković (Party of Russians of Serbia, Eastern Alternative, Serbian Patriotic Front, Serbian League, Hungarian League)8182.36
Russian Party5261.52
Roma List of Serbia (Democratic Union of Roma, United Roma Party, United Roma of Serbia)1950.56
Valid votes34,71795.99
Invalid/blank votes1,4514.01
Total votes36,168100.00
Registered voters/turnout64,43756.13
Source: [170]

Incumbent mayor Ratko Stevanović of United Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[171]

Života Starčević was re-elected to the assembly from the eighth position on the JS list.[172]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ćuprija:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)9,95064.8130
Citizens' Group: "Ravanica" Ćuprija1,4169.224
Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia, Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia1,1087.223
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia–Branislav Kostić6624.31
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićAlliance for a Better ĆuprijaLiberal Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party6093.97
Democratic Party–Goran Petrović5743.74
Citizens' Group: Serbian LeftBorko Stefanović5233.41
Serbian People's Party–Prof. Vladan Cvetković5103.32
Valid votes15,35296.66
Invalid/blank votes5303.34
Total votes15,882100.00
Registered voters/turnout29,89353.13
Source: [170]

Incumbent mayor Ninoslav Erić of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[173]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Despotovac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)6,43450.7525
For the Survival and Development of the Municipality and the Mine-Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party–Dr. Zlatko Dragosavljević3,06824.2011
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma, New Serbia (NS)–List Bearer Dr. Miroslav Pavković2,00515.817
Russian Party–Dušan Ivković7305.762
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party4423.49
Valid votes12,67997.28
Invalid/blank votes3542.72
Total votes13,033100.00
Registered voters/turnout23,59255.24
Source: [174]

Nikola Nikolić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[175]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Paraćin:

Saša Paunović–Surely Forward for ParaćinTogether for SerbiaNew PartyLiberal Democratic PartyDemocratic Party9,22231.2919
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)6,81223.1214
All for Paraćin–Tomislav Šaletić4,60415.629
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"2,3477.964
Movement for the Village and the City–Ecological Movement1,9726.694
New Concept–Different Paraćin1,9506.624
Independent Paraćin Socialists with Dignity for Paraćin, Radomir Milutinović Rada1,0713.63
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party5321.81
Serbian-Russian Movement–Dr. Borislava Stolić Buca5281.791
Serbian Movement Dveri–Tomislav Milanović4301.46
Valid votes29,46896.96
Invalid/blank votes9253.04
Total votes30,393100.00
Registered voters/turnout49,52961.36
Source: [176]

Incumbent mayor Saśa Paunović of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He left the party in early 2020 and served as an independent.[177]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rekovac:

Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia2,04830.2511
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)1,87827.7410
SDS–Dr. Dragan Prodanović89013.154
Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia (JS)72810.754
Democratic Party4616.812
Citizens' Group: Levač Levčanima3705.472
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia–Dušan Jevremović2744.05
Serbian-Russian Movement–Slavoljub Đurđević1211.79
Valid votes6,77096.87
Invalid/blank votes2193.13
Total votes6,989100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,68572.16
Source: [178]

Pavle Mijajlović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election with the support of seventeen delegates. The government initially consisted of the Progressives (whose ranks had expanded after the vote via flyovers) and the Social Democratic Party.[179] This administration fell after only thirty-two days, and a new government was briefly formed in June 2022 by the Socialist Party of Serbia, United Serbia, and the Democratic Party; Predrag Đorđević of the Socialist Party of Serbia served as mayor.[180] This administration, too, fell shortly thereafter, and Aleksandar Đorđević of the Progressives was chosen as mayor in July 2016, leading a coalition government with United Serbia.[181]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Svilajnac:

Citizens' Group: Svilajnac Protects the Future–Predrag Milanović6,47446.9724
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)5,30938.5219
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia, United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma1,2849.324
Democratic Party of Serbia–Serbian Movement DveriGorica Goca Gajić7175.20
Valid votes13,78495.99
Invalid/blank votes5764.01
Total votes14,360100.00
Registered voters/turnout25,14557.11
Source: [182]

Incumbent mayor Predrag Milanović was confirmed for another term in office after the election, leading a coalition government that comprised his own independent list and the Socialist Party of Serbia.[183]

Gorica Gajić of the Democratic Party of Serbia appeared in the lead position on her party's coalition list with Dveri. The list received 4.99% of the total votes cast in the municipality (including invalid votes) and thereby missed the electoral threshold by the narrowest of margins.[184]

Rasina District


Local elections were held in the one city (Kruševac) and all five other municipalities of the Rasina District. The Serbian Progressive Party and its allies won a majority victory in Kruševac; the Progressive alliance also won plurality victories in Trstenik and Varvarin, and in each case formed government afterward.

Milutin Jeličić led New Serbia to a majority victory in Brus; he joined the Progressive Party in 2017. Jugoslav Stajkovac's independent list won a majority victory in Aleksandrovac; when he retired in 2019, he was replaced by a member of the Progressive Party.

The only municipality where the Progressives did not hold power by 2020 was Ćićevac, where Zlatan Krkić's independent group had won a majority victory.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kruševac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian People's Party, New Serbia, United Peasant Party)32,28854.2252
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia/SPS–United Serbia/JS7,72112.9612
For a Fair KruševacDemocratic Party–Dr. Branislav Katančević (Democratic Party, Rusyn Democratic Party)4,1126.906
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,6144.39
Citizens' Group: Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović2,3283.91
Boris TadićThe Awakening of Kruševac, SDS, LDP, Serbian Left2,0523.45
Democratic Party of Serbia–Saša Anđelković2,0343.42
DveriFor the Life of Kruševac–Goran Tišić1,8053.03
I Love Kruševac1,7782.99
For Kruševac–Miodrag Đidić1,3602.28
Republican Party–Predrag Petronijević9561.61
Civic Alternative of Serbia–For Kruševac5050.85
Valid votes59,55397.02
Invalid/blank votes1,8272.98
Total votes61,380100.00
Registered voters/turnout109,88355.86
Source: [185]

Incumbent mayor Dragi Nestorović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[186] He died on 21 October 2017.[187] On 25 December 2017, Jasmina Palurović of the Progressive Party was chosen as his successor.[188]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Aleksandrovac:

Citizens' Group: Movement for the Parish–Dr. Jugoslav Stajkovac7,64152.0932
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)3,31022.5713
"Choice of the New Generation–Ivan Novaković" (Democratic Party, SDS, LDP, Sandžak Raška Party)1,4219.695
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia (JS)"1,2628.605
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveri–Dr. Ljubiša Pantić1,0347.054
Valid votes14,66896.03
Invalid/blank votes6073.97
Total votes15,275100.00
Registered voters/turnout23,37365.35
Source: [189]

Incumbent mayor Jugoslav Stajkovac was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[190] He retired in March 2019 and was replaced by Mirko Mihajlović of the Serbian Progressive Party.[191][192]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Brus:

New Serbia Milutin Jeličić-Jutka5,21153.4219
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)1,97120.217
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS)5435.572
Citizens' Group: "Disko Predolac"–Radisav Predolac-Disko5325.451
United Serbia Dragan Marković "Palma"4064.16
Citizens' Group: "Count on Us"–Dejan Džodić-Džoda3193.27
Serbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj3163.24
Democratic Party–Goran Miljojković2402.46
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović, Aleksandar Marković2162.21
Valid votes9,75495.30
Invalid/blank votes4814.70
Total votes10,235100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,18172.17
Source: [193]

Incumbent mayor Milutin Jeličić of New Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[194] In August 2017, he joined the Serbian Progressive Party.[195]

Jeličić announced his resignation as mayor on 1 March 2019 after being charged with sexual harassment.[196] He was replaced by Saśa Milošević, also of the Progressive Party.[197]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ćićevac:

Citizens' Group: Movement for the Preservation of the Municipality of Ćićevac–Zlatan Krkić2,58743.4113
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)1,65027.698
Dr. "Batke" Zoran Milivojević–New Serbia99316.664
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)2233.74
Social Democratic Party of Serbia–Nebojša Petković-Hans1662.79
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma1151.93
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party991.66
United Opposition of the Municipality of Ćićevac961.61
Serbian Movement Dveri–Prof. Igor Biševac300.50
Valid votes5,95997.59
Invalid/blank votes1472.41
Total votes6,106100.00
Registered voters/turnout7,82078.08
Source: [198]

Incumbent mayor Zlatan Krkić was confirmed for another term in office after the election, leading an administration that included his own independent list and New Serbia.[199]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Trstenik:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Serbian People's Party)8,27236.6819
Miroslav AleksićTogether With the People (Social Democratic PartyPeople's Movement of Serbia, Rusyn Democratic Party)8,05235.7019
Serbian Renewal MovementFor the Common Good–Dr. Radovan Popović2,48511.026
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS), Dragan Marković Palma1,8958.404
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party9104.03
Serbian-Russian Movement–Slobodan Dimitrijević5802.571
Democratic PartyIt Can Be Better3591.59
Valid votes22,55396.11
Invalid/blank votes9123.89
Total votes23,465100.00
Registered voters/turnout37,36362.80
Source: [200]

Aleksandar Ćirić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election, leading an administration that also included the Socialist Party of Serbia and the Serbian Renewal Movement.[201]

Miroslav Aleksić, who had served as mayor in the previous term, was re-elected to the assembly at the lead of the Together With the People coalition list.[202] In 2017, he allowed his People's Movement of Serbia to be reconstituted as the People's Party under Vuk Jeremić's leadership and became a vice-president of the new party.[203]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Varvarin:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)3,89539.0517
Serbian Renewal Movement–Zoran Milenković3,24832.5614
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragoljub Stanojević1,87918.848
Temnićka Alternative–Bratislav Petrović5725.732
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3803.81
Valid votes9,97495.42
Invalid/blank votes4794.58
Total votes10,453100.00
Registered voters/turnout16,19764.54
Source: [204]

Vojkan Pavić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election with the support of twenty-six delegates.[205]

Raška District


Local elections were held in the two cities (Kraljevo and Novi Pazar) and the three other municipalities of the Raška District. The Serbian Progressive Party and its allies won in the predominantly Serb municipalities of Kraljevo, Raška, and Vrnjačka Banja. The Sandžak Democratic Party won in the predominantly Bosniak city of Novi Pazar, while the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak won in Tutin, also a predominantly Bosniak community.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kraljevo:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement, Serbian People's Party, Christian Democratic Party of Serbia)21,68138.6234
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"7,03012.5211
DveriFor Bringing Life Back to KraljevoDragan Vesović3,8006.776
Citizens' Group: Local Front3,4046.065
Citizens' Group: Longtime Residents of Kraljevo and its Surroundings3,1485.615
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3,0995.525
For a Better and Fair Kraljevo (Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Rusyn Democratic Party–NPS)–Vukomir Mitrović3,0195.384
Velja Ilić New Serbia–Srpska Sloga2,2183.95
PULS Serbia–Dr. Ljubiša Jovašević1,9543.48
Democratic Party of SerbiaSanda Rašković Ivić1,8723.33
Citizens' Group: Unanimously for Kraljevo1,7723.16
Enough Is Enough Saša Radulović1,4572.60
"Social Democratic PartyTogether for Serbia"8121.45
Kraljevo for All of UsBorko Stefanović5190.92
None of the Above3500.62
Valid votes56,13597.26
Invalid/blank votes1,5812.74
Total votes57,716100.00
Registered voters/turnout102,96056.06
Source: [206]

Predrag Terzić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[207]

United Serbia parliamentarian Marija Jevđić was re-elected to the city assembly from the third position on the Socialist-led list.[208]

Novi Pazar

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Novi Pazar:

"For a European Novi PazarRasim Ljajić" (Sandžak Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party for Sandžak, Bosniak Democratic Union, Liberal Democratic Party)16,65536.0718
"SDA Sandžak–Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin"10,38122.4811
"Muamer ZukorlićBosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak"9,45920.4810
"Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning" (Serbian Progressive Party, Socialist Party of Serbia, New Serbia, United Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)4,4559.655
"Sandžak People's Party–Dr. Mirsad Ðerlek"2,8106.093
"Serb List–Serbian Radical PartyDveriDemocratic Party of Serbia"1,2672.74
Citizens' Group: New Movement–Rešad Hodžić8771.90
Citizens' Group: Spring1280.28
Awakening–Zaim Hadžisalihović1120.24
Citizens' Group: People's Movement330.07
Valid votes46,17797.44
Invalid/blank votes1,2112.56
Total votes47,388100.00
Registered voters/turnout83,96856.44
Source: [209]

Nihat Biševac of the Sandžak Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[210]

Parliamentarian Enis Imamović was elected from the lead position on the SDA list.[211] He resigned on 27 June 2016.[212]

Candidates elected on the Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak list included Chief Mufti Muamer Zukorlić (#1 on the list), party leader Jahja Fehratović (#2), Misala Pramenković (#3), and Amela Lukač Zoranić (#6).[213]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Raška:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Independent Democratic Party of Serbia)7,33850.9119
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)4,56131.6412
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia Sanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović1,0207.082
For a Better Raška Draško Radosavljević, Democratic Party7945.512
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party7024.87
Valid votes14,41597.56
Invalid/blank votes3612.44
Total votes14,776100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,51572.03
Source: [214]

Incumbent mayor Ignjat Rakitić of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[215]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Tutin:

"SDA Sandžak–Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin"8,87756.0022
"For a European TutinRasim Ljajić" (Sandžak Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)3,85624.339
"Muamer ZukorlićBosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak"2,40915.206
"Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning" (Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia, Social Democratic Party, Movement of Socialists)3912.47
Tutin First of AllBNSMujo Muković3192.01
Valid votes15,85298.62
Invalid/blank votes2221.38
Total votes16,074100.00
Registered voters/turnout30,38552.90
Source: [216]

Incumbent mayor Šemsudin Kučević of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He died in a car accident in October 2017.[217] The following month, the assembly chose Kenan Hot, also of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak, as his replacement.[218]

Bajro Gegić was elected from the second position on the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak list. Zaim Redžepović was elected from the second position on the Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak list.[219]

Vrnjačka Banja

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Vrnjačka Banja:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Active Serbia)7,98452.0916
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma2,42815.844
Democratic PartyBanja Is the Law1,2488.142
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)1,1867.742
Boris Tadić SDSLDPSPO Vrnjačka Banja7995.211
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6464.21
Serbian Movement DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia6194.04
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović4182.73
Valid votes15,32897.04
Invalid/blank votes4672.96
Total votes15,795100.00
Registered voters/turnout23,81166.33
Source: [220]

Incumbent mayor Boban Đurović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[221]

Šumadija District


Local elections were held in the one city (Kragujevac) and five of the six other municipalities of the Šumadija District. The exception was Aranđelovac, where the last election had been held in 2014.

The Progressives and their allies won plurality victories in Kragujevac, Batočina, and Knić and formed government in all three communities. In Topola, an alliance led by the Progressives and New Serbia won a majority victory. The Serbian Renewal Movement won a narrow plurality victory in Lapovo and formed a coalition government with the Progressives; a member of the Serbian Renewal Movement initially served as mayor but was replaced by a Progressive Party member in 2017.

The Social Democratic Party won a narrow victory in Rača; shortly after the election, the party's entire elected membership joined the Progressives.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kragujevac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)31,36035.7240
Veroljub Verko StevanovićTogether for Kragujevac (Democratic Party, Together for Serbia)19,36322.0624
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković - Palma8,4469.6210
Boris TadićFor Our CitySocial Democratic Party (Social Democratic Party, Rusyn Democratic Party)4,7355.396
All for KragujevacMilan Urošević–(LDP-SPO)4,6585.316
Citizens' Group: Slađan Rakić–Kragujevac Initiative Eko Park4,2054.79
Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović3,1753.62
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,9113.32
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveriSanda Rašković IvićBoško Obradović2,7853.17
Movement of Socialists, Movement of VeteransAleksandar Vulin2,6132.98
Russian Party–Ilija Radosanović1,0741.221
Citizens' Group: Definitely Better–Dr. Vladan Vučićević8110.92
Democratic Union of Roma6760.77
Green Party Marijana Tucaković Veljković5050.58
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović4700.54
Valid votes87,78797.40
Invalid/blank votes2,3412.60
Total votes90,128100.00
Registered voters/turnout154,27758.42
Source: [222]

Incumbent mayor Radomir Nikolić of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[223]

The local party New Strength (Nova Snaga) contested the election on the list of the Social Democratic Party.[224] Party leader and future parliamentarian Nikola Nešić received the seventh position on the SDS's list; he was not immediately elected, but he received a mandate on 6 June 2016 as the replacement for another member.[225][226]

Future parliamentarian Slađana Radisavljević of the Democratic Party of Serbia appeared in the third position on that party's combined list with Dveri.[227]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Aranđelovac in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2014, and the next took place in 2018.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Batočina:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)2,90040.4617
Democratic Party–Dr. Ana Aničić(Democratic Party, Together for Serbia)1,91926.7711
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma5047.033
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Ivica Dačić4135.762
Citizens' Group: Together for Batočina–Veroljub Verko Stevanović3895.432
Citizens' Group: Patriotic Front for Batočina–For the Salvation of Our Municipality2954.12
Serbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj2323.24
Democratic Party of Serbia DSS–Slađan Krstić2273.17
Coalition: Alliance for a Better BatočinaBoris Tadić SDS, LDP1972.75
Party of United Pensioners of Serbia–Dragan Todorović Cvrle921.28
Valid votes7,16897.00
Invalid/blank votes2223.00
Total votes7,390100.00
Registered voters/turnout10,14272.87
Source: [228]

Zdravko Mladenović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[229]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Knić:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)3,05241.9216
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)"82211.294
Democratic Party–Vesna Perović76210.473
Nikola Čamperović–LDP Čedomir JovanovićSDS Boris TadićIt's Time6178.473
Citizens' Group: Movement for a Better Municipality of Knić–Milić Milović5958.173
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić5387.392
United Serbia–Ljubomir Đurđević Knić4335.952
"Democratic Party of SerbiaDveri - Patrons"2964.07
Russian Party Dobrivoje Miladinović1662.28
Valid votes7,28196.64
Invalid/blank votes2533.36
Total votes7,534100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,30366.65
Source: [230]

Zoran Đorović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. He resigned in July 2018 and was replaced by Miroslav Nikolić of the same party.[231][232]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Lapovo:

All for Lapovo–Saša Ivković (Serbian Renewal Movement)1,54735.5111
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists)1,35931.2010
The Best for Lapovo–Nebojša Miletić (Democratic Party)45810.513
Citizens' Group: For the Life of Lapovo3658.382
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2636.042
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"2215.07
Russian Party–Petrović Goran1433.281
Valid votes4,35695.44
Invalid/blank votes2084.56
Total votes4,564100.00
Registered voters/turnout6,92265.93
Source: [233]

Saša Ivković of the Serbian Renewal Movement was chosen as mayor after the election, in an alliance with the Progressive Party.[234][235] The Serbian Renewal Movement split in 2017, and Ivković and his assembly group joined the breakaway Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia.[236] He stood down as mayor on 21 September 2017 and was replaced by Boban Miličić of the Progressive Party.[237]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rača:

Victory for RačaAleksandar Senić, SDS-LDP2,37035.3912
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Serbian Renewal Movement, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)1,88228.119
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia78211.684
Democratic Party–Dragana Živanović76811.474
New SerbiaDragan Jovanović3975.932
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2063.08
Democratic Party of SerbiaDveri1552.31
Russian Party1362.03
Valid votes6,69697.23
Invalid/blank votes1912.77
Total votes6,887100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,74270.69
Source: [238]

Nenad Savković of the Social Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[239] Shortly thereafter, the Social Democratic Party's entire municipal board (including Savković) resigned its membership. They later joined the Progressives.[240][241]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Topola:

Aleksandar VučićDragan JovanovićTopola Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia, Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)7,05664.3929
Citizens' Group: New People–Better Topola1,46913.416
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković - Palma, Serbian People's Party (SNP)1,20811.024
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6856.252
Honestly! Democratic PartyLiberal Democratic Party–Topola5404.93
Valid votes10,95896.81
Invalid/blank votes3613.19
Total votes11,319100.00
Registered voters/turnout18,81260.17
Source: [242]

Incumbent mayor Dragan Živanović of New Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[243] Dragan Jovanović was chosen as speaker of the assembly.[244]

New Serbia split in early 2017, Jovanović formed a new party called Better Serbia. Živanović sided with Jovanović and became a member of the party.

Zlatibor District


Local elections were held in the one city (i.e., Užice) and eight of the nine separate municipalities of the Zlatibor District. The exception was Kosjerić, where the previous local election had taken place in 2013.

The Serbian Progressive Party's coalition won majority victories in Užice and Priboj as well as plurality victories in Arilje, Bajina Bašta, Nova Varoš, Požega, and Prijepolje; in all of these municipalities, Progressive Party delegates were chosen as mayor. Milan Stamatović of the Serbian People's Party led his alliance to a majority victory in Čajetina, and the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak won in Sjenica.

The city of Užice is divided into two municipalities: Užice and Sevojno. The municipality of Užice does not have direct assembly elections: members of the city assembly also serve at the municipal level. Delegates to the Municipal Assembly of Sevojno are elected, although there was no election in 2016; the previous vote had taken place in 2014.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Užice:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, New Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Movement for a Positive Užice, Strength of Serbia Movement, Movement of Socialists)17,13145.2534
Jovan MarkovićThe Best for Užice (Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party, Serbian People's Party, New Party)7,54819.9415
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković Palma, Active Serbia (AS)"4,50811.918
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,3926.324
Democratic Party of Serbia-Dveri, Složno-Užički!2,2846.034
Citizens' Group: For Change1,7304.57
Green Party, Prof. Dr. Miloš Tasić1,3653.612
Serbian Renewal Movement9022.38
Valid votes37,86097.00
Invalid/blank votes1,1713.00
Total votes39,031100.00
Registered voters/turnout68,00457.40
Source: [245]

Incumbent mayor Tihomir Petković of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[246]

Užice: Sevojno

There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Sevojno in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2014, and the next election took place in the 2018.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Arilje:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Serbian Renewal Movement, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, New Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)4,03441.4415
Dr. Zoran MićovićDS, SDS, NOVAProvereno Najbolje2,56226.3210
Citizens' Group: "We Can Do Better–Irena Mijailović99110.183
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party7647.852
Ivica DačićSPS, JSDragan Marković Palma6106.272
Citizens' Group: Movement of Workers and Peasants–Dragiša Terzić5385.532
Valid votes9,73496.12
Invalid/blank votes3933.88
Total votes10,127100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,89363.72
Source: [247]

Incumbent mayor Zoran Todorović of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[248] He resigned in September 2018 and was replaced by Miloš Nedeljković of the same party.[249]

Bajina Bašta

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bajina Bašta:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, New Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)5,57443.3921
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"2,45819.139
Democratic Party of Serbia Bajina Bašta–Vasilije Pavićević1,2069.394
Responsible for Bajina Bašta (Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party)1,1829.204
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party Dr. Miroslav Nešković Žućo1,0948.524
Dveri for the Life of Bajina Bašta – Miroslav Mićo Lukić9487.383
SDSBoris TadićFor a Better Bajina Bašta3853.00
Valid votes12,84795.81
Invalid/blank votes5624.19
Total votes13,409100.00
Registered voters/turnout22,17760.46
Source: [250]

Incumbent mayor Radomir Filipović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election with the support of thirty-seven delegates.[251]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Čajetina:

SNPDSSPUPSMilan Stamatović5,61558.0221
"Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning" (Serbian Progressive Party)1,98720.537
Citizens' Group: Zlatiborski pogled–Rajko Pelverović-Pela98610.193
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia" (SPS)4474.62
List for a Better ČajetinaStrajin Nedović, Radovan Jojić (Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party)4154.29
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party910.94
Valid votes9,67897.09
Invalid/blank votes2902.91
Total votes9,968100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,85177.57
Source: [252]

Incumbent mayor Milan Stamatović of the Serbian People's Party (SNP) was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He left the SNP in 2017 and founded the Healthy Serbia party.[253]

Bojana Božanić of the Serbian People's Party was elected to the assembly from the third position on the SNP's coalition list.[254] She resigned her seat on 9 May 2016.[255]

Future parliamentarian Đorđe Dabić was elected from the fourth position on the Progressive Party's list.[256]


There was no municipal election in Kosjerić in 2016. The previous election had taken place in 2013, and the next election took place in 2017.

Nova Varoš

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Nova Varoš:

"Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning" (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)3,67335.2012
Citizens' Group: Radosav Rade Vasiljević–New People for Nova Varoš2,36922.707
Democratic Party1,64415.755
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia" (SPS)5995.741
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić5625.391
Citizens' Group: Murtenica4544.35
SDPFor Nova Varoš3072.941
Boris Tadić, Čedomir JovanovićFor a Better Nova VarošSocial Democratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party2952.83
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2902.78
Muamer ZukorlićBosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak1561.49
SDA Sandžak–Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin510.49
"Roma Party" Irsad Pušija360.34
Valid votes10,43697.61
Invalid/blank votes2552.39
Total votes10,691100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,06876.00
Source: [257]

Branko Bjelić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The government was supported by the Progressive alliance, the Sandžak Democratic Party (SDP), and the Socialist Party of Serbia.[258] A Progressive delegate later defected to the opposition, and in September 2016 a new administration was formed with Radosav Vasiljević as mayor. Vasiljević's administration was supported by his own citizens' group, the Democratic Party, and New Serbia.[259]

Vasiljević formed a new coalition with the Progressives in 2017.[260]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Požega:

"Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning"–Milan Božić (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian People's Party6,30045.5525
Milovan Mićović–For Our PožegaDemocratic PartySPOLDPNOVA3,25323.5213
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma"–Mikan Janković1,93714.007
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party–Vladan Kovačević1,1828.554
DveriFor a Healthier Municipality of Požega–Čedomir Mandić8496.143
SDS Boris TadićYou Still Have Someone to Vote For–Aco Strainović3112.25
Valid votes13,83296.24
Invalid/blank votes5403.76
Total votes14,372100.00
Registered voters/turnout24,81757.91
Source: [261]

Incumbent mayor Milan Božic of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[262] He was removed from office in June 2019 after being arrested and was replaced by Đorđe Nikitović of the same party.[263]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Priboj:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, New Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)5,84641.5622
SDA SandžakBDZ Sandžak1,3689.735
Socialist Party of SerbiaIvica Dačić1,3189.374
Sandžak Democratic Party–Dr. Jasminko Toskić1,0577.514
Jasmin Hodžić–Priboj Is Also Our City–Marijana Bjelić (Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party)1,0567.513
DSSDveri–Vujadin Vujo Radović1,0087.173
Democratic Party Priboj6654.73
Citizens' Group: "For the Survival of FAP-a–Miroslav Mršević6124.35
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party–Vladan Kovačević5473.89
Citizens' Group: For the Live of Priboj4182.97
Serbian People's PartyNenad Popović1711.22
Valid votes14,06696.61
Invalid/blank votes4933.39
Total votes14,559100.00
Registered voters/turnout28,25851.52
Source: [264]

Incumbent mayor Lazar Rvović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[265] Incumbent delegate and future parliamentarian Dijana Radović was elected from the third position on the Socialist list; she resigned her position on 15 June 2016.[266][267]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Prijepolje:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is WinningIvica Dačić (Serbian Progressive Party, Socialist Party of Serbia)6,02930.8814
Sandžak Democratic PartySocial Democratic Party of SerbiaRasim Ljajić4,14421.229
Muamer ZukorlićFor Reconciliation BDZ SandžakLDP2,25411.545
DPS–Dr. Zulkefil Bato Sadović (Democratic Party of the Sandžak)2,06410.574
"Unanimously for PrijepoljeDemocratic Party of SerbiaSerbian Radical PartyTogether for Serbia"1,6678.543
DveriFor the Salvation of PrijepoljeBorko Puškić1,3857.093
SDA Sandžak–Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin1,2896.603
Citizens' Group: New People–Vele Janjušević6953.56
Valid votes19,52798.22
Invalid/blank votes3541.78
Total votes19,881100.00
Registered voters/turnout34,29157.98
Source: [268]

Dragoljub Zindović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election, with the support of twenty-five delegates.[269]

Samir Tandir of the Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak was elected from the lead position on the BDZ Sandžak–LDP list.[270]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sjenica:

SDA Sandžak–Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin5,20134.9515
For a European SjenicaRasim Ljajić (Sandžak Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)2,64417.778
Muamer ZukorlićBosniak Democratic Union of Sandžak2,40916.197
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)1,79512.065
Aleksandar Vučić Coalition–Serbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Socialist Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, New Serbia, Democratic Party of Serbia)1,3048.764
Citizens' Group: Independent Party of Democratic Action for Sjenica–Nusret Nuhović4813.23
Citizens' Group: League for Sjenica–Dr. Esad Zornić4623.10
Sandžak People's Party–Dr. Mirsad Ðerlek2531.70
Dr. Vojislav Šešelj Serbian Radical Party–Serbian Movement Dveri Boško Obradović2081.40
Bosniak People's PartyMujo Muković1250.84
Valid votes14,88298.34
Invalid/blank votes2511.66
Total votes15,133100.00
Registered voters/turnout26,59056.91
Source: [271]

Incumbent mayor Hazbo Mujović of the Party of Democratic Action was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[272]

Minela Kalender, the incumbent deputy mayor, was elected to the assembly from the third position on the Party of Democratic Action's list.[273] She resigned on 30 May 2016 after being appointed as a member of the municipal council.[274] Her term in the latter body appears to have been brief; she attended its inaugural meeting on 9 June 2016, but by September 2016 she was no longer listed as a member.[275][276]

Southern and Eastern Serbia


Nišava District


Local elections were held for the City Assembly of Niš, the assemblies in all five of Niš's constituent municipalities, and the assemblies in all six of the Nišava District's other municipalities.

The Progressive Party and its allies won all of the elections in Niš. Outside the city, the results were mixed. The Progressives were successful in Aleksinac and Doljevac, and a coalition of the Progressives and United Peasant Party won in Svrljig. The Progressives also won the election in Merošina, although local divisions in the party led to an unstable governing alliance in the years that followed. The Socialists won Gadžin Han, and incumbent mayor Dobrica Stojković led New Serbia to a rare majority victory in Ražanj.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Niš:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists)46,87840.1428
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"13,57711.628
"Niš, My City!Democratic Party, SDS, NPS, LDP"13,09411.217
"Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović"9,9058.485
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party8,4237.215
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia6,6155.664
Sincerely for Niš, Momir Stojanović6,1365.253
United Opposition–With Our Hearts for Niš–Prof. Dr. Milan Višnjić (Reformist Party, Together for Serbia)3,2522.78
"Miša Jović–Serbian LeftNiš for All of Us"2,2731.95
New Party2,2661.94
Russian Party–Dr. Miroslav Milosavljević1,7881.531
United Russian Party–Dr. Bojan Stanojević1,2861.10
Serbian-Russian Movement7990.68
Roma Unity Party5070.43
Valid votes116,79997.15
Invalid/blank votes3,4312.85
Total votes120,230100.00
Registered voters/turnout233,64751.46
Source: [277]

Darko Bulatović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor following the election, with the support of forty-six delegates.[278]

Niš: Crveni Krst

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Crveni Krst:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Movement of Socialists, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, United Peasant Party)8,72754.3314
Niš, My City!Democratic Party, SDS, NPS, LDP1,5859.872
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)1,4529.042
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,4388.952
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[279]1,3498.401
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia7074.40
Russian Party–Dr. Miroslav Milosavljević3171.97
United Opposition–With Our Hearts for Niš–Prof. Dr. Milan Višnjić (Reformist Party, Together for Serbia)3071.91
Roma Unity Party1821.13
Valid votes16,06496.64
Invalid/blank votes5593.36
Total votes16,623100.00
Registered voters/turnout30,25154.95
Source: [280]

Incumbent mayor Miroslav Milutinović of the Progressive Party was confirmed in office for another term, by a unanimous vote of the delegates present.[281]

Niš: Medijana

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Medijana:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)6,63330.6610
"Niš, My City!Democratic Party, SDS, NPS, LDP"3,86917.886
"Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović"3,45215.965
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"2,24210.363
Sincerely for Niš, Momir Stojanović1,5907.352
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia1,2765.901
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party8714.03
New Party4862.25
United Opposition–With Our Hearts for Niš–Prof. Dr. Milan Višnjić (Reformist Party, Together for Serbia)3691.71
Russian Party–Dr. Miroslav Milosavljević3501.62
United Peasant PartyMilija Miletić2651.22
"Serbian LeftMedijana for All of Us"2321.07
Valid votes21,63598.89
Invalid/blank votes2431.11
Total votes21,878100.00
Registered voters/turnout81,11326.97
Source: [282]

Milan Krstić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[283] The government was formed by the Progressives, the Socialists, and the "Sincerely for Niš" group. Krstić resigned in September 2017 and was replaced by Nebojša Kocić, who had previously left the Democratic Party to join the Progressives.[284][285]

Niš: Niška Banja

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Niška Banja:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia)2,57234.608
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[286]2,18829.436
United SerbiaDragan Marković PalmaDomaćinski81610.982
Coalition: He Is Fighting for BanjaNPS, SDS, LDP, Miloš Milenković6078.172
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)4025.411
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3624.87
Democratic Party2212.97
Serbian LeftNiška Banja for All of Us1492.00
United Opposition–With Our Hearts for Banja–Prof. Dr. Milan Višnjić (Reformist Party, Together for Serbia)1171.57
Valid votes7,43495.80
Invalid/blank votes3264.20
Total votes7,760100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,57661.70
Source: [287]

Dejan Jovanović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[288]

Niš: Palilula

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Palilula, Niš:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)14,67144.9814
Niš, My City!Democratic Party, SDS, NPS, LDP4,23913.004
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)3,76511.543
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,6538.132
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia2,2516.902
Sincerely for NišMomir Stojanović1,3874.25
United Opposition–With Our Hearts for Niš–Prof. Dr. Milan Višnjić (Reformist Party, Together for Serbia)1,0243.14
New Party9883.03
Serbian LeftPalilula for All of Us8832.71
Russian Party–Dr. Miroslav Milosavljević7572.32
Valid votes32,61896.94
Invalid/blank votes1,0283.06
Total votes33,646100.00
Registered voters/turnout65,70551.21
Source: [289]

Aleksandar Ždrale of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election with the support of twenty-two delegates.[290]

Niš: Pantelej

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Pantelej:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Serbian People's Party)8,78738.3511
"Niš, My City!Democratic Party, SDS, NPS, LDP"2,41810.553
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)"2,1229.262
Sincerely for Niš–General Momir Stojanović1,8658.142
"Slaviša Dinić–Serbian LeftPantelej for All of Us"1,6337.13
Dr. Vojislav Šešelj Serbian Radical Party1,6317.122
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia1,3996.111
United Peasant PartyMilija Miletić1,1314.94
New Party6672.91
United Opposition–With Our Hearts for Niš–Prof. Dr. Milan Višnjić (Reformist Party, Together for Serbia)6072.65
Russian Party–Dr. Miroslav Milosavljević4962.16
Roma Unity Party1560.68
Valid votes22,91296.39
Invalid/blank votes8593.61
Total votes23,771100.00
Registered voters/turnout44,00254.02
Source: [291]

Bratimir Vasiljević of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[292]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Aleksinac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, New Serbia, United Peasant Party, Serbian Renewal Movement, Strength of Serbia Movement)9,60739.9224
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Ivica Dačić4,37518.1811
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma3,23613.458
Responsibly for Aleksinac–Ivan Dimić (Democratic Party, Democratic Party of Serbia)3,01312.528
People's Movement–Grujica Veljković1,2515.203
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1,0374.31
Alliance for a Better Aleksinac–Prof. Slavoljub Blagojević Blaško (Social Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party)1,0134.21
Party of Russians of Serbia5312.21
Valid votes24,06396.60
Invalid/blank votes8473.40
Total votes24,910100.00
Registered voters/turnout43,03457.88
Source: [277]

Incumbent mayor Nenad Stanković of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[293]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Doljevac:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)7,75170.9727
Coalition: Socialist Party of Serbia, United Serbia, Democratic Party of Serbia, Dveri1,38312.664
Coalition: Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party, Russian Party1,22811.244
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party5605.132
Valid votes10,92297.63
Invalid/blank votes2652.37
Total votes11,187100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,92074.98
Source: [294]

Incumbent mayor Goran Ljubić of the Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[295]

Gadžin Han

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Gadžin Han:

Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)2,12340.3516
United Serbia Dragan Marković Palma "Domaćinski za Zaplanje"1,06820.308
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, United Peasant Party)1,04719.907
I Choose Zaplanje-Because I Live Here (Democratic Party, Together for Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)3256.182
Stanoje Stojanović BejaFor a Better Zaplanje2093.97
"Adrijana Grozdanović–Young Zaplanje"1903.61
SNPNenad Popović1552.95
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party1442.74
Valid votes5,26196.46
Invalid/blank votes1933.54
Total votes5,454100.00
Registered voters/turnout7,12676.54
Source: [296]

Incumbent mayor Saša Đorđević of the Socialist Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, with the support of the Democratic Party.[297] He stood down in March 2019 following a recalibration of political forces in the community; his replacement was Marija Cvetković, a former Socialist who had joined the Progressives.[298][299]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Merošina:

Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[300]3,05635.4412
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia)1,84821.4310
Socialist Party of Serbia1,05012.185
United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma7989.254
Merošina and the Village–Dipl Inž. Zoran Jović, Dipl. Inž. Vlastimir Mladenović." (Democratic Party of Serbia, United Peasant Party)4775.532
Democratic PartySanja Miladinović4745.502
Serbian Radical Party–Dr. Vojislav Šešelj4685.432
Party of United Pensioners of SerbiaMilan Krkobabić2733.17
Russian Party–Dinić Miroslav1041.21
Roma Unity Party–Selmanović Blagoje760.88
Valid votes8,62497.82
Invalid/blank votes1922.18
Total votes8,816100.00
Registered voters/turnout10,80781.58
Source: [301]

There were several changes in the municipal administration of Merošina between 2016 and 2020, amid ongoing divisions in the ranks of the Serbian Progressive Party's local organization.

Sanja Stajić of the Progressives was chosen as mayor after the election.[302] She was replaced by fellow Progressive Saša Jovanović in February 2018.[303] The administration was reshuffled in May 2018, and Bojan Nešić was chosen as the municipality's new mayor – Nešić had been elected on the "Naprednjaci" list, which by this time had affiliated itself with the Socialist Party.[304] The "Naprednjaci" group later merged into the Progressives. In September 2018, Nešić resigned as mayor and Jovanović returned to office.[305] The municipal assembly was ultimately dissolved in August 2019, and Sanja Stajić was named as president of an interim administration that governed the municipality until new elections were held in 2020.[306]

Future parliamentarian Sanja Miladinović was elected to the assembly from the lead position on the Democratic Party's list.[307]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ražanj:

New Serbia–Dobrica Stojković2,47358.7818
Citizens' Group: Verislav Velisavljević - Verče51312.193
Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia)3989.462
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Ivica Dačić3678.722
For Staying and Survival, For the Village, For the Farmer, For the Beekeeper, For the Entrepreneur and the Homeowner, For All of Us TogetherDemocratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party3518.342
United Peasant PartyMilija Miletić1052.50
Valid votes4,20796.12
Invalid/blank votes1703.88
Total votes4,377100.00
Registered voters/turnout7,03762.20
Source: [308]

Incumbent mayor Dobrica Stojković of New Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[309] He left the party later in the term.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Svrljig:

United Peasant PartyMilija MiletićSerbian Progressive PartyResponsibility and Sincerely for Youth, Peasants, Workers, and Pensioners4,81167.7520
"Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), New Serbia (NS), People's Peasant Party (NSS)–Svrljig Is Winning"85812.083
Together for the Municipality of SvrljigDemocratic Party, Democratic Party of Serbia4756.692
United SerbiaDragan Marković PalmaDomaćinski za Svrljig4566.421
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party3895.481
Green Party1121.58
Valid votes7,10196.17
Invalid/blank votes2833.83
Total votes7,384100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,87162.20
Source: [310]

Incumbent mayor Jelena Trifunović of the United Peasant Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[311]

Podunavlje District


Local elections were held in the one city (Smederevo) and the two other municipalities of the Podunavlje District. The Serbian Progressive Party and its allies won majority victories in all three jurisdictions.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Smederevo:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Serbia, New Serbia, Serbian Renewal Movement)23,47549.0744
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS)4,83210.109
Democratic Party–Andreja Pavlović4,3499.098
Citizens' Group: "Enough Is EnoughSaša Radulović"2,8005.855
DveriDemocratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Igor Švonja2,5695.374
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party2,3945.00
Milan Lukić–United Serbia1,8103.78
Social Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,2632.64
Serbian People's Party–Nataša Marković1,2452.60
Smederevo Without Corruption Zoran Jokić1,0372.17
United Russian Party–Dr. Radiša Mijailović1,0132.12
Movement of Socialists–Branko Milanović5521.15
Republican Party–Ivan Petrović5001.05
Valid votes47,83996.75
Invalid/blank votes1,6063.25
Total votes49,445100.00
Registered voters/turnout97,85950.53
Source: [312]

Incumbent mayor Jasna Avramović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[313]

Smederevska Palanka

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Smederevska Palanka:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Third Serbia)11,09145.8027
Democratic Party–Dr. Snežana Pavićević4,76819.6912
Ivica Dačić–"Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS)–Dragan Marković Palma, New Serbia (NS)"2,84011.737
Serbian Renewal Movement, Democratic Party of Serbia–Dobrica Jozić, Zlatan Bećić1,2645.223
Serbian Movement Dveri–Dušan Terzić1,1694.83
Citizens' Group: Movement 'Five to Twelve–Fatherland' Smederevska Palanka8693.59
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party6152.54
Citizens' Group: Vladimir Arsić–Youth Government5812.40
Boris TadićSocial Democratic Party4882.02
Liberal Democratic Party–Goran Dugić3301.36
Serbian-Russian Movement–Slobodan Dimitrijević2030.84
Valid votes24,21896.93
Invalid/blank votes7683.07
Total votes24,986100.00
Registered voters/turnout43,05758.03
Source: [314]

Petar Milić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[315] The local Progressive organization subsequently experienced serious internal divisions, and in December 2016 a new coalition government was formed with Toplica Pintorović, also of the Progressives, chosen as mayor.[316] These divisions ultimately prevented the functioning of the local government, and in October 2017 the municipal assembly was dissolved. Nikola Vučen of the Progressives was chosen as leader of a provisional government, pending new elections in 2018.[317][318]

Velika Plana

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Velika Plana:

Aleksandar VučićSerbia Is Winning (Serbian Progressive Party)9,18148.3822
Our Municipality in 1st PlaceDejan B. ŠulkićDSSPSSSPO3,24117.087
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS) United Serbia (JS) Dragan Marković Palma2,44212.875
Citizens' Group: For Our City and Our Villages1,3687.213
Democratic Party–Dr. Snežana Milojević9875.202
Dr. Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party9144.82
Citizens' Group: Victory4862.56
Russian Party3581.89
Valid votes18,97796.82
Invalid/blank votes6243.18
Total votes19,601100.00
Registered voters/turnout19,601100.00
Source: [319]

Incumbent mayor Igor Matković of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[320]

Former mayor Dejan Šulkić of the Democratic Party of Serbia led the Our Municipality in the First Place list and was re-elected to the assembly.[321]


  1. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 37.
  2. ^ "Bata Adamović (SNS) novi predsednik opštine Barajevo", Blic, 15 June 2016, accessed 9 May 2021.
  3. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 33; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 38.
  4. ^ Č. Lazić, "Na Čukarici ništa novo: Kolarić predsednik, opštinu vode SNS, SPS i SRS", Blic, 26 May 2016, accessed 9 May 2021.
  5. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 40.
  6. ^ Katarina Živanović, "Dragoljub Simonović – uhapšeni naprednjak", Danas, 28 January 2019, accessed 9 May 2021.
  7. ^ "Izglasana ostavka Simonovića, Živadinka Avramović na čelu Grcoke", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 20 March 2019, accessed 28 August 2021.
  8. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 49; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 50 (9 May 2016), pp. 11–12.
  9. ^ "Bojan Sinđelić novi predsednik Lazarevca: Stević ide na višu funkciju?", Blic, 29 June 2016, accessed 11 May 2021.
  10. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 43; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 38. The latter source, which has different vote totals, is here taken as definitive.
  11. ^ Milena Rodić, "BELI 'SMENJEN' U MLADENOVCU Vladan Glišić (SNS) predsednik opštine", Blic, 20 June 2016, accessed 10 May 2021.
  12. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 15; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 37 (28 April 2016), p. 53.
  13. ^ "Šapić predsednik opštine Novi Beograd", N1, 24 June 2016, accessed 8 May 2021.
  14. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 28 (13 April 2016), p. 35.
  15. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 49 (5 May 2016), p. 3; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 38. The latter source, which has different vote totals, is here taken as definitive.
  16. ^ "Čučković ponovo predsednik opštine Obrenovac", Blic, 17 May 2016, accessed 11 May 2021.
  17. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 19.
  18. ^ B. Bogosav, "NA PALILULI VLAST SNS, SPS i SRS Jovičić najmlađi predsednik opštine u Beogradu", Blic, 6 June 2016, accessed 8 May 2021.
  19. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 30 (14 April 2016), p. 36.
  20. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 23.
  21. ^ "Kocić ponovo predsednik", Danas, 22 June 2016, accessed 8 May 2021.
  22. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 28 (13 April 2016), p. 47.
  23. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 92 (16 September 2016), p. 4.
  24. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 28.
  25. ^ "Irena Vujović predsednica opštine Savski venac", B92, 5 June 2016, accessed 8 May 2021.
  26. ^ Vučković received the third position on the DS list. See Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 28 (13 April 2016), p. 51.
  27. ^ Sluzbeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 28 (13 April 2016), p. 52.
  28. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 28.
  29. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 46.
  30. ^ "Живорад Милосављевић", Municipality of Sopot, accessed 5 May 2021.
  31. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 31.
  32. ^ I. Nikoletić and M. Miljković, "Marko Bastać novi predsednik opštine Stari grad", Danas, 12 May 2016, accessed 9 May 2021.
  33. ^ SRS: Mi i DS smo šok, a pregovori Vučića i Jovanovića ne?, B92 (Source: Tanjug), 13 May 2016, accessed 11 April 2017.
  34. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 51 (16 May 2016), p. 28.
  35. ^ Anka Milošević, "Bastać: DS nije u koaliciji sa radikalima u Starom gradu", N1, 19 May 2016, accessed 9 May 2021.
  36. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 59 (13 June 2016), p. 30.
  37. ^ "Damjanović: Spomenik Miloševiću, a ne Đinđiću", N1, 15 February 2018, accessed 16 April 2024.
  38. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 94 (30 September 2016), p. 31.
  39. ^ "Marko Bastać ide samostalno na beogradske izbore", N1, 15 January 2018.
  40. ^ "Bastać na čelu beogradskog SSP-a", Mondo, 21 June 2019, accessed 16 April 2024.
  41. ^ "SSP smenila Marka Bastaća sa mesta predsednika beogradskog odbora", Politika, 6 June 2020, accessed 16 April 2024.
  42. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 48. This source contains an error in the percentage of the total number of votes received by the Democratic Party list; the error is here corrected.
  43. ^ "SNS SAMOSTALNO U SURČINU Stevan Šuša novi predsednik opštine", Blic, 11 June 2016, accessed 10 May 2021.
  44. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 2.
  45. ^ Časlav Lazić, "VOŽDOVAC VODE SNS, SPS I SRS Savić ponovo predsednik", Blic, 3 June 2016, accessed 7 May 2021.
  46. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), pp. 4–5.
  47. ^ M. Miljković, "Demokrate predale vlast na Vračaru posle 24 godine", Danas, 8 July 2016, accessed 7 May 2021.
  48. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 30 (14 April 2016), p. 7.
  49. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), p. 12.
  50. ^ "Novi-stari predsednik: Na čelu Zemuna opet Matić", Blic, 17 June 2016, accessed 8 May 2021.
  51. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 28 (13 April 2016), p. 23.
  52. ^ Šešelj received a mandate in the local assembly on 13 June 2016, although he resigned on the same day. See Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 59 (13 June 2016), pp. 7, 9.
  53. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 61 (22 June 2016), p. 7.
  54. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 61 Number 76 (1 November 2017), p. 3.
  55. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 34 (25 April 2016), pp. 8–9; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 37 (28 April 2016), p. 51.
  56. ^ Dijana RadisavljeviDijana Radisavljević, "Konstitutivna sednica na ZVEZDARI: Miloš Ignjatović novi predsednik opštine", Blic, 1 June 2016, accessed 7 May 2021.
  57. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 28, p. 9.
  58. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 60 Number 94 (30 September 2016), p. 4.
  59. ^ Službeni List (Grada Zrenjanina), Volume 25 Number 15 (28 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  60. ^ S. Surla, "Janjić ponovo gradonačelnik Zrenjanina, u koaliciji SNS, SPS i SVM", Blic, 24 May 2016, accessed 28 October 2021.
  61. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Nova Crnja), Volume 25 Number 6 (25 April 2016), pp. 3-4; Službeni List (Opštine Nova Crnja), Volume 25 Number 7 (27 April 2016), p. 1.
  62. ^ "IZABRAN PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE NOVA CRNJA", Zrenjaninski, 10 June 2016, accessed 28 October 2021.
  63. ^ Zlatko Čonkaš, "PAO JEDAN OD NAJBAHATIJIH LOKALNIH ŠERIFA Smenjen predsednik opštine koji je HAPŠEN ZBOG MITA", Blic, 25 July 2019, accessed 28 October 2021.
  64. ^ "Smenjen Pera Milankov, izabran novi predsednik opštine Nova Crnja", Zrenjaninski, 18 June 2019, accessed 28 October 2021.
  65. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Novi Bečej), Volume 50 Number 12 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  66. ^ "Saša Maksimović na čelu Novog Bečeja, u koaliciju sa SNS ušli SVM i tri odbornika Grupe građana", Blic, 25 May 2016, accessed 28 October 2021.
  67. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Novi Bečej), Volume 50 Number 10 (13 April 2016), p. 4.
  68. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 53.
  69. ^ "Sečanj: Preminuo predsednik opštine Predrag Milošević", 021.rs, 17 April 2017, accessed 28 October 2021.
  70. ^ "Predrag Rađenović na čelu opštine Sečanj", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 26 April 2017, accessed 28 October 2021.
  71. ^ Source: Službeni List (Opštine Žitište), Volume 30 Number 16 (27 April 2016), p. 5.
  72. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Žitište), Volume 30 Number 18 (20 May 2016), p. 29.
  73. ^ Službeni List (Grada Subotice), Volume 51 Number 26 (25 April 2016), pp. 2-4.
  74. ^ "Bogdan Laban novi gradonačelnik Subotice", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 23 June 2016, accessed 6 November 2021.
  75. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Topola), Volume 48 Number 8 (16 May 2016), pp. 629-630.
  76. ^ B. Vučković, "Kišlinder ponovo na čelu Bačke Topole, u vladajućoj koaliciji SVM i SNS", Blic, 9 June 2016, accessed 11 November 2021.
  77. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 48 Number 10 (5 May 2016), p. 2.
  78. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 48 Number 13 (24 June 2016), p. 2.
  79. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kikinde), Volume 1 Number 5 (25 April 2016), p. 68.
  80. ^ "Pavle Markov 'novi - stari' gradonačelnik Kikinde", B92, 21 May 2016, accessed 26 November 2021.
  81. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Ada), Volume 49 Number 18 (25 April 2016), p. 8.
  82. ^ "Председник општине Золтан Билицки прешао у СНС", Dnevnik, 19 December 2016, accessed 27 November 2021.
  83. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Ada), Volume 49 Number 27 (13 June 2016), p. 9.
  84. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Čoka), 25 April 2016, p. 79.
  85. ^ "Чока: Стана Ђембер води општину", Dnevnik, 9 June 2016, accessed 27 November 2021.
  86. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kanjiža), 25 April 2016, p. 160.
  87. ^ "Fejsztámer Róbert Magyarkanizsa új polgármestere", Vajdaság, 9 June 2020, accessed 27 November 2021.
  88. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 44.
  89. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Novi Knezevac), Volume 44 Number 23 (2 June 2016), p. 169.
  90. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 51 Number 8 (25 April 2016), pp. 512-513.
  91. ^ "IZBOR IZ SADRŽAJA NA SRPSKOM", Vajdaság, 23 June 2016, accessed 27 November 2021.
  92. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Sada), Volume 35 Number 26 (25 April 2016), pp. 1230-1.
  93. ^ "Miloš Vučević ponovo gradonačelnik Novog Sada", N1, 1 July 2016, accessed 15 May 2021.
  94. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Sada), Volume 35 Number 24, (13 April 2016), pp. 1203–06.
  95. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bač), Volume 49 Number 16 (14 May 2016), pp. 2-3.
  96. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bač), Volume 41 Number 14, pp. 11, 18.
  97. ^ Službeni List (Opśtine Bać), Volume 42 Number 24, pp. 3, 6.
  98. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Palanka), Volume 51 Number 12 (26 April 2016), pp. 2-3.
  99. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Palanka), Volume 51 Number 14 (19 May 2016), p. 3143.
  100. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bački Petrovac), Volume 52 Number 8 (6 May 2016), pp. 2-3.
  101. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bački Petrovac), Volume 52 Number 11 (14 June 2016), p. 56.
  102. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 52 Number 12 (19 May 2016), pp. 2-3.
  103. ^ "Radojević stari-novi predsednik opštine Bečej", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 10 June 2016, accessed 5 July 2021.
  104. ^ "Bečej: Obnavlja se Trg oslobođenja nakon 36 godina", 021.rs, 22 September 2016, accessed 10 September 2021.
  105. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Beočin), Volume 7 Number 6 (26 April 2016), pp. 1-5.
  106. ^ "Напредњаци воде Беочин", Dnevnik, 27 May 2016, accessed 5 July 2021.
  107. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Srbobran), Volume 49 Number 8 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  108. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Srbobran), Volume 49 Number 9 (26 May 2016), p. 11.
  109. ^ "Радивој Парошки нови председник општине Србобран", Dnevnik, 6 July 2017, accessed 11 September 2021.
  110. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Sremski Karlovci), 8 May 2016, pp. 1-2.
  111. ^ "OTVOREN NOVI VRTIĆ PU „RADOSNO DETINјSTVO“ U SREMSKIM KARLOVCIMA", City of Novi Sad, 12 September 2016, accessed 6 July 2021.
  112. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Temerin), Volume 49 Number 12 (28 April 2016), pp. 3-4.
  113. ^ "Pastor predsednik SO Temerin", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 8 June 2016, accessed 6 July 2021.
  114. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Titel), Volume 62 Number 5 (5 May 2016), pp. 1-2.
  115. ^ Službeni List (Opština Titel), Volume 51 Number 6 (23 May 2016), p. 8.
  116. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Žabalj), Volume 44 Number 19 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  117. ^ "'Naša opština Žabalj' pristupila SNS-U", 20 May 2016, accessed 4 July 2021.
  118. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Žabalj), Volume 44 Number 23 (14 July 2016), p. 5.
  119. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), 2016 Number 10 (25 April 2016), pp. 16-17.
  120. ^ "Saša Pavlov novi (stari) gradonačelnik Pančeva", Blic, 19 May 2016, accessed 14 June 2022.
  121. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), Volume 9 Number 8 (13 April 2016), p. 4.
  122. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), Volume 9 Number 10 (25 April 2016), p. 17.
  123. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), Volume 9 Number 20 (4 July 2016), p. 1.
  124. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Alibunar), Volume 35 Number 10 (26 April 2016), p. 1.
  125. ^ "ИЗАБРАНО НОВО РУКОВОДСТВО ОПШТИНЕ АЛИБУНАР"[permanent dead link], Municipality of Alibunar, 17 May 2016, accessed 24 June 2022.
  126. ^ "Smenjen predsednik Opštine Alibunar", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 13 July 2018, accessed 24 June 2022.
  127. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 38; "Kako se glasalo po opštinama u Vojvodini", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 25 April 2016, accessed 24 June 2022.
  128. ^ "Bela Crkva: Posle štrajkova, sukoba, SNS i DS u koaliciji", B92, 28 May 2016, accessed 24 June 2022.
  129. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kovačica), Volume 37 Number 12 (26 April 2016), p. 763.
  130. ^ Službeni list (Opštine Kovačica), Volume 37 Number 15 (21 May 2016), p. 776.
  132. ^ "Dr Zoran Tasić iz Opova imenovan za zamenika Pokrajinskog sekretara", epancevo.rs, 13 November 2020, accessed 24 June 2022.
  133. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Plandište), Volume 32 Number 11 (26 April 2016), p. 252.
  134. ^ PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE, Municipality of Plandište, accessed 14 June 2022.
  135. ^ Službeni List (Grada Vršca), Volume 1 Number 6 (28 April 2016), p. 63.
  136. ^ Gradonačelnik, City of Vršac, accessed 24 June 2022.
  137. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sremska Mitrovica), Volume 8 Number 8 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-3.
  138. ^ "Vladimir Petković novi gradonačelnik Sremske Mitrovice", Sremske Novine, 12 July 2016, accessed 8 August 2023.
  139. ^ "Vladimir Sanader gradonačelnik Sremske Mitrovice", Sremske Novine, 28 September 2016, accessed 8 August 2023.
  140. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Inđija), Volume 5 Number 6 (26 April 2016), pp. 301-303.
  141. ^ "Vladimir Gak novi predsednik opštine Inđija", Municipality of Inđija, 1 June 2016, accessed 13 March 2021.
  142. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Inđija), Volume 5 Number 6 (26 April 2016), pp. 301-303.
  143. ^ "Održana konstitutivna sednica SO Irig", Sremske Novine, 18 May 2016, accessed 17 August 2023.
  144. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Srema), Volume 46 Number 15 (28 April 2016), pp. 14-15.
  145. ^ "Kovačević predsednik SO Ruma", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 10 June 2016, accessed 17 August 2023.
  146. ^ Општинска изборна комисија, Archived 2016-03-27 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Ruma, accessed 3 August 2023.
  147. ^ Aleksandar Martinović, istinomer.rs, accessed 3 August 2023.
  148. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Šid), Volume 4 Number 8 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  149. ^ "Konstituisana Skupština opštine Šid", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 16 May 2016, accessed 8 April 2021.
  150. ^ Službeni List (Opština Srema), Volume 46 Number 15 (28 April 2016), p. 567.
  151. ^ "Uz snažnu podršku, Đorđe Radinović komotnom većinom glasova reizabran na čelo staropazovačke Opštine", Municipality of Stara Pazova, 1 June 2016, accessed 17 August 2023.
  152. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombor), Volume 9 Number 7 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  153. ^ S. Pualić-Špero, "Sombor dobio gradonačelnicu, na vlasti SNS, SPO, SRS i SVM", Blic, 8 June 2016, 12 February 2022.
  154. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombor), Volume 9 Number 10 (8 June 2016), p. 72; Službeni List (Grada Sombor), Volume 9 11 (23 June 2016), p. 144.
  155. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombor), Volume 9 Number 5 (13 April 2016), p. 43.
  156. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombor), Volume 9 Number 5 (13 April 2016), p. 14.
  157. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Apatin), Volume 52 Number 6 (11 May 2016), p. 297.
  158. ^ "RADIVOJ SEKULIĆ NOVI PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE APATIN", 025 Apatin, 23 May 2016, accessed 14 February 2022.
  159. ^ "MILAN ŠKRBIĆ PRVI ČOVEK OPŠTINE APATIN, DRAGAN RASTOVIĆ NOVI PREDSEDNIK SKUPŠTINE", 25 Apatin, 13 January 2017, accessed 14 February 2022.
  160. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 51 Number 18 (5 May 2016), pp. 141-142.
  161. ^ З. РАЈИЋ, "НОВИ ПРЕДСЕДНИК ОПШТИНЕ: Дамјан Миљанић води Кулу", Novosti, 26 January 2019, accessed 28 August 2020.
  162. ^ Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 40 Number 10 (25 April 2016), pp. 1421-1424.
  163. ^ Nikitović, V. (20 June 2016). "Milun Todorović novi gradonačelnik Čačka". Blic.rs.
  164. ^ Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 60 Number 8 (13 April 2016), p. 20.
  165. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Gornji Milanovac), Volume 25 Number 9 (25 April 2016), pp. 2-3.
  166. ^ Председник Општине Горњи Милановац Archived 2022-02-09 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Gornji Milanovac, accessed 8 February 2022.
  167. ^ "SNS na vlasti u Gornjem Milanovcu, SPS u opoziciji posle 12 godina", Blic, 12 May 2016, accessed 8 February 2022.
  168. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Ivanjica), Volume 9 Number 6 (4 May 2016), pp. 1-2.
  169. ^ "Лазовић нови председник општине", Glas Zapadne Srbije, 3 June 2016, accessed 11 February 2022.
  170. ^ a b Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 62.
  171. ^ Goran Jevremović, "JAGODINA Naprednjaci napustili skupštinu, Palma i Stevanović ČETVRTI PUT na čelu grada", Blic, 20 May 2016, accessed 5 September 2022.
  172. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Grada Jagodine), 13 April 2016.
  173. ^ NINOSLAV ERIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 5 September 2022.
  174. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Despotovac), Volume 11 Number 5 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  175. ^ G. Jevremović, "Naprednjaci formirali vlast u Despotovcu", Blic, 12 May 2016, accessed 7 September 2022.
  176. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Paraćin), Volume 12 Number 11 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  177. ^ Saša Paunović, istinomer.rs, accessed 6 September 2022.
  178. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rekovac), Volume 13 Number 6 (10 May 2016), pp. 1-2.
  179. ^ "Naprednjak Pavle Mijajlović predsednik opštine Rekovac", Blic, 17 May 2016, accessed 6 September 2022.
  180. ^ Z. Gligorijević, "Nova vlast u Rekovcu", Novosti, 21 June 2016, accessed 6 September 2022.
  181. ^ "Samo u Srbiji: Preletački rolerkoster - 40 dana agonije", B92, 2 July 2016, accessed 6 September 2022.
  182. ^ ИЗВЕШТАЈ О УТВРЂИВАЊУ РЕЗУЛТАТА ИЗБОРА ЗА ОДБОРНИКЕ СКУПШТИНЕ ОПШТИНЕ СВИЛАЈНАЦ КОЈИ СУ ОДРЖАНИ 24. АПРИЛА 2016. ГОДИНЕ И РАСПОДЕЛИ МАНДАТА [Municipality of Svilajnac]; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 63.
  183. ^ "NOVI, STARI PREDSEDNIK PREDRAG MILANOVIĆ", Central Media, 4 May 2016, accessed 6 September 2022.
  184. ^ Р Е Ш Е Њ Е О УТВРЂИВАЊУ ЗБИРНЕ ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ, Municipality of Svilajnac, 13 April 2016, accessed 27 January 2021.
  185. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kruševca), Volume 45 Number 4 (25 April 2016), p. 1.
  186. ^ "Dragi Nestorović ponovo gradonačelnik", Kruševac Grad, 8 July 2016, accessed 21 July 2022.
  187. ^ S. Babović, "Preminuo gradonačelnik Kruševca Dragi Nestorović", Novosti, 21 October 2017, accessed 21 July 2022.
  188. ^ S. Milenković, "Jasmina Palurović nova gradonačelnica Kruševca", Kruševac Press, 25 December 2017, accessed 14 July 2020.
  189. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 64.
  190. ^ "Aleksandrovac: Izabran predsednik, Stajkovcu sedmi mandat", B92, 16 May 2016, accessed 3 August 2022.
  191. ^ "'Večiti predsednik' opštine Aleksandrovac podneo ostavku posle SEDAN MANDATA", Blic, 7 March 2019, accessed 3 August 2022.
  192. ^ "Aleksandrovac: Mirko Mihajlović novi predsednik opštine" Brus Online, 29 March 2019, accessed 3 August 2022.
  193. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Brus), Volume 39 Number 10 (25 April 2016), pp. 203-205.
  194. ^ Milutin Jeličić, istinomer.rs, accessed 3 August 2022.
  195. ^ "Opštinski odbor Nove Srbije u Brusu prešao u SNS", N1, 20 August 2017, accessed 15 July 2022.
  196. ^ "Usvojena ostavka Milutina Jeličića Jutke", N1, 2 April 2019, accessed 15 July 2022.
  197. ^ "Novi predsednik opštine Brus je Saša Milošević", Radio Television of Kruševac, 2 April 2019, accessed 3 August 2022.
  198. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Ćićevac), 2016 Number 10.
  199. ^ "Zlatan Krkić četvrti put izabran za predsednika opštine Ćićevac", Blic, 13 May 2016, accessed 3 August 2022.
  200. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Trstenik), 2016 Number 5, pp. 1-2.
  201. ^ "Aleksandar Ćirić", Kruševac Press, 6 December 2017, accessed 4 August 2022.
  202. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Trstenik), 2016 Volume 3 (12 April 2016), p. 1.
  203. ^ "'Blic': Jeremić u oktobru osniva Narodnu stranku, B92, 28 September 2017, accessed 20 November 2017.
  204. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Varvarin), Volume 33 Number 7 (25 April 2016), pp. 89-90.
  205. ^ "Vojkan Pavić novi predsednik Opštine Varvarin", Radio Television of Kruševac, 9 June 2016, accessed 3 August 2022.
  206. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kraljeva), Volume 49 Number 14 (1 May 2016), pp. 1-2.
  207. ^ "PREDRAG TERZIĆ NOVI GRADONAČELNIK KRALJEVA", RTV Kraljevo, 29 June 2016, accessed 25 September 2022.
  208. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kraljeva), Volume 49 Number 12 (13 April 2016), p. 7.
  209. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 23 Number 4 (27 April 2016), pp. 1-3.
  210. ^ "Nihat Biševac po drugi put izabran za gradonačelnika Novog Pazara". September 9, 2020.
  211. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 23 Number 2 (12 April 2015), p. 23.
  212. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 23 Number 7 (29 June 2016), p. 141.
  213. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 23 Number 2 (12 April 2016), p. 29.
  214. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Raška), Volume 27 Number 159 (10 May 2016), p. 1.
  215. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Raška), Volume 27 Number 161 (1 June 2016), p. 6.
  216. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Tutin), 2016 Number 7 (12 April 2016), p. 3; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 66. The former source makes some obvious errors in matching the vote totals with the corresponding lists; the latter source includes the correct information.
  217. ^ "Predsednik opštine Tutin poginuo u nesreći", Radio Television of Serbia, 12 October 2017, accessed 25 September 2022.
  218. ^ "Novi predsednik opštine Tutin Kenan Hot", RTV Novi Pazar, 6 November 2017, accessed 25 September 2022.
  219. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Tutin), 2016 Number 7 (12 April 2016), pp. 2-3.
  220. ^ Službeni List (Opstine Vrnjačka Banja), Volume 12 Number 10 (26 April 2016), pp. 14-17.
  221. ^ "Bobanu Đuroviću treći mandat predsednika opštine Vrnjačka Banja", Krug, 18 August 2020, accessed 25 September 2022.
  222. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 26 Number 16 (25 April 2016), pp. 9-20.
  223. ^ "KG: Radomir Nikolić ponovo gradonačelnik" Radio Television of Vojvodina, 10 June 2016, accessed 10 March 2022.
  224. ^ "Nikola Nešić: Učite na našim greškama", Ritam Grada, 28 August 2017, accessed 18 October 2022.
  225. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 26 Number 10 (13 April 2016), p. 10.
  226. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 26 Number 19 (10 June 2016), p. 27.
  227. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 26 Number 10 (13 April 2016), p. 13.
  228. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Batočina), 2016 Number 7 (16 May 2016), pp. 1-2.
  229. ^ "Otvorena deonica autoputa Kragujevac-Batočina", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 2 August 2016, accessed 12 March 2022.
  230. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Knić), 2016 Number 8 (4 May 2016), pp. 4-9.
  231. ^ "Ostavka predsednika Opštine Knić Zorana Đorovića", Novosti, 31 July 2018, accessed 12 March 2021.
  232. ^ "Na Dan opštine, premijerno izvedena himna Knića", Radio Television of Serbia, 26 November 2018, accessed 12 March 2021.
  233. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 22 Number 6 (28 April 2016), p. 1.
  234. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 22 Number 9 (28 June 2016), p. 4.
  235. ^ "SAŠA IVKOVIĆ PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE LAPOVO", Municipality of Lapovo, 24 June 2016, accessed 12 March 2021.
  236. ^ "ŽELE OBNOVU KRALJEVINE SRBIJE: Otcepljeni nose mandate SPO", Novosti, 13 June 2017, accessed 12 March 2022.
  237. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 23 Number 14 (22 September 2017), pp. 11-12.
  238. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rača), 2016 Number 9 (1 May 2016), p. 2.
  239. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rača), 2016 Number (22 June 2016), p. 23.
  240. ^ "Tri lokalna odbora napustila SDS", Radio Television of Serbia, 27 June 2016, accessed 12 March 2022.
  241. ^ "Paper says transfers between parties 'standard practice' in Serbia," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 15 July 2016 (Source: Blic website in Serbian 13 Jul 16).
  242. ^ Službeni Glasnik (SO Topola), Volume 20 Number 10 (25 April 2016), p. 1.
  243. ^ ПРЕДСЕДНИК ОПТШТИНЕ ТОПОЛА, Archived 2018-06-08 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Topola, 8 June 2018, accessed 12 March 2022.
  244. ^ СКУПШТИНА ОПШТИНЕ ТОПОЛА, Archived 2017-05-25 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Topola, accessed 27 December 2022.
  245. ^ Službeni List (Grada Užica), 2016 Number 11 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-3.
  246. ^ Službeni List (Grada Užica), 2016 Number 18 (22 June 2016), p. 198.
  247. ^ Službeni Glasnik, 2016 Number 3 (25 April 2016), pp. 2-3.
  248. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Arilje), 2016 Number 6 (9 June 2016), p. 8.
  249. ^ "Ostavka predsednika opšštine Arilje, Miloš Nedeljković zamenio Zorana Todorovića", Blic (Source: Tanjug), 11 September 2018, accessed 3 May 2022.
  250. ^ Izbori 2016, Municipality of Bajina Bašta, accessed 3 May 2022.
  251. ^ "BAJINA BAŠTA: Filipović ponovo predsednik opštine", infoera.rs, 27 May 2016, accessed 3 May 2022.
  252. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Čajetina), Volume 11 Number 5 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  253. ^ Milan Stamatović, istinomer.rs, accessed 5 May 2022.
  254. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Čajetina), Volume 11 Number 3 (12 April 2016), p. 2.
  255. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Čajetina), Volume 11 Number 7 (14 June 2016), p. 3.
  256. ^ Službeni List (Opština Čajetina), Volume 11 Number 3 (12 April 2016), p. 3.
  257. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Nova Varoš), 2016 Number 9 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  258. ^ "NOVA VAROŠ: Branko Bjelić novi predsednik opštine", infoera.rs, 21 July 2016, accessed 5 February 2022.
  259. ^ Danica Gudurić, "Naprednjaci svrgnuti s vlasti u Novoj Varoši", Radio Slobodna Evropa, 20 September 2016, accessed 5 February 2022.
  260. ^ Danica Gudurić, "Uz naprednjake sve se reši", Radio Slobodna Evropa, 3 October 2017, accessed 5 February 2022.
  261. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Požega), 2016 Number 5 (5 May 2016), pp. 1-2.
  262. ^ N. Kovačević, "Milan Božić: Bahatost iza rešetaka", Danas, 14 May 2019, accessed 5 May 2022.
  263. ^ Željka Zevtić, "Iza vesti o novom predsedniku opštine koji ima samo 25 godina krije se RASULO, a tek da mu vidite tim", Blic, 29 June 2019, accessed 5 May 2022.
  264. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Priboj), 2016 Number 4 (25 April 2016), pp. 1-2.
  265. ^ "PRIBOJ: Lazar Rvović ponovo predsednik opštine", infoera.rs, 16 June 2016, accessed 5 May 2022.
  266. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Priboj), 2016 Number 3 (11 April 2016), p. 2.
  267. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Priboj), 2016 Number 6 (16 June 2016), p. 9.
  268. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Prijepolje), Volume 15 Number 9 (5 May 2016), pp. 1-4.
  269. ^ Ž. Dulanović, "Naprednjak Dragoljub Zindović posle četiri godine ponovo na čelu opštine Prijepolje", Blic, 14 June 2016, accessed 5 May 2022.
  270. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Prijepolje), Volume 15 Number 6 (13 April 2016), p. 3.
  271. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštinski Sjenica), Volume 17 Number 11 (1 May 2016), pp. 3-4; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 57.
  272. ^ S. Novosel, "Predsednik opštine Sjenica Mujović podneo ostavku", Danas, 3 May 2020, accessed 7 May 2022.
  273. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštinski Sjenica), Volume 17 Number 7 (12 April 2016), p. 12.
  274. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštinski Sjenica), Volume 17 Number 13 (3 June 2016), pp. 14, 43-44.
  275. ^ Konstituisano novo Opštinsko veće, Archived 2016-09-11 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Sjenica, accessed 20 October 2024.
  276. ^ OPŠTINSKO VEĆE OPŠTINE SJENICA, Archived 2016-09-13 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Sjenica, accessed 20 October 2024.
  277. ^ a b "О РАДУ ГРАДСКЕ ИЗБОРНЕ КОМИСИЈЕ НИШ НА УТВРЂИВАЊУ РЕЗУЛТАТА ИЗБОРА ЗА ОДБОРНИКЕ СКУПШТИНЕ ГРАДА НИША, КОЈИ СУ ОДРЖАНИ 24. АПРИЛА 2016. ГОДИНЕ И 30. АПРИЛА 2016. ГОДИНЕ," Election Commission – City of Niš; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 142.
  278. ^ "Novi gradonačelnik Niša Darko Bulatović", Beta, 11 July 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  279. ^ The lists were "Sincerely for Niš, Momir Stojanović," which received either 900 or 901 votes and won a single mandate, and "Serbian LeftCrveni Krst for All of Us," which won either 448 or 449 votes.
  280. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 77; "Za SNS dve trećine odbornika u Crvenom Krstu", Južne vesti, 26 April 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  281. ^ "Milutinović novi-stari predsednik niške Opštine Crveni Krst", Južne vesti, 30 June 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  282. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 76; ЗАПИСНИК О РАДУ ИЗБОРНЕ КОМИСИЈЕ ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ МЕДИЈАНА НА УТВРЂИВАЊЕ РЕЗУЛТАТА ИЗБОРА ЗА ОДБОРНИКЕ У СКУПШТИНИ ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ МЕДИЈАНА КОЈИ СУ ОДРЖАНИ 07. МАЈА 2016. ГОДИНЕ, ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2016 – ГО МЕДИЈАНА, accessed 20 December 2021.
  283. ^ "Milan Krstić na čelu opštine Medijana", Gradski Portal 018, 1 July 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  284. ^ "Umesto smene, predsednik Opštine Medijana podneo ostavku", Južne vesti, 5 September 2017, accessed 20 December 2021.
  285. ^ "Kocić novi predsednik Opštine Medijana", Južne vesti, 5 September 2017, 20 December 2021.
  286. ^ The lists were "Banja Wins," which won six mandates, and "Sincerely for Niška Banja," which did not win any.
  287. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 76; "Za SNS dve trećine odbornika u Crvenom Krstu", Južne vesti, 26 April 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  288. ^ "Niška Banja dobila novog predsednika", Južne vesti, 16 June 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  289. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp, 14, 76 (an obvious error in the vote total for the Democratic Party's coalition has been corrected); РЕЗУЛТАТИ ИЗБОРА ЗА ОДБОРНИКЕ СКУПШТИНЕ ОПШТИНЕ ПАЛИЛУЛА, ИЗБОРИ 2016, Archived 2016-05-14 at the Wayback Machine, City Municipality of Palilula, accessed 20 December 2021.
  290. ^ "Palilula dobila novog predsednika uz podršku dela opozicije", Južne vesti, 18 July 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  291. ^ "Резултати Избора За Одборнике Скупштине Пантелеј", ИЗБОРИ 2016, Archived 2016-06-10 at the Wayback Machine, City Municipality of Pantelej, accessed 20 December 2021.; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 77. There is a minor discrepancy between these sources in the vote total for the Socialist list. The latter source has been taken as definitive.
  292. ^ "Vasiljević novi predsednik Opštine Pantelej", Južne vesti, 15 July 2016, accessed 20 December 2021
  293. ^ "Nenad Stanković po četvrti put na funkciji predsednika opštine Aleksinac", Aleksinačke vesti, 19 June 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  294. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 77.
  295. ^ "Međarac ponovo na čelu Opštine Doljevac", Južne vesti, 6 June 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  297. ^ "Saša Đorđević ponovo predsednik opštine Gadžin Han", Jugmedia, 24 May 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  298. ^ "Predsednik opštine Gadžin Han podneo ostavku, naprednjaci preuzimaju vlast", Danas, 12 March 2019, accessed 20 December 2021.
  299. ^ V. Milić, "Rokadom funkcija i "preletanjem" Gadžin Han dobio novu predsednicu Opštine", Južne vesti, 12 March 2019, accessed 20 December 2021.
  300. ^ The lists were: "Change for Merošina–Zoran Ristić," "Naprednjaci Merošine," "Merošina 2020–Bojan Nešić," and "Together for Serbia Veljković Saša Sašinka". The Naprednjaci Merošine list won nine mandates, while Merošina 2020 won three; the other lists did not cross the threshold. See Изборне листе и Пословник Општинске изборне комисије, Izbori 2016, Municipal of Merošina, accessed 20 December 2016; "Postizborna matematika: SNS sa SPS, SRS, a bez Naprednjaka", B92, 20 May 2016, accessed 20 December 2021; [https://www.juznevesti.com/Politika/Naprednjaci-u-Merosini-pojacali-SPS-i-postali-brojniji-od-SNS.sr.html "Naprednjaci u Merošini 'pojačali' SPS i postali brojniji od SNS", Južne vesti, 6 October 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  301. ^ Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 77.
  302. ^ "Merošina: SNS na vlasti, Naprednjaci u opoziciji", Južne vesti, 20 May 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  303. ^ "Smenjena predsednica Opštine Merošina", Južne vesti, 6 February 2018, accessed 20 February 2021.
  304. ^ M. Zirojević, "Nova rokada u Merošini, postavljen novi-stari predsednik Opštine", Južne vesti, 3 May 2018, accessed 20 December 2021.
  305. ^ J. Adamović, "'Naprednjaci' u Merošini više ne postoje, SNS sam na vlasti", Južne vesti, 24 September 2018, accessed 20 December 2021.
  306. ^ "Raspušta se Skupština opštine Merošina", B92, 12 August 2019, accessed 20 December 2021.
  307. ^ Izborna Lista DS, Archived 2016-04-29 at the Wayback Machine, Dokumenta (Izbori 2016), Municipality of Merošina, accessed 20 April 2024.
  308. ^ Извештај о укупним резултатима избора за одборнике скупштине општине Ражањ одржаних 24. априла 2016.године, Election Commission – Municipality of Ražanj, accessed 20 December 2021; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 78. These sources contain conflicting information as to the Socialist and Democratic Party–Liberal Democratic Party vote totals. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  309. ^ Председник општине, Archived 2017-03-09 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Ražanj, accessed 20 December 2021.
  310. ^ Записник о раду ОИК на утврђивању резултата избора за одборнике СО Сврљиг, Election Commission - Municipality of Svrljig, accessed 20 December 2021; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 78.
  311. ^ Aleksandar Kostić, "Jelena Trifunović ponovo na čelu Opštine Svrljig", 13 May 2016, accessed 20 December 2021.
  312. ^ Službeni List (Grada Smedereva), Volume 9 Number 6 (11 May 2016), p. 1; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2016; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 79-80.
  313. ^ "Jasna Avramović ponovo gradonačelnica Smedereva", Blic, 24 June 2016, accessed 22 October 2022.
  314. ^ "Objavljeni konačni rezultati izbora u Smederevskoj Palanci", blog.palanacke.com, 15 May 2016, accessed 22 October 2022.
  315. ^ Olivera Milošević, "Demokrate i socijalisti otišli u opoziciju u Smederevskoj Palanci", Politika, 30 May 2016, accessed 22 October 2022.
  316. ^ J. Ilić, "Ko su pravi, a ko lažni naprednjaci?", Novosti, 24 December 2016.
  317. ^ "Gojković raspisala izbore u Smederevskoj Palanci za 25. mart" Archived 2022-10-22 at the Wayback Machine, Beta, 31 January 2018.
  318. ^ J. Ilić, "Smederevska Palanka: U bankrotu čekaju izbore", Novosti, 2 February 2018, accessed 22 October 2022.
  319. ^ Službeni list (Opština: Velika Plana, Smederevska Palanka), Volume 50 Number 13 (4 May 2016), p. 533; "Objavljeni konačni rezultati izbora u Smederevskoj Palanci", blog.palanacke.com, 15 May 2016, accessed 22 October 2022.
  320. ^ "OPŠTINSKU VLAST U VELIKOJ PLANI VODIĆE KOALICIJA SNS I SPS: Igor Matković izabran za predsednika opštine", Srbija Danas, 11 June 2016, accessed 22 October 2022.
  321. ^ Službeni List (Opśtina: Velika Plana, Smederevska Palanka), Volume 50 Number 13 (4 May 2016), p. 2.